Read Runaway Heart Online

Authors: Scarlet Day

Tags: #Romance

Runaway Heart (10 page)

BOOK: Runaway Heart
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They both wore all white, Kari in a simple but elegant long sleeveless gown and Jaren in soft leather trousers with a long-sleeved, shift-type shirt. The startling aspects of their attire, however, were the matching gold capes and the crowns they wore. Embroidered with the royal family symbol of a dragon, the shimmering capes fastened in the front with ruby and diamond clasps before flowing over their shoulders down to the floor. Jaren wore a crown with the intricate designs of dragons crafted into the gold, each dragon flanking a large ruby resting in the center of the crown above his forehead. Kari’s crown was a smaller version of Jaren’s, but instead of the dragons there were diamonds on each side of the ruby.

“You’re stunning, My Queen.” Kari looked up at Jaren with wide eyes. Jaren couldn’t wait any longer. He had imagined kissing Kari senseless all evening, and his patience was at an end. He scooped her up in his arms and stalked to the living area in quick strides. He set Kari on her feet in front of the large fireplace, a bright fire already blazing. Jaren removed her cape and tossed it onto the long leather sofa, then raised the crown off her head and tossed it on top of the cape. His cape and crown quickly followed. Jaren took Kari’s small face between his hands and lowered his lips to hers, hungrily devouring her mouth as his tongue twirled around hers.

His life had changed so much in a couple of short weeks. He had miraculously found his
, and she was more than he could have ever dreamed. He had been entrusted with the throne of his people. He knew there would be challenges, starting with preventing a war, but he felt like he could conquer anything as long as this remarkable female was by his side. She had spirit. She was a fighter. She was his.

He still hadn’t told Kari about his ability to shift or the nature of his alternate form. She had already endured so much upheaval, and he was hesitant to add anything more. He was also more than a little worried about how she would react. Even though she had grown up in a palace where beings from other worlds visited often, Jaren knew that many humanoids did not desire to mate with shifters. Jaren looked into Kari’s beautiful eyes and decided he would think about this particular revelation later, regardless of how much his beast was prodding him to let it spread its wings.

Jaren slid his fingers under one of the shoulder straps of Kari’s gown and glided it off her shoulder. He bent to kiss the skin he had bared, and then repeated the process on the other side. Kari wiggled, letting the gown fall down her body and revealing herself to her mate. Jaren let out a long, ragged breath as he looked at her luscious body, the firelight flickering over her and creating sensual shadows around her feminine curves. Kari held Jaren’s gaze while reaching down to unfasten his trousers. She fell to her knees in front of him as she slid the pants down his thighs and over his calves. She pulled his white boots off, and he stepped out of the trousers.

Jaren watched as Kari brought her eyes to his now-exposed erection. She tentatively reached out to touch his cock, drawing a groan from him as she ran her delicate fingers down the length of it. Her hand found his velvety balls at the base of his shaft, and she gently massaged the aching sacs. Jaren wound his fingers through Kari’s hair and slowly drew her mouth to his tip, giving her the opportunity to stop if she was unsure of taking him. To Jaren’s surprise and satisfaction, Kari didn’t hesitate, but instead used her tongue to lick the swollen tip of his cock before taking it into her mouth. A low growl rumbled in Jaren’s chest from the raw pleasure of having his cock in the sweet mouth of his
. Kari slowly swirled her tongue around his tip and licked the pre-cum from his slit. She began a slow, tortuous rhythm as she took him into her throat and then sucked as she pulled back, continuing to massage his velvety balls as she sucked.

The feel of her perfect lips around his cock was almost more than he could bear, and Jaren knew he was not going to last long. He rocked with Kari’s pace and let her take him until his balls clenched and his desire crested, coming hard in her mouth, his hot liquid bursting from him in frantic spurts. He expected her to pull back, but she drank him eagerly and greedily sucked until he was spent.

Jaren dropped to his knees in front of Kari, his eyes glowing bright with passion in the firelight. “You are breathtaking, my love.”

“Was that, um…you know…okay?” Kari’s voice was shy with innocence and uncertainty.

“Okay? My Karinna, if you are not careful, I may lock us in our bedchambers and make you do that for days at a time.” Kari blushed, but Jaren could feel her happiness surge through their bond.

“Now, my love, I believe I promised you something earlier.”


* * * *


Kari looked at Jaren with confusion in her eyes, but then Jaren moved her onto her back on the thick rug and began to run his tongue over her body, starting with her abdomen. He moved from the soft blonde curls at the apex of her thighs up to the underside of her breasts, leaving a wet trail behind. He then moved back down to his starting point and blew a soft breath over the line. Kari’s skin instantly pebbled with tiny bumps and shivers ran up her body. He moved down to her left ankle, circling it with his tongue then blazing a trail up her leg. He spent a moment tormenting the back of her knee then moved to her right leg and started over.

“Jaren, please!” She arched her back, trying to draw him up to her clit where he knew she wanted him.

