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Authors: Wynter Daniels

Shades of Sexy (6 page)

BOOK: Shades of Sexy
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Chapter Two


Alex settled into the booth across from Macy and glanced around the diner, then back at her. Her high-buttoned black blouse hid all but the hint of cleavage. The hot pink ascot poking out of her breast pocket struck him as a little rebellious for a funeral. Of course, he’d already pegged her as anything but the typical grieving widow. She wore little makeup, yet her complexion glowed with peaches-and-cream freshness. “Good choice. You don’t see many of these classic diners in south Florida.”

Her brow crinkled and her moss-colored eyes scrutinized him. “I didn’t think you’d spent much time here.”

Oops! Confession time. “Actually, I spent several months in the area filming a documentary about the Everglades last year. I emailed my father telling him I’d be in town, but he never responded. Guess he had no interest in seeing me.” Since he’d learned of the old man’s death, he’d beaten himself up about not trying harder to contact Warren during that time.

A waitress approached and held her pen over her order pad. “Hiya, folks. What can I get you?”

Macy smiled up at the woman. “I’ll have a double cheeseburger with fries. And a diet cola.”

He couldn’t hold back a chuckle. So many of the women he knew lived on salads and stuff that looked like grass clippings. Macy had curves, and he liked that. “Double that. But instead of diet soda, make mine the real stuff.”

As soon as the waitress left, Macy picked up where they’d left off. “So I gather you’re a producer, director, something like that?”

His gut tightened. Apparently his father hadn’t talked about him much. Yet Warren had never failed to tell him how his stepbrothers’ careers progressed, how he’d set them both up in an office supply business that pulled down millions each year. They’d both flunked out of college, wrecked cars and gotten in trouble with the law, but Warren thought they deserved every advantage money could buy. Yet he’d cried poverty when Alex had asked for a loan to help him through school.

How foolish he’d been to think the old man had been proud of his achievements. The few times he’d spent with him, Warren had made him feel like less. Less than his other two sons. His white sons. Never mind that he’d had to work his way through college, rather than have Daddy give him the free ride he’d afforded the others.

Bastard’s dead. Time to let go of the resentment.

“Actually, I’m a cameraman. I work for Natural Resources Television.”

“Wow. Sounds interesting. Tell me more.” She threaded her fingers together and rested her chin on them. Her glossy chestnut hair fell to her shoulders and curled under. It looked like it would be silky and soft and he yearned to touch it. To touch her. Maybe he’d get to later. He tamped down the rush of excitement that accompanied the thought.

“Not much to tell, really.” He shrugged. “I travel the world with a film crew, get loads of bug bites, you know. The usual day at the office.”

Her musical laugh lit up the room. No doubt his father found her charming. “What do you do?”

“Nothing as interesting as you.” A cloud passed quickly over her face. “I was in college when I met your father, pre-law.”

A law clerk, no doubt. Just as his mother had been when she had an affair with his father.

“We married before I finished my first year of law school and Warren didn’t want me to finish. So I became a paralegal.”

The regret in her eyes tightened his chest. Made him despise his father even more. He’d hurt this woman, just as he had Alex’s mother. “But you said you two separated recently?”

She rubbed the base of her ring finger as he’d seen her do earlier. “Yeah, well I found out some stuff.” She shook her head and her thick, shiny hair swept over her shoulders and reflected the overhead light. “It’s not important now.”

“Let me guess. You found out he had an affair.” The shock on her face made him think he’d spoken too bluntly. “I’m sorry. Guy had a rep.”

Her shoulders sank and the booth seemed to swallow her.

He reached across the narrow table and took her hand. Her skin felt too cold. He squeezed it, hoping to warm it up. “Sometimes I have a big mouth. I think I got that from him.”

That won him a laugh, although her gaze remained downcast. He didn’t let go of her hand. Instead, he stroked her soft skin. Her cheeks flushed pink and her smile widened. She didn’t seem in a hurry to take her hand back.

When their food arrived, he dived in, but Macy just picked at her fries.

“You should have told me. You prefer all the fancy stuff they had after the funeral.” He lifted her chin with a finger. “You’re just slumming here with me because you feel sorry for me.”

Another chuckle. “I’m not one of them. I don’t have to gorge myself on pricey delicacies. Guess I’m not as hungry as I thought.”

He gathered it had been a long time since she’d laughed. He liked her. A lot. And he wanted her.

What are you doing? She’s your father’s widow.

