Sky Warriors: Poleuthan's Thief (Sky Warriors Saga Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Sky Warriors: Poleuthan's Thief (Sky Warriors Saga Book 1)
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No reply came, Ange felt surprised by the fact.

“Well…I was planning on making Ange my successor, for the Black Owls and my family business,” she admitted quietly.

Ange had to cover her mouth from gasping in surprise.

“I suspected as much,” Garrett replied gruffly.

“She would be perfect, even you have to admit that,” Vera insisted. “She has the cunning and the charm to do it, but above all she has the skills and the guts.”

Garrett didn’t reply.

“After she becomes a full member, I’ll tell her my intentions. I’ll ask her to come live with me so she can start training in the more,” she chuckled, “‘diplomatic’ affairs. She can start learning how to be a noble and still be a thief, it will be hard since she will be considered adopted and not a true heir to the other nobles, but I have no doubt she’ll pull right through that and prove her mettle. If there is one thing that girl can do, she can most certainly earn the respect of anyone.”

Garrett grunted.

“So I don’t believe we have anything to worry about on Daren’s end, if nothing else, he will prove a useful asset to Fox when she takes over the company and guild,” Vera said calmly.

“What do you mean?” Garrett asked confused.

“I did a little digging,” Vera admitted silkily. “Did you know he was the only heir to the Black Steele Corporation?”

“What?!” Garrett gasped shocked.

Ange blinked, not understanding the significance of the news.

“Yes,” Vera replied pleased. “Surprising isn’t it? I thought his name seemed familiar when I first found them, but I took no notice. I should have guessed that it was his father and mother, the Steele family that died in that fire that was announced in the paper. I never knew they had a child though, then again, our family relationships weren’t so good,” she sniffed. “The government has since taken control of the company, but when he announces himself, he’ll get his family company back.”

Ange’s face twisted in contemplation.
Wait…didn’t Daren tell me that his nursemaid controlled the company now?

“Who would have guessed?” Garrett sighed. “That our little thief Daren was the sole heir to the largest metal industry in the country, they have their hands in everything. Metal production, coin pressing, and even the invention and production of the steel horses and any other metal transportation unit you could think of,” he snarled enviously.

Vera giggled. “Exactly. Who knew? I bet he didn’t even really know the power his family had. He only found out recently, I doubt he’s even explained everything to Fox,” she sighed sadly. “It’s too bad he probably won’t be sticking around, he was a decent thief, but the boy’s heart is too pure.”

Ange crept away, not interested in hearing anymore and walked quietly into their quarters and brushed the curtain door aside, she paused in surprise, finding Daren sitting on the edge of their bunk bed
twiddling his thumbs. Behind him the pipes leaked and occasional creaks filled the room. The blue little lanterns around the room where the only source of light, casting a soft glow around their stony room
Ange scowled and ignored Daren and grabbed the edge of the top bed and flipped herself into the hard stone bunk covered by a few blankets and faced the wall after closing the curtain behind her and leaving her in darkness.

She felt hurt her best friend hadn’t found it in himself to confide in her and tell her everything. Didn’t he know she would be there for him no matter what?

“Ange…I…I want to talk to you,” Daren’s voice echoed up to her with a pathetic note.

She ignored him and instead pulled her lantern off her belt and flipped the switch, she listened as the tiny mechanism inside spun and revealed the glass covered crystal and lit her tiny sleeping space. She hung it up in the ceiling on a small hook and removed her pack and began rummaging through it. She took out a loaf of bread and took a bite, chewing it carefully as she tried to calm down. Any other day that she was not in a bad mood she would have told Daren about her exiting eavesdropping adventure, now she felt like holding a grudge till he apologized.

She took another bite, trying to focus on more positive thoughts. Instead she tried imagining a life as a noble woman and as the head thief of the Black Owls, a new excitement flamed through her at the very idea. She lay down and stared up at the ceiling. Unconsciously, her hand reached up to the center of her chest, right underneath her collarbone.

She pulled the neck of her shirt down and craned her neck to look at the strange tattoo on her chest. She remembered growing up in the orphanage and the woman who had ran the place, she had told Ange she was left at the doorstep in the dead of the most ominous night, when the sky was clear and all five moons hung in the sky, full. A rare event to behold.

