Seaside Seduction (Sun Stroked Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Seaside Seduction (Sun Stroked Book 1)
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He walked behind her, moving with confidence and self assurance. She had to admit, there was nothing sexier than a guy who knew how to take charge.

When his hands touched her back, her body started to tremble almost uncontrollably. Every nerve ending came alive. He began rubbing the gel onto the backs of her shoulders, slowly, methodically. As his thumbs made small circles, her mind took her on an erotic adventure, imagining him stroking another sensitive body part in just such a seductive manner.

As her hair began to dry, it fell into her eyes. Danielle blew a wispy bang off her forehead and shook her head to uncloud it of its delicious meanderings. She cleared her throat, curious about her mysterious rescuer, curious to know what brought him to the exotic island.

“So, tell me, Ethan, what brings you here?” Her voice came out raspy, edgy.

His sweet-scented breath whispered across her neck and made her quake. “My job.” Once her back was sufficiently coated, he circled her again, coming to rest in front of her, giving her a perfect, unobstructed view of his crotch.

After a good hard look, she glanced upward.

“Military?” she asked. She knew the spa catered to singles looking for escapism from the everyday, as well as those seeking pleasure.

She wondered which one had brought him here.

Surprise registered on his face, and then he nodded. He snapped the bottle closed. “That should keep the blisters at bay.”

With her mind still contemplating that delicious bulge in his swim trunks, she blurted out, “You sure know a lot about burns.”

“I’ve spent a lot of time in the desert.”

She examined his bronzed skin, wondering whether his tan had come from his time on the island or his time on active duty. “Have you been here long?”

His gaze shifted, camouflaging his emotions. “Long enough.” It occurred to her how little he seemed to like talking about himself.

She clicked her lips. “You’re a real talker, aren’t you? I guess you’re a man of action and not words.” Exactly the kind of guy she was looking for.

That brought a smile to his face. “Guess so,” he murmured.

She rolled her aloe-vera-covered shoulders. “Then again, I guess I make up for both of us.”

“Guess so,” he said again, amusement pulling at the corners of his mouth. His gorgeous blue eyes narrowed. “What brings you here?”

“My friends and I needed a little vacation.”

He cocked his head and glanced around her cabana. “Friends?”

“Lauren and Abby. They have their own cabanas,” she added. “We’re here for a girls only vacation where all your deepest desires are fulfilled, just like the brochure promised.”

He made a noise low in his throat. “And I suppose you’ve heard about the magic elixir.”

She nodded. “Have you tried it?”


She leaned forward. “Is it true? Does it work?”

Skepticism flashed in his expression. “Some would think so.”

“Don’t you want to know for sure?”

A storm brewed in his eyes and he gave a quick side-to-side shake of his head. Once again he turned the conversation away from himself and back to her. “So, tell me, what desires are you looking to have fulfilled?” He took a moment to peruse her, his dark gaze caressing her barely clad body with pleasure. “You look like a girl who has everything she’s ever wanted.”

She moistened her parched lips and shifted restlessly in her chair. If only she had the nerve to tell him the truth. “Not everything,” she murmured. When she glanced up at him, she noted that his gaze was locked on her mouth. His tongue snaked out and made a slow pass over his bottom lip. The hungry look in his eyes sent a plethora of sensations rippling through her.

She swallowed.

Something in her gut told her this take-charge soldier, this skilled warrior, a man who would serve and protect to the bitter end, could give her everything she needed, everything she craved.

Probing for information, she asked, “I’m sure you must have secret desires you’d like to have fulfilled.”

Naturally, he redirected the conversation.

“Where are you from?”

“Chicago. You?”

She took in the tension in his posture. “All over. What do you do in Chicago, Danielle?”

“I’m an interior designer. My friends and I own our own shop.”

One brow rose. “Impressive.” He toyed with the bottle of after-burn lotion, tossing it between his hands. Wow, he had big, fabulous hands.

The better to spank her with.

Her body shivered with longing when she thought about how he could take matters into those large, capable hands. She wondered whether he worked with them. “What do you do in the military?”

His eyes darkened, and after a moment he said, “Commander, weapons expert.”

Danielle sensed a “
at the end of that sentence. She paused, giving him a moment to elaborate. He didn’t.

In need of a cold drink, she climbed from the chair, but Ethan was standing so close she bumped into him. Her hard nipples scraped across his chest. Ethan’s body stiffened, his head lowered and she heard him draw a quick breath. When smoldering blue eyes latched onto hers, sexual energy arced between them. Lust started at her core and traveled onward and outward until coherent speech was nearly impossible.

She saw need, desire and turbulence in his eyes, but before either of them could act on it he stepped back and said, “My fault. I should be going. I have an appointment.”

Danielle reined in her lust. “I guess I should be getting ready anyway. I have to unpack and get showered before dinner. Mr. Malik invited my friends and me to eat with him this evening. Maybe I’ll catch up with you later.”

And maybe he could tie her up and fuck her silly, too.