But he didn’t care. His cock strained against his pants. He slid out of the booth and sat next to her without uttering a word. This close he caught her scent. Reminded him of something, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. Maybe orange blossoms.

He leaned in closer, brushed his lips across hers, then backed away, searching her eyes for permission. She licked the spot he’d kissed, parted her lips only a little. Enough.

He yearned to taste her, all of her. Threading his fingers through her hair, he covered her lips with his, gave her a slow, tender kiss. And she responded. Softened against him, touched her fingers to his cheek. Yeah. Her hair was just as silky as he’d imagined. And her tongue felt like velvet and tasted like cola.

Seconds later the waitress approached their table and Macy broke away. She cleared her throat like she was embarrassed when the woman set the check down and gave them a not-so-subtle frown. He wondered if the public display of affection bothered her, or maybe the black-white issue. Either way, he didn’t care. Not like the waitress’s opinion mattered.

He planned to have Macy. Screw his father. Maybe sleeping with Warren’s wife would make him feel like he’d finally managed to neutralize a fraction of the pain his father had inflicted upon him.

He glanced at the bill, set a twenty and a five on the table, then took Macy’s hand and stood up. “Let’s get out of here.”

She didn’t argue. Once they settled inside his rental car, he kissed her again. Not slow and tender this time, but hard, passionate, filled with need and the promise of more. He pulled her onto his lap so she straddled him. She hiked up her skirt and slid over the bulge in his pants. He moaned into her mouth. She rocked against him, deliberately coaxing his lust.

Curling her fingers into his shoulders, she let out a soft sigh. “We shouldn’t do this.”

“Yes, we should.” He wrapped his arms around her, squeezed her perfectly rounded ass. “I want you, Macy. Bad.”

“Not here. It’s not—”

He quieted her with a kiss, sucked on her tongue, ran his over her teeth and she started moving her hips faster.

But she had a point. Doing it in a car wasn’t exactly conducive to the long session of lovemaking he had in mind. He broke the kiss, held her head still between his hands and stared into the depths of her eyes, smoky with desire. “My secretary made me a reservation at the Coral Springs Inn. Will you come with me?”

She shook her head. “My place.” Giving him one last kiss, she climbed off him and arranged herself in the seat. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

Did she have trouble reconciling what they planned to do because he was technically her stepson or because of his race? Shaking off the thought, he started the engine, backed out of the space then turned onto the road.

Macy settled her hand on his thigh. “Take a left at the light.” Her fingers crawled higher, toward his crotch and his cock grew harder. His balls ached with need. At this rate they’d never make it to her house.

He fought to concentrate on the road, but Macy traced the outline of his erection through his trousers, ran her fingers lightly over his length, driving him wild. Then she fiddled with his belt buckle. His pulse quickened with need.

“What are you doing?” Only he knew, and it made him crazy with desire.

“Just drive. Let me handle things down here.”

She opened his fly and he glanced at her. A wicked grin lifted one side of her full, pretty lips. He let out a pleasured gasp when she touched his flesh, wrapped her hand around his cock and gave it a squeeze. Erotic sensations flowed through him, hot and thick.

Tightening his grip on the steering wheel, he swallowed hard, drew a steadying breath. “Are we almost at your place?”

“Almost.” Her voice sounded deeper, throaty, laced with carnal intent. “Go right at the end of this street.” She touched her finger to the tip of his cock and smeared a drop of his seed around the head.

He sucked his lips into his mouth and held back a moan. “You’re killing me, you know.”

“Mm hmm.” She bent over his lap, licked the semen from his slit. Then she took the whole tip into her mouth, swirled her tongue around it. She stopped for a moment, looked up at him. “I’ve never done it with… I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“Won’t be able to say that after today, now will you?” He struggled to maintain his control. When Macy’s teeth lightly scraped the underside of his cock, pleasure spiraled inside him, so intense he couldn’t keep from gasping.

She gripped his shaft, then popped her head up and looked around. “We’re almost at my place.”

Thank God!

“See the sign on the right? Coral Palms apartments. Mine’s 1-D. On the ground floor.” She returned her attention to his erection, closing her mouth over it and sucking it inside. Forbidden pleasure snatched his breath away.

He found the entrance to the complex and turned in. But then he slowed his speed. As long as Macy continued giving him some of the best head he’d ever had, he was in no rush to get to her place. He drove around the loop a second time as he smoothed his hand over her hair. God, he was so close, but he fought for control.