The woman had always scoffed how cruel her parents had been to leave her right after her birth and with a tattoo inked onto her chest, which had led everyone to believe she was the daughter of traitors or bandits, or any other form of criminal.

The woman, whose name she didn’t bother remembering, spent most of her time trying to get rid of her by finding the people that had the same brand on their bodies. She never did find out anything, and when the orphanage had to close due to inadequate funds, Ange had been the only one left behind in the empty building.

She scowled at the thoughts and instead observed her unique tattoo. It was beautiful in her opinion, it was a five pointed snowflake that was two inches in height but what was odd apart from the intricate and detailed layout of the light icy-blue ink, was that in between each corner was what looked like a dragon with its wings spread out to touch the corners it laid in between. Each dragon looked like it had feathered wings and glorious horns, each slightly different and unique. This made Ange think it looked also like a pentagram with five different dragons in its heart. But it was only noticeable if one looked closely at it, from afar, it was a beautiful and strange snowflake.

She sighed and pulled her shirt back, wondering if she would ever discover its meaning. She smiled at the idea that she could investigate it further when she became leader of the Black Owls and Vera’s company running the Star Mines. Though she truly had no interest in finding her parents.

They hadn’t even left her a name. She sighed, remembering how she had gotten her name. At the orphanage, she had been called several nasty things, the most common name had been Bandit. She had actually rather liked it. She remembered venturing out to the street out of hunger after the orphanage closed and she was left behind, any person she asked for food had kicked her or thrown rocks at her. Tired and hurting everywhere, she walked back to the orphanage with bruises and an empty stomach. That’s when she had found Daren, crying his eyes out in the darkness of an alley and covered in soot and his clothes black, ravaged, and smelling foul of smoke.

Right that instant, without thinking, Ange had run back to the market and sneaked up behind the vendor of an apple stand that was closing for the night and stole four apples before anyone could have noticed and ran back to the boy. She had then taken him back to the abandoned orphanage after he had stopped crying and ate his apple in silence. He didn’t speak or move for days.

Ange closed her eyes and remembered the old memories, on the fourth day, she had brought him new clothes to rid him of his old damaged ones. That was when he had spoken for the first time, his voice hoarse.

“Thank you…”

Ange had blinked surprised, she had begun to think he was mute. She had held out a snow apple in response. “Here, eat,” she had ordered.

He took the apple without a word and fumbled it in between his small hands. He looked up with his red swollen eyes after days of crying. “What’s your name? Mine is Daren Steele.”

Ange had blinked again, confused. “I don’t have a name,” she had stated simply. “But the kids called me Bandit or Trash. You can call me one of those.”

He frowned. “Those aren’t names. Don’t you want a real name?”

She had shrugged, she had already lived seven years without a name, and it had little meaning to her and made no difference.

Daren took a bite of the snow apple and chewed on it carefully, Ange stared at him, intrigued by his behavior. No one in the orphanage had ever bothered to have a conversation with her, even if it was a small one.

He suddenly stopped chewing and swallowed, his eyes so bright that Ange thought he was going to cry again.

“How about Angeline? Like the angel in the story a man once told me?” he asked excitedly.

“Angel?” Ange had echoed confused.

He nodded. “Have you never heard of angels?” she shook her head. “They were dragons in the shape of people, so they had long and soft feathery wings and did good deeds. People called them angels, and the most famous angel was Angeline, she was the kindest and helped kids when they were lost and lonely,” he had explained while smiling fondly. “Just like you.”

Ange had quirked her head thoughtfully before she had smiled and nodded.

She had then tried pronouncing it and failed miserably, so Daren started calling her Ange, which she could pronounce and explained to her it was a shorter way of saying Angeline till she could pronounce it correctly. After that, the name had stuck and she had been proud of it. She still loved it, since Daren had been the first person to give her a name, she never planned on changing it.

“Ange…please, here me out.”

Ange sighed and looked at the bread regretfully, feeling her appetite was lost.

“Let’s just leave tomorrow, before the excursion, Ange. It’s too dangerous, let’s just leave for the surface and start over.”

Fury took her and she thrust her head past the curtain and glared down at her friend, their eyes locked.

“No. Vera is planning on making me head of the Black Owls someday and of her company! I don’t plan on giving that up,” she stated with finality. “I’m staying, but if you want to leave, go right ahead. It’s not like you ever trusted me to tell me everything!” she spat and withdrew into her cubby.

