Read Seducing the Dragon: Part Two Online

Authors: Jessie Donovan

Tags: #Fiction / Romance / Paranormal

Seducing the Dragon: Part Two (6 page)

BOOK: Seducing the Dragon: Part Two
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Taking a deep breath, the words rushed from her mouth, “They were both sacrifices. The first woman, Jenny, was my very first solo case as a DDA inspector. I was to check on her and make sure she wasn’t being abused. The woman was quiet to begin with, but it was only when they found her in the bathroom with her wrists slit and a note nearby that I understood the enormity of her silence. She’d been unhappy, but I hadn’t been able to see it.”

Bram stroked his hand up and down her arm. “Some people are good at hiding their true selves.”

She wondered if his words had a hidden meaning. “I understood that later, after doing more thorough interviews with her family. But for the first few days after I heard the news, I locked myself in my flat and nearly quit the DDA.”

“But you didn’t.”

“No. Interviewing her family helped, as did learning she’d lied about her bouts of depression. Still, it was a blow to my confidence. It took me nearly a year to regain it.”

“You have it in spades now.”

She smiled against his chest. “With you, it just happens. I had my lapses of confidence with Marcus Jones down south.”

Bram’s growl rumbled in his chest. “If that bastard laid a hand on you, I will take care of him myself.”

Looking up, she propped her chin on Bram’s muscled chest. “Really? You’d throw away everything you’ve done for your clan for some half-arsed vengeance?”

“Anyone who hurts my female will feel my ire.”

Evie frowned. “Your female? You haven’t even agreed to let me be your mate yet. Have you changed your mind?”

He grunted. “Tell me about the other female first and I’ll answer your question.”

Searching his eyes, she knew the dragonman wasn’t bluffing. From what she’d learned so far, her stubbornness was only second to his. “Fine. The other woman was Imogen. At twenty-one, she was one of the youngest sacrifices I ever had to monitor. She survived her term and the birth, but a few weeks after she returned to the human world, she left a desperate voice mail saying she wanted to meet me. I tried to convince my superior to let me go, but due to departmental meetings and commitments, I had to postpone our meeting by three days. By the time I was free to check in on her, it was already too late. She’d taken a bottle of pills and overdosed.”

Imogen’s death had hit her harder than Jenny’s simply because she’d tried to help but had been overruled by her boss, who believed bureaucracy must be followed to the letter, no exceptions. That man was now the Assistant Director of the entire Department of Dragon Affairs. If Jonathan Christie ever became Director, the dragon-shifter clans would suffer.

Bram poked her stomach and said, “Tell me what’s on your mind, human. I don’t like being kept in the dark.”




Evie’s distant look morphed into a glare, and both man and dragon were glad. His female talking about the two women’s deaths wasn’t easy, but she’d been keeping her spirit up until the very end. Despite their new, fragile bond formed through sharing secrets, he wasn’t about to let her stew on her own. If they were to be mates, he wanted to know all of her troubles.

His dragon grunted.
We will always look after her.

I don’t know if she’ll agree to that.

I don’t care. We will do it anyway.

He barely resisted a smile at his inner beast’s certainty. Instead, he poked Evie again. “Well?”

Her brow pinched further. “I know you’re used to getting what you want as clan leader, but would it kill you to ask me instead of demand?”

“Oh, wonderful human female beyond compare, would you honor me with your enlightened thoughts?”

The human’s glare slipped and her lips twitched. “So you do have a sense of humor.”

“Oh, aye. But stop changing the subject. What has you so lost in your thoughts?”

The laugh faded from her eyes. “The second woman, Imogen, her death was completely preventable. My boss at the time prevented me from helping her and possibly saving her life. If that wasn’t bad enough, that man is now second-in-charge of the whole DDA.” Her brow furrowed. “If he takes over, it’ll be bad news for your clan.”

