Read Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,Sierra Rose,Bella Love-Wins,Christine Bell,Dale Mayer,Lisa Ladew,Cassie Alexandra,C.J. Pinard,C.C. Cartwright,Kylie Walker

Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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Sexy Bastards Anthology:

Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, & Contemporary Romance Collection*


Christine Bell

Lexy Timms

Sierra Rose

Lisa Ladew

Dale Mayer

Tasha Lyons

Cassie Alexandra

C.C. Cartwright

C.J. Pinard

Kylie Walker

Bella Love-Wins

Kendra Wild

Bella Wild



*This collection of books is a limited-time publication and will be unpublished on April 18, 2016.


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writers’ imaginations or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of these authors.


Cover Art: Kellie Dennis @
Book Cover By Design

Cover Model:
Lance Jones

Formatting: Wanita May & Carolyn Pinard


Christine Bell – SWITCHBLADE

Sierra Rose – FORBIDDEN

Dale Mayer – SALVATIO

Cassie Alexandra – TAMING THE BIKER

C.J. Pinard – ANTIHERO

Bella Love-Wins – DOG

Bella Wild – BAD BOY BIKER




C.C. Cartwright – JUST LOVE ME


Kendra Wild – BADASS


Featuring New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Authors. Thirteen top-selling authors bring you 13 never-before-published hot and steamy romance stories!
Christine Bell – SWITCHBLADE
Michael Blade has always thought of Kaitlin Pepper as the irritatingly prissy girl next door, but when she mistakes him for his twin and shows up at his house wearing only a trench coat and a shaky smile, he starts to reconsider...
Sierra Rose – FORBIDDEN
This is the fu**** up version of Romeo and Juliet – MC Club style. Imagine Juliet a pistol and Romeo a sexy, badass with wicked tats.... Oh, did I mention there's lots of cursing, leather-clad bikers, motorcycles, and sex?
Dale Mayer – SALVATION
Beaten. Broken. Finished.
An abused wife meets the most unlikeliest of angels – a man who looks like the very devil himself. He won't let her give up. Nor will he let her go. Will he be yet another captor or will he become her salvation?


Cassie Alexandra – TAMING THE BIKER
After a short fling with hell-raising womanizer Taylor (Tail) Adams, Lauren Macey discovers that she's pregnant with the biker's child. Knowing that the MC lifestyle isn't what she wants for their baby, and that Tail isn't exactly 'father' material, Lauren decides not to tell him. This proves challenging, especially when she realizes that he isn't ready to end their affair...


C.J. Pinard – ANTIHERO
Can a street punk on the wrong path be transformed into a military killing machine? Once he's been sent to the Marine Corps and "rehabilitated", Ellis Anderson is determined to show Talia, his new addiction, that he's nothing like both the lives he's left behind. But actions speak louder than words – and he has a lot of work ahead of him.


Bella Love-Wins – DOG
Kane is now top dog in the Rugged Angels MC, and has slept with half the eligible biker chicks in Tucson. He meets his match when Kim, daughter of his club's former president, just won't give in to his usual tricks.


Bella Wild – BAD BOY BIKER
Jessie used to think being a parolee psychologist was her way of helping ex-cons get a second chance as they integrated back into society – until she met Jace. He's the angry, inked, biker ex-con who refuses rehabilitation and insists on getting under her skin.
Katie's not your usual rich girl, and Morgan's not your typical biker. Falling for each other is inevitable, but what will happen when their worlds collide?
He'd loved her for as long as he could remember, but he would never pursue her, because he alone knew he was responsible for the one thing she would never forgive anyone for. When she starts to pursue him though, he doesn't think he can keep his distance.

Morgan and Jazz have dealt with most of the horrific problems that plagued their fledging relationship, or at least they hope so. But just as one horrific set of troubles falls away, another interesting one comes into play. Will they survive this one, too?
C.C. Cartwright – JUST LOVE ME
Justin can't get Sloane out of his head. He pushes her away for being his little sister's best friend, but now that she's filled out in all the right places, will he be able to resist the innocent, yet enticing woman she has become?
District Attorney Eric Steel is used to getting his way, and when he meets the new intern hired for his team, he wants her – preferably stripped down and bound to his bed. From the moment Crystal Reid first obediently whispers "Yes, Mr. Steel", he knows she's perfect for him. He has less than one week to convince her... and he doesn't plan on taking no for an answer.
Kendra Wild – BADASS
The company recruited Nick Taylor from the U.S. Army Special Forces and turned him into a mean machine. His first undercover assignment – to pursue and protect Nicole Hunt, a crucial federal witness with dark secrets.






