Read Running Wilde (The Winnie Wilde Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Meg Chambers,Sue Ann Jaffarian

Running Wilde (The Winnie Wilde Series Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Running Wilde (The Winnie Wilde Series Book 1)
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“I’m so sorry,” Winnie said after they’d driven a few miles in silence. They were in the Church Construction truck heading west on the 10 Freeway.

Ben glanced over at her. “Why are you sorry? He’s the one who behaved like an ass.”

“But I’m the one who lost my temper. You didn’t see Edward throwing glass, did you?”

Ben chuckled. “That’s quite an arm on you. Did you fight like that when you were married?”

Winnie shook her head. “Never. Whenever I disagreed with anything, he would just mentally browbeat me until I gave in. If I started to raise my voice about anything, he would take the kids and leave the house.”

“You mean move out?”

“No. Edward would take them to the movies or out for pizza or ice cream. They’d be gone for hours. It was his way of punishing me.” She took a deep breath. “Who knows what he told them. It’s no wonder Tiffany thinks I have a screw loose.”

Ben reached out and put a hand on her thigh. “That’s abuse, Win. Plain and simple. Not all abuse leaves bruises, but it all leaves scars.”

She nodded in agreement. “Never again. No man will ever be allowed to treat me like that again.”

Ben chuckled. “My mother would take a frying pan to my dad if he treated her that way.”

“Do your parents get along?”

“Like beans and burritos,” he answered. He was looking forward at the road ahead of them, but a smile was on his face. “Oh they fight once in a while and sometimes it gets pretty loud, but in the end they never go to bed mad and always respect each other’s opinion.”

“That’s probably why you’re so good with women.” She sighed. “I worry about how our marriage damaged Tiffany and Chet, although Chet doesn’t seem anything like his father when it comes to his wife and daughter.”

The 10 Freeway ended at the beach in Santa Monica. Ben turned on one of the last off ramps. “Where are we going?” Winnie asked.

“There’s something I want to show you. I was going to do it next weekend, but considering what happened today, I think now is the right time.”

He drove along tree-lined city streets, finally pulling into a driveway that sloped slightly upward, to the right of a Spanish style single-story home with a tile roof. The front lawn was landscaped with drought-resistant plants that were badly in need of a trim. Near the beginning of the house a high gate crossed the driveway, blocking entry to the back.

“Do you live here?” she asked, looking the house over from her seat.

“No,” Ben said, getting out of the truck. “I share an apartment with one of my cousins in Venice. This is a property being remodeled for sale. It’s not even on the market yet, but I think you’ll like it. I wanted to show it to you when it was further along, but sometimes things can’t wait.”

Winnie got out of the truck and followed Ben across a small tiled front patio and up a few steps to the front door, which was made of heavy, aged wood. Next to the door was a large picture window that arched at the top. Peeking in, Winnie could see that the house was empty. Ben unlocked the door and opened it, inviting her in.

The front door opened into a living room. Inset in the long wall to the right of the door was a large tile fireplace flanked by two narrow windows with top arches that matched the one on the main window. These windows looked out onto the driveway on the inside of the gate. Beyond that was a high wall separating the property from its neighbor. On the hardwood floor of the living room were various drop cloths and painting equipment.

“This room is very sunny,” Ben said. “Picture it with window treatments, maybe plantation shutters. That’s what was here before. They were in bad shape but it was a nice look.”

Winnie followed him through a curved wide arch on the other side of the room into a dining area. It had a large arched window that also faced the wide driveway. Through the next arch was the kitchen. Its floor was of newly laid stone and the counters were made of rose granite. The cabinets were freshly painted white. There were gaps where the appliances such as the dishwasher and refrigerator would go, but the stove was built into a long center island which was wide enough to also serve as an eating bar. Over the sink, which was outfitted with new fixtures, was a large window that faced the driveway.

“The kitchen is a lot smaller than the one you’re used to,” Ben said, continuing the tour, “but there’s tons of great storage space. Since there was no room for a kitchen table, I built out the island so it could be used as a small breakfast bar.” He pointed to a doorway at the end of the room. “Through that is a nice size laundry room and a door that leads to a back patio.”

He led her back to the dining room and through another arched doorway. “Through here are the bedrooms.” He headed that way and she followed.

To the far left was a smallish bedroom with a couple of windows. One faced the front of the house and the street. A high horizontal window was set into the side wall. “At one time,” Ben told her, “I believe there were three bedrooms, but it looks like a previous owner took out one to enlarge the bathroom and the closet to the master bedroom. There’s only one bathroom, but it’s a very good size.” He opened a hallway door onto the bathroom.

Winnie stepped into it and looked around with a critical eye. It was a huge bathroom. The floor was set with the same new tile as in the kitchen. There was a large, deep whirlpool tub, a double sink, new toilet, and a good size shower. It wasn’t the king-size shower she had at home, but it was spacious and set with lovely tile, as was the vanity and the area around the tub. Like with the bedroom, there was a high horizontal window that allowed light without sacrificing privacy.

“I love that tub,” she said to Ben with emphasis. “Really love it.”

Ben laughed. “I thought you might. As I said, I think the bath was renovated recently, so there was little that needed to be done in here except for new flooring and a good clean up and paint job. This room is the only completed one in the house. All the floors are hardwood except for the bath and kitchen.”

He walked out of the bath and down the hall toward the back to the master bedroom. The door was partially open and he gave it a gentle push so they could enter. The master bedroom was much larger than the other bedroom. Across from the door were two French doors that opened up onto the back patio. To the left a long horizontal window was set high in the wall like with the other bedroom and the bath.

“If you like waking to natural light, that window is a great feature,” Ben pointed out. “It’s high enough for privacy without needing blinds or shutters. The last owner had shutters on it.”

