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Authors: C.E. Black

Shifted Temptations

BOOK: Shifted Temptations
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ifted Temptations




C.E. Black

Shifted Temptations


C.E. Black


Published by C.E. Black at


Copyright 2013
C.E. Black


This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblances to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations are entirely coincidental.



Cover photos by

and ©
Klaus Büttner

Dedicated to my loving husband, for without his support, this book might have never been written.




Shifted Temptations



When Samantha (aka Sam) finds herself fal
ling in love with not one, but two men she’s been having a no-strings ménage relationship with, she decides splitting up is the right thing to do. Jordan and Alex refuse to commit, but Sam needs more stability in her life, especially when she finds out she is about to take on a whole lot more responsibility.

Jordan and Alex grew up together in a small town of jaguar shifters, where being a half-blood was looked down upon, even by their own fathers.
Once they became adults, they left their community and joined a secret military operation call the
Alpha Division
, a team of shifters keeping the peace with any means necessary, and their next mission comes close to home. Both men feel they have too many secrets for commitment, but at the same time cannot stand the thought of losing Sam.

When Jordan and Alex’s past comes back to haunt them, a possible traitor on the team threatens the woman they love and a future they have never dreamt. Once secrets are revealed, can the three of them forget the past and forgive the lies or will fear drive them further

1 ~




Standing in front of my closet mirror, I thoroughly inspected every inch of myself, making sure nothing was out-of-place. I had to admit the red shear baby-doll was a good choice, flirty and cute. The red matched my light skin tone well and the little black bow under my bust had me feeling ultra feminine. The only thing covering the tips of my nipples was a mesh ruffle, giving it a naughty look.

urning around, I glanced over my shoulder to see the back. I smiled at the sight of my nearly naked backside. The tiny red thong was virtually hidden behind the fabric. I had to admit, the style worked well with my shape. Sometimes being on the curvy side put a damper on lingerie shopping, but as I looked over my body, I felt attractive and confident. I loved it.

Facing the mirror again, I fluffed my hair. The long brown waves flowed over my shoulders reachin
g the center of my back. I knew it would become bedraggled quickly so I had not done much, only a blow dry and a little anti-frizz cream to keep it smooth and shiny.

My makeup was also light. Soft blush added color to my high cheekbones and mascara made my brown eyes sta
nd out. Soft pink lip-gloss had my lips looking plump and shiny, but no amount of makeup could hide the dark circles under my eyes. Forcing a smile, I refused to let the reminder of my sleepless nights bring down my mood.

I looked down at my feet. Money was tight, so I
had done my own pedicure, painting my toenails a natural shade that was versatile. It looked nice, but I wondered if I needed some sexy shoes. I shivered thinking how hot and hungry Jordan’s gaze would become when I wore high heels, although I was usually naked as well.

Inside the closet, I sorted through various shoes, dismissing most until I came to my favorite black stilettos
. I slipped them on before I walked back to my reflection. Good, I thought, but now I needed something special for Alex.

Jordan loved the heels,
Alex not so much. I chewed on my bottom lip as I thought through my choices. I pushed my hair back from my face in frustration when it hit me. Alex loved earrings. I chose my black onyx dangles. Perfect, there would be something for both of them.

Glancing at the clock, I noticed
the time. They would arrive in only minutes. I sat on the bed and took a deep breath, trying to combat the sudden attack of nerves. This was not my first night with the men, but it would probably be the last. As much as I loved every moment with them, I just could not do it any longer.

he deal had been no strings, only uncomplicated fun and I screwed up by falling in love. I shook my head. No, even if I did not feel so deeply for them both, I would not have been able to continue as we were.

We never hung out anymore, only meeting up for sex and they had never stayed the night. Yes
, I enjoyed every minute, but I needed more. I closed my eyes, willing the tears away.

I had never been the
kind of girl to have one-night stands, or fuck-buddies, and I knew when I agreed to the deal that it would be difficult. Even Jordan and Alex had reservations once they had gotten to know me, but I convinced them and myself that I could handle the arrangement.

The three of us did have more before we started sleeping together. We met the first day I moved into the apartment complex almost a year ago. They lived upstairs and helped me move in
my things. After that first day, we were almost inseparable, hanging out most weekends, watching movies or a television series we were following.

The two of them had been best friends since childhood and decided to get an apartmen
t together. When the three of us met, we became great friends. I was more comfortable with them than I had ever been with other men I had known.

I never dated much,
so I had plenty of time to spend with them. However, I always wondered why Jordan and Alex were with me instead of going out.

About six months into our
friendship, they opened up a conversation that changed everything. They admitted to being attracted to me and wanted us to become a threesome. I had been speechless.

