Read ServingSimon Online

Authors: Caitlin Ricci

Tags: #Adult, BDSM, Erotic Romance, Gay, GLBT, Paranormal, Succubus, Vampire

ServingSimon (5 page)

BOOK: ServingSimon
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“And I don’t want you to leave,” Max continued, looking away from Simon’s gaze.

Simon stepped closer to him. “I’d rather not go either,” he admitted. “Are you willing to try this again?”

Max sank to his knees in the middle of Simon’s sparse bedroom. “And I took my shoes off, too. Just like you asked.”

Simon gave him a soft smile of approval and moved closer. He was still mostly hard and seeing Max on his knees, ready to pleasure him with his mouth, easily made his thick cock grow. “You have my attention,” he said, giving Max permission to say what he’d come in to. Simon was sure Max understood what he wanted and he wasn’t about to repeat it for him. It was up to him now.

“It started at eight this morning,” Max slowly began. “With a staff meeting for the unit. Then things just sort of went downhill from there.”

Simon nodded, letting him know that he’d heard but not interrupting him.

“See, I yawned. Which isn’t a big deal normally. But then I just couldn’t focus. What you did to me that first night, tying me up and making me cum, that helped me sleep, but this morning I kept seeing their faces. All the patients I’ve lost on the table. All the children, those tiny little kids. And I can’t sleep through it. So I couldn’t focus in the meeting, had to do rounds and screwed up twice while connecting with patients and their families. I looked like a complete moron. But then it was three o’clock and I had surgery to get to and my hands wouldn’t stop shaking. I couldn’t go through with the surgery. They had to call someone to come do it for me.” He took a breath and Simon could see the tears pooling in his gray eyes. “I’m a failure, Simon. A mess. What the hell am I supposed to do now? I’m the head of the surgical unit and I couldn’t even perform a basic surgery today. They had to bring in some idiot to do my job. And he did a fine one, too, despite barely passing his classes and not getting any recommendations from his professors when he graduated. But what does that say about me? That he had to come and replace me because I couldn’t do what I’m supposed to?”

Simon stepped forward and placed a gentle hand on Max’s head. The man’s stress was a tight line that ran through his body, bundling him up too tightly and pushing out everything else. He trembled under Simon’s fingertips. Simon reached down, trailing his fingers over Max’s tear soaked cheek to the line of his jaw. With light pressure he forced Max to look up at him, to not hide his emotions from him. “You did well telling me. And while I don’t know the kind of frustration you felt today, I can help you release it with very little effort on your part. All you have to do is be willing to let go and let me take control. Do you think you can do this?”

Max nodded and wiped his eyes. “I wouldn’t have come in here if I didn’t. I know what you want from me, Simon. I know how this works. I’ve seen the porn videos.”

Simon smirked. “Acting isn’t the same as what we’re about to do. Though if you’re interested I’ll take you somewhere to learn what this is actually all about. Now, you may put your mouth on my cock and suck me off. But be mindful of your teeth.”

A smile came quickly to Max’s full lips as he rose up on his knees and reached for Simon’s cock.

“No,” he said, stopping Max instantly. “Put your hands behind your back. You won’t touch me or yourself until you’re given permission.”

Max made an impatient noise in his throat and for a moment Simon though he’d rebel against his orders but after a quick second of seeming indecision Max did as he was told and Simon let him come forward again. This time he didn’t stop him as Max placed a soft kiss on the base of his cock.

Simon leaned his head back and let his eyes fall gently closed. Max’s mouth was gentle, almost tentative, on his shaft. He appeared to be the caring kind of lover that Simon respected the most and had been seeking for a while now. He didn’t like pain, giving it or receiving it, and so many of the men he’d tried to enjoy at the club hadn’t satisfied him. It wasn’t their fault, he just wasn’t want they needed and yes, perhaps maybe he was too particular about the kind of men he allowed to get close to him in those dark corners. But it was his choice just as much as it was theirs and if he didn’t make that decision in regards to his sex life he wasn’t left with much else to decide on.

