Seducing the Bachelor (The Bachelor Auction Returns Book 3) (2 page)

BOOK: Seducing the Bachelor (The Bachelor Auction Returns Book 3)
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“Yeah.” Gavin chimed in. “What if she wants to get married or make a baby?”

Colt started. Gavin was joking, but Colt hadn’t even thought about what the woman might choose. He hadn’t really thought about the woman at all. “I was thinking more along the lines of work around her house like weeding.”

“Weeding?” Gavin laughed. “That’s gotta be code for something good.”

But before any of them could think of a reply someone from the back of the bar shouted out “ten thousand dollars.”

“Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” Gavin breathed. “I think that sounded like Hayley Dawn O’Malley’s back in town.”

Ten thousand dollars was some serious dough. Colt looked over the railing to see if he could see Hayley, whom he’d seen in a couple of movies over the years, but instead, his attention was caught by a tall, loose-limbed, leggy blond, with a ponytail of tight curls spiraling down her back as she moved across the floor like molasses. She was slim and graceful and moved like how he thought a dancer would. Watching her deliver a tray full of drinks was like watching a ribbon caught in a breeze.


He wiped his hand over his mouth. Where the hell had that poetic thought come from?

He found it difficult to look away. She seemed to command the room, swishing easily through the tables of laughing, teasing women, tray held high over her head, and even though many of the women were in short skirts and dresses, the server looked elegant in a way he liked. Tight, slim-fitting, western style jeans hugged the curve of her ass and then skimmed down her legs that went forever, ending in a slight flare at her feet where he could see a peek of her cowboy boots. He’d always been a leg man and so he lingered there for a while before his gaze roved up all that sexy leg to her small waist, emphasized by the tailored tuck of her blue western style shirt.

He had missed that about Montana. The boots he had always fantasized about pulling off and tossing over his shoulder and the western style shirts with the snap buttons that begged to be pulled apart in one aggressive tug that revealed the soft, toned skin and sensitive peaks hiding beneath.

Not that he’d been able to act on his fantasies in high school. His uncle’s leash had been too tight, but he’d definitely spent a lot of time watching the cowgirls and imagining how they would feel beneath him. His cock stirred. He wasn’t in high school anymore and since he was going to be stuck in Marietta for a few days he could finally fulfill one fantasy.

And that was when Colt finally looked at her face. She was pretty enough, but it was her mouth that punched like a fist. Her lips were bow shaped, a soft, natural pink, like pillows, plump, kissable, and fell in a sexy pout when she wasn’t laughing or talking, which it seemed like she did a lot, but when her mouth settled into its natural lines, it seared his brain with sexual imagery he couldn’t ignore and, when he saw no ring, he didn’t have to.

The night just got a hell of a lot better.

Colt didn’t even notice Nick was on the block and that he’d be up next. He watched her float to the bar and speak quickly to the bartender, her gaze sweeping across the crowded room. She loaded up her tray with brightly colored cocktails and swept back into the rowdy crowd. He noticed her smile, the way her face lit up. She seemed at ease in the setting where as he was anything but.

He wondered the best way to approach her. He didn’t want to ask Nick or Gavin. Code could keep his mouth shut. Maybe. But he didn’t share his business with anyone, so he watched her. Noted if she talked to anyone longer, dipped closer to them to indicate more than a casual acquaintance or friendship. She did stand near one table of five women more often than the others. And talked more. His eyes took in each face at the table gauging their involvement with the conversation, with the waitress. One girl with bright red hair and freckles seemed to talk the most, but he didn’t recognize her. Another was familiar. Meghan somebody. Target acquired.

“Okay,” Rowan completely interrupted his focus. Nobody on his team would ever dream of interrupting him with a hand on his shoulder. But Rowan was Nick’s little sister, and he wasn’t in a war zone or on an undercover op. She nudged him toward the stairs.

“Stop looking so intense. Try to seem more playful.”

“I don’t play.”

She huffed out an irritated breath. “Pretend. Oh, forget it. Alright, here’s the plan.”

Coach would introduce him. Making a big story about how fast he’d been in high school. So easy to dodge through defenders. Then his service to his country. Blah. Blah. Blah. Where was the waitress? Was she interested in the bachelors? That would be a serious buzz kill if she had some idiot at home waiting for her.

