Shades of Step Billionaire (4 page)

BOOK: Shades of Step Billionaire
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Chapter 6


Mr. King held his hand out and helped Olivia out of her seat. With his hand pressed tightly against the small of her back, he led her through the dining room and toward the elevator.  He moved in silence. A flush swept through Olivia as she felt the pressure of his hand on her back. It was a simple touch, and yet it spoke volumes about his capabilities. Strong, secure, guiding; it was everything she was looking for in a man.

The elevator doors opened and Olivia stepped inside.  He turned a key in a lock on a panel of the elevator as she walked past him toward the back wall.

“What does that do?” she asked. Without answering her he grabbed her, just as the doors closed. Startled, she gasped as he pressed her against the metal wall.  She strained against him as he lifted her hands up and pinned them over her head. She opened her mouth in shock and suddenly his lips were on her. He inhaled sharply, sucking the air out of her. At the same time, she felt the floor falling beneath her, the elevator was moving. She had never felt anything like it. She felt momentarily stunned, dizzy. Then his tongue swept over her teeth, and into her mouth, tasting. It was all happening so fast she barely understood what was going on, but her body responded immediately.

Oh, my God! He’s kissing me!

Despite her confusion, her eyes closed and instinctively she moaned.  She felt exhilarated as he took her in his arms, and explored her mouth with his tongue. She had never been kissed by a near stranger before, in an elevator, with her hands pinned above her head.  She couldn’t believe how hot and exciting he was, he was everything she had ever dreamed of and more. She moaned again and he pressed harder against her, deepening the kiss. 

God, he really knows what he’s doing.

Every move he made was strong, confident and secure. A faint echo of reason warned her to slow down, but she couldn’t resist, it was too tantalizing to stop. She was putty in his hands, and couldn’t wait to see what else he had in store for her. He tightened his grip around her wrist as he took both her arms in one hand. She felt the bones of her arms squeezed in his vice like grip and struggled against it instinctively. His hands gently but firmly pinned her hands tighter, pressing her against the wall until she couldn’t move her arms at all. She felt pressure, nearing pain between her wrists that were bound together in his hand. Meanwhile, his kiss deepened and his tongue took possession of her mouth as if he owned it. She had never been with someone so commanding before.  She wanted to melt into him.  She moaned and he gripped her even tighter, sending a searing jolt of electricity straight through her.  She felt like she was going to combust. The pain amplified the experience, just like she always knew it would. It charged her, and like a battery fully powered, she hummed. 

His free hand trailed down her arm, over her breast, rib and down to her waist. Her body was electrified, and pulsated with need.  She wanted him,
. She gasped as she felt a tug on her dress, pulling her back to reality.  The string on her dress was being pulled. Panic welled in her. It was the only thing holding it closed. The elevator continued its descent. She had lost her sense of time but imagined the elevator could stop and the doors open at any moment.
I should tell him to stop.  The doors are going to open! 
A voice in her head cautioned. Another voice spoke, too.  It told her to stay; to trust him and follow his lead. She surrendered. The dress fell limp as the tie was opened. With one hand he pulled it open. She gasped as cool air rushed against her exposed skin and fought the urge to pull the dress closed.
Oh, God.
She remembered was nude from the waist down, her thong was in his pocket. She was nearly at war with her mind while her body was surrendering, silently begging him to take her. She needed to stop fighting and give herself over to it.

The elevator bounced as it landed on solid ground, but the doors didn’t open. Fear surged in her but she resisted the instinct to pull away. She needed to hold her ground. He reached up and with a flick of his thumb unhinged the front clasp of her bra.
Oh god, what am I doing.  I’m fully exposed!
Despite the fear, heat seared between her legs, urging her to continue.  He pulled the bra open and her breasts sprang free.  She let him continue. He leaned down and sucked on one as he kneaded the other with his hand.  She choked off a moan as voices murmured on the other side of the door. They had reached the lobby.
If these doors open, I’ll die.
Olivia was distracted by the sound of people just beyond the elevator door.  Visions of public humiliation flashed in her head and she felt nearly dizzy as feelings of desire mixed with fear.  Mr. King pulled away from her abruptly, and punched the number for the top floor. As the elevator ascended, he returned to her, his eyes filled with a carnal need. She felt like prey. She stared back at him, panting like an animal. She couldn’t believe how much she wanted him.  Desire coiled so tightly she thought she would explode.  His hand ran down her taut abdomen and into the soft skin between her legs.  He wasn’t wasting any time.  Forcefully, he nudged her legs apart with his knee and then lifted her leg until her foot was resting on the handrail.  With her leg up, he pushed her knee against the wall, exposing her completely to him.
Oh my god.
A flush crossed over her flesh.  She was spread wide open, completely bared. Before she could even adjust to the awkward position, his hand plunged between her legs. She yelped in surprise.