Ethan’s mood changed so fast, it caught her off guard. His jaw clenched. Anger sparked in his blue eyes. “I was invited to join him as well, but I hadn’t planned on attending.” When she gave him a questioning glance, he continued. “You see, Malik and I don’t always see eye to eye.” He raised his hand above his head. “And believe me, I’ve had it up to here with all his cryptic words.” Danielle heard the edge of bitterness in his tone. “So help me, if he says one more thing…” His voice trailed off.

Geez, provoke the guy and you couldn’t shut him up. Who knew?

Ethan moved toward the door, and she could tell he was trying not to favor his right leg. “I know, but I truly believe he means well,” Danielle said. “And since you’re the first person I met since I arrived, I’d love it if you came.” The truth was, she liked being around him and wasn’t quite ready for him to walk away. She knew she’d only just met him, but never had a man aroused her so quickly, or had her mind spinning with such wild, erotic scenarios. There was an undeniable spark between them that she’d love to explore further.

When he gave her a noncommittal shrug, she tried to lighten the mood. “Plus I want to make it up to you for rescuing me. You’re my hero.” She suddenly had a lightbulb moment, a very seductive, very scandalous lightbulb moment. “Hey, I wonder what the island customs are. Maybe I owe you my life now that you saved mine. Maybe I’ll have to be your servant.”

That caught his attention. Standing in the doorway, he spun back around to face her, his blue eyes brimming with intrigue. Sculpted muscles bunched as he pushed his hair back. In a low, controlled voice he said, “Servant, huh?”

Excited at the prospect, she felt heat coil in her belly. “Yeah, and maybe I’d have to call you ‘master,’” she rushed out, shocking herself with her boldness.

His palms flattened on either side of the doorjamb, giving her an erotic view of his gorgeous, naked chest. His eyebrows shot up. “You think?”

She nodded and continued to play, knowing she’d never before had the courage to speak her fantasies to any man. There really was something magical about this island that brought out the vixen in her. “And if I was naughty you’d have to—”

“Discipline you.” He cocked his head, the challenging look in his eyes daring her to deny that she wanted him to do just that.

Danielle gulped. Her blood pressure soared. Primal need bombarded her body. Oh. Good. God. He was so very good at reading her.

Deep in her gut she just knew her man of action and few words would have no problem disciplining her. Her gaze moved to his large hands, hands that were more than capable of giving her a good spanking if she needed it.

And dammit, she was pretty sure she needed it.


houlders squared
and body stiff from pain, Ethan circled Danielle’s cabana having promised her that he’d think about joining her at the owner’s table for dinner. He lied. He had no intentions of dining with Malik and conceded only because he had to get out of her quarters. Fast.

Once he was certain he was completely out of sight, he drew a sharp breath and collapsed against the exterior wall. Grimacing, he shifted his full body weight to his left foot. Fuck, even after all this time, his right leg still hurt like a son of a bitch.

He knew if he’d stayed inside her cabana for one more second, his goddamned leg would have given out on him and he’d have ended up flat out on her floor.

Some hero he was.

Carrying her up the beach had taken its toll on him—in more ways than one—and he needed to take the edge off fast. Nothing short of painkillers would help at this point. With pain blurring his thoughts, he glanced around, strategizing his next move, calculating the quickest route back to his cabana.

His head began throbbing, his joints ached already. Ethan drew on every ounce of strength he possessed, pushed off the cabana wall and started down the walkway. As he cut through the footpath, his mind revisited their playful conversation, recalling her suggestive words, and relishing the way her soft body had felt cushioned in his arms, her heat curling around him, arousing his primal needs.

He growled low in his throat, but this growl was from sexual frustration, not pain. His cock hardened inside his swim trunks, and his blood flowed hot and heavy through his veins, a reminder that it had been a hell of a long time since he’d held a woman next to him, since he’d smelled her enticing feminine scent.

From her gorgeous curvy body to her strawberry blond hair and sexy, playful demeanor, Danielle was the epitome of sweet perfection. Her angelic yet seductive voice had quickly pulled him under into a current of need and desire.

He’d never met a more exquisite woman, really. Her creamy, flawless skin and fascinating green eyes had mesmerized him. And that lush ass. Jesus, the woman had an ass that erotic dreams were made of. He’d like nothing better than to take a bite and gobble her up like the big bad wolf. Hunger clawed at his insides, urging him to turn back around, go inside and do just that.

There was no denying the attraction between them. He saw it in her eyes, felt the way her gaze devoured him with sexual need. She in turn aroused him to the point of distraction, making him temporarily forget he wasn’t the strong, commanding officer he used to be.

Ethan took a moment to indulge his wayward thoughts, imagining what it would be like to explore the sparks between them, to taste those gorgeous plump lips of hers while he sank into her damp heat and lost himself in her body for the remainder of the evening. Moisture collected on his flesh and his cock grew another inch. Christ, he’d only just met her, but it had been a long time since he’d wanted to fuck anyone the way he wanted to fuck her.

He was intelligent enough to know that her naughty, suggestive words insinuated that she too wanted to indulge in a few sex games with him. He also felt the way she trembled beneath his touch, and the way her hard nipples pressed against his chest, enticing him to strip her bare and have his wicked way with her.

