Slaying the Dragon (Deception Duet #2) (30 page)

BOOK: Slaying the Dragon (Deception Duet #2)
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“Morning, Miss Delano.” He nuzzled his nose into my hair and inhaled. “Mmmm,” he groaned and I felt him grow rigid against me. “I will never tire of waking up next to you.”

“And I will never tire of feeling your hands on my skin.”

“Is that right?” he asked.

“That’s right.”

He leaned in, his lips roaming my heated flesh. I couldn’t seem to get my fill of him. I wanted him every hour of every day. When we were apart, I ached for him in such a way I didn’t think I would ever survive without his touch.

“Tell me, Mackenzie,” he murmured, his voice husky. “Where do you want my hands?” He clenched his teeth on my neck, sucking lightly. My eyes rolled back into my head, lost in the combination of pain and pleasure. A rush of electricity ran through me, my skin even more sensitive than I imagined. I was in tune to what his simple presence did to me, an ache between my legs growing more and more pronounced with each passing second.

“All over,” I breathed, squirming as I continued to lay on my side. “I need your touch everywhere.”

His fingers grazed across my collarbone, his touch light and perfect. “Tell me where,” he growled and my breath caught at his tone. It was demanding, forceful, harsh, at complete odds with the reverent way he ran his hands over my body, his thumb barely grazing my nipples. I inhaled at the almost contact, my skin on alert. My body was an instrument and he had mastered it. He knew exactly where to touch me to make me hum, vibrate, or sing.

“There,” I whimpered, still feeling the heat of his fingers just shy of where I needed to feel him. This was torture, pure and simple. Waterboarding had nothing on what I was enduring at the moment.

“Where?” He pulled me against him, my back to his front, his motion forceful.

“My nipple,” I answered, exhaling when I finally felt his fingers linger on my breast, gently taking my erect nipple between them.

“Is this how you want it?” His voice was heavy with amusement.

I shook my head. “No. Harder, Tyler,” I begged, writhing against the sheets.

“What was that?”

“You heard me,” I shot back in a firm voice. “Stop teasing me. I want your teeth on me, on my nipples.”

Groaning, he flipped me onto my back and, in a flash, his mouth was clenching onto my nipple, which had become even more sensitive since I became pregnant. I could only explain the sensation streaming through me as a bolt of lightning, an electric current running through my veins. The combination of biting and sucking overwhelmed me and I arched my back, needing more, but not knowing how much more I could take.

He pulled back and his eyes met mine, a wild and untamed look about them. The room was eerily silent, the only sound that of my racing heart and uneven breathing.

“More,” I murmured.

“What?” he asked coyly.

“Tyler…” I ran my hand up and down his arm softly at first before wrapping my fingers around his nape, tugging him down toward me. “I said I want more. Don’t hold back. Give me all of you. Every side of you. I want them all right now.”

“Mackenzie, I…” He tore his eyes from mine, his gaze settling on my stomach.

“Tyler,” I continued, cupping his face in my hands. “I’m not going to break. Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean you have to be gentle with me.” Running my fingers through his dark, messy hair, I craned my neck and nibbled on his earlobe. “Sometimes I want it rough. And Tyler?”

He pulled back, staring at me with his mouth slightly agape.

“Right now, I want it rough.”

A small smile spread across my lips when I felt him harden between my legs. He swallowed hard before prying himself from the trap my legs had ensnared him in.

“Flip over,” he ordered, his harsh tone making me almost breathless. “Get on your hands and knees.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, I followed his demand, adjusting my body into the position he requested. His hand traveled across my shoulder blades, his touch light. I shivered, ready to fall apart from the anticipation.

“You said you wanted it rough?”

“Yes, Tyler.”

Before I could wrap my head around what was happening, he was behind me, slamming into me. I screamed out as he groaned, his tempo relentless.

“Is this what you want?” he ground out through his labored breaths.

My legs were already jelly. I leaned my head on the pillow, attempting to steady myself when it felt as if the world was spinning in the most amazing, mind-blowing way.