“Shhh,” he whispered, warning her with a stern look. He held her gaze for a moment frozen, unmoving; testing her. She read him and complied. She searched his face, sensing his movements for clues to guide her actions. Slowly he began to move.  His finger drew soft circles over her bare skin until it found her clit. The sensation burned and she ached to cry out or moan or even sigh.  She really wanted to grind back into him but she resisted. Instead, she remained still.  Only her eyes flashed briefly in response to his electrifying touch.

“Do you want this?” he whispered, rubbing lightly over her swollen nub.

“Yes,” she whispered, nearly drooling. His head bent down again and he sucked on her nipple, slowly rolling his tongue of the hardened bud. As his mouth moved over her, his finger continued to circle over her swollen clit.  She was nearly dripping with desire.

“Do you want more?” he teased. Her mouth was dry and her cunt throbbed, aching, begging for more. She wondered if he could feel it pulsating beneath his fingers.  Silently she nodded.

He smiled, wickedly and leaned in close, pulling her arms up tighter.  The strain of the motion created a painful sensation, but instead of distracting her, it amplified her arousal. It was no accident.  Mr. King knew exactly what he was doing, and that was the biggest turn on of all. With her head craned back he spoke into her ear. “
me what you want,” he said. She couldn’t take the torture any more.  She let out a low groan.

“Make me come, please,” she begged.  She couldn’t believe she had said those words.  She had never spoken so directly before. His finger immediately began circling softly over her bare clit. “Good girl, now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” he asked. She loved the way he was toying with her, touching her. She felt like she was with a master.  She would have done anything he asked in that moment, and had never felt so alive, so on fire, so consumed by passion.  His gaze intensified and abruptly his finger plunged into her, startling her. He paused as his finger pushed in all the way to the base and then curled it around inside her, stimulating something deep within her. In spite of her best efforts to remain still, she couldn’t resist the need to press back against him as he pushed inside her, coaxing her to orgasm.

“Oh, God,” she whispered as his finger moved in and out, setting her on fire.  She felt like hot lava coursed through her veins and pooled between her legs.

“Shhh,” he whispered, slowing his finger to a stop as admonishment. She stilled again and remained quiet as her pussy begged for gratification. She looked pleadingly into his eyes, desperate for him to touch her again. With his eyes locked onto hers, a thrill jetted through her as she heard him unzip. With one swift motion he plunged his cock into her and pushed himself in all the way to the base.  He was large and thick.  Olivia gasped, taking it all in.  She hadn’t expected that, and was so wound up and ready for him that she couldn’t stop and think whether or not she should.  It was totally unlike anything she had ever done.

His eyes held onto hers.  Suddenly they heard people again on the other side of the door.  They must have landed on the top floor. 
Outside the restaurant!
Olivia’s eyes grew wide again, terrified of getting caught.  Her heart fluttered as fast as a hummingbird. His lips curled into a sly smile. “Don’t move. Don’t make a sound.”

He began to pull back; the delicious feeling drew her attention away from the noises on the other side of the door. 
Trust him, follow his lead.
She kept her eyes trained on him.  He started slowly, gently.  She was so primed she thought she could let loose at any second, but he felt so good she wanted to wait, and make it last.  With her movements restricted, all she could do to distract herself was to fist her hand, digging the edges of her nails into her palm. Liquid heat pooled inside her making her dizzy with desire. His motions increased, and he thrust faster and faster, pumping into her like a beautiful machine. The heat within her was nearly scorching, aching to be released.  Olivia pitched her head left and then right. She wanted to scream or writhe beneath his touch but knew she had to restrain herself, and instead channeled that energy inside and focused exclusively on the feeling building within.  He edged her closer to climax with each tantalizing thrust.  It was beautifully excruciating; being restrained, the threat of discovery, giving herself to a mysterious stranger. It was finally too much. She opened her mouth in a silent cry and let loose the floodgates within. Her pussy clenched down on his spearing cock as wave after wave of pure ecstasy washed over her. Mr. King exhaled sharply and threw his head back as his own climax overtook him. He continued to pump into her, slowing his motions as he caught his breath. “I’d say that answers the question of whether or not there’s chemistry between us,” he smirked. 

