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Authors: Alexandra Sellers

Sheikh's Castaway (16 page)

BOOK: Sheikh's Castaway
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Forbidden Wedding Will Go Ahead!

The marriage of Cup Companion Sheikh Bari al Khalid and Princess Noor Yasmin al Jawadi Durrani, which was dramatically halted in Bagestan last month when the bride and groom mysteriously disappeared, is on again, according to sources.

The truth behind the mystery of the wedding couple's disappearance, only minutes before the ceremony was due to begin, has at last come out. Sources close to the couple have revealed that the Princess and her fiancé fled because Sheikh Jabir al Khalid, the groom's grandfather, dramatically withdrew his per
mission and barred the union at the eleventh hour. The couple fled, intending to undertake the ceremony elsewhere. But their plane was forced down in a storm, and the rest is history. The couple spent what would have been their honeymoon on an uninhabited island, surviving on turtle eggs.

Their disappearance, the search, the dramatic rescue, and the couple's continuing devotion have had no influence on the old Sheikh's decision, however.

Bari al Khalid will be forced to sacrifice his expected inheritance, consisting of vast property in Bagestan, in order to marry the woman he loves. The legacy will now probably go to a cousin.

“My wife and I will build a new legacy together,” the handsome Cup Companion has been quoted as saying. The wedding is expected to take place next month.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8047-6


Copyright © 2004 by Alexandra Sellers

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