“Remember it’s for Coach and Troy,” she said.

He nodded. It wasn’t as if he’d suffered any head injuries in high school or after.

“Go slow. Be cool, confident. Own the room. You have a rocking bod and that shirt really defines your abs and shoulders and arms. I think I might need to fan myself.”

“It’s a cheap, practical shirt, Rowan.”

“On you, it’s not. Okay. Maybe the intense thing is good, but think about sex while you’re up there. Can you at least do that for me?”

Hell, no, he wouldn’t do it for Rowan in a billion years, but for the curly haired waitress whose mouth looked like it could bring a man to paradise, hell, yes, he could stand up there and think about sex all night long.

Chapter Two

alon Reese surveyed
the room. Crazy awesome how many people had turned out for tonight’s fundraiser. The crowd was even bigger than last year and judging from how tired her feet were, before the bidding had even started, thirstier. Grey’s Saloon was donating the proceeds from tonight’s bar to the cause and the servers were expected to kick in their tips. Usually, Talon was the first to open her wallet, but she was running on fumes from her last financial aid check from school so she couldn’t stop the longing look at the growing wad of dollar bills in her apron pocket. She usually worked as a server at Main Street Diner and also interned under local large animal vet, Noah Gallagher, as she finished her bachelor’s degree in animal husbandry and took as many online pre-req courses to enter veterinary school.

As tempting as the chunk of change was, she knew the money would benefit others in the town and surrounding area more. She and her seven-year-old son, Parker James, had a roof over their heads and her job at the diner ensured that they received delicious dinners five nights a week. The school covered his lunches, so really, they were doing quite well. Better than her chaotic childhood in and out of foster care.

“Talon, which bachelor captures your hormones?” Meghan, a local accountant in town, called out as Talon served them their second round of drinks as well as some potato skins and jalapeno poppers.

“I don’t know,” she said. “I haven’t looked at the program. I heard all of them grew up in Marietta but have moved away. Former football players for Coach. I heard a couple were soldiers. One still is so he’s probably nice,” Talon said, not really thinking about it.

“Who wants nice?” Leanne, a teacher at the elementary school, scoffed. “I want hot!”

Talon laughed as she was meant to. Hot would be a fun distraction, but it made her feel a little embarrassed for the bachelors being so objectified. As a woman who’d routinely faced wolf whistles and casually flung sexual comments since puberty, she empathized with the four bachelors, but it wasn’t like they were expected to have sex with their dates, she reminded herself as she made more rounds to take orders. Although, she’d never met a man who didn’t enjoy casual sex, and casual was all she was ever going to be able to indulge in until Parker graduated high school.

Coach Downey tested the sound system. Showtime. She hoped she could take an unobtrusive peek during the bidding. A peek was all she was going to get with her responsibilities.

She checked back in with the table where many of her friends were squeezed in. Tanner McTavish, her closest friend in Marietta, fanned herself with the program.

“I hate sitting so much. I wish they’d get on with it so we could go dancing. You up for it tonight, Talon?”

“No, Parker’s in the office. We’re going home after the auction. Grey’s only needed extra servers during the event. After, I’m going to study.”

Tanner crossed her eyes. “That sounds fun. Not. At least check out the bachelor program, then, Talon. The soldier you were panting over is offering a lady’s choice date. A total gentleman.”

That statement was followed by giggles and teasing. Talon pretended to be stern.

“No need to stoop to the men’s level of sexually objectifying.” Talon objected. “They have donated their time and money and imagination. No need to make them donate their dignity as well. Besides”—Talon couldn’t hide her smile—“I haven’t even see him, so no panting involved.”

“Yet.” Leanne tossed back.

“Ever.” Talon drew herself up to her full five-ten height, and then laughed. “You girls.” She shook her fingers. “Naughty. And you’re married,” she said to Meghan.

“But not dead,” Meghan said.

“Talon, you can’t have gorgeous hair, a sassy mouth, and legs a mile long and not be in the game,” Tanner said. “You’re in by default. And we’re just objectifying for charity to raise the bidding. So which one catches your eye?”

“Not looking. I have to write a paper tonight.”