“What?” he asked confused and surprised. “Ange that’s not true! I’ve never hidden anything from you.”

“Oh, really?” she laughed sarcastically. “How about the fact that you’re the only heir to the Black Steele Corporation? The largest metal industry in the country?”

He was silent. “Ange I already apologized for that, I knew I was born into a powerful family when I met you, but I was six, I didn’t have the slightest idea how powerful, not till two months ago.”

She snorted, she hardly believed his words, he was by all standards a genius when they had met and still was. “You should have still told me,” she accused crossly.

“I know, and I’m sorry,” he insisted with remorse.

Ange considered his apology and sighed, knowing she couldn’t stay mad with her best friend forever.

“Fine. I’ll overlook it this time,” she replied hotly.

She heard him sigh in relief.

“Thanks Ange. I won’t do it again,” he promised his voice trailed off with concern. “So why don’t you just come with me?” he begged.

Ange sighed tiredly. “I’m sorry Daren, but I am a thief, and I want to be the head of the Black Owls someday. At least we can still be friends, right? Even if we won’t be with each other all the time?” she asked hopefully.

He didn’t answer. She heard him whisper something she was sure he didn’t mean for her to hear. “I’m not sure you’ll want to be my friend after tomorrow.”

She stared confused at the comment as she heard him roll into his bed. Ange contemplated his words in confusion before she turned off her lantern and drifted off into sleep.


Chapter 2: Odd Men and Fruit


The sunlight was bright and the morning was crisp and cool as Ange tightened her jacket. Taking a deep breath, she gazed around at the fresh snow on the rooftops. Snow never stuck to the stone and cemented ground since sol crystals underneath their surface always kept them warm to the touch. Ange let out a tiny little leap at the thrill that took her at the thought of tonight’s guild raid, it would be the first one she would participate in. Of course she had to keep the information secret, other thieve guilds would leap at the opportunity to take their prize before they did.

She and Daren walked in the sunshine towards the city outskirts where the more simple homes of the lower-class citizens were. Today they were looking for a contact of the guild, it was their assignment before the clearing out of the mines. They had to find the old man
Javaris, one of the guilds ‘acquaintances’ in the Underground Market.

Ange snorted, considering how loosely they referred to each other, reckoning they didn’t trust each other not to turn a situation to their own advantage.

Daren calmly walked by her side and let out a loud yawn as he tilted his head back and his hood fell to his neck, he blinked tiredly.

“Out for another midnight stroll?” Ange joked.

He blinked again and smiled at her as he pulled the hood up of his dark blue coat. “Yeah,” he admitted sheepishly.

She sighed and shook her head in exasperation, she had noticed in the past two months how oddly he had been behaving, especiall
occasionally sneaking out at night. She hadn’t mentioned it to the guild and wondered if anyone else had noticed, now she realized he was probably visiting his nursemaid.

“Get another book?” she inquired with a giggle. Figuring long ago that it was the strangest excuse for his midnight trips, then again, he was far more interested in books than valuable merchandise. He had often returned with a book or two but she didn’t notice a new one this morning.

He chuckled at her accusation. “No, no book this time.”

She sighed and shook her head as she whispered to him. “Amazing, you rather pay for books than borrow them. Or did your nursemaid give them all to you?”

He smiled widely. “Library books are free, Ange.”             

“Yeah, and I’m sure the last time I checked, you still needed to check them out properly and return them later, and I mean not through a window,” she reminded with laughter.

He smiled wider and suppressed a laugh. “I’ll return them…eventually,” he promised.

Ange couldn’t help laughing loudly before she covered her mouth and snorted, amused. “Sure you will, remember, you promised to go clean,” she reminded

His smile faltered and weakened. “Yeah, I know,” he replied calmly, he abruptly changed the topic of conversation. “So what did you hear last night, apart from the big news?” he asked curiously.

Ange shrugged, her demeanor becoming serious. “Oh, nothing much,” she dodged.

His eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Oh, really? Come on, Ange, you’re not telling me something,” he poked with a wicked grin.

She pursed her lips and shrugged again. “Nothing,” she admitted in a playful yet honest manner.

“Sure,” he agreed unconvinced.

