Read Second Chances Online

Authors: Christle Gray

Second Chances (28 page)

BOOK: Second Chances
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She rubbed a circle on her temple, opening her eyes. There was also the baby to tell him about. Being upset like this couldn’t be good for the little thing. She inhaled and exhaled to calm herself as her hand flitted to her stomach again.

Could this be their second chance?




The gallery buzzed with excitement as Kristin walked slowly around the exhibition room. Small groups of people gathered around each of her paintings, discussing the works in loud voices as they drank champagne and ate the appetizers Ingrid had picked out with the caterers.

Kristin nodded and greeted everyone as they passed. Her face beamed with her smile, her insides bursting with pride at her achievement. She was really doing it—living her dream.

Fully entranced by the activity and customers in the gallery, Celia hurried toward her. Her friend’s favorite little black dress showed off her model figure and her green eyes danced. “Two pieces have already sold, and we’ve only been open fifteen minutes!”

She hugged Kristin. “I think this may be one of the most successful debut artist shows Haven has ever had.” Celia kissed her on the cheek and waved at a tall man in a dark suit across the room. “I have to go. Darren Rexall wants to speak with me.” The woman practically bounced to the other side of the room.

Kristin laughed. If it was possible, Celia might even be more excited than she was.

Her eyes darted around the room and found Ingrid bending the ear of a tall, blond man. Kristin crossed the room toward her friend.

“And don’t forget to spell her name right. So many people are careless with that, and an artist’s name is their livelihood.” Ingrid glanced up as Kristin approached. “Darling. I was just talking to Gerald here, who is thinking about writing you up in his column tomorrow.”

Gerald smiled thinly and straightened his blue tie. His expression didn’t scream happiness. More like irritation. Maybe Ingrid had been laying it on a little thick. She was a press agent as well as a best friend, after all.

Kristin stuck out her hand to shake Gerald’s. “That’s fabulous, Ingrid. Tell me, Gerald, would you actually like to speak with me?” She flashed a look of disbelief at her friend’s forwardness with the columnist.

“Now, now. Don’t give us reason to believe that whole temperamental artist stereotype.” Ingrid winked and Kristin giggled. “Besides, I think you might be too busy to talk to Gerald right now.” Ingrid’s gaze shifted past Kristin’s shoulder, and she turned to see what had caught her friend’s attention.

David stood directly behind her, and she ended up staring into his chest. She took a step back to see his face. Her pulse immediately sprinted straight to the marathon pace. Apparently, he hadn’t been kidding when he’d said she’d see him soon.

“David, what are you doing here?”

He wore the taupe suit she had first seen him in. And it still fit him like a glove. Her body screamed for his touch as she remembered how each muscular curve felt under her fingers.

“Well that’s no way to greet someone. How about hello or how are you?” Kristin’s cheeks heated at the sight of his dimple deepening with a smile.

His hair had fallen over one eye again. She was beginning to think that the dark brown strands had a plot against her as tingles radiated through her limbs.

“Gerald, how about we go somewhere and talk?” Ingrid wound her arm around Gerald’s and led him away, but not before she had the chance to waggle her eyebrows in Kristin’s direction.

Kristin turned her attention back to David. “Hello, how are you? Now, what are you doing here?”

David laughed heartily. “My lady in red. I do love that dress on you, you know.”

The timbre of his laugh throbbed inside her chest. Kristin had worn her red dancing dress, the one from the hospital gala. Because of her expanding waistline, she figured this would be the last time she would be able to wear it for a while.

David’s dark eyes darted back and forth as he surveyed the busy room. “It looks like your show is quite the success.”
“It is. Celia is excited beyond belief.” The nearness of his body warmed her from head to toe.
He lowered that intense gaze of his to hers. “And you, aren’t you excited?”
Kristin’s head bobbed. “I am, but I’ve had other things on my mind.”
David sighed. “Aye, me too, lass. Me too.”
She shivered at his brogue and took his hand. “Come into my office so we can talk for a moment.”

Kristin pulled him silently along behind her as she walked into her office and shut the door behind them, which muffled the sounds of the party. “David, there’s something”

But her voice was cut off by the pressure of David’s lips on hers. He cupped her face in his hands, his touch so warm, so gentle. Kristin wanted to fight, to protest, but found that she couldn’t. Instead, her body collapsed against his, and she melted into his kiss, letting go of all of the hurt and loneliness she’d held onto.

That one kiss healed so many wounds.

David’s hands dropped from her face, and his arms wrapped around her. As he released her lips, she laid her head on his shoulder, and he squeezed her tightly.

“Do you love me, Kristin?” He held onto her fiercely, almost as if he feared she might disappear if he let go too soon.

She couldn’t believe this was really happening. At last, maybe they could put their past behind them and try to build a future together; try to write the fairytale ending to their story. “I do love you, David.” Those words that had always been attached to fear, freed her heart at last.

“And you believe that I never betrayed you? Would never betray you?”

Her head nodded against his chest. She couldn’t deny him anymore. Sophie had done so much damage. It was time to undo some of the hurt that woman had caused.

His heartbeat matched pace with her own as Kristin stayed enveloped in his arms. “I think I fell in love with you the first moment I saw you across the room in your red dress.”

A wide smile spread across her mouth as her head rested against his shoulder. “I know we have gone through some rough times, but I never want to lose you again. I don’t think I could survive it. The only life worth living is one with you by my side.”

She inhaled, his scent filling her nostrilsall male, spicy, and David. That deep longing coursed through her that only he could satisfy. She had missed him so much.

Right then, being with him was all that mattered, and everything else would fall into place with the strength of their love. David was all she’d ever needed, all she’d ever wanted, and now he was finally hers.

“Marry me, Kristin. Marry me and make me the happiest man in the world.”

Joy flooded Kristin’s chest to the point of bursting as butterflies nervously darted around in her stomach. With all the waiting she’d made him go through and Sophie’s psycho acts, David wanted to marry her!

But she still had one more thing to tell him. “I will.” Kristin raised her head to look at him. “But on one condition.”
Here goes.
Would he be happy to have another chance at fatherhood?

David’s expression changed to one of concern. “Anything, anything at all. Just tell me and it’s done.”

“We have to get married right away, no long engagement or planning period.” Her pulse quickened.
Would he understand?

“That’s fine, but why?” His brow furrowed.

“Because I don’t want to be showing when I walk down the aisle in my wedding dress.”

Kristin watched and waited as David’s expression changed from confusion to wide eyed surprise, the realization of what she meant finally dawning on him. “You don’t mean…”

“I do.” She peered at him shyly through her eyelashes.
“Are you sure?” Tenderness enveloped his words.
“Quite sure.”

David grinned widely, picked her up, and twirled her around in his arms. Kristin giggled and held on tight, enjoying the ride. Finally, he set her on her feet and cupped her face gently in his hands, peering deep into her eyes.

“I love you.” Those three words burrowed deeply into her heart, carrying all of the love and passion he infused into them with his lilting voice.

“I love you, too.” Kristin stared into his eyes, getting lost in those ebony pools once more.

A knock at the door startled her.

Celia entered the office, her green eyes full of excitement. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere! Darren Rexall wants to talk to you about buying three of your pieces! Isn’t that wonderful? But you need to come quick, before he decides to leave. You may not get a second chance.” Celia motioned with her hand for them to follow.

Kristin turned back to David and beamed. If there was one thing she could be sure of now, it was that there were such things as second chances.

David bent his head and captured Kristin’s lips with his again. Anything was possible, indeed.

BOOK: Second Chances
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