Simon: Le Beau Brothers: New Orleans Billionaire Shifters with BBW mates Series (Le Beau Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Simon: Le Beau Brothers: New Orleans Billionaire Shifters with BBW mates Series (Le Beau Series)
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He’d finally heard the voice in his
mind that he’d been longing for—Rose’s voice. He had heard her startled surprise when Stephan had snuck up on her. Somehow, she had yanked him out of the darkness with her quiet presence. She hadn’t needed to raise her voice or use any form of force to accomplish this miracle.

He took the opportunity to
admire her as they sat quietly together. Out of reflex he cocked his head to the left like a dog.
I’ve spent way too much time as a wolf
. Silently he studied her,
average height—not tall, but not exceedingly short.
Holy Moses,
her body is a feast waiting to happen
, a luscious woman’s figure. A body that even Jane Russell would envy. His fingertips tingled, she was all supple sumptuous curves, crying out for his caress.

ing back at him, she didn’t maintain eye-to-eye contact. His blatant attention seemed to make her uncomfortable. She was a bombshell, but from her rosy pink cheeks, he was sure she didn’t realize it. There was no rancid scent of arrogance to this woman. What he did smell was the scent from a humble, shy person. More importantly, he smelled the delicious fragrance of coffee and cinnamon rolls. The scent was utterly intoxicating, and his wolf wanted to roll in it.

Still holding her hand he leaned closer
. “Take a walk with me?”

Her eyes grew wide. Uncertain what to do, she looked to Anna.
Her friend gave her a small nod and when she frowned Anna nodded more adamantly. “Um…okay.”

Without so much as a glance to the others, they
walked out the door. Unsure what to say, they strolled in silence. A warm, moist breeze caressed their skin as they neared the river, it caused her hair to flutter on her cheeks. The sight made his fingers itch to feel the silken strands. He stopped midway in his reach to brush them from her face. “May I?”

shy smile and deep blush were his answer as he tucked the flyaway ends behind her delicate ear. The tiny contact had his groin swelling beyond the capacity of his jeans.
The walk back could prove to be both heaven and hell,
he thought.

As she stood with her back to him taking in the beauty of the sunset on the water, she shiver
ed slightly in the cooler river breeze. “Here, Rose, let me warm you.” She stiffened as he drew her back to his warm, hard chest. To her utter mortification, her body of its own accord molded itself to his chest and hips like two pieces of a puzzle snapping into place. Stupid body!

His wolf wanted to howl at the feel of her
curves firmly against his hard form.

He noted as he held her that she was the perfect height for him to see over the top of her head. His nostrils flared, being so close to her scent
. Her hair was drenched in it. Like a dog rolling in a fresh cut lawn, he had to rub his chin through the spun silk. Covering himself in the delicate perfume made just for him. They stood quietly wrapped in each other’s embrace as the sun bid them goodnight “We should head back,” he said as he pressed his lips to her hair in a chaste kiss.

Nodding in agreement, she drew away, taking her warmth with her.

He sucked in his breath as she turned to walk back to the house. Rose had the fresh-faced girl next-door beauty he preferred. She was the sweet, soft-spoken blonde, who always ended up being the popular girl’s best friend but never the popular one herself. To Simon she was the homecoming queen and Miss Louisiana rolled into one. Her skin looked so soft he had to run his finger down her cheek to see if it was as soft as it looked. It was.



Chapter 5





Isaac and Emma hugged Anna and Cade goodnight and thanked her for hosting Thanksgiving. Like most parties, the initiation of one person leaving caused a domino effect, Marcus and Stefan followed suit. That left Simon with no choice but to leave as well.

“Thank you for the fantastic dinner, Anna.” He shook Cade’s hand before turning to Rose. Raising her hand to his lips. “I’m so glad you came for a visit. I sincerely hope I can see more of you while you’re here.” Before he lost his nerve, he walked out the door.

His wolf fought to remain with its mate and his newly recovered but iffy control almost slipped before he was out of sight.
I may be back, but this is going to take some effort to remain human
. The further he moved from Rose the harder it became to maintain his form. He rushed into his house before he shifted and ended up sleeping outside for the night.



Anna knocked on Rose
’s door, she knew her friend was still confused by her reaction to Simon.

“Come in,” muffled from the room

“I thought
I’d check on you now that everyone has gone home.”

Rose smoothed the quilt on the bed
. “I don’t know what I was thinking? I walked up to a total stranger and started touching him, I wanted to pet him for cryin’ out loud! And I felt like I had a right to do it. Like I own him or something.”

“It sounds like you are having the same attraction to Simon as I have to Cade. To be honest, it
’s not a bad thing.” She grinned at her friend.

He scares the crap out of me and yet I can’t stay way from him. I feel like I have another person inside me, walking me around like a marionette. I wish Jack and Michael were here,” she said sadly.

“What would you do if they were here? They can’t protect you from yourself, you goof.”

“I don’t know, they always take care of me and I automatically turn to them. They’re my family,” she whispered.

“I know, baby. Don’t be so scared. What you just
experienced is the draw of a Le Beau. Of course I don’t think you’ll have the same reaction to all of them. You didn’t react that way with Marcus or Stefan right?”

“No.” Rose shook her head as she recalled meeting the other men.

“Then I think you and Simon have a strong attraction to each other and you should enjoy it.”

“Are you
nuts! I’m not going to make a fool of myself. He’s way out of my league.”

“I promise you, Simon is
not out of your league and he’s VERY interested in you. He was devouring you with his eyes and he was so charming, the way he took you for a stroll.”

Rose smiled and nibbled her fingernail
. “He was, wasn’t he?” Her eyes shined.