Ange smiled and winked which earned her a smile from him.

“Ah, there’s
Javaris,” Daren commented as he and Ange gazed ahead once again and turned their attention to the old crooked man with a sly and creepy grin paralyzed on his face. He was rearranging his wares, they were the usual metal parts and pieces he sold.

Ange gazed past him a block down and noticed a fruit stand, her mouth watered as she noticed a crate full of rip bright red
magron fruits. She heard her stomach growl with anticipation, those fruits were her favorite, and they were quite a rarity in the north since they were a tropical fruit from very far south and only usually came around during the summer months, and right now it was still winter.

She licked her lips and couldn’t resist the urge to step in the direction of the stand with the fat and slow moving vendor. She glanced at her friend with excitement, he was already looking at the fruit stand and sighed and shook his head.

“Go,” he waved his hand dismissively. “I’ll ask Javaris the demand of sol-crystals. Just don’t get caught.”

caught him in a hug before slipping away. “Oh, thank you Daren! I’ll be right back,” she promised before she crossed the street and skidded into an alley and took the long way around to the vendor where he wouldn’t spot her as she neared.

She grinned deviously as she quietly walked through the shadowy alleyway and crouched down as the fruit stand came into sight. She slowly crept forward, keeping her back pressed to the wall and glancing around for any signs of the Justice Guard or any witnesses. She listened carefully and peeked slightly past the dark stone bricks to the fruit stand. The fat vendor seemed occupied, his back was turned to her as he rummaged
through a box.

She smiled pleased and snuck a little farther out, keeping her eyes on the man, he began to whistle.

Ange smile quirked as she executed a perfect silent roll forward, her back touching the stone sidewalk without a sound and she ended up on the tips of her toes behind the stand and with the fruit crate at arm’s length.

She suppressed a giggle at how easy this venture was going to be.

Quietly she reach for one fruit and plucked it out and passed it to her other hand before she reached for another. She noticed a bright red one and stretched to get it, her fingers wrapped around it and she smiled.

A shadow at the edge of her eye caught her attention as a strange pulling in her chest
forced her focus away from the fruit. She turned her gaze to the source of the spark, as if someone had called out her name.

Walking across the street
strode a tall lonely hooded figure, a long cloak billowing out behind the body. As if feeling her stare, the dark hood turned partially in her direction and she glimpsed a single golden eye in a face enshrouded by shadows.

Her heart skipped a beat and restarted in a thundering pace, echoing in her ears as the face fully turned to her. Two
blistering sun yellow eyes scorched into her as the pulling in her chest became a yanking, compelling her to walk to the stranger.

“What are you doing?!” roared an angry voice as a large hand suddenly grabbed her wrist and squeezed it with painful force.

She squeaked in pain and surprise as the fat vendor suddenly pulled her up to her feet. Her gaze snapped away from the unknown as the freighting sensation in her body vanished, she gazed up shocked into a pair of angry brown eyes set in a pudgy face with a long black beard and a snarl.

Ange struggled trying to pull her hand away from the deadly grip, the other fruit hugged to her chest as she tried to pull herself free, but the man’s grip was too strong.

She stared in dismay at the thought that she had had gotten caught, now she had to think of a way to get away, but the worst part was that he had seen her face. One of the basic rules of the guild repeated itself in her mind, ‘Don’t steal in daylight, don’t get caught, and don’t get seen.’ She groaned feeling suddenly discouraged.

“You little thief!” the vendor snarled, dragging her closer.

Suddenly another hand shot into view and she squeaked in horror as a silvery-white gauntlet covered hand grasped the vendor’s wrist with a powerful grip, his hand began to instantly redden with the hold and loosen on Ange’s own wrist.

“Let’s not be too hasty now, shall we?” suggested a silky voice.

The vendor and Ange turned to the source of the voice and Ange couldn’t help feeling relieved that the armor the man wore was not of the Justice Guard. The armor in fact, was too beautiful, elaborately designed, and obviously made of a material she had never seen before, it was white but glittered like ice in the sunlight. She had never seen anything to its likeness, the main material seemed to shine like a gemstone or silver but had the appearance of hard snow-white leather. Her gaze then traveled to the most beautiful face she had ever witnessed, but at the same time was the most alien she had ever seen. His bright yellow-golden eyes were alarming to look at and were far more unnatural than his peerless white-skinned face shadowed by a white feather lined hood of his long icy-blue cloak that hid his entire body except his arm that was outstretched from its cover.

