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Authors: T.A. Roth

Tags: #Say Nothing

Say Nothing... (The Speak Series Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Say Nothing... (The Speak Series Book 2)
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We rein it in after a few minutes and stop fogging up the windows like a couple of teenagers. The look on her face when I told her the name of the band made that possessive caveman come out again. Logically, I know she wouldn't do anything to hurt me, but the thought of her even thinking about another man like that drives me insane.

We gather our things and are about to step out of the car when my cell buzzes. I roll my eyes when I see my uncle's name flash across the screen.

"Hello?" Ari stops and looks over her shoulder. My phone was on vibrate, and she didn't hear it ring. Sliding my hand into hers, I continue to walk us toward her apartment.

. Listen, I'm sorry I had to run out on you. The engineer I left in charge was having some trouble. I needed to give him some information I had back at the hotel. Did everything go all right?" The slight accent in his voice makes me want to roll my eyes. How does a guy born and raised in Los Angeles suddenly have a British accent?

"Yeah, everything went fine. We just left. Ruth and the rest of Nana's church friends were cleaning up, and Ruth is locking up for me. I'll head back over there in the morning. So what's the deal? You hanging around for a while or are you headed back right away?"

Ari unlocks the door and quickly busies herself with the lights. She takes the bag of leftovers and walks into the kitchen. I settle into one of the dining room chairs and watch as she fixes us each a plate.

"I have to leave first thing in the morning. We still have six weeks left on the tour. I'm meeting up with the band in Japan. I was hoping I could stay a few days, but I already have the band's manager complaining about the new guy."

"Okay, well thanks for coming out. Have a safe trip." I'm used him not being around, so I don't know why this frustrates me.

"Thank you. How is your girlfriend? Ari, was it? She okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine. We just got back to her house actually. Listen, I'll let you go. It's been a long day, and I'm sure you have to get ready to leave. We'll touch base soon."

. I'll call soon."

"Sure. Later."

I click the line and toss the phone across the table. Ari looks up at me with worried eyes.

"Everything okay?" she asks.

"Yeah, he's just a dick. I mean he wasn't even here for twenty-four hours, and he's already hopping a plane back. I shouldn't be surprised. It's just . . .”

She comes around the table and sits on my lap, giving me a sweet kiss.

"It's just what?"

"He's just always been like this. Always running. He would call every now and again, but he never visited. My grandmother used to get so excited every time he promised he would. It got old watching her pretend to not be disappointed."

"I'm sorry," she says leaning her head against my shoulder.

"Yeah, it's just you would think he would be more appreciative."

"What do you mean?" Ari asks pulling away to look at me.

"My grandmother practically saved him. His real mother was a teenager when she had him. She got into drugs and ran off with her boyfriend. He was being raised by his grandmother, a close friend of my nana's from high school."

"Okay, so how did your grandmother end up with him?" she asks looking confused.

"Irene had a bad heart, and she was always worried if something happened to her then he would end up in foster care. My grandmother didn't want her to worry, so she stepped up and offered to take custody of him if anything ever happened."

"How old was he when she took him in?"

"Eleven or twelve, I think."

"What did your dad think of that?"

"From what my grandmother said, he was happy. He was an only child. Amos was eight years younger and was always over with his grandmother. He was like the little brother Dad never had, so when they made it official, he was excited. My dad was also worried about my grandmother being alone, so having Amos here with her while he was away at college made him feel better."

"Wow, that's a huge responsibility to take on. Your grandmother was really an amazing woman."

"Yeah, she was."


I'm still wrapping my head around the fact Ben is related to this monster. Although it helps to know they are not blood-related. Getting the news he is leaving tomorrow has helped me to relax a little. I'm still not sure how, or if, I'm going to tell Ben. They don't seem close, so I'm hoping I won't have to. There was recognition in his eyes when he shook my hand. I went by Rely when I was little, so he couldn't possibly place me by name. I put these thoughts in the back of my mind while we dig into the plates I fixed us. His mood has shifted, and now, he's the one pushing his food around.

"Hey, are you going to continue to make train tracks in your potato salad or are you going to eat that," I ask trying to gauge his mood.

He looks up with sad eyes and gives me a crooked half smile.

"I'm not that hungry anymore. I think I'll take a shower."

"Okay, I'll just clean up a little then." He takes his plate over to the counter and kisses the top of my head as he makes his way to the hallway. After cleaning up our plates, I wipe down the counters and make my way around the apartment to turn off lights and double check the locks.

I'm walking down the hallway when the bathroom door opens letting out a gust of steam and the man I still can't get over is mine. Ben walks out wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist. It's hanging low on his hips, just the way I like it. The sight of him stops me in my tracks. He doesn't notice me watching him as he uses another towel to dry his hair. He startles when he finally sees me standing there. "Hey," he says closing in on me.

I take a step back using the wall to hold me up. "Hey, yourself," I whisper back.

"I waited for you. I was hoping you would join me." His husky voice sends a chill over my heated skin.