When he pulled into a parking spot near her apartment, he could barely breathe. He shut his eyes, savored the way her tongue flicked along his shaft. She took him deeper into her mouth and used that clever tongue to drive him completely crazy. Her hot grip tightened around him and he knew he’d explode any second. “I’m gonna come, Macy.”

She continued sucking him, picking up her pace. His balls ached with building pressure. He detonated with a pounding intensity. Pleasure flared through him, flooded his veins as he spurted into her throat. Sweat trickled down his forehead and his breath came in short gasps.

She tightened her mouth around him, giving him exactly the right amount of pressure. Yeah. He knew another reason his father had married her, rather than just sleep with her, as he had most of the others.

“That was amazing, Macy.”

She sat up and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Sexy as hell. Her eyes sparkled with desire and he couldn’t wait to get her inside, to taste her, to fuck her any way she wanted to be fucked. She gave him a big smile. “Ready to go inside?”

“Give me a minute.” He leaned his head back against the seat, still reeling from his orgasm. “I can honestly say I’ve never had so much fun while driving.”

She laughed, combed her fingers through her hair. “Good.”

He tucked his cock into his pants and zipped up. Although he’d anticipated a lousy time in Florida, things were definitely looking up. His father had never freely given his love, but his widow certainly did. And he intended to take full advantage of that. This trip promised to be so much more enjoyable than he’d ever imagined.



Chapter Three


Macy slipped her key into the lock and pushed open her door. She couldn’t believe she’d just given a man a blowjob in his car. While he drove. Warren’s son, no less. She forced back a wicked giggle. Why shouldn’t she engage in a meaningless affair? Only this would be so much more fulfilling than any old fling, given Alex’s relationship to Warren.

Alex shut the door, then started toward her. Lust crackled in the air. He pinned her against the wall and she drank in the raw need and heat emanating from his body. Her heart kaboomed like a jackhammer as she anticipated the unbridled passion that lay in store.

All her pent-up emotion and need bubbled to the surface like lava from a simmering volcano. Her body hummed with desire. Alex moved in closer, kissed her lips, slipped his tongue inside her mouth for a full, sensuous kiss. Her pussy throbbed with yearning. It had been way too long. All she’d been through had robbed her of so much confidence. But the way Alex looked at her, the fire in his eyes made her feel more like a woman than she had in years.

Alex skimmed his lips along her jaw, down her neck, behind her ear. She whimpered as he cupped her breast, squeezed and kneaded. “You have a delicious body. I can’t wait to taste it.”

The sentiment ratcheted her confidence higher.

He trailed hot kisses over her shoulder. Pushing his hard cock against her stomach, he let her know how much he wanted her.

He kissed her other breast, bit at her cloth-covered nipple. Suddenly he stopped, grabbed at her blouse and ripped it open. Buttons flew in every direction as he laid her bare but for her bra. It didn’t take him long to tear away the lace cups. When his teeth scraped against her pebbled nipple, abrading her sensitive skin, molten pleasure raced through her. Her knees grew weak and she wondered if she’d be able to stand on her own. She knew Alex wouldn’t let her fall but it frightened her to put even that much trust in a man.

Her juices started flowing, dampening her panties. Tendrils of desire snaked through her, reached to every nerve ending. He suckled one sensitive bud, swirled his tongue around it, teasing and tantalizing. Then he moved his attention to the other breast and gave it the same sensuous treatment.

He pushed his hand between her thighs. Her pussy burned with raw need. Yanking at the elastic, he slipped a finger underneath, drew it along her wet folds, over her clit.

She bit back a gasp when he kneeled then rolled her panties down to her knees. Her underwear dropped to her ankles and she kicked them away. Alex spread her legs wider and kissed her inner thighs. A quiver of anticipation danced along her spine as he drew closer and closer to her sex. He flicked at her clit with his talented tongue, stroked along her furls, driving her need higher and hotter. His finger dipped inside her, only a little, but she clenched around it.

She hooked one leg over his shoulder and rocked her hips. Alex eased a thick finger deep inside her. Sucking her clit into his mouth, he led her to the precipice of release. She whimpered with need as her inner walls tightened around him.

A white-hot explosion of bliss shook her, pulsing rhythmically through her body. Alex continued to work his finger inside her as her pleasure crested. She twisted against the wall, moaned with unabashed joy.