“If you won bachelor number three, you could get him to write your paper.” Meghan teased. “I went to high school with him, and he was smart but super quiet. Never even made eye contact with a girl, but super-fast on the field.”

“I know I’m a single mom and a student and working two jobs, but even I’m not so boring that I’d want a date to write my paper,” Talon laughed.

At least she hoped not.

“You will be if you don’t get out there. Too many cowboys in the town to not be in the game.” Tanner looked up and Talon felt those green eyes sear her bones. “Spill. What would your choice be?”

Talon cleared their table of the excess dishes and glasses. She paused. Her choice.

“Wow,” she said quietly looking at Tanner. “I don’t think I ever thought about it like that. Having a choice.”

She scrubbed at the spotless table, nibbling on her lower lip, clearly thinking. She hadn’t had a lot of choices growing up. Just rolled with it. Choosing to live in Marietta had been the first choice she’d had total control over.

“Have fun you guys and bid ’em up. I’ll be back later to see if you need anything more. Your nachos should be up soon.”

Talon straightened up slowly. She felt it again, that burning sensation like something was boring through her back. Her neck prickled and her body went on alert. She turned around and saw him, one of the bachelors at the top of the stairs staring at her.

“Whoosh,” she said. “And there goes my brain.”

“Whoosh and there go my panties. Go talk to him,” Tanner urged.

Talon had no idea what she could say to a man that…that much of a man. He looked like…she couldn’t even think of a simile. He was…perfect.

He was so the total package. Intense. Tall. Cut. Self-contained. He looked totally like he could be a warrior of ancient times, staring down into a village seconds before he plundered and burned, and yet he also looked contemporary. A chameleon. Talon shivered. He looked delicious and his eyes were burning holes through her, and she looked back. Definitely. He must be looking at Tanner she told herself, but no. His gaze was fixed on her, unwavering. Like a cougar in full hunt mode and Talon anticipated the pounce and the claws with a tingling spine and liquid warmth pooling low.

She loved how he stood so still, so self-possessed like nothing fazed him, not even this circus. Some woman was in for a lot of fun.

He jerked his head a little. Talon frowned. Did he need something? Another of whatever he was drinking?

Yes, please

Even though she thought Rowan had taken care of drinks and snacks for the bachelors, it didn’t hurt to check, did it? She wondered which number he was. Two was already on his way down after the huge bid that had kicked off the night for bachelor number one. So three or four. Three was a lucky number, wasn’t it?

Don’t be an idiot

She walked across the wood floor of the saloon, chin up. She would not give her friends the satisfaction of panting, but this guy was some serious drool inducing piece of masculine pride. He didn’t seem to blink so she wouldn’t either. Definitely not as easy as he made it look. She was halfway up the stairs before he took the first step down. Even more beautiful closer up. Sharp angles for bones, sculpted mouth that looked tough but with a hint of sex.

“You’re not supposed to come down yet,” she said, jogging up the last few steps so he was only two steps above her. She wasn’t used to having many people tower over her.

“Can I help you?” she asked breathlessly.

He looked at her for a few moments longer than was socially comfortable.


“Can I get you something to drink?”

“Not thirsty for beer.”

Oh. My. God. She was either becoming the biggest, highly suggestible, presumptuous perve in the town or he was coming on to her. Her. Wow.

“What do you like to drink?”

“I’m working.” Talon was afraid she’d squeaked that, but she was so out of practice. All her conversations with the opposite sex had been school or work oriented or with her son and wasn’t that a sad, sad statement? She was twenty-five, not seventy.


Yes, oh yes, oh yes. All he needed was a motorcycle and a guitar, and he would have nine tenths of the world female population chasing him.

“You’re supposed to go on a date for a good cause,” she said.

His stare practically quartered her. His eyes were the most interesting light brown, almost golden and she felt dissected. “It would be.”

“So you can’t try to make plans with me,” Talon said, feeling that if she didn’t try to force this point, be practical, she’d actually grab his arm and tug him out the door auction and Parker forgotten. And she would not be that woman. A woman perhaps like her mother had been. “It’s Lady’s Choice. What if she wants tonight?”

BOOK: Seducing the Bachelor (The Bachelor Auction Returns Book 3)
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