He squeezed his female. “Give a dragon-shifter some credit. I do have a trick or two up my sleeve. The DDA might be powerful now, but with Melanie Hall-MacLeod’s help, that might soon change.”


Bram hadn’t planned on telling Evie about Mel’s plans, but talking with her was easy, especially as his dragon kept sending thoughts of trust to him. “Melanie is writing a book about dragon-shifters to help sway public opinion. Come to think of it, the female has all kinds of ideas of how to improve our image.”

“So Melanie is your PR expert?”

He smiled. “I hadn’t thought of it in that light, but aye, I think you’re right.”

The sadness faded from his female’s eyes and was replaced with a hint of determination. “Then I think I should help her. If she’s good at marketing, then combining that with my insider knowledge about the DDA and British law, we’ll become unstoppable.”

He could see the wheels turning in her head. But as much as he loved how Evie had moved on from her sadness, he didn’t have much time before Mel and Samira would come and take Evie away to prepare her for tonight’s dinner.

Just thinking about Evie leaving their side made his dragon snarl.
Before she leaves, ask her. Stop waiting. She is right for us. The clan must know she is ours.

Then fucking tell me why you’re so certain.

No. You feel it too. Trust that feeling. Ask her.

Only because of the female at his side did Bram resist growling. He did want to keep Evie as his female, but his dragon’s sudden secretive nature was driving him mental.

His inner beast growled and Bram decided enough was enough.
Fine. I will ask her. Now, shut it so I can concentrate.

And just like that, his dragon faded to the back of his mind.

Bloody beast.

Moving a hand to Evie’s cheek, he said, “That’s a possibility, but it’s completely up to Melanie. The book is her pet project.” Evie opened her mouth and he moved his fingers to her lips. “We can discuss it later. Right now, I need to tell you about this evening. Especially since Melanie and the other human mated to a dragon-shifter, Samira, will be here soon to fetch you.”

Evie moved her lips against his fingers, reminding him of just how soft they were. “If you’re expecting me to speak, then remove your bloody fingers from my mouth.”

He was tempted to remove his fingers and shut her up by kissing her, but he hadn’t lied before. There wasn’t time. Not even his still-hard cock lying against his belly would convince him to fuck up the event this evening. “Just listen first. Tonight is a special dinner honoring Finlay Stewart as our guest. Attire is meant to be formal. While you no doubt know what the traditional clothing looks like, Mel and Samira will help you look your best. Everyone will be watching you tonight.”

She frowned and mumbled against his fingers. “Care to tell me why?”

Removing his fingers, he placed a finger under her chin. “Because I want my clan to know that you’re mine.”

Her breath hitched and a feeling of smugness came over him. His dragon hummed.
See? She wants us too.

She hasn’t said yes yet, you bloody beast.

She will.

Evie pushed half-up and looked down at him. “Is this a firm ‘Yes, I’m going to take you on as my mate’ or another half-arsed way to string me along?”

Calm her fears. Leave no doubts.

Sometimes, Bram wished he could just let his dragon talk instead of conveying the beast’s messages. Still, he agreed with him this time. The thought of her walking away from him and leaving with Finn in a few days caused a surge of jealousy to shoot through his body.

Bram rolled on top of Evie, pinning her body to the bed, and leaned in until he was a hairbreadth away from her lips. “Evie Marshall, I want you as my mate.” Remembering her request from this morning, he tacked on, “Will you allow me to walk in to the great hall with you on my arm? I can make the announcement tomorrow, as I don’t want to take the focus away from Finn, no matter how much I wish I could just kick the bastard to the side and bring you into the limelight.”

Evie’s eyes searched his. “Are you being serious? I don’t want to get my hopes up only to have them dashed later when we have another row.”

He moved one hand between them and gripped her breast possessively. Evie sucked in a breath as he said, “You are mine, Evie Marshall, and one day you’ll admit as much.”

His dragon hummed.
Yes, yes, she is ours. Always. We need her.