Max’s warm breath tickled his sensitive skin and Simon let his hands fall to the other man’s shoulders. He was less muscular than himself, his body narrower in all the right places, but Simon had expected that even before they’d met. In his ad seeking a roommate, Max had stated his profession in the details. He’d claimed it as a need for order and a quiet roommate. Simon had only seen a man under far too much pressure for his young life. Simon brought his hands up to the sides of Max’s head. He wouldn’t control him yet. Not this time. But he did want to touch him, to feel the curve of his cheeks, the line of his jaw, the soft stubble that ran along his face. With his thumb near the other man’s mouth he felt it when Max opened his lips, but the feeling of the unfamiliar mouth against the head of his cock still made his breath catch in his throat. He held still, letting Max learn him as much as Simon wanted him to learn him as well. Once he knew how Max liked to give pleasure, Simon could control that aspect of their sex. But first he had to learn his new lover.

He didn’t make the mistake of calling Max any more than that, not even in his own mind. They didn’t have a relationship, not any that could easily be defined outside of simply being roommates. And one blowjob and the start of another hardly made them a pair. But Max wasn’t a stranger either, far from it actually. And Simon wouldn’t put that kind of distance between them. Not now that Max had agreed to willingly submit to what Simon wanted to give him. The offer was neither traditional nor easy for the other man, Simon knew that well enough. Max was stubborn and could be a pain in the ass when he wanted to be. But that he’d agreed to be this way with him made Simon rethink his early assumptions about his roommate’s character. Maybe he was smart enough to realize he needed help as well.

The tip of Max’s tongue swirled around the crowned head of Simon’s cock, causing him to hiss as his hands tightened in Max’s brown hair. He released his hair, not wanting to give into the urge to control him before his time came. He’d take what was his and get Max to submit to him, when it was his turn. When he was a younger, far less experienced Dom, he’d rushed more than one sub in his eagerness to see the kind of results the other Doms around him appeared to get so easily. Now he knew better, though it had taken the stern discipline of a Master to get him to learn. He now knew that subs needed to be shown the way, not forced into submission. It was for their own good. Simon realized now, years after that incident, that without that Master’s training he would not have been able to help Max now. And he had helped, despite Max’s day. His roommate had slept well the first night after he’d come to him. Hopefully he’d do the same tonight. They could figure out the details later, right now it was all about helping Max and getting him back to the place he’d been in when Simon had first come to live with him. Back to when he did sleep and actually ate full meals without looking like he was rushing through it and barely tasting the food.

“Is this good?” Max asked, pulling his mouth away from Simon’s cock.

Looking down at him, Simon gave the other man a soft smile and ran his thumb across Max’s wet lips. “Yes. It is. Are you enjoying yourself?”

“It would be better if I could touch myself,” Max admitted.

Simon lowered his gaze to see the evidence of Max’s desire in the form of a hard ridge in the front of his pants. He nodded, knowing the man must be straining not to pleasure himself. But he’d been good about it so far and hadn’t removed his hands from behind his back. “You have my permission to remove your hands from your back only long enough to take yourself out.”

Though Max appeared surprised, he quickly did as he was told and unzipped his pants. He pushed the slacks down his hips, giving himself even more room as his heavy cock sprang forward. Simon licked his lips as the sight of his hard length, his mouth remembering the feel of Max’s cock between his lips as he sucked him.

“You have a beautiful cock,” Simon said, still looking at Max’s length.

“Uh, thanks,” Max replied, sounding unsure of himself.

Nodding, Simon turned his attention back to Max’s face. “Hands behind your back again and open your mouth.”

Max frowned. “I don’t get to jerk myself while I suck you?”

“No. Not yet. Maybe tomorrow. Now, hands behind your back.” Simon waited, his cock only inches from Max’s very tempting mouth. Sighing, Max did as he was told. Though it did take longer than Simon would have liked for him to decide to listen and obey him.

Max opened his mouth and took Simon back in, causing him to moan softly as he leaned toward him. The warmth of Max’s mouth spread through Simon’s cock and into his hips, easing his stress as he closed his eyes and settled his hands on Max’s shoulders again. He smiled as Max swirled his tongue against the head of his cock, appearing to experiment with what he liked. Simon appreciated the effort but he didn’t need to worry, Max had been doing just fine so far and Simon had spent the last six months unable to stop thinking about the other man. He’d been a tempting sort of problem, one Simon had wanted to figure out. Eagerly in fact. But the timing had never seemed right, though that might have just been an excuse. In fact, now that he had Max on his knees in front of him, Simon was fairly sure that it was. He’d needed far more than a simple, gentle shove shove in the right direction to see that Max needing him was more than just a passing phase. And Simon had waited far too long to jump in and give him an offer of help.