“Oh my God,” she laughed in agreement.
That’s an understatement.
  She was still shaking and breathless.  He withdrew from her and pushed the down button on the elevator.  As they descended he moved in close to her and kissed her.  She was faintly aware as she trembled next to him, of the fact that he was wrapping her dress around her and refastening the tie. By the time the elevator landed in the lobby, her dress was completely closed. Quickly he removed his key from the panel on the wall.

The door opened to the busy lobby and light streamed into the elevator from nearby lights. Olivia squinted as they stepped out, her eyes darting from person to person to see if anyone suspected anything. To her amazement, people shuffled past then and boarded the elevator as if nothing had happened, completely unaware of the lascivious act that had just taken place just a door away from them.  They stepped out into the lobby and she turned to him as he pocked the key he had used in the elevator.  “Where did you get that?” she asked. He twirled it around his finger before depositing it into his suit coat pocket.

“Oh, this, I own the building,” he winked as he stepped into the lobby.  Gears seemed to click in her head as pieces fell into place.  It explained why he had a key that controlled the elevator, and it confirmed her suspicion that he was a powerful man.  No one moves with that much confidence who isn’t master of his domain.  She just wasn’t sure if she was ready for him to be
master. He led her through the foyer and paused, perhaps sensing her thoughts about him. 

“Remember, Ms. Prince, the ball is in your court. Take your time and think about it. You have my email.  If you decide you want to move forward, send me a message.” Olivia nodded and stepped out into the cold night.  A shiver ran through her as she contemplated her options.

Chapter 7


The next few days were a blur.  Olivia started work as an administrative assistant for a small advertisement company in the downtown business district. It didn’t pay much, but she earned enough to cover rent and it came with full benefits, so for now at least, she was happy. She also got settled into her apartment.  By train, it took her about thirty minutes to get to work and was in something called a ‘transitional neighborhood’ but she liked it. It was in an old turn of the century building, a walk up.  Her unit was small, about the size of a broom closet, but she was thrilled to have found something she could afford without having to have a roommate.

Her dad had initially suggested she stay with her stepbrother until she got settled.  He was always trying to push the family thing, even though her stepbrother had rejected them all long ago. She had balked at her stepfather’s suggestion. “I haven’t spoken to him in years. I’ll figure it out on my own. Thanks.” Jeremy never accepted her or her mother as his family, and she knew that. He resented them and tried his best to avoid them. Olivia was pretty sure she and her mother were the reasons Jeremy never came home to visit.  She got it, she didn’t like the instant family vibe their parents tried to push down their throats, either. She did feel bad for Jeremy’s dad, though.  He was a nice guy and he just didn’t read Jeremy very well.  The more he pushed the idea of family onto Jeremy, the farther it pushed him away.  It made her sad for him, so when he asked her to contact Jeremy once she got into the city, she reluctantly agreed.

She looked at the text from Jeremy again.


I’m free a week from Thursday for dinner.  Meet me at La Belle restaurant in the Plaza building. 7:00 pm.


She cringed.  La Belle restaurant.
Sounds expensive
. She knew Jeremy was wealthy, hell he was touted as one of the world’s youngest billionaires, but she didn’t want to presume he’d pay for dinner. Great, she’d have to remember to put a power bar in her purse to eat after work, and then plan on ordering the cheapest salad on the menu. Fun.  Why couldn’t he have suggested Chiptole instead?  Olivia sighed, wishing her stepfather had not pushed her into this. She feared dinner would be a disaster.
What the hell are we even going to talk about?
She couldn’t imagine having anything in common with him.  After all, she was just a new college graduate and he was a successful businessman.

She knew Jeremy didn’t want to see her, and was doing this as an obligation to his father. Knowing what an imposition this was on him was going to make the dinner even more awkward.  Despite his aloofness, Olivia had to admit she was looking forward to seeing him again; after all, it had been years.  She didn’t even know what he even looked like anymore. She remembered him as a lanky teen who kept to himself. She was looking forward to seeing what kind of man he had turned into.