They were extremely handsome and I had a huge crush on them both, but I had never t
hought of having more than one partner. My curiosity had gotten the best of me though, and they could be very convincing when they put their minds to it..., plus their hands..., and their mouths. I shivered at the memory of our first time. It had been scary, yet perfect.

Another six months later and there I sat, thinking we should have never disrupted our friendship. I loved them and I would have them one more night, but my d
ecision was final. If they did not want a true relationship with me, then it was over.

It wasn’t long before the
doorbell rang and I jumped up almost toppling over in my four inch heels. Jeez, I could be such a klutz when I was nervous, I thought. Righting myself, I carefully made my way to the door.

After l
ooking through the peephole and making sure I would not flash some stranger, I opened the door. I stood in what I hoped was a sexy pose. I wanted it to be a night none of us would forget, and maybe, they would regret losing me.

As I got my first glimpse of the men
, my knees went weak along with some of my confidence. They could outshine me in the look’s department any day of the week.

I glanced
up at Jordan first. His face showed his appreciation of my lingerie and his blue eyes smoldered down at me with wicked promises. I shivered and let my gaze roam over his body, taking in every delicious inch.

He stood tall
, over six feet, with broad shoulders and a muscular physique. His dirty blonde hair was cut short, almost buzzed. He had sharp features, thin nose, high cheekbones, and a chiseled jaw. A wide, supple mouth softened his face giving him a more interesting look.

A b
lack dress shirt hung loose over tight blue jeans that encased his legs like an eager lover. I was instantly jealous and could not wait to run my hands over his gorgeous body. My gaze finished its journey to his feet and a tingle went down my spine. I thought it was so sexy when he went barefoot.

A small movement brought my
attention over to Alex. He was not as tall as Jordan, but I still had to look up. He smiled brightly, showing off his perfect white teeth. His brown eyes sparkled with humor, but I knew he was not laughing at me. Alex was just happy. I had never met anyone as cheerful. Where Jordan was serious and controlled, Alex was laid-back and so funny. I smiled back at him. It was impossible not to respond to his positive attitude.

He wore a soft gray t-shirt that was
loose, but could not hide his wide shoulders and muscular chest. His cargo shorts look old and worn. I liked seeing the fine dark hair that scattered over his tanned legs. I almost moaned when I saw that his feet were also bare. I did not have a foot fetish or anything. I just got excited over seeing the slightest bit of flesh these men were willing to reveal.

My gaze
flowed back up his hot body until I was looking at his face again. A lock of brown hair fell over one his eyes and he swept it back. I loved that he grew it out. It was half way to his shoulders and had just enough waves to frame his face. The natural highlights brought out the green and gold flecks in his eyes. Long lashes enhanced their beauty and I felt myself drowning in them as usual.

Without a word
, Alex stepped forward, enfolded me in his arms and lifted me off the floor. I gasped and threw my arms around his neck. He chuckled huskily in my ear as he carried me into the room.

I did not
wrap my legs around Alex's waist and my feet bounced off his knees as he moved. I had hoped we would talk first, catch up on what our week had been like. As I stared into Alex's heated expression, I knew that was not going to happen. His gaze had darkened with passion and there was no mistaking his desire as the evidence of his arousal pulsed against my thigh.

He carried me to the bedroom and my heart saddened a little more. Of
course we would go to the bedroom, I chided myself. Had I not dressed for just that? However, a part of me continued hoping for more. My eyes must have given my thoughts away because Alex stopped just before reaching the bed.

’s wrong Sam?" He asked softly.

at was my chance to tell him how I felt, but as I looked at his face, so full of concern, I could not do it. I glanced at Jordan standing just behind Alex. His face was set as stone, frozen without expression. He was a master at hiding his emotions. I realized that if I said anything, the night would be over and I had needed one more night. Tomorrow, I promised myself, I would end it.

Threading my fingers through Alex's hair, I whi
spered, "Nothing," before pulling him closer, bringing his lips to mine.

I could tell he was hesitant, wanting to know if there was
something wrong. Alex was the more sensitive of the two men and I knew I would have to work harder to get him to leave behind his worries.

I licked over his full lips, nibbling slightly, begging for entrance into that hot mo
uth of his. With a strong tug of his hair, I finally got him to open. Immediately I deepened the kiss, my tongue brushing over his.

With a deep
moan, Alex's arms tightened around me. My breasts pushed against his solid chest, my nipples hardening into tight peaks. We both groaned at the exquisite feeling and I knew he had put everything else out of his mind.

BOOK: Shifted Temptations
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