She caught a glimpse of herself in the hall mirror, flushed with passion, bare-breasted with her bra collapsed to rubber band size and her black skirt bunched at her waist. And an incredibly sexy man crouched in front of her. She couldn’t decide if they looked ridiculous or completely hot. She settled on hot.

“What are you smiling at?”

She glanced down at him and giggled. “We make quite a spectacle in the mirror.” She gestured toward the reflection.

Alex followed her gaze, then met her stare. “You look incredibly erotic.” He darted his tongue between her intimate lips. . “And you taste like heaven.”

That sent another zing of desire to her core. Alex stood, but never moved his eyes from hers. He kicked off his shoes, shucked off his pants and shirt. It had been a long time since she’d seen such a firm, young male body and it stirred renewed longing. His chest and shoulders rippled with muscles beneath his dark skin and his erect cock was crimson-brown and ready for round two. Something else she’d missed in recent years—a man young enough to have more than one hard-on in a day without the use of pharmaceuticals.

She started to shimmy out of her skirt, but he stopped her with a hand on her arm.

“Allow me the pleasure.”

She licked her dry lips. Alex crouched in front of her and slid his hands up her thighs. Her breath hitched when he caught the waistband of her skirt and eased it over her hips, kissing the skin he’d exposed. He lifted her feet one by one then tossed the garment across the room.

Standing, he cupped her breasts. He bent to brush his mouth along her neck and shoulders. Reaching behind her, he unhooked her bra and slowly peeled it away. A shiver stiffened her nipples, but it had nothing to do with being cold. She grew hotter by the second.

She’d never been completely happy with her body, but her ample curves seemed to turn Alex on, so being naked with him didn’t make her self-conscious. His gaze traveled down her body, all the way to her stilettos. He took a step closer and a shudder of anticipation rolled up her spine. She bit back a gasp as he pressed his cock against her and rasped a calloused thumb over her right nipple. With his other hand, he cupped her left breast, tugged at the point as she moaned appreciatively.

She nipped his lower lip, slipped her tongue inside and tasted his hot need. Her juices surged anew. She squirmed against the building heat between her thighs. Moving her attention to Alex’s chest, she swirled her tongue around his nipple. A low growl rumbled in his chest.

He snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her away from the wall, led her to the hall mirror and positioned her in front of him so she faced her reflection. Seeing his dark skin next to hers turned her on even more. With one hand, he plucked at one of her distended nipples, then the other. “Watch,” he murmured against her ear.

His other hand skimmed her stomach, ventured lower, through the puff of brown curls between her legs. He spread her lips with his fingers, revealing her pink pussy and engorged clit. The sight of him touching her, sliding over her wet folds rocketed her desire higher.

Alex’s cock pressed harder into her back as he drove his fingers inside her entrance. He slid them in and out and she could see how wet they were, how they glistened with her cream. She rocked and sighed, unable to drag her stare from the mirror.

“Have you ever watched yourself come?” His voice sounded rough and ragged.

She could barely form a word, so close to another orgasm. “No,” she managed.

He grinned at her reflection. “Good.” He kneaded her breast then grasped the taut peak and tugged, harder than before.

The pain gave way to pleasure that spiraled through her. A scream broke from her lips. Her inner muscles convulsed in powerful surges. Waves of bliss racked her body, sent heavenly vibrations to every cell.

Alex kissed her neck, her shoulders and her back. She bucked and moaned. He held fast to her pussy until her passion waned. She leaned against him, drained from her release, but anticipating more. He eased his fingers from her and spun her around to face him. “You’re even more beautiful when you come.”

She stood on her toes and kissed him. “Thank you.”

“Thank you. Your orgasm was incredibly hot to watch.” He gave her ass a squeeze, then stepped away. Riffling through his pants pocket, he grinned. “Now tell me, how do you want it?” He threw her a challenging stare and a shiver of desire heated her skin.

No man had ever asked her opinion on the subject. They’d just done it how they’d preferred. She liked being consulted for a change, made her feel more powerful. And kind of erotic. “I like it fast and rough.” She swallowed hard and waited for his reaction.

He raised an eyebrow. “So you’re one of those, hmm?” Stalking toward her, he grabbed her wrists and pinned them behind her back. He bent his head to her chest and bit a pebbled nipple, suckled it mercilessly.

She yelped with unabashed delight. Her pussy ached for more. Before she knew what was happening, he scooped her off her feet, carried her to the dining room table and deposited her on top of it. The wood cooled her heated skin.