Needing was the last word he wanted to hear right now since his cock was currently cushioned between him and Evie’s round, soft stomach. Every instinct he possessed urged him to thrust into the female and make her scream.

Yes, yes, fuck her. If we do it quickly, we have enough time.

But she said only once.

Then ask.

Gritting his teeth, Bram forced himself to ask a different question. “Will you accompany me and agree to be my mate?”

The human stared at him silently. With each passing second, his dragon pushed harder to take control.
Don’t lose her. Make her say yes.

Evie’s London tones snapped him from his mind. “As long as you plan to protect me, then yes, I’ll accompany you and be your mate.”

Joy rushed through his body and he lowered his head to kiss her.

The kiss wasn’t meant to be gentle, and he immediately thrust his tongue into her mouth. As he licked and explored every inch of her hot, sweet mouth, he pinched her nipple and reveled in the vibrations of her moan both in his mouth and from the contact against her chest.

Now, now, do it now. We must fuck her and brand our scent more. Don’t let the leader take her.

Only because of years of practice did Bram resist his dragon’s commands. Breaking the kiss, he whispered, “Please, Evie, let me take you from behind quickly or my beast will break free and take you every which way until he’s sated. I want that, too, but I can’t risk the alliance.”




Evie was having trouble thinking. Between the fit dragonman’s muscled body lying on top of her to his recent domination of her mouth, her lady parts were very much screaming for attention. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she was glad he’d asked her to be his mate. But as Bram asked to fuck her to calm his dragon, any rational thoughts vanished. All she could think about was the cock currently pressing against her. “Then take me, dragonman. Doggy-style—or is it dragon-style?—is one of my favorite positions.”

With a roar, Bram rose off her body, flipped her over, and lifted her hips before he thrust his long, hard cock into her. Evie gripped the sheets and raised her arse. As if signaling to start, Bram pounded into her, no holds barred.

The speed, combined with how his hard cock was hitting her at just the right angle, made her moan. The sensation was in that wonderful place on the border of pleasure and pain.

Then her dragonman picked up his pace and she cried out with each thrust. She’d never had a man so completely fill her, let alone fuck her as if this were their last moment on Earth. Sometimes she appreciated special attention to her clit, but at the moment, the sheer power and animalistic nature of Bram’s movements was bringing her close to the edge.

Then he roared and stilled. She felt him orgasm inside her, and pleasure instantly coursed through her body as her pussy started to spasm in time with her clit. Each hot jet inside her brought another orgasm, until she lost all rational thought.

Only when she felt Bram lean over her back and kiss her shoulder did she come down from her high. His arms were tenderly wrapped around her, the hair from his arms and chest tickling her skin. His voice was low and husky as he whispered into her ear, “Thank you.”

Her brain took a second to make a coherent thought before she said, “Mr. Dragon Leader is thanking me? That’s new.”

His chuckle vibrated against her back. “Don’t get too used to it. I only bring out the ‘t’ word on special occasions.”

Evie laughed. Bram rose upward, but took her with him until she was leaning back against his chest. She looked into his very human-looking eyes. “Is your dragon doing better now?”

Hugging her tightly, he nodded. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him. He hasn’t been this out of control since I was barely an adult. It’s almost as if...”

I was his true mate.

Evie pushed that thought aside. There was no way she could be. According to her testing as a teenager, she couldn’t have dragon-shifter children. True mates always reproduced. Always.

Or, so went every documented case she’d studied over the years.

Bram nuzzled the side of her neck and she focused on the here and now. She didn’t need to be his true mate to enjoy the man at her back. She was about to ask when Melanie and Samira were due to arrive when he cursed and said, “They’re knocking on the door. You need to go.”

Snuggling against his hard chest, she murmured, “I don’t want to.”

Her dragonman chuckled. “So have my sex skills graduated from ‘nice’ to something much more now? So much so that you can’t bear to leave my side?”

BOOK: Seducing the Dragon: Part Two
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