Read Runt of the Litter Online

Authors: Sam Crescent

Runt of the Litter (9 page)

BOOK: Runt of the Litter
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“This is going to be a secret?”

even know. Only
Paul and I know, and so do you.”

“This may not work. You could be banishing yourself
and not have a mate.”

“Remember our deal. I’ve got nothing to lose, not
really.” Jack sat down on the center of the mat where he’d watched Tori
collapse so many times in pain. “I’ve got to do something.”

“This is dangerous though.”

“You’d do anything for Scarlett right?”

“You know I would.”

“Well, you’ll understand that I’ll do anything for
Tori, even risk my whole pack banishing me.”

“We shouldn’t have to be talking about this.”

“I’ll see you for the summer, Marshall.” He hung up
the phone.

Running his fingers across the mat, Jack felt at
peace. He’d be mated even if it was for a short time and he was the only one
who felt it. They’d be mated.

Chapter Nine


One month before
the transition

Tori screamed as the pain was too much. For the past
year they’d been trying to call on her wolf, and each time it was the same. The
pain made it hard for her to concentrate on anything else. She couldn’t unlock
the cage. The stress and strain on her body had made her weak.

Jack walked around her as she cried out. She’d told
him to keep pushing her wolf until she begged him to stop. Not once had she
said the word that night, but it was close. She couldn’t handle much more.
Bathed in sweat, aching from head to toe on the inside and out, she was falling

“Come to me, Tori.”

She was weak, too weak to handle the power of his
wolf. Her own wolf was clawing repeatedly at the cage within her mind that
didn’t even have a lock.

“I can’t.”

“Come to me.”

The desire was there. She wanted to go to him more
than she wanted anything in her life. The simple truth was, she couldn’t move.
Her wolf was trapped.

Slapping her palm on her mat, she tensed up as her
wolf charged the cage.

The moment her wolf made impact, she collapsed to the
floor, panting. Her eyes rolled back inside her head.

Get to him.



Over and over the same words rushed through her mind,
but she ignored them, panting.

The power of the wolf washed over her coming from
Jack. It was too much. She screamed, writhing in agony.

“Stop, stop,

Instantly, he wrapped his arms around her.

“I’ve got you. I’ve got you.”

“It’s not working, Jack.” She sobbed each word out,
torn up. “I’m going to die. I’m going to die in one month. I can’t do this.”

“You’re not going to die.”

She stared up into his eyes.

The amber of his wolf eyes glowed down at her.

“You’re so beautiful,” she said. “Have I ever told you
that before? I love the way your wolf looks. I watch you when you run, wishing
I could join you. I’d love to join you.”

He cupped her face harshly. “You’re going to run with
me, Tori. You’re going to be with me every step of the way. No one is going to
take that from us.”

She watched as he glanced at Paul, and he nodded.

“What’s the matter?” she asked.

“Do you trust me, Tori?”

“Of course.”

“Then close your eyes and don’t question what I’m
about to do.”

“I’m confused.”

“I wasn’t going to tell you and I told your uncle that
I wouldn’t tell you, but you need to know the truth.”

“Jack, you can’t,” Uncle Paul said.

“I can’t
tell her.
She needs to know the truth. She needs to know what she’s fighting

She stared up at him in confusion. “What is it?”

“I’m your mate, baby.” He caressed over her cheek.


“You’re my mate, and I’ve known it for a long time
now. I love you with my whole heart, but what I’m about to do, it could get me
banished, or killed.”

She couldn’t believe it. Well, she thought he might
have been her mate, but she didn’t actually think it was true. “We’re mates?
We’re mates, and you’ve been going through hell.” Tears sprang to her eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t want you to lose focus. You need to be
strong. You need to be strong for me, baby.”

Gritting her teeth, she nodded. “I will. I will be

“I’m going to give you the mating mark, and you can’t
tell your parents about it, at least not until after the transition.”

“Do you think it will help?” she asked.

“It’s our only option. I’ve exhausted everything

Jack leaned in close, and his lips brushed her cheek.
Her head was moved to the side, and suddenly she felt something hurt her neck.

Her wolf howled inside her mind, but she wasn’t
afraid. This was … right. They were mates, and Jack’s teeth turned her on. Tori
couldn’t explain it as Jack bit into her neck, sucking some of her blood.
Warmth spread throughout her body, awakening her senses.

Moaning, she arched up for more.

Suddenly, he pulled away. Paul handed him a knife.

“There’s no turning back, Jack.”

“I’ve not got a choice.” He sliced the blade down his
palm. “Drink, Tori. It’ll help you.”

Without question she drank from his wrist not really
understanding what was happening. She didn’t know what the mating ritual was.
Over the years she’d been more interested in the transition than mating. The moment
his blood hit the back of her throat, the pain vanished. The warmth turned into
a fire shooting across all of her senses.

“That’s it, baby, drink it down.”

Before she could stop herself she bit into his wrist
taking more.

He chuckled. “That’s it, mark me as yours, baby.”

She didn’t question his words, loving the taste of
him. They were mates, and she felt the overwhelming urge to mark him for
Tori was
too exhausted to think more in that

Something opened in her mind, and she saw herself from
his gaze, drinking from his wrist.

Pulling away, she stared up at him.

“What just happened?” she asked.

“We’re mated, and I helped you to heal. It’s a mate

“I didn’t know it could be that powerful.”

Jack dropped a kiss to her lips. “You don’t need to
understand it. It worked. You’re already looking better.” His thumb stroked
over her cheek.

“I can’t believe we’re mates, Jack. You must have been
so hurt over the last couple of years.”