“I’m sorry for taking my time coming to you,” he said. The apology was hard. Admitting that he’d made a mistake was even more so.

Max leaned back, a frown marring his full bottom lip. “What are you talking about?”

“You needed my help. This could have helped you relax a lot sooner, before things started to get really bad for you,” Simon explained as he brought his hand to Max’s brown hair.

Smirking, Max shook his head. “I’m still not sure about this whole thing and yet I know that you were able to help the other night. Before now I might not have even accepted your help. Which would be kind of sad because I had fun before.”

“I did, too.” Simon stepped away and moved to his bed. “Come here, undress yourself and fold your clothes neatly on the floor.” He stretched out on his comfortable mattress and waited for Max to obey him. Which, Simon was glad to see, he did after a long moment. He took his time, fumbling with his clothes as he took them off, stripping down until he was just in his boxers and a pair of black trouser socks. When he hesitated to remove his boxers Simon lifted his eyebrow, silently challenging Max. Pursing his lips, the other man yanked them down his hips and, like the rest of his clothes, they were folded and neatly put aside.

When he stepped toward him Simon shook his head. “Socks, too.”

Max frowned and looked down at his feet. “But your room is cold.”

“And I don’t like socks on my partners while I’m fucking them. You’ll be under the blankets. Get your socks off. I’ll make sure you’re warm enough.” Simon scowled at him, unused to having such a difficult man as a sub.

Max shucked them off and quickly came toward him, his feet loud against the hardwood floor of Simon’s bedroom. Simon got up as he came closer and pulled the blankets aside. He let Max get in and then he joined him, pulling the thick comforter over them and sighing as warmth surrounded him. “I’ve never had someone in this bed,” Simon said, a smile teasing his lips.

Max looked surprised. “Really?”

Nodding, Simon reached from him, letting his fingers explore Max’s chest and stomach. “Never. I don’t bring men here.”

“So then where do you go?” Max asked, putting his hands on Simon’s arms.

“There’s a club that I frequent. I’ll take you there if you want.”

Max shrugged and Simon let the idea drop. The club wasn’t for the faint hearted and he didn’t expect Max to enjoy every aspect of what it had to offer, or even half of it. But for the open minded men and women that went there, the club was a great place to unwind and have some fun with others that shared your kinks, whatever they happened to be. The only rule, and it was a strict one, was consent. Other than that anything was allowed and people could stay as long as they wanted. It was one of the reasons Simon went there years ago after the leather clubs didn’t offer him what he wanted and the heavy BDSM clubs were sometimes too much for him.

He helped Max roll over onto his stomach and surprisingly the other man didn’t protest until Simon slid on top of him, his hands pressed on either side of Max’s shoulders. He turned his head to the side, looking up at Simon curiously. “

“Going to give me a massage to relax me?” he asked.

Simon rolled his eyes and pushed his thighs between Max’s legs, spreading him open. “Not quite,” he answered, leaning down to place a kiss on the back of Max’s head. “But I promise you’ll like it anyway.”

Max looked a bit skeptical, maybe even a little unsure of either himself or Simon, but he said nothing more as Simon reached over his head to the little shelf he kept above his bed. The comforter fell back and he pulled it over them again as he brought the tube of lubricant close and poured some of it onto his hand. Simon put the tube aside and rubbed his hands together, getting the clear sticky substance warmed up before he dropped his hand to the slit of Max’s ass.

“It’s been awhile for me,” Max said. “Just didn’t have time with work and then the stress…” His voice trailed off and he shrugged.

Simon nodded, already realizing this from the lack of times he’d seen Max bring someone home with him. His past relationships didn’t really matter. They weren’t dating, not in the traditional way people often did. There was no candlelight, no wine, no movies to go see. This was just about sex between them and Simon wanting to help Max cope with a job that was quickly wearing him out. His pushed his finger lower, letting it move over Max’s puckered anus and down to his balls. Max lifted himself up, pushing against Simon’s hand and seeking contact. Smiling, Simon moved his hand down to briefly cup Max’s balls and gently squeezed them before moving his hand away to circle his anus with the tips of his fingers. Max squirmed under him and Simon put his other hand on the man’s hip, holding him in place as he teased him.

BOOK: ServingSimon
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