Alex pulled her to the edge and pushed her legs apart. Then he knelt on the floor in front of her. With gentle fingers, he spread her intimate lips. She gasped with pleasure. The tip of his tongue slid along her creamy folds with a touch light as a tease. She ached for more, but he refused to be rushed.

“Please, Alex.” She lifted her hips toward him, begging for satisfaction.

He grasped her thighs and laughed. “Patience, Macy.”

Just when she thought he’d give her more, he stood and climbed onto the table, straddling her with a shit-eating grin on his face. She settled her hands on his sides, luxuriating in the feel of his velvety skin over corded muscles.

She licked her lips while Alex tore open a foil packet and rolled the condom over his shaft. He reached for her hands, brought them one by one to his lips. Then, in a swift movement, he took both her wrists in one hand and raised her arms above her head, pinning them to the table.

Dipping his mouth to her breast, he laved her skin, tweaked the other nipple with his fingers. She arched up as her pussy throbbed for relief. “Fuck me, Alex. Please.”

Teasing her, he rubbed his cock along her intimate lips, slick with her cream. His rigid length pulsed with power as it grazed her clit. She whimpered helplessly, more aroused than she’d ever imagined. When she slid her pussy against his erection, he moaned and she knew he couldn’t hold out on her much longer.

“I need your big cock inside me.” She lifted her hips higher, rocked against him.

Another low growl and he caved. Grasping his erection at the base, he angled it between her lips. Her pussy stretched to its limit to accommodate his width. He drove deep, deeper still. She had to concentrate on relaxing her muscles to allow all of him inside. He thrust harder, faster, exactly like she wanted.

Delicious sensations flooded her veins. She ran her hands over his back, along his straining muscles, dug her fingernails into his skin. His hips pistoned in perfect rhythm. He slid his shaft in and out, sweeter and deeper each time. She clawed at his skin as she neared her peak.

“Yeah, baby. I can see it on your face. Give it up.” He rubbed her pussy, pulling her closer and closer to her climax. “You like it from behind?”

She could only manage a nod. Alex stopped thrusting and withdrew. “On your hands and knees,” he commanded.

She immediately complied, eager to have his cock back inside her. Grasping her hips, he speared into her pussy, stroking in a circular motion that drove her wild. She clenched her inner muscles around him, drawing a pleasured sigh.

Reaching around her, he caught her breast in his hand and rolled the nipple between his fingers. The sensation pulled her over the edge, dragged her under. She surrendered to the hot oblivion as her body shuddered with bliss. She threw her head back and screamed as her pleasure crested. Her sex convulsed in fevered spasms of delight. Alex’s thrusts grew faster, his pants more desperate for release.

“Oh God.” He gripped her hips, slammed into her. “Yeeeeessssss.”

She met his strokes, riding the echoes of her orgasm.

With a strangled shout, Alex gave a final plunge, then draped himself over her, slick with sweat. She squeezed her muscles around his cock and he gasped. “Oh, Macy. God, that was good.”

Lowering to the table, she sighed. “Beyond amazing.”

A few minutes later, Alex climbed off the table and offered Macy a hand down. Then he gathered their clothes from the floor and set everything on a chair.

Macy grabbed her blouse and held it against her chest. “I should…ah…go throw something on.”

Why did she seem embarrassed? He yanked his pants on then took her hand. “Macy, you’re not regretting what we did, are you?”

Her complexion reddened and she glanced away. “No, of course not.”

“Do you feel guilty for enjoying yourself?” He pulled her into his arms, but she felt stiff and unyielding. “We didn’t do anything wrong. You left my father, remember? And it wasn’t like he stayed faithful before that, right?”

She looked up at him, narrowed her gaze. “You seemed to know about his…promiscuity. I think you made a comment about it before. You said something like, he didn’t hurt me too, something like that. It’s not something a son is usually aware of about a parent. Did he tell you about his affairs?”

He’d been referring before to the fact that his father had hurt him, not other women, although he knew the asshole was lousy at being faithful. He led Macy to the couch and sat her down. How could he explain the unconventional relationship he had with his father? “Warren didn’t really treat me like a son. Hell, he always doubted I was really his, even though the resemblance is obvious, I think.”

She nodded. “It is.”

“He visited me when I was a teenager. Well, actually, he happened to be in Atlanta on business and took me to dinner.” Long buried hurts seeped to the surface, but he quickly forced them away. “His secretary joined us, an attractive blonde. I noticed they sat awfully close, acted a little too familiar with each other.”

BOOK: Shades of Sexy
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