Second Chance (Cruiser & Lex, Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Second Chance (Cruiser & Lex, Book 2)
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Chapter Sixteen



I have the perfect dress to wear tonight. I open my closet and there it is, shining like it’s in the spotlight. It’s the sunlight reflecting off the sequins, making it look like small crystals. The color is light blue. The dress dips a little at the neckline and reaches just above my thighs.

After dressing, I stand in front of the mirror and twirl around. I hope this one meets tonight’s requirement. My heart beats with anticipation and thrill. Cruiser and my one-month-anniversary.

I feel a little nervous to wear it in front of him. He’s seen me in these kinds of dresses before, when I wore them to Rey’s recitals, but it’s different. Now that we’re a couple, there are things that make me feel uneasy. Like how I wear my makeup or do my hair, how I talk and laugh, what I say and how I eat. What I wear. I know Cruiser doesn’t care about that stuff. I know he loves me for me. But I also know guys, and guys care about how their girlfriends look. And I can’t ignore the little voice in my head that constantly reminds me that Cruiser’s been with other girls. Other hot girls. He’s told me many times that I shouldn’t feel like I need to measure up to them because they didn’t mean anything to him, but I can’t help it.

I apply some makeup before putting on my shoes and heading out. When I reach the last step, I remember I forgot to bring Cruiser’s gifts. I rush back into my room and search through the bottom drawer until I find them. I carefully put them in my bag and head downstairs.

Mom’s in the kitchen reading and Dad and Rosie are watching cartoons. “You look so pretty!” Rosie says.

Mom gets up from the table, walks over to me, and kisses my cheek. “You look beautiful.”


“Where is Cruiser taking you?” Dad asks.

“I don’t know.”

“Somewhere romantic!” Rosie says.

“I hope so.”

“Be home by midnight,” Dad tells me.

I grab my sweater from the closet, wish my parents and Rosie good night, and leave. Cruiser is standing in front of his house, wearing black pants and a dress shirt, this one fancier than the one he wore on our double date with Dani and Simon. The sight of him fills me up with a warm feeling. And when he smiles, my insides begin to melt.

He makes his way toward me and loops his arm through mine. “M’lady, your chariot awaits. Well, your one-man-no-horse chariot.”

I laugh. “I’m loving our anniversary already.”

He dips his head and lightly touches his lips to mine. “And the night is just getting started.”

He leads me up the stairs and into his house. The lights are off. When he guides me further inside to the dining room and flicks on the light, my breath catches in my throat. The table is set for two, with fancy silverware, flowers and candles, and a maroon-colored tablecloth. Soft, romantic music plays in the background.


“And these are for you.” He grabs a bouquet of roses off the small table and hands it to me. “Beautiful roses for a beautiful girl.”

I press my nose to the flowers. “Cruiser… all this. It’s so sweet and romantic. I’m blown away.”

“You deserve this and much, much more.”

I slide my hands around him and push myself closer to him, wanting to merge ourselves into one. “Thanks. I love everything you’ve done so far.” A delicious odor reaches my nose. I breathe it in. “What’s that smell?”

“Oh, almost forgot.” He gently pulls himself off me. “Wouldn’t want the chicken to burn.” He dashes into the kitchen.

“You cooked?”

He sticks his head into the dining room. “Sort of. My Gran helped me prep the meal earlier today. All I need to do is make sure it doesn’t burn.”

“Cruiser, I feel so special, the luckiest girl on the planet.”

He walks back into the dining room and takes me in his arm. “I’m the luckiest guy on the planet.”

He kisses me so passionately I lose feeling in my fingers and toes. He spins us around and backs us to the wall, pinning me. He kisses me like he’s never kissed me before, as if he’s putting all his love into it. He lifts me off the floor, and I wrap my legs around him. Our lips don’t come apart.