“And for the record,
I’ve always considered you a strong woman who can protect herself. You’re the only one who doesn’t see it. You have sweet dreams and I’ll see you in the morning.” Anna hugged her and said goodnight.



, Simon stretched his tired and achy muscles, sleeping with his mate several acres away and under a different roof had been both heaven and hell. He let out a disgusted chuff,
what sleep?
Sleep was not going to be his friend for a while.
Man she’s hot
! Rose’s innocence and vulnerability had caught him in her unintentional web. He’d been a prisoner there ever since.

Closing his eyes he shifted to human and scrubbed his fingers through his hair as he warred with himself.
God, I’m such a mess.
His instincts demanded he claim his mate, but his mental and physical issues made him doubt if he should.

again, he was exhausted. He waffled on the subject all night, the light of day hadn’t brought answers either. With no solution forthcoming, he gave it a rest and headed for the shower to wash the cobwebs from his brain.

He groaned in frustration as he visualized Rose, her blue eyes filled with concern, blond tendrils of glossy hair framed
a lovely face, and her curvy body moved gracefully as she followed him to the shower…no couch, she moved to the couch. Obviously, the shower wasn’t his friend either.

As he was gaining control of his wayward thoughts, Rose unwittingly broke through on their telepathic link. She was imagining him in the shower, dammit
, he groaned. This was torture.

His cock stood at attention, rock-hard and ready every time he thought of her, he was so screwed.

With no other option presenting itself, he took himself in hand.
God, I’m pathetic.
His inner argument from his endless sleepless night resurfaced. He’d examined his situation in detail. He was so damaged, he and Anna weren’t sure he would ever be completely healed
He couldn’t consider pursuing Rose while he was unsure how long he could hold human for
before reverting to wolf. It was both unfair and dangerous to her. Humans weren’t allowed knowledge of their existence unless they were mates or family and there were shifters who hunted any human who did. He would have to keep his distance until he made a final decision on the matter.
I should let her live a happy human life without my baggage. I won’t let her down like I did Mark.

Struggling to zip his over
ly tight jeans, he shoved his hands into his pockets and adjusted his position. Goddess, he had it bad. He reminded his unruly lower half,
I’m a damaged wolf, far from healed and I can’t saddle Rose with that.

How long would he moon over a woman he couldn’t and wouldn’t have?

Until she went back to Denver?

Until she married someone else?

He growled at the thought of another man putting his hands on Rose’s delectable body. Simon fought the purely feral instinct that escalated at the thought of another man touching his mate.

He shook his head, trying to dispel the unacceptable images, surprised by his possessive reaction. He’d have to find a way to handle this and allow her to live her life. He had no right to deny her happiness because he had issues.
Yeah…I don’t like this at all…it just sucks.
All he’d ever wanted was to find his mate and now that he had, he was denied his claim. He didn’t know how to deal with his jealousy, but then he had never needed a woman like this before.

He had prided himself on his control but now he could think of little else but the pretty woman who had snagged his attention.

You’re afraid of her.

Simon scowled at the thought.
Like hell I am!
He wasn’t afraid of anything, and he definitely didn’t fear Rose O’Leary. She just…was too good for a damaged wolf like him.



Rose lay in bed thinking about everything that had happened with Simon and her discussion with Anna.
He obviously has a very strong attraction to me and really doesn’t like other men to touch me
. To be truthful, he was downright scary when other men tried to touch her. The fact was his possessiveness should’ve sent her running for the hills.
why am I not running

Men didn’t often give her the hot sultry gazes she received from Simon. Sure, they were very attentive once they got to know her and no longer looked at her as a dress size. She was the first to admit she was plump and she had accepted that a long time ago. It was the hot
, skinny
who usually garnered the steamy looks like the ones Simon gave her. And she honestly didn’t know what to do with them.
Anna said I’m strong and confident and Simon is attracted to me.
She smiled at herself in the mirror over her lowboy dresser.
You can do this. Just talk to him coherently if he tries to talk to you.

Thinking of him had her imagining all kinds of naughty thoughts. Images of Simon naked, water
sluicing over his chest and …lower…

She made for the bathroom that was shared between her room and John’s. Listening for her chance to shower, she heard the water stop and a door open. She grabbed her bathroom bag ready to take her turn. Imagining Simon was on the other side of the door dressing instead of John had her excited. She felt like she had a schoolgirl crush
, complete with silly giggles.

Then she caught sight of herself in the mirror. Good lord! She leaned closer, she was scary pale. Her blue eyes were puffy with dark circles. She hated the death warmed over look she got when she didn’t get enough sleep. She’d
lain awake most of the night thinking about Simon. Wanting him. Fantasizing about him. She even swore she’d heard him in her head again. At one point she would have bet good money that she felt him touch her.

She liked being in his company, A LOT. And she was curious to see what kind of sense of humor he had. She really liked the feel of his hands on her skin and his lips kissing her hand and hair. Water
flowed over her body and she stood under the warm spray imagining his hands on her breasts.
Oh come on, admit it. There is nothing you don’t like about him. Girl, you got it bad.

She closed her eyes, smiling to herself
. Imagining Simon was in the shower with her. Startled, she almost slipped when her groan echoed around the ceramic enclosure. With her forehead pressed against the shower tile she sighed,
Please let him feel the same way.
Her last boyfriend left her heart shattered in a million pieces. That had been over a year ago. She was very skittish about letting herself fall too hard for another pretty boy. That never ended well for her. Breathing a curse, she was too late, that train had already left the station and she was in deep.

BOOK: Simon: Le Beau Brothers: New Orleans Billionaire Shifters with BBW mates Series (Le Beau Series)
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