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Authors: C.M. Steele

Say Uncle (4 page)

BOOK: Say Uncle
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Chapter 6

I woke up to a pounding headache, but to my surprise there was a warm body next to me. I prayed to God I wasn’t just dreaming of Angel and took another broad to bed. I turned to see who it was, and thank fucking heavens it wasn’t a dream. It was her. Lying on her belly, but her head facing me. Even with fucked-up vision, she was a fucking knock out. I wanted to wake up to her every day, but it wasn’t going to work if she kept seeing this fuck. I was going to end up on the inside doing twenty to life.

I tried to get up without waking her, but it didn’t work; she was a very light sleeper.

She opened her eyes a little and groggily teased, “This is your room. Trying to sneak away doesn’t really work.”

“I wasn’t trying to sneak away. I was trying to get up without waking you,” I whispered. My head was throbbing so bad that everything sounded amplified.

“Your head hurts, doesn’t it?” she asked as I squinted with the morning sun peeking through the shades.

“Yes,” I grumbled.

“Here, take a few of these, and I’ll get you some water.” She handed me a bottle of Advil that was on the bedside table and rushed to the minibar, pulling out a water bottle. She was wearing one of my shirts from my suitcase, and her panties peeked out as she rushed to get me the water. If I wasn’t struggling trying not to die, I would be getting her naked right now.

“So I’m going to ask you again. Did you fuck another woman last night?” she inquired angrily as she handed me the bottle.

“No, I didn’t. I started drinking in the casino, then I asked the broad where the comedy club was so I could find you,” I admitted. “But the show was already over and that’s when I went back to the bar. I was too drunk to even stand up, so he served me a cup of coffee, and then I came up twenty minutes later to see your mom smack the fuck out of you.”

I took the pills and water, then looked at her and asked, “Does your mother usually hit you?” I moved her hair out of her face and tilted her head to look at the damage, but it was almost gone.

“Um…” She refused to look me in the eyes.

With my hands still cupping her beautiful face, I forced her to look at me. “Listen to me, Angel. I’m not going to tolerate lies. Does she hit you?”

She answered, “It’s been a long time since she’s laid a hand on me.”

“It was because of me, wasn’t it?” I hated that I was the trigger.

“No, it was because I was being a bitch.”

“No offense, but I hate her, and I want her away from Ted. I won’t let her ruin his life,” I declared.

“None taken. I hate her too. I have for so long now,” she said as I down the rest of the water.

“Actually I haven’t lived with my mother for years. She wasn’t the motherly type. I was the mistake that she thought would keep her rich lover, but it happened he was already married and had no intention of leaving his wife…I didn’t live a normal life until I was ten.”

“What happened then?”

“My aunt hadn’t seen me since I was born because my mom and her had a huge fallout. She tried to reason with my mother, but it never worked. So one day she decided to pay a surprise visit to my mother. When she found out that the dressing room at the strip club was my first home, she called social services and gained custody of me.” Angel glossed over the whole strip club scene, but it was vivid in my mind. She was exposed to all the vile and raunchy debauchery at a young age. Her aunt had made the move at the right time. If she hadn’t, Angel may have followed in her mother’s footsteps or worse.

“Did your mother get in trouble?”

“Not really. She was put on probation, and we only had phone conversations after I had lived with my aunt for a year. They were afraid she would be a bad influence on me.”

“How did she take it?”

“Not bad. She enjoyed the freedom of not having me around. It was her late husband that wanted me around. I came to visit often when I was about sixteen, but Vegas was too much and she wanted me to hang around with her friends. Most of them male, if you get what I mean.”

“I sure as hell do. She was no mother to you.”

“Not one bit. Whenever she needed to impress someone I would get to visit, but the moment I wasn’t needed, I was sent back, which I really didn’t mind. I like my life in Chicago. My aunt and uncle are awesome people. I don’t want her with Ted either.”

“Good. So we’re on the same page. Now, I need you to end things with that ass.”