“Harder,” I bellowed, meeting his pace thrust for thrust. A hard slap resonated against my ass and I screamed out in unyielding pleasure, confident I was going to come from the sharp contact alone.

“Again,” I begged. The combination of intense euphoria from him inside me and that roughness in which he loved me lit me on fire. I needed more, so much more. I needed all of him in ways I never thought possible, my world spinning as I tried to make sense of what was going through my head. I wanted to cry, scream, laugh, yell.

Grunting, Tyler reeled back and landed another blow on my other cheek. I continued to meet his rhythm, my pace only increasing with each punishing slap of his hand. I couldn’t remember ever being so turned on, so ready to fall over the edge with another person. I never let anyone see this side of me before. I never knew I
this side to me before. And that was what love should be. Love was finding that one person who made you laugh, cry, smile, hope, crave, want, lust, and grow. I had that with Tyler and I refused to let it go. I knew I would do everything to keep this man at my side… My beautiful, caring, selfless mystery man.

Sweat prickled my brow as I was lost in the sensation of Tyler’s body giving me exactly what I wanted and needed. Gasping, I fought for air, knowing I was about to unravel. Tyler sensed it, as well, and found my nipple, squeezing it between his fingers, delicately nibbling on my shoulder blade.

“I love you, Serafina,” he whispered in his raspy morning voice, his declaration setting me off.

My screams echoed through the bedroom and I didn’t know how even the thickest of soundproofing could muffle them. Waves of intense pleasure continued to roll through me, my body clenching as Tyler moaned through his own release.

Wrapping his arm around me to support me, he kept me upright when I felt as if I was ready to fall. He trailed a finger down my spine and I giggled.

“Rough is fun,” I commented.

He helped lower me back onto the bed and pulled my body against his. I settled into the crook of his embrace, running my fingers through his chest hair. This moment was perfect as he caressed me, wiping the sweat off my forehead.

“I’m a big fan,” he agreed.

“Oh, yeah?”

“Oh, yeah,” he responded, a devilish grin on his face. “Let’s do more of that.”

“Right now?” I asked in disbelief, shooting out of his embrace to see he was already hard again. He began stroking himself and I shook my head. “You’re an animal.” I leaned in and softly placed my lips on his.

“Only for you.”

Gently, he positioned me on my back and took his time entering me, flexing toward me and withdrawing with an air of absolute reverence. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared into his eyes as he made love to me, giving me all of him once more.


yet?” Tyler asked after I sat down at the kitchen island. Seeing his eager eyes, I hated giving him the same answer I had for the past several weeks.

At my last meeting with my dad back in August, I had asked him to meet with Tyler. I wasn’t sure how he would react, whether he would think Tyler was using me again, but that wasn’t it at all. He seemed torn. Part of him wanted to jump at the opportunity to finally put this chapter of his life behind him. The other part of him was cautious, worrying whether this was a trap we were both blind to. In the end, he told me he would think about it and asked for time to look into a few things of his own before making up his mind. I had no idea what he needed to look into, but Tyler was optimistic he hadn’t turned him down flat.

But now that a month had gone by with no communication, both of us were a bit on edge. This was the most time that had ever passed with no mention in the weekly bulletin I received of a mass being said in honor of a member of my family.

“Not yet,” I responded, trying to remain cheerful as I raised the cup of decaf to my lips. “But I’m sure I’ll hear something from him any day now.”

“You’re positive he hasn’t sent anything?” he asked, crossing his arms, stretching the fabric of his gray t-shirt. His eyes bore into mine, as if trying to figure out whether I was telling him the truth.

“Yes, I’m sure,” I spat out, irritated at his insinuation. “Unlike
people in this room, I’m actually truthful with those I care about.”

A vein on his neck became engorged and his face reddened a bit, one of the tell-tale signs he wasn’t happy. Then a defeated look washed over him and he sighed, his stature dropping. “I deserve that.”

He turned back around to finish cooking breakfast, making me feel guilty. Over the last few months, he had tried so hard to do everything to bury the past and only look toward our future, but every time he questioned my own truthfulness, I threw it back in his face, reopening the wound I was sure he wanted to heal.

