Read Scarlet Kisses Online

Authors: Tish Westwood

Scarlet Kisses (8 page)

BOOK: Scarlet Kisses
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“That woman in scarlet. I remember her,” Caroline said. “She was stunning. She took the ball by a storm with her gown.”

“So you saw her?” Harry asked.

“Everyone did.”

“What? What?” Violet sputtered, obviously finding it hard to believe what Harry was saying. “So he doesn’t know who the woman in scarlet was?”

“No, he just calls her Scarlet.”

“So…because he is in love, he is getting pickled?” she asked.

Harry smiled. “He wrote to me telling me to save him.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I told him to save himself.”

“Then what are you doing here?” Alyssum asked, still not believing the conversation they were having. Had Robert kissed another woman in scarlet that night? Or was Harry really telling her that Robert was in love with her, or thought he was in love with her?

“I got a letter from Jackson telling me to get my arse,” he stopped mid-speech, a blush heating his face as he noticed he’d sworn in front of his mother and sisters. Violet and Caroline smiled. Alyssum didn’t care. She needed to know what was in that letter.

“So he said get your arse here?”

Harry swung his surprised gaze to her. “Liss,” he chided her.

“And what else did he say?” she urged.

Harry shook his head. “It doesn’t concern you.”

“But it does,” Violet gushed then closed her mouth.

Harry frowned at her.

“He’s a part of the family and I’m worried for his health,” she told him while shifting her gaze.

“That’s very nice of you, but he’ll be fine.”

“Because you’re here?” Alyssum asked.

“Because I’m here,” Harry agreed. “I’ll keep him from drinking his stupid sorrows and make sure he shaves before leaving the house again.”


Harry shook his head as he remembered Robert’s appearance. Even though he’d shrugged it off as unimportant when speaking to the girls, he was worried on the inside. Robert had never taken more than a physical interest in a woman. He liked what he saw, propositioned, spent the night or a few in their beds, and then he was gone. He always kept his grin. But this was different. He remembered Jackson’s words.


Get your arse to London. Robert needs your help. He’s driving me and Tucker insane and we don’t know how to help other than to get him drunk. Some woman he has named Scarlet, for he doesn’t even know her real name, has him bewitched something fierce. I’m worried he’s quite serious about this one. Harry, the man hasn’t even touched or looked at another woman since meeting this scarlet woman. All he does is mope and sulk.





Robert lay with the world spinning around him. He felt the soft bed underneath him, pressing against his cheek. He held the blanket in his hands to keep him from floating away.

Through his pounding headache, he heard a soft whisper of a sound. The sound of silk against bare skin. He then felt a soft flutter of air at his ear. “Wake up.” A pair of soft lips kissed his ear then licked. His body shuddered. With an eager moan, he rolled over to grab his seductress.

He hit the bedroom floor with a bang “Blast,” he muttered as he woozily sat up alone in the room.

“Are you all right?” Harry asked from the doorway while holding a tray.

Robert exhaled with a groan as he remembered the events of last night. He had received the countess’s invitation, but before he could decline Jackson and Tucker had shoved on his waistcoat and coat and pushed him from his townhouse. He dimly remembered the stumbling journey on foot then seeing the front stairs and thinking he would take just a quick rest. The next thing he knew Harry was waking him.

A harsh beam of sunlight broke through the curtains and lit Harry in the doorway.

“I’m sorry.”

“Of course you are,” Harry said as he walked in and placed the tray of food down.

Harry sat on the bed and stared down at Robert sitting on the floor. “All right. Let’s hear it.”

Robert looked up.

“Scarlet,” Harry said.

Robert groaned. “I don’t know.”

“You said you loved her.”

“I said
I think
I love her.”

“You met her at Lady Brook’s ball?”

“Yes,” Robert answered. “The men and myself had a wager going on.”

“Of course you did,” Harry muttered. “What was it this year?”

“A lady’s garter…and a kiss.”

“A kiss from an innocent? Her garter? Are you crazy?”

“We wanted a challenge.”

“Climb a mountain. Do you know what could have happened if you were caught?”

“Yes.” Robert rolled his eyes, feeling like a boy again being scolded by Harry’s dad for getting them into strife. He was just glad Harry had grown up to be like his father. If Harry had been like Robert’s, he would be lashing him right now.

“Did you get the garter?” Harry asked.

Robert laughed and reached into his pocket. He pulled out Scarlet’s black garter and handed it to Harry.

Harry inspected it. “Looks expensive,” he muttered, looking at the lace.

“Well, only the
crème de la crème
go to Lady Brook’s.”

“What were you doing there?”

“Ha ha, very funny.”

Harry smiled and handed the garter back. Robert placed it back in his breast pocket where it had been since the night of the ball.

“You know you may be able to find out who bought that dress.”

“What?” Robert asked.

“Visit the top seamstresses. They wouldn’t forget making a dress like the one everyone’s describing.”

“Huh.” Robert contemplated it.

“Or we could get the invitation list from Lady Brook,” Jackson spoke from the doorway.

Robert and Harry looked over to him. Harry stood with a smile and shook Jackson’s hand as he entered. “Good to see you again, Jackson.”

“It’s about time you got out of the country and visited civilization.” Jackson grinned.

“I like the country,” Harry said.

“It’s boring.”

“It’s quiet. And you can get away with a lot of things there.” Harry quirked his brow.

Jackson laughed and clapped Harry’s shoulder. He then turned his gaze to Robert still sitting on the floor. “You look lovely, Lambert.”

Robert groaned and brushed his comment aside.

“The invitation list?” Harry asked.