“I can’t.” She started fidgeting again.

“Why, because he’s your meal ticket?” I said angrily, remembering her message from Candy.

“If you really believe that, you’re an asshole. If he was my meal ticket, I would have given him my virginity and let him knock me up instead of just a Boston cop,” she ranted.

It was truly an asshole thing to say, and I knew she wasn’t her mother, but it was good to hear it being said. “I’m sorry, but that was what was in the text your mother sent you.” I slipped up.

“So you were in my phone?” she screeched in outrage.

“Only after you told me that you wouldn’t end things with him. How would you like it if I told you I was seeing somebody and refused to let her go for you?” I challenged. I knew Angel wouldn’t like that shit—who would?

“I’d want to punch you in your balls, and I would beat her ass,” she jealously seethed.

“Exactly. I can’t beat your ass, and I can’t legally get away with killing him. Now you see my dilemma?” She only nodded. “Then are we done, or are you ending it with him?”

“You don’t understand,” she whined.

“Then make me understand.” I pulled her to me and pressed my throbbing head against her belly. Angel started massaging my scalp, running her fingers through my hair. It helped ease my pain, and she also relaxed. He was the only thing standing in the way of our relationship blooming.

She took a deep breath, then pushed away. I watched as she paced back and forth. I had enough when she started wringing her hands, so I stood up with a blinding pain and pulled her back to me. “Just tell me. Make me understand,” I whispered as I kissed her hair. 

“It’s not that simple,” she murmured.

“Things aren’t going to end between us until I’m cold in my grave, so you can tell me anything,” I confessed.

She looked deeply into my eyes, and I saw resignation in hers. “I’m not supposed to be telling anyone this, but I’m not dating Kevin for real. It’s fake,” she announced.

“What?!” My mind was reeling with questions and anger. We had only known each other for several days, and I was already beyond hooked. I struggled with my feelings toward her relationship with him, and it was all bull. I pulled away because my head just started pounding harder.

I walked to the chair in the darkest corner of the room and sat down to think. It took a moment to get my head on right. I really needed to not drink again, especially that heavily.

“Please explain,” I demanded.

She sat back on the bed and ran her fingers along her face. After huffing out a deep breath, she revealed, “Kevin is an agent with the FBI. He’s undercover posing as my rich boyfriend.”


“Because they believe my mom is a black widow. In the last ten years, she’s been married four times. The last three all died mysteriously,” she informed me.

I jumped up from my seat, forgetting the pain because it could wait—Ted couldn’t. “What?! We need to find my brother right away before she kills him.”

She rushed up and put her hand to my chest, the effect calming. “Don’t worry. He’s safe. Candy was arrested last night for buying five grand worth of cocaine in the back alley of the casino.”

“How do you know?” I asked because the last time she’d seen her mother would have been when I did, unless she left the room. Looking at her suitcase by the door, it was clear she did leave to get it.

“I got a text asking to get a hold of Ted to bail her out of jail. I called Ted from the number she gave me, and he refused, saying he’d made a mistake in marrying her.”

“Fucking great! Where is he?” I was happy about that. Since she was a criminal maybe he could get out of settling any money on her.

“I think he went to the police station,” I offered.

“I’m going to call him, babe. Excuse me.” I kissed her softly before grabbing my phone.

“Okay,” she said.

I dialed Ted’s number, and he answered right away. “Hey, Dean, what’s up?”

“Angel tells me that you’ve decided to end the marriage.”

“Yep, they got it done already. It was annulled,” he said. I could tell he was lying, but what he was lying about I wasn’t too sure of. My brother didn’t typically lie to me, but since he met this broad, that was all he’d been doing. I wanted answers, and I was going to have to trick it out of him.

“But I thought they didn’t let you get annulled if you bumped uglies?” I asked.

“Well, okay, you got me. I was lying. We didn’t get married at all. It was a fake marriage. Can we meet and talk about it?” What the fuck was with the fake shit?