Christine Bell


Copyright 2016 Christine Bell

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


Chapter One


Kaitlin swallowed the last bite of her bagel and stared at the coffee mug in her hand through gritty eyes before letting out another, long yawn.

Nine AM and she still hadn't gotten her first wind yet. She had a long-ass day of landscape planning to do and it was going to be brutal unless she managed to wake the hell up.

The sound of chipper whistling sailed through the open kitchen window along with the warm summer breeze. Instead of cheering her, though, the sound made her want to spit nails.

She set the mug down on the granite island hard enough to send the liquid sloshing over the sides and pushed herself off the stool she'd been sitting on.

Enough was enough. She'd kept her lip zipped last Sunday—her only day to sleep in—when he'd decided six AM was the perfect time to mow his grandmother’s lawn. And she hadn't made a peep when he'd kept her up until two AM the week before with what sounded like a frat party over there. But pulling into the driveway on his Harley at three this morning without a single care for people like her who didn't have the luxury of working whenever they felt like it was the height of selfishness.

If she bit her tongue any more, she'd chew it clean through.

She stalked toward the door, both barrels locked and loaded. When she’d agreed to house sit for her mother while she took a trip abroad to “find herself”, Kaitlin had never imagined she’d wind up living next door to the Blade brothers again. It had been good and bad. Great to see Rick and catch up, and she was excited to work on their grandmother’s home to bring the property back to its former glory, but Michael Blade had finally worked her last nerve. As much as she'd rather spend the rest of the summer avoiding him except on the days she was working in his grandmother’s yard, she’d had it.

She threw the door open and made her way across the lawn, rounding a fat evergreen to find the man in question sitting on his front porch leafing through a pile of mail, still whistling.

The anger that had been bubbling beneath the surface like a witch's brew flat-lined as she took stock of the man before her.

He was dressed in a pair of worn, faded jeans slung low around his lean hips.

And nothing else.

Christ on a cracker, who walked around like that?

Her cheeks flamed as she tried to tear her eyes away, to no avail. His body was ridiculous. Wide, rounded shoulders, tanned from the sun. Stomach, flat and muscled, even when he was sitting. And those arms… covered in ink and with biceps that didn't even need flexing to show off their good side.

As if suddenly aware of her presence, he stopped his whistling, looked up and locked gazes with her. The words she'd been muttering to herself on the short walk over died on her lips.

Lord, he was handsome. Take your breath away kind of handsome. His hair was freshly washed, an inky, tousled mess. His face was at once stark and sensual. His cheekbones, two slashes of marble, his jaw square enough to measure by, but a mouth that managed to look both firm and commanding and quick to smile.

His dark, soulful eyes seemed like they could see right through her and sent a sizzle of feminine awareness through her, which only served to irritate her even more.

Obviously, those feelings had nothing to do with him. She didn’t even
him. Her brain was just confusing her attraction to Rick with Michael. Which made sense, since they were nearly identical, besides the ink.

Oh, and except for the fact that Rick was sweet and kind and smart and funny. Unlike Michael, who was currently smirking at her, one eyebrow raised in question.

"Good morning, Kitty. What can I do for you?"

The childhood nickname sent another blast of annoyance through her and she gave him a chilly glare, refusing to remind him for the fifth time in the past few weeks that no one called her that anymore.

"Is that a rhetorical question, or do you really want to know?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

He cocked his head, seeming to consider the question before giving his head a quick shake.

"Nope. You're right. I actually don't want to know." He rolled to his feet and stuffed the mail he'd been holding into his back pocket and gave her a snappy salute. "Happy Friday."

Arrogant prick.

He'd turned to go, giving her an unimpeded view of his muscled back and making it up two of the porch steps before she found her voice again.