A year ago he’d have jumped at the chance. He’d have gone all night long, giving her exactly what she wanted. And he was pretty sure he knew what she wanted. He saw the fire in her eyes when she glanced at his hands, and when he mentioned
, her entire body quaked with raw hunger.

Damn, that excited him.

Sure, when she first mentioned a little role-playing, the idea intrigued him, but then reality hit him harder than a predawn sneak attack.

Who was he kidding? He couldn’t give her what she desired even if he wanted to. No doubt his fucked-up leg would fail on him and he’d end up making a total ass of himself. Either that or she’d take one look at his scarred, mangled thigh and retreat. The last thing he wanted was to see pity in her eyes. He’d had enough of that. His stomach lurched just thinking about it.

Drawing a centering breath, Ethan banked his desires and trekked forward, working to get the sexy vixen out of his head. Because a bold, feisty woman like Danielle needed a real man, a whole man, a man in control of himself and in control of his world. A man who could give her what she needed, all night long.

What she didn’t need was a shot-up soldier who could barely tie his own shoes, for Christ’s sake. Frowning intently, he felt a burst of anger rush through him and worked to control it. He moved forward, each painful step reminding him he’d never be that man again. As he stepped into the clearing, he spotted Malik sitting on the steps of his temple, deep in meditation, the scent of incense filling the air.

Ethan moved quietly, careful not to disturb him. The reasons for his actions were twofold: one, he had great respect for this man’s or any man’s need for privacy, and two, he wanted to make it to his cabana undetected, knowing that any exchange between them would be less than pleasant.

“Hello, my child.” Ethan bit back a curse.

He stilled, balancing himself on both legs despite the pain. Malik rose and moved toward him. Dressed in his meditation robe, he folded his hands in front of his chest and nodded. His warm, amicable smile did little to soothe Ethan’s ragged nerves or his aching muscles.

“I haven’t seen you in days, Ethan.”

Annoyance palpable, Ethan indulged him for a moment. He jerked his chin to the right, toward the ocean. “Been busy.” He’d been swimming in the Pacific, attempting to strengthen his leg, but didn’t bother to elaborate.

“Is your therapy going well?” Malik asked.

Ethan scowled. He was sick and tired of their therapy. He wanted to go back to civilization, back to…

Ah, hell, now that his career in the military was over, all he had to look forward to was early retirement. He scoffed and shook his head. Retirement at thirty. That was a first. Ethan had spent the first eighteen years of his life dreaming about serving his government and the last twelve years living that dream, only to be written off. Those fucking insurgents might as well have taken his life when they shot up his leg. Ethan fisted his hands, his anger exploding inside him like shrapnel.

Malik held his hands out in front of him, palming an imaginary bubble around Ethan. He gave a slow side-to-side shake of his head. “You still hold so much anger, Ethan. You need to release your destructive emotions.”

Ethan clenched his jaw until the muscles ached. “I’m not angry,” he shot back. Okay, so maybe he was angry. Who could blame him? His goddamned government had sent him to this island in the middle of Buttfuck nowhere to

In other words, they wrote him off.

He knew the military mantra when he signed on—if he wasn’t deployable, he wasn’t employable. So what the fuck was he supposed to do with his life now? He’d grown up in a military family, and even though he’d been disgruntled lately, disgusted and completely fed up with all the bureaucratic bullshit that went along with the job, it was his way of life. It was all he knew.

“Why don’t you sign my damn release papers and let me get back to civilization?”

“Ahh, but you’re not ready.”

“I’ve been here for two months. I’ve tried all your therapeutic methods. There isn’t anything else you can do for me. All I want is to be left alone to heal on my own.” Ethan cursed under his breath, hating that this medicine man had the ability to hold him, along with a dozen or so other injured comrades, until he felt they were healed, inside and out.

Malik stroked his goatee. “There is one more thing I can do for you.”

Ethan straightened to his full six foot three. “Like I told you, I don’t believe in magic water from your private spring.”

Malik bowed his head slowly. “Very well, then, but I planned on serving it at dinner this evening, and it just might be what you need to facilitate your progress.”

When Malik turned to leave, Ethan blew a resigned breath, compartmentalizing his emotions. “Look, if I drink it, can I go home?”

Ethan’s strongest desire was to feel in control again, of his life and everything around him. And that was never going to happen. Magic elixir or not, nothing would ever give him full use of his leg, and without the use of his leg, he’d never feel in control. And he needed his control. He thrived on it. He was shaped by it.

Malik turned back to face him, and in a soft but commanding voice he said, “Your destiny is in your hands, Ethan.”

After a good show of exasperation, Ethan drew a breath and let it out slowly. “Just tell me, if I drink it, can I go home?”

“It’s in your hands, Ethan,” he repeated. With that, he walked away and returned to his temple, to his meditation position.

Jesus, if he kept talking in riddles, the only thing that was going to be in Ethan’s hands was Malik’s neck.

BOOK: Seaside Seduction (Sun Stroked Book 1)
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