After what feels like hours, Cruiser lowers me to the floor. “Come.” He takes my hand and brings me to the table. He pulls my chair out for me and bows. I giggle before sitting down. He sits down across from me, reaching for my hand. “Dinner won’t be ready for another ten minutes or so.”

“This is so romantic, Cruise. The flowers, the candles, the music. And you look so handsome.”

“Thanks. And you look very beautiful. I really want this night to be special.”

“You’re off to a great start.”

“Thanks, darlin’.”

I scan the area. “How did you get everyone to leave?”

He chuckles softly. “I asked my grandfather to take everyone out for some opera show. They won’t be back before midnight.”

“Thanks for doing this, Cruiser. It means so much to me.”

“You mean so much to me. I hope to have many, many more anniversaries with you.”

That brings tears to my eyes. “Me, too.”

A beep goes off in the kitchen. “That would be the chicken.” Cruiser jumps to his feet. “Be right back.”

I didn’t know I could fall even more in love with him. He planned all this for me, for us. I still can’t believe it.

A few minutes later, Cruiser walks in, carrying two plates of salad. “I don’t know what salad it is,” he says with a laugh. “My Gran told me what to chop and I obeyed.”

“Looks delicious.”

I stab my fork into the lettuce and am about to take a bite when Cruiser says, “Wait.”

I lift my eyes to his. He also has some lettuce on his fork. Raising his index finger, he motions for me to move closer to him. I lean across the table. I open my mouth and he slides the food inside.

Some dressing drips down my chin. We both laugh as I take a napkin and wipe it off. “My turn.”

Cruiser opens his mouth over my fork and manages to sneak a kiss on my knuckles. I laugh again. He closes his fingers around my wrist, swallows his lettuce, then kisses my pinky finger. The sensation sends ripples from my hand all the way to my stomach.

I’m finding it really hard to breathe.

He takes another forkful of lettuce, and I eat it. When I give him some, he kisses my ring finger, once again sending ripples throughout my body. “At this rate,” I say, my voice above a whisper, “it’ll take us an hour just to get through the salad.”

“I wish I could stop time.” His voice is husky. “Fly to space where time doesn’t matter. Enjoy every single second with you.”

“I wish I could frame this night in my memories. I don’t want to ever forget it.”

Once we finish the salad, Cruiser brings in the chicken. It makes my mouth water. He places the plates on the table and sits down. “Bon appetit.”

As soon as I take one bite, I moan. The food is cooked perfectly and with so much flavor.

“How is it?” he asks.

“Amazing. You should be a chef.”

He shrugs. “Gran helped me.”

“True, but you cooked it. That’s not easy.”

His cheeks turn red and he lowers his gaze to the floor. He’s so cute when he’s embarrassed.

“Words can’t express how much I love you, T. Rex.” He raises his eyes to mine. “When I’m with you, I…I feel like I could do anything. Be anyone I want. You fill me with so much hope and promise. You make me want to be a better person.” He looks down at the table, a small smile on his face. “I feel so happy when I wake up. When I go to sleep. I used to hate waking up every morning because it meant I had to deal with yet another crappy day. But not anymore. You really are the light of my life. Cliché, I know. But that’s how I feel.”

“I love you so much, Cruiser. I feel like the more I get to know you and the more time I spend with you, my heart grows bigger and bigger. I see life differently now. I used to be more closed-minded and afraid to try new things. But you taught me to let loose, be myself, and have fun.”

He gets up, walks over to me, wraps his arm around my waist, and hauls me to my feet. He bends forward to lightly brush his lips against mine. It drives me insane because I want more, I need more. I grab the back of his head and pull his mouth closer, where I practically devour his lips. Cruiser groans as the kiss grows more intense, causing my blood to race through my body, making it hard for me to stand upright. Cruiser tightens his hands on my waist and holds me even closer.

“On a scale of one to ten,” he whispers against my temple. “How do you rate the night so far?”

“One hundred.”

He laughs. “I rate it one thousand.”