"It might be a happy Friday if you hadn't woken me up at three in the morning with that god-awful monster of a bike. I couldn't fall back to sleep and have been up ever since. Maybe you can try to get home a little earlier during the week when people have to work the next day."

She knew she sounded like a priggish little shrew, but somehow he seemed to excel at bringing out that side of her.

He turned, leaning his ass on the porch railing and gazing down at her, a smile tugging at his firm lips.

"So, just to clarify, you--my neighbor, for those keeping score--are suggesting that you give me a
. Have I got that right?"

"Well, no. I mean, not a curfew..." Kaitlin gnawed at her lower lip for a long moment before continuing. "Don't turn this around on me, Mike," she snapped, as annoyed with herself for being too flustered to express herself clearly as she was with him for putting her in this position in the first place. “Ever since you started staying here, it’s been nothing but problems for me.”

"This is my grandmother’s house and I need to get it ready to sell, which is easier to do if I don’t have to drive back home half an hour away every night. That said, I'm a grown-ass man, Kitty. I come and go as I please, and no one is going to stop me. Now, if you're asking if I can try to be more mindful of my temporary neighbor? That I can do."

He dropped off the second step to land a few feet from her on the grass and peered down at her.

"I’m planning to go out tonight and then stay at my own apartment in town, so you don’t have to worry. And next time I take the bike and come home late, I'll shut it off and roll it up the driveway if that makes you feel any better." He leaned in and tapped her nose with the tip of his finger. “And by the way, you've got poppy seeds in your teeth."

Damn it.

"Which one?"

He let out a low chuckle and turned to jog lightly back up the stairs. "Pretty much all of them."

She let out a muffled curse as she scrubbed at her teeth with the tip of her finger.

Ugh, why did stuff like that always seem to happen when he was around? It was like she waited until the one person who was most likely to tease her and revel in her misery was present and accounted for before she did anything embarrassing.

She shuffled her way back home, face still burning when she walked through the door again.

Whatever. Who cared, anyway? She didn't need to impress Michael Blade. Judging by the past few weeks, he’d obviously already made up his mind to treat her like a child for the rest of their lives, despite the fact that she'd just turned twenty-five. She needed to stop thinking about him and start thinking about impressing the one person who really mattered now that she was in the old neighborhood.

Rick Blade.

Kaitlin picked up her coffee and took a sip as she thought about him. Like his twin Michael, Rick was gorgeous. But unlike Mike, Rick was also really sweet, super easy to talk to, and an all-around great guy. He also hadn't slept with eighty-five percent of the females in town and didn't have an arrest record.


Not that she needed any of those reasons to be crazy about the man. He was pretty much perfect for her. Trustworthy, and loyal. There for the people he cared about when the chips were down. If he hadn't had the same girlfriend throughout his entire high school career and then another during college, she probably would've realized what she should’ve realized when they'd met on her eighth birthday.

They were perfect for each other.

And now he was a doctor, about to spend three months in Africa donating his time at various village clinics. Which meant that she had one night left—tonight—to make sure he realized he had something to come back to if he wanted it.

At least something good came out of her sparring with Mike this time. He’d basically told her he had no plans to come back to his gran’s house tonight, which meant she could finally make her move on Rick. Up until now she was sure she’d missed her chance.

A quiver of anticipation mixed with abject terror coursed through her. When the phone jangled a few minutes later, she was still trying to decide if she could actually go through with it.

She glanced down at the screen and pulled the phone to her ear.

"You must be psychic, Cher! I was sending up the mental bat signal like crazy.”

If there was a person in this world that would be able to give her the confidence to do this, it was her best friend since middle school, Cheri. They’d been inseparable until college and even then, and through Kaitlin’s move two hours away, they still managed to stay as close as sisters. Cheri was the nuts to Kaitlin’s sundae, and this wild move was right up her alley.

“I’m here to serve, Commissioner,” Cheri chirped back without missing a beat. “What does Gotham need?”

“I need you to make me look like a sex pot.” She swallowed back the rush of nerves and straightened her shoulders. “Because tonight, I’m going to put the moves on Doctor Rick Blade.”

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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