“We could go through the list and find the ladies that match Scarlet’s description.”

“There were many women there,” Robert stated. “It would take forever.”

“Not as long as you may think. Plus, that dress she was wearing was something. I bet whoever made that dress would surely remember it.”

“We don’t have the dress to show them. Besides, Harry already suggested that.”

“You know, your skepticism isn’t helping,” Jackson said.

“Just describe it. From what I’ve heard about the lady’s gown, it was quite memorable,” Harry said.

“Quite,” Jackson scoffed. “Try very. I’m sure every man imagined his mistress to be Scarlet that night.”

“Hey,” Robert snapped and Jackson put his hands up in peace.

“Where’s Tucker?” Harry asked.

“His daddy has him on a leash today,” Jackson answered.

Harry laughed. “Poor Tucker.”

“His loss. All right, plans.” Jackson clapped his hands together and Robert winced at the loud noise.

“I will get the list from Lady Brook.”

“Why you?” Harry cut in.

“Because I’m the most charming.” He smiled his devilishly handsome grin that a lot of girls had lost their virtue to and Harry and Robert rolled their eyes.

“Harry, you clean Robert up.”

“I don’t need help.” Robert began to stand. When the world spun he sat back down on the floor.

“Uh huh.” Jackson nodded and turned his gaze to Harry. “We’ll meet up at The Dove for dinner.”

Harry and Robert were silent for a moment after Jackson left the room.

“Who put him in charge?” Robert grouched.


As Jackson walked down the hall of the Rosewood home, he paused when he came to an open doorway. Looking in, he found Violet sitting on a window seat with a book in her lap. He looked at her serene profile and then ran his gaze over her prim white dress.

“Morning, Violet,” he put on his deep, roguish voice and grinned while leaning against the doorframe.

“It’s Lady Rosewood to you, Mr. West,” she replied without taking her eyes from her book.

He laughed softly when she didn’t start blushing and stuttering like the rest of the innocent misses he met. “How are you this fine morning?” he asked in a casual voice.

“I’m well,” she replied with her eyes still on her book. “How is Robert?”

Jackson shrugged in answer.

Sitting with her feet up and her back against the wall of the window seat, Violet waited for Jackson’s answer to her question. When she didn’t hear his reply after a moment, she looked away from the book in her lap and over to the door.

“Well, how is he?”

Jackson shrugged again.

“Is that an I don’t know?”

Jackson chuckled and then nodded. “Yes, that’s an I don’t know.”

“You could have said so,” she replied and looked back down to the book.

Jackson moved to enter the room but a hard voice stopped him.

“What do you think you are doing?” Alyssum snapped at Jackson as she found him entering her sister’s room.

“Alyssum.” Jackson nodded to her with a smile.

“You think to enter my sister’s room?” she spoke in an icier tone.

Violet whistled low and Jackson looked over to her. “You’ve done it now,” Violet muttered.

“I was just saying hello,” Jackson told Alyssum as she glared up at him. “It was all very innocent.”

“Innocent would have been waiting in the parlor until she came to speak to you,
visiting her in her bedroom.”

“I didn’t,” he defended himself. “I’m standing in the hall.” He spread his arms out, indicating around him as they stood in the hall.

“I saw you about to enter.”

“Did you?” He squinted his eyes at her. “Or did you
you saw me about to enter her room?”

“I saw you,” she said firmly. “Perhaps I should get Harry?” She arched a brow.

Jackson grinned and nodded. “You play dirty. I like that.”

“Leave. Now.”

Jackson gave a small bow and then looked over to Violet. “Next time you want me in your room, sweetheart, make sure your sister isn’t home.” He winked and walked past Alyssum and down the stairs into the foyer.

Chapter Five

Jackson slapped the parchment on the tavern table and Harry, Tucker and a freshly dressed Robert looked up.

“Good to see you looking good,” Jackson said to Robert.

Robert raised his cup to him in a salute and then took a drink.

“What’s this?” Tucker asked about the parchment as Jackson sat next to Harry.

Jackson answered while looking across the table at Robert. “It’s the list of people who attended Lady Brook’s masquerade.”

“You actually got it?” Harry asked, clearly surprised.

“You doubted me?” Jackson placed a hand over his heart and looked hurt.

Tucker laughed and picked up the parchment. He unfolded it and lay it in the middle of the table. “That’s a lot of names.”

Jackson whistled and Harry, Robert and Tucker looked up at him. They watched as he waved over the dark-haired barmaid.

“What can I do for you, gents?” she asked eagerly and looked at Jackson.

“We need ink and a quill,” he said.

She deflated but went and got what they needed.

“You broke her heart.” Tucker shook his head at Jackson. “Getting that lovely girl’s hopes up.”

“Let’s focus on the list.”

Jackson looked up as the dark-haired barmaid came back and set the quill and ink down with a thud. She darted him a glare then strode away, obviously angry at his indifference in seeing her again.

When Jackson looked back down, Robert had already crossed all the men’s names off the list.

“Are you sure?” Jackson asked with a grin.

Harry and Tucker laughed as Robert glared at him.

“I’m sure,” he replied. “I had her body against mine, she’s female.”

“Just checking,” Jackson replied with an amused smile.

“Back to the list,” Harry said, drawing their attention to the parchment and not each other’s throats. Even though they were great friends, Robert and Jackson had gotten into a few brawls. It was how they had met. They had wanted the same barmaid. After the bloody brawl ended they had gotten to their feet, shaken hands and decided to get a drink. They had forgotten all about the barmaid.

BOOK: Scarlet Kisses
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