“You know this girl?” demanded the vendor with a snarl.

The young man smiled pleasantly. “Unfortunately I do, she’s my ward. Please forgive her lack of social etiquette. We are not often in town.”

The vendor snorted and to Ange’s disbelief he let her go with an unfriendly push, she stumbled back with a gasp and was suddenly stopped as a hand grasped her arm and steadied her, she found herself paralyzed with shock and in the strange man’s arm in a protective hold.

“She was sneaking around like a thief,” the vendor accused angrily as he pointed a fat finger at Ange, his voice quavered nervously. His other hand hung to his side and to Ange’s surprise his wrist was bruised purple.

The strange man bowed his head slightly. “I do apologize, I promise it will not occur again,” he turned his eyes to Ange and she found herself petrified as she met his gaze fully, it was like staring into the eyes of a predator before it ate its prey, a quiver of fear raced through her. His smile was
deceivingly friendly.

“Apologize to the man for your rudeness, go on,” he coaxed.

Ange’s fear suddenly vanished as her brows met in outrage. He smiled more sweetly revealing his teeth, a shudder took Ange as she took notice of the length of his sharp canines. She gulped nervously and turned her gaze back to the angry vendor who looked like he was struggling to hold back his own fear as he gazed at the mysterious man.

Ange swallowed and turned her eyes to the vendor, feeling her pride damaged and her mind fill with appall. “Sorry,” she stated flatly and without sincerity.

She felt the man’s hand tighten slight on her arm and she couldn’t help wincing as she turned her gaze to him, she glared unflinchingly and without remorse.

A spark of humor and annoyance flashed in his eyes but his friendly smile did not falter as he relaxed his lips together again and turned to the vendor.

“How much for the magron fruit?” he asked politely.

Ange suddenly remembered the two large pieces of fruit she held close and the form of temptation that led her to her current dilemma.

The man blinked, startled, as he stuttered to reply. “A- A cubix for two,” he stated.

The mysterious man nodded and from his coat he pulled out five silver square coins, called
squrions, and snapped them together to form a cubix and passed it to the vendor.

The vendor plucked the payment quickly from the cloaked man’s gauntlet covered palm as if fearing injury. Ange noticed that the gauntlet had long curved silver metal claws at the end of each finger, flawlessly part of the
ivory metalwork and intricate silver designs that adorned its surface.

Ange felt suddenly more nervous, how was she ever going to get away from this man with breathtaking beauty, frightening yet mesmerizing eyes, and probably expensive fancy armor and the likeliness of a long sol-energized weapon underneath his coat?

She mentally groaned in despair, how embarrassing if Daren saw her now and she hoped he hadn’t come looking for her.

“Come,” ordered the man with a kind tone in his voice which Ange was starting to suspect he was forcing.

She found herself being pushed forward as the man refused to let go. She didn’t struggle, well aware she would make the vendor suspicious of being fooled. She got herself out of being turned in as a thief or having her own wanted sign for today, now she had to figure out what the man wanted for his timely intervention. She fidgeted nervously under his metallic hold on her arm as her heart raced in hysteria.

He glanced down at her momentarily before he gazed ahead as they walked down the street and to her alarm, in the direction she had left Daren.

“Relax,” the man whispered. “Nothing is going to happen to you,” he assured. “You can run after we’re out of sight.”

She straightened up surprised by his words and glanced up but he was gazing ahead with a bored and empty expression. She stared confused.

The moment they were out of sight and near Javaris’ stand, she felt his hand relax and without thinking and feeling utterly annoyed for being scared like a little girl and losing her cool, she slapped his hand away. Though her hastiness resulted in three long scratches on the back of her left hand as they scrapped the sharp metal claws of his gauntlet. She ignored the sting.

He stared at her surprised before his mysterious material encased hand retreated into the cover of his cloak.

She glared at him as he stared at her impassively.

His voice had no emotion. “Are all you humans so ungrateful?” he asked rhetorically. He snorted lightly and waved his hand dismissively, his expression showed he did not care for an answer in the slightest.

BOOK: Sky Warriors: Poleuthan's Thief (Sky Warriors Saga Book 1)
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