“Sure. Come back up to my suite. I’m trying to get over a hangover, and I don’t feel like moving yet.”

“I’ll be there in about an hour and a half. Okay?”

“Cool,” I said and ended the call. I turned to my sexy Angel dressed in just my shirt, and suddenly my headache wasn’t so bad. I wanted her ass naked. I knew now she was all mine. I just had a few questions first.

“Angel, we need to talk. There are about a thousand things I’m curious about, but first, how old are you for real?”

“Twenty-one. I told you that. I graduated from NIU already, and I’m not a genius.”

“Your mother said you were eighteen,” I replied, feeling like a jackass. I believed a woman I didn’t trust for no good reason.

“Well, the broad was lying. She wanted to make me look younger to Ted because then it didn’t mean she was a little whore at fifteen.”

“So you’re not that young. That’s a relief because I was starting to feel like a total fucking pervert,” I admitted.

“So if it was true, you’d walk away from me?” I saw and heard the hurt.

“Hell, no, I wouldn’t, but it’s just weird for me to want a barely legal woman,” I vehemently denied. It was the truth, though. I wasn’t letting her go no matter what.

“Well, it really doesn’t matter. So what did your brother say?” Angel asked as she sat down on the bed next to me.

“The same as you, that their relationship was as phony as her tits and that they were never really married,” I explained.

“I was wondering about that,” she conjectured, dismissing my annoyance with her deception. 


“Because technically she’s still married to her fourth husband. He supposedly walked out on her, never to return. So she was a bigamist with Ted,” she revealed with a huff, making her breasts bounce, her nipples peeking through the blouse.

I decided the rest of the questions could wait until later. “Did I tell you yet how sexy you look in my shirt with your white little panties on? Damn, do I want to fuck you this minute. Hell, I’d settle for just making you come.”

She started squeezing her thighs together, aching with need. I was going to have to deal with it. “Come, Angel. Let’s take a shower.”

I tugged her hand when I stood up and rushed us to the bathroom. My headache was easing up, but my dick was aching in its place.

“We have to hurry, so we’re going to share the shower,” I suggested as I turned on the six-jet shower. I tested the temperature before I dropped my boxers. Looking at her, I started to eye her peaked nipples through the shirt. Sliding it over her head, I sneakily attacked one of her fat nipples. Groaning, I slowly trailed my hand from her hip, letting my fingers creep up her waist and to the edge of her breast.

“Damn, I want to take you nice and slow, but my brother will be here soon,” I interjected with a groan before taking her nipple in my mouth again.

“Then take me nice and fast. I need you, Dean,” she pleaded with her hands already in her favorite spot—the back of my head, scraping and tugging on my hair.

We got into the shower and let the sprayers soak our bodies as I started to kiss down her neck. My tongue lazily licked from her slender collarbone to just below her jaw. I gave her a little nip, loving her reaction. She softly sighed, almost a faint whisper. I leaned against the wall as I continued to attack her neck. Her body was slick as my hands slid up and down her wet curves. I groaned loudly, throwing my head back when she pressed her thigh against my hard cock.

“Fuck me, Dean,” she cried out, pushing her breasts into my chest and pulling my head down to take my mouth. Dominating my body, I fell to her temptation for a quick fuck. Without breaking the hold on her lips, I gripped her ass with each hand and spun us around, hitting her back to the shower wall. 

No words were needed. I just stuffed her fully. Damn, the woman was so fucking hot, and her pussy was a tight fucking inferno. She demanded to be fucked, and she would be. I grunted as I pumped my hips, sending my dick deep into her depths.

She called out loudly and begged for more. “Faster, Dean!” Angel continued to moan and cry out with each stroke. With a plan in mind, I pulled out of her and turned her cute ass around, turning her against the other wall where the sprayer was just at her sweet snatch. I smacked her fat ass and entered into her pussy from behind, letting the jets hit her clit. Instantly she purred and threw her head back onto my shoulder. I bit her ear and grunted that she was mine.

BOOK: Say Uncle
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