Olivia stood up and stretched and looked in her refrigerator for inspiration. The food fairy hadn’t shown up, so she grabbed a yogurt and called it dinner.  As she sat back down at her computer, her phone chirped. She assumed it was Claire calling to see if she wanted to go out.

“Hey!” she said, taking a bite of yogurt.

“Uh, Hi Olivia.” Olivia choked on her yogurt at the sound of Trent’s voice. She hadn’t expected to hear from him,

“Trent,” she said, her tone was cool.  Slowly she set her yogurt down.

“Look, I know you’re probably surprised to hear from me but…I’ve been thinking about you. I was hoping we could, you know, get together and talk,” he said.

“Trent, you said things about me to our friends, things that
me,” she said. Trent had betrayed her trust and humiliated her, but it was more than that.  Trent had always had a mean streak, and in recent months it had gotten worse. He was always ready for a fight, always telling embarrassing stories about people, always doing something mean spirited. She blew it off at first and made excuses, but finally he had turned on her, too. 

Trent sighed. “I know, and I’m sorry.   You know, when you told me you were into that freaky stuff, I just got weirded out.  I know I shouldn’t have told anyone, baby.  But look, no one thinks you’re a freak. In fact, everyone I talked to thought it was awesome, so I was thinking, hey let’s, you know, give it another shot.”

Olivia closed her eyes and banged her head against the table. She couldn’t believe she had even been in a relationship with him. “Trent, no, I don’t think so.” Trent fell quiet and Olivia braced herself for something nasty to come out of his mouth.  She knew Trent’s fragile ego was too sensitive to take rejection.  She wasn’t disappointed.

“Fine. You want to find some dick to fuck that will treat you like the whore you really are, then go ahead, see if I fuckin care you fucking cun--.” Olivia clicked off the phone and set it on the table. She stared at it for a moment in disbelief, he had been nasty to her in the past, but he had never spoken to her like that before. She grabbed her phone and turned off the ringer. She didn’t want to know if he tried to call back. She was just glad he didn’t know where she lived. She couldn’t imagine the scene he might cause if she saw him in person. She reached for her phone again and put it in her purse, trying to forget he had even called her.  Trying to distract herself from Trent, she turned back to her computer and opened her email.

She had an incoming message from the dating service.

Royal Interests Matchmaking

We are inquiring on the status of your match with Mr. King and would like to know if you would be interested in meeting other potential candidates?


Royal Interests Matchmaking

Her stomach fluttered, thinking about Mr. King and their meeting. She couldn’t believe everything she had done with him on a first date, and she didn’t even know his real name!   She blushed just thinking about it.  The flutters in her stomach turned to warm vibrations that spread down to her crotch.  Her body warmed thinking of him, and his commanding touch.  It felt like he owned her. He knew exactly what to do to drive her wild and she had just met him. She wondered what else he could do to drive her wild.  She had thought of him many times since that night.  She craved him, but she had not contacted him.  He clearly left the ball in her court.

“Take your time and think about it. You have my email.  If you decide you want to move forward, send me a message,” is what he had said.

She needed a few days to consider it and did not want to rush into anything prematurely. He had made it clear he did not want to get involved with someone who was just going to get scared off.  She still wasn’t sure that wouldn’t happen to her. She knew the key was in trusting him. She thought of him at the restaurant, when he let her slip out of her thong as the waitress approached.  It was too close for her comfort, and yet he said he knew the waitress was coming.  He said he would have stopped her if he needed to.  And in the elevator, everything they did was risky, but he had a key.  He knew the room was secure, and the fact that she didn’t made it even more exciting for her. She was certain he would put her in more compromising positions than what they had been in yesterday, but could she trust him enough to follow his rules? More specifically, could she trust Mr. King enough to do
as he said and not question him, not doubt?  She wasn’t sure, which was why she hadn’t answered him.

How can you trust someone you don’t even know?

Her thoughts drifted back to Trent. She had trusted him and he betrayed her- and she thought she knew him. She wondered whether she could trust her judgment anymore. She sat at her computer tapping her fingers on the keys, typing nothing. The curser blinking on the blank page taunted her. She stared into the glare of the screen, waiting for an answer to come, but she realized none would.  She was just going to have to pull the trigger and type. The image of Mr. King filled her mind.  She didn’t want to let him down, didn’t want to start something and fail.

Summoning courage, she straightened in her chair and started typing…

BOOK: Shades of Step Billionaire
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