“Infinity,” I rasp as he sweeps his lips down my throat.

“You’re always so damn competitive.”

“We should…finish our meal,” I manage to get out.

“The only appetite I have is for you.”

“That was lame,” I tease.

He pulls back with a smile, cupping his hands around the back of my neck and staring into my eyes. He slowly lifts a finger and runs the back of it down my cheek. Then he lets go and returns to his seat.

We finish the chicken, plus dessert, which is a delicious chocolate cake. Cruiser insists I sit back and let him clean up. “Tonight, you’re my queen. Well, you’re always my queen, but tonight you’re my special queen.”

“Remember, it’s your anniversary, too. Also your special day.”

He stacks the dishes in his hands. “I don’t care about me. Just about you.”

When he’s finished cleaning up, he takes my hand and leads me to the couch, where we sit side by side. He reaches into his pocket, pulling out a jewelry box. He flicks it open, revealing a bracelet with intertwined hearts that matches my necklace.

“Oh, Cruiser.”

He fastens it around my wrist.

“I love it, thanks so much.” I kiss him. “I got you something, too.”

I grab my bag from the recliner and open it. I stick in my hand and close my fingers around the object inside. Then I hold it out before him. He eyes it with creased eyebrows. “A key?”

Grinning, I say, “It’s the key to a new glass case that will home your cruiser ship. I noticed the one you have now is cracked.”

A part of me fills with anxiety. Cruiser loves his ship and is very particular about it. He doesn’t like when people touch it. It’s been in the same spot for over six years. What if he hates me for trying to make a change?

He throws his arms around me and backs me up against the couch’s armrest. “Thanks,” he says, taking my lips with his. “That’s the best thing anyone has ever gotten me.”

A small sigh of relief escapes my lips. “Except for your cruiser ship.”

He smiles and starts kissing me. My eyes flutter closed as he fills me with these amazing feelings I didn’t think actually exist.

After a few minutes, he sits back. “I love you, darlin’. I love you so much.”

I kiss him. “I love you so much, too. So much that I got you another present.”

His face brightens.

I reach into my bag, pull out two rolled-up T-shirts, and hand one to him. He unrolls it. On the front, there’s a picture of a T. Rex sitting on a Navy ship. The second shirt is identical. “I had them custom made,” I say. “They might look dorky, but—”

He shuts me up with a kiss. “This is awesome, Lex. I love it.” He pulls it on over his head. Laughing, I put on mine. Cruiser grins as his eyes move from my shirt to his. “Now we’re meant to be together forever.”

I lean forward to give him another kiss.

He pulls away and hits his forehead. “How could I forget? I have another gift for you, too.”

My entire body perks up. “You do?”

“Yep. Be right back.”

He runs up to his room and returns a few seconds later with his violin and bow. It reminds me of when I caught him playing in the basement after Rey left for L.A. He had his arms around me and told me to hold the bow, leading my hands as we played
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

“You’ve been playing?” I ask.

“Some. My grandparents forced Rey and me to play them a song. I was awake two nights ago, thinking what else I could do to make this night even more special.” He places the violin against his neck and positions the bow over it. “Happy Anniversary.”

He starts to play. Immediately, I recognize the classical song. Pachelbel’s
, my favorite. He plays it beautifully. It’s not a beginner’s version, but one a pro might play. Tears slip into my eyes as the beautiful notes fill my ears.

When he’s finished, I get up and enclose my arms around him. “I love it. I love it so much. I love to hear you play. I can listen for hours. Thanks so much.” I look up at him. “Did it take you only two nights to learn to play it?”

He nods.

“You worked so hard.” I kiss his lips. “You’re amazing.”

“Not as amazing as you.”

He steps out of my arms and heads to the sound system. After raising the volume, he holds out his hand. “Ms. Woods, care to join me for a dance?”

BOOK: Second Chance (Cruiser & Lex, Book 2)
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