“I handled it as best as I could.” He stroked her cheek,
holding her close.

“I can’t keep doing this, Jack. It’s hurting too

“It’s why I’ve mated you. Paul and I, we’re hoping it
will work. We’re not calling on your wolf anymore. Your parents called, and
they’re wanting
you to visit them in a couple of weeks
before the transition.”

“I won’t tell them. I won’t let them take you away
from me.”

She’d been putting off seeing them for a long time.
Getting to her feet, she brushed herself down. “We can’t do anything else with
us being mates, can we?”

He shook his head. “I love you, Tori. That will never
change, but nothing is going to change.” He cupped her cheek once again. “We’ll
see what happens after the transition.”

Jack looked so sad that it tore at her heart to


Turning toward Jack, she couldn’t help the pulse of
arousal that struck her body once again.

“I’m sorry,” she said, seeing the pain cross his face.

“Don’t worry about it, baby.”

Jack moved toward the door. “I’m going to go and clean

She didn’t stop him, looking at Paul.

“He cares about you a lot. This is hard on him,” Paul

“I know. It’s hard. We’re mates, but I don’t really
feel it.”

“How are you feeling?”

“Alive. It’s strange. I don’t even feel weak right now,
but I also don’t feel that connection with Jack.” She wasn’t a wolf yet, and as
such, she couldn’t feel that connected to him.

“That’s good about how you’re feeling, not about Jack.”

“Yes, but I’m hurting him.”

“He knows you don’t mean it. Your wolf isn’t
completely active yet. The moment you transition, you’ll know him, and sense
him. Don’t let your parents see the bite mark on your neck.”

“I won’t. I promise. I don’t want him to get in

“I really hope everything works out for you.”

“I do as well.”

“I’m coming with you to the pack,” Paul said, surprising


“I need to know what happens, honey. I’m so proud of


“You know I am.”

“What about Jack?” she asked. Would he be able to see
her during the transition?

“That boy loves you, Tori. You’re fated mates.”

“I know. I just wished I could give him what he wants.”

“All he wants is for you to get through the transition
alive. He’s been here for you, holding you, comforting you. I see the way he
looks at you. Jack’s in love with you, and he’s going to be there throughout it
all.” Paul turned away. “I’m going to head up to the house.”

Jack loved her?

It seemed so surreal to her that they were mates. She
could only imagine the kind of agony he was in.

Leaving the barn, she made her way up to the house.
She walked up the stairs as Jack walked out of the bathroom. He had a towel
wrapped around his waist, and he stopped when he saw her.

“Hello,” she said.


She opened her mouth then closed it.

“What?” he asked.

“I’m really sorry about us being mates. I’m hoping
after the transition, I’ll be able to give you what you want.” All of her life
she’d been the runt of the litter, but she’d never felt
damn out of place as she did right then.

He reached out, touching her cheek. “When we get
through this transition, you’re going to know exactly how I feel about you, and
you’re going to be the same.” He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

She couldn’t look away as he made his way to his
bedroom. Tori didn’t want him to go but knew deep in her heart that it was for
the best. Entering the bathroom, she stared at the bite mark on her neck. The
mating marks. There really wasn’t anything to it, but she’d cover it up so her
parents didn’t see it. Stroking her fingers over the point, the wolf inside her
yearned for him, but Tori didn’t know what to do.

I’m sorry. I don’t know what to do.

Pulling the band from her hair, she pushed all of her
thoughts aside and settled on getting washed. She didn’t have time to dwell on
whatever was happening between her and Jack.


This was it. Jack drove in the back of his father’s
car toward the pack. He’d been surprised to see Tori’s parents waiting for her
at the airport.

“Are you okay, son?” David asked.


He wasn’t in a talking mood. His mate was traveling in
front of him. The connection between them was stronger than ever. She was
scared, but she’d covered up his mating mark on her neck with a scarf. Her
parents hadn’t asked any questions, but he didn’t know how long that was going
to be.

“You’ve got a couple of weeks until her birthday.”

“I know.”

“You’ve got to trust them. They’re going to help her.”

“I know, Dad.”

“And you’ve had the last two years with her.”

He’d loved being with her, but they hadn’t been the
best two years. When they’d been training, forcing her wolf out, they’d been
the very worst of his life. He hated what he’d done to her.


“I’m trying here.”

“I know, Dad. It’s just hard.” He was going home to
the pack that in a couple of weeks was going to throw him out.

Staring at the car in front of him, he rubbed at his
chest. Something bad was about to happen, but he didn’t know what it was.

His wolf started to pace in his mind. The car in front
veered left, then right.

“What the fuck?” his father said.

Jack’s mind was slammed open as the connection ran
between them. Tori’s transition was coming, only it was coming too early.

David’s cell phone went off.

Out of the corner of his eye, he watched him accept
the call. Tori’s screams came across the line.

“What’s going on?”

“She’s going through the transition. We’re going as fast
as we can, David. Something is wrong.”

Tori said, calling to him in his mind.

“I’m here, baby.”

“Stop the cars,” Jack said. He needed to be in the car
with her.

“Jack?” David said.

“Stop the fucking car.” He didn’t care that he was
being disrespectful. The only thing that mattered was Tori.

The cars came to a sudden stop. Opening the door, he
ran toward the car. He pulled Tori into his lap. “Go, go now.” She looked up at
him. Sweat covered her brow.

“It’s started.”

He held her tightly as she arched up. The distinctive
sounds of bones breaking filled her car. Tears filled his eyes with Tori’s
screams of pain. Paul moved far away. Jack held her tight against him,
consoling her as best as he could.

BOOK: Runt of the Litter
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