“I really like those high windows,” Winnie said, “especially on this side of the house where the next property is so close.”

Winnie turned around in the room, enchanted by all the light, and picturing the walls in different colors. “You know that paint we used to do Tiffany’s bedroom back at the house.”

“Sure, that very soft dove gray. The color Edward didn’t like.”

“That would be a great color for this room.” She turned to him with a wide smile. “Don’t you think?”

“Absolutely.” He moved to a set of wide double doors next to the main door. They took up most of that wall. “And here is where much of the other bedroom went. He opened them onto a spectacular closet with built in drawers and shelves along with both high and low bars for hangers.

Winnie covered her mouth to hold back an excited snort. “This is the
closet!” She stepped inside. “Between that bathroom and this closet, I think that third bedroom gave its life for a good cause.” Spotting something on the floor, she did a double take. “Is that a sleeping bag?”

“Yes,” Ben said. “Sometimes when I’m working here late, I stay over instead of going home. That’s why the bathroom was finished first. I needed it.”

“So your crew goes off and you stay and keep working?”

Ben leaned against the doorjamb. “There is no crew. One of my passions is buying neglected houses, cleaning them up, and reselling them.”

“You flip houses?” she asked with interest.

“I sure do. This is the fourth one I’ve done in two years. I work on it on the side at night and on weekends.” He grinned. “This one would be much further along if I hadn’t met you.” Pushing off from his slouch, he went to the patio doors and opened them wide. “The yard is very small. It’s not much more than a patch of grass, but there is a very large partially covered patio that is accessed from here and the kitchen. It’s perfect for entertaining. There’s also a two car detached garage. The house had gone into foreclosure when I bought it. Shame, too, because obviously the owner loved it and cared for it. The other houses I’ve tackled were in much worse shape.”

Winnie went across the room and out the doors to the patio. Ben followed. “This is a great patio,” she said, turning to him. “So you think this house would be perfect for me?”

“I think it’s sort of what you had in mind,” he told her. “It’s compact and should be easy and low cost to maintain.” He stepped closer to her. “But don’t let the fact that I’m the owner sway you. If it’s not what you want, then we’ll keep looking for you. The perfect place is out there, Winnie. It’s still a buyer’s market.”

“When will it be ready?” she asked as she came back inside, passed through the bedroom and into the hallway for another look.

Ben took a deep breath while he calculated. “The walls still need paint and the kitchen needs new appliances. The outside will also need painting and the landscaping freshened up.”

“But the outside can be done after, correct?” she asked. “I mean, after I move in.”

“Sure,” he said, catching up to her in the living room. “You could move in even while it’s being painted. But it’s faster to paint without furniture in the way.”

“Thirty days enough?”

“Sure, more than enough. I could have the inside finished in two weeks. It doesn’t take long to paint walls. Even if I’m working alone.” He eyed her, one brow raised. “Are you going to sell to Edward after all?”

“I don’t know, but if I do, it certainly won’t be at the price he offered, especially if he wants all the furniture with it.”

Ben winked at her. “Good girl. And if you decide on this place, I’ll give you a price that’s fair to both of us.”

She placed a hand on his chest. “Funny. I’ve known you two weeks and Edward over thirty years, and it’s you I trust.” He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. “You’ve had a very rough day, Winnie. Don’t decide anything right now. This house isn’t going anywhere. Make sure it’s what you want.”

She looked up into his intelligent and kind face. “I will.” She kissed him. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need the use the bathroom.”

Ten minutes later Ben thought he heard his name being called. He walked toward the kitchen and stopped, not completely sure. He heard it again, definitely his name. “Win?”

“In here,” she called.

He went through the hallway, following her voice to the master bedroom. The door was closed. He opened it. “Everything okay?”

She’d placed the sleeping bag under the high window and was lying on top of it on her side naked. The patio doors were open, letting in a nice breeze. “What do you think?”

“I think you’re trying to seduce me.” He laughed.

She turned onto her back, bent her knees, and opened her legs to him. “Is it working?”

It didn’t take Ben longer than fifteen seconds to strip off his clothes and join her on the sleeping bag. He stretched out next to her and traced her body with the fingers of one hand while his mouth found her breasts. Winnie sighed with contentment as she reached for him with one of her hands. He was already hard. She turned to face him and kissed him hard, her tongue pushing into his mouth with need while her body rubbed against him. When their lips unlatched, she reached into her purse, which she’d dropped onto the floor next to the sleeping bag and her clothes. After fishing around in a side pocket, she pulled out a strip of condoms.

Ben laughed. “You came prepared.”

“I grabbed them at the last minute,” she said with a grin. “Good thing.”

They kissed again. Ben crushed her to him, his hands gripping her ass until she cried out. He released her. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, “I’m just so hot for you right now.”

“Don’t stop,” she said in a husky voice, her eyelids half closed. “I want you to make love to me, good and hard, and often. Or at least until the rubbers run out.”

He smiled at her, then grabbed one of the condoms and put it on. Then he flipped her onto her stomach. Getting behind her, he raised her hips and pushed into her hard and fast. She cried out, not in pain, but in desire.

He pounded in and out of her body, both of them grunting and sweating with each push, until he fell flat on top of her. Pulling her arms high above her, he pinned them there. His mouth licked her neck and shoulders and nibbled while he continued grinding in and out, forcing short cries out of her with each thrust until she squealed in orgasm. When he came, he remained on top of her, his breath heavy on her neck, until his heart slowed. Then he rolled off and lay spent next to her. “Damn, Winnie.”

She didn’t move, but remained on her stomach, turned away from him. He became alarmed. He stroked her back gently and kissed her shoulder. “Are you okay?”

BOOK: Running Wilde (The Winnie Wilde Series Book 1)
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