In truth, I
been entirely honest with him. He had brought up Charlie on countless occasions, asking me if I knew anything else, and I denied having spoken to him. I never told him about that phone call back in July when he told me his side of what happened the night of the embassy attack. I didn’t know why. It wasn’t like it would be helpful in figuring out what was really going on, but that conversation was the real Charlie and I wanted to protect it.

Sliding off my barstool, I went to Tyler and wrapped my arms around his chest from behind. “No, you don’t deserve it, and I should stop bringing it up every time I’m not getting my way. I said I had forgiven you, and I have, yet I still remind you at least once a week. I’ve learned to trust you all over again, Tyler, but I also need you to trust me. I have nothing to gain by keeping my father from you. In fact, I tend to think I only have something to lose if I prevented you from picking his brain. I want this as much as you do. Should I have heard from him at this point? Probably, but I’m certain he has a very good reason for not arranging a meeting yet.”

“Do you think something happened?” Tyler asked urgently, tearing out of my embrace, a frenzied air about him. From what he’d told me of the case, just when they were about to uncover something that may put the pieces together, there would be a setback. It had been a constant battle of two steps forward and three steps back, and I felt for him.

“Tyler…” I wanted to assure him everything was okay, but did I know for certain nothing had happened? No, but I knew my father. He had survived on the run for over fifteen years. He wasn’t going to do something stupid now, not when freedom and the truth were potentially within arm’s reach. “You don’t know my father like I do. He’s a brilliant man. He’s probably taking his time to do some research on
to determine whether you’re trustworthy. From where I’m standing, the fact that he’s taken this long to get back to me is a good sign. It means he’s most likely going to agree to talk to you. So just be patient and trust that when I get notice of a meeting, I will let you know immediately.”

“Okay,” he said, kissing the top of my head before turning off the stove and dishing out scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast onto two plates. I followed him back to the island and returned to my seat, my stomach rumbling. Triple B was a bit of a parasite. I could eat a feast, only to be starving again ten minutes later. Thankfully Tyler was more than aware of my increased appetite and always cooked extra eggs for me…and the baby.

“So what’s on your plate for today?” he asked as I chewed on a piece of bacon.

“I’m going into the restaurant for a bit, then Jenna’s dragging me into Brownsville.”

“For what?”

“She’s insisting I finally go buy some furniture for the nursery. She’s worried I’m not taking this seriously and the kid will be forced to sleep in one of my dresser drawers when he’s born.”

“Do you want me to come with you?” He glanced at me.

“No, that’s okay. We kind of decided to make a girls’ day out of it. Brayden works in town so we’re supposed to be at his office around noon to grab lunch, then go shopping. I have a feeling he’s more excited about this than I am. You’re still coming to the baby shower tomorrow, right?” I placed my hand on his leg. “It really means a lot that you’ll be there with me.”

“Of course.” He gave me a small smile. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

He broke his gaze from me and turned his attention back to his food. I glanced at him, hoping he wasn’t upset that I wanted to have a day with my friends. He didn’t seem like he was, but the way he was pushing his eggs all over his plate, barely touching them, made me grow concerned something else was bothering him.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at me. “Have you thought about which room you want to make into the nursery?”

I took a sip of my coffee and considered his question. The truth was, I had been avoiding making a decision. I lived in a three-bedroom condo, but there wasn’t much space. The master bedroom was adequate, the two guest bedrooms being nothing more than a room in which you could fit a bed and not much else. I kept walking by each of them, hoping inspiration would strike, but it never did. I simply couldn’t imagine raising a child here. His clothes alone would take up the entire room.

“A bit, but I haven’t decided yet. There’s not much space.”

“I think I might have a solution to the space problem,” he offered.

“Oh, yeah? What is it?”

He took a deep breath, and I couldn’t help but think that whatever the solution was, I may not like it.

“I want you to move in with me…”

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. I had known this day would come, especially now that the baby was almost here, but I guess I didn’t want to acknowledge it. I liked having my space. I liked knowing if things went to shit with Tyler, I still had my home. It gave me control.

BOOK: Slaying the Dragon (Deception Duet #2)
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