"You looked upset. I thought you needed time to think,"

"I was hoping you'd come in and make it all better." Pressing his lips to my neck, he trails open mouth kisses across my chest.

"Mmm . . .” is all I can manage as a response. His hands are roaming the expanse of my body as his lips make their way to that sweet spot behind my ear. All thought has left the building. Raking my fingers through his inky strands, I angle his face up so I can devour his mouth. He greets me with his tongue, and I immediately melt into him. Wrapping my leg around his waist, he presses me firmly into the wall. The hard ridge of his cock rubs me in just the right spot. "Fuck,” I hiss.

"That's the plan,” he groans, continuing the maddening grind of his hips. He's waiting for me to beg, and if he doesn't give me what I want soon, I may just have to. I work my hands down his damp chest and tug on the towel loosely tucked around his waist. It drops at his feet, and my eyes take in all of his naked glory. A sexy smirk crosses his face as he slides the skirt of my black tea length dress up around my waist. He teases me with another thrust of his hips. The small scrap of lace is the only barrier between me and the heat of his flesh. My trembling hand moves it out of the way, and he wastes no time sliding into me. My head lolls back as we both moan in ecstasy.

"Wrap your hands around my neck." I quickly do as I'm told as he moves his hands from my waist to my ass. Cupping a handful, he lifts me slightly. I wrap my other leg around him and lock my feet. Bending his knees, he slowly pulls away and thrusts back into me. The change in angle helps him hit me in just the right spot. My body arches away from the wall so my shoulders make the only contact. We're completely lost in each other, all other thoughts taking a backseat to pure sensation and need. I begin to build as he slides in and out, in and out. "Ben." His name comes out as more of a moan than a whisper.

"Hmm . . .” His honey colored eyes tear away from where our bodies meet; his lust-filled gaze sending me closer to the edge. "I'm close." He's a man possessed as he drives into me harder. Every thrust drives me closer. He circles his hips on one long thrust, and I explode. My body is liquid. His grip on me tightens, and I don’t even notice he's laid me on the bed until I open my eyes.

"Lift your arms,” he says while tugging my dress above my head. Tossing it over his shoulder, he reaches behind me and undoes the clasp of my bra. I'm completely bare to him, and my cheeks heat at his appreciative gaze. "Perfect,” he mumbles between licks and flicks of his tongue. The sensation is sweet torture.

"Again?" I ask while gripping the sheet.

"That first one was for you, babe. I'm just getting started."

We're completely sated. His soft breath is rustling the top of my hair as I slowly untangle myself from his arms. "Where are you going?" His grip tightens; I smile up at him and press a kiss to his bare chest.

"I was supposed to take a shower before I was distracted."

He stretches his arms above his head and groans. "Fine, but hurry back." I kiss his lips and barely escape his grasp as he tries to deepen it.

The warm water feels good across my aching muscles. I'm rubbing a soapy washcloth across my bare skin when a sore spot on my upper thigh makes me flinch. A small purple bruise is forming there, probably brought on by my fall. I close my eyes and lean my head back into the water, refusing to let myself continue that train of thought. I'm fine. He's leaving, they're not close, and I can just bury this away.
I hope.

Ben is fast asleep when I walk back into the bedroom, and I try my best not to wake him. His bare chest is slowly rising and falling while his arm rests on his face. I slide onto my side of the bed, but before my head can hit the pillow, his arm snakes out and tugs me to his chest.

"I thought you were asleep?"

"Hmm . . . I was just resting my eyes," he says pressing a kiss to the back of my neck.

"I love you," I whisper into the darkness of the room.

"I love you, too," he says holding me just a little tighter.

I'm not much for spooning, but having him close with his arms wrapped around me makes me feel safe. His breathing slows and his grip relaxes; this time he is asleep, and only minutes later, I follow.

My trembling hands hover over the keys. I've been practicing like a good girl. I need to do this. Get it right, Rely. Don't mess up. Please, get it right. I take a deep breath and begin to play. Middle C, Middle C, G, G, A, A, G, F, F, E. I'm about to hit the E to complete the first line of “Twinkle, twinkle little star” when his clammy hand runs down my thigh. My finger slips, and I accidentally hit the G. "Oh, my poor sweet girl." His husky voice brushes the shell of my ear. "You were doing so well. It's okay. Let's try again." His intention always to soothe. I try to continue. I don't look at his face. I never look at his face. The fear of what I'll see in his eyes plagues me. I look down at his hand, and it's different. A little rougher, older. The leg he's rubbing is longer. Don't look up. Don't look up. His hand begins to inch between my thighs. My traitorous body tenses up. The scream I’ve been holding is stuck in my throat. I will my head to move. He meets my eyes. The faceless man known to me only as teacher isn't faceless anymore. The chocolate brown eyes I hoped never to see again are staring back at me, and the face of a monster comes into focus.

BOOK: Say Nothing... (The Speak Series Book 2)
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