He chuckled at the desperation in his mate’s cry. “I’m not done yet, love.” As proof, he raised his body over hers and took one nipple into his mouth, sliding his tongue over the sensitive flesh and sucking it deeper. He tugged on the stiff peak and nipped it with his teeth, knowing the gentle bite would send a sharp jolt to her clit. He wasn’t disappointed as she arched into him. Her cries of mercy went unheeded as he moved to the other breast and took the nipple into his mouth, repeating the slow torment.

“Jaren, I need you inside me.” Her plea was too much for him to refuse.

“Your wish is my command, My Queen.” Jaren quickly dragged his shirt over his head and tossed it aside, wanting the feel of her bare flesh against his chest. He watched her eyes and, with one thrust, he seated his cock deep inside her tight sex. The feeling of completeness was almost overwhelming, and he opened his link fully to her for the first time, letting her feel the depth of his love for her.

Kari’s eyes blurred slightly as the link was opened, then her eyes again focused on Jaren’s face. “I love you, too, Jaren. More than I can tell you.”

Jaren’s heart swelled with emotion at her words. “You don’t have to tell me, love. Just open the link and let me feel you.”

He watched Kari’s face as she concentrated on the tether that bound them together, and then he felt elation as her emotions rushed into him. The feelings she poured out to him fueled his own emotions, driving his desire even higher. He began to thrust hard, filling her with his cock as their hearts, minds, and souls filled with the love they had for each other. As their emotions flowed to each other and back again, their passion spiraled to new heights, and they climaxed together, her walls convulsing around his cock as his hot cum surged into her.

As they came down from their shared high, Jaren wrapped Kari in his arms and curled his body around hers, waiting for her to recover from the fury of their lovemaking. He didn’t plan to give her a long rest. He was nowhere near being finished with her tonight.

Chapter Thirteen


“Quite a surprise you had for us last night, little sister.” Slaytor displayed his familiar mischievous grin, letting Kari know he wasn’t angry over her sudden and unexpected ascension up the royal ladder.

Kari grinned at him sheepishly from where she was standing in the kitchen, refilling the caf container. They had already gone through two containers. The flavorful, stimulating drink was wildly popular across known space, and Kari rarely started her day without it. She went back to the dining table in the living chambers she now shared with Jaren, where they were having breakfast with her brothers. She refilled Trynt’s cup and poured herself one, then settled in the chair next to Jaren.

“Jaren, you just better be sure to keep a steady supply of caf on hand. Our little sister here can be a bit grumpy if she doesn’t get at least two cups every morning.” Trynt winked at Kari, who stuck her tongue out at him.

Jaren enjoyed seeing Kari’s affectionate interaction with her brothers. It reminded him of his and his brothers’ relationship with their own little sister.

Jaren grinned. “I think that can be arranged, considering Aldryss is the only source of the beans used to make it.” Kari, Trynt, and Slaytor gaped at Jaren’s casual comment. Jaren chuckled at their shocked expressions. “It’s not common knowledge, obviously. We use a network of shell companies to protect the location.”

“Okay, I’m impressed.” Slaytor reached for one of the tasty rolls Kari loved and covered it with the delicious fruit spread Kari had found in Jaren’s cooling unit. He was about to take a bite when he suddenly burst out laughing. The others stared at him, waiting for him to share the joke with them.

“Sorry,” he choked as he tried to suppress his laughter. “I just wondered what Father’s reaction would be if he knew the drink he’s completely addicted to comes from the world that you are now queen over. Not that we would ever reveal the source,” he added quickly as Jaren’s eyes narrowed. “Your secret is safe with us.”

“Speaking of your father,” Jaren began, his voice taking on a serious tone. He sensed the tension and worry that immediately bloomed in Kari, and he reached over to take her hand in his.

“We won’t be taking her back.” Trynt looked between Kari and Jaren, his expression grave. “Our baby sister seems truly happy for the first time in her life. We had no idea what Father had planned the night of her coronation. If we had…” Trynt and Slaytor shared a dark look between them. “There is no way we would take her back to Montore and let Father hand her over to Earl Bores.”

“The earl is dead. He followed us off planet and attacked Kari. I killed him.” Jaren’s voice was cold as he shared the news.

Both Trynt and Slaytor raised their eyebrows in surprise. “Well,” Trynt began slowly, “that changes things.” A warning growl emanated from Jaren as he interpreted Trynt’s words to mean they would take Kari back to Montore after all.

“I mean, we still wouldn’t take her back, but it does change our plans regarding Father.” Jaren relaxed and nodded in understanding, allowing him to continue. Trynt glanced sideways at Slaytor, who nodded at him as well. Trynt took a deep breath before he spoke again.

“Earl Bores has been Father’s primary supporter for many years. The earl was extremely powerful—his is the largest of the noble houses—and it has been almost impossible to gather enough support to mount a challenge to Father’s rule. Our people live in fear of both the king and Bores. The two of them together have been a lethal combination. But with Bores gone…” He shot another meaningful look at Slaytor. “Let’s just say this just might improve our chances considerably.” Trynt dipped his head in respect to Jaren. “You have done us a great service, my new brother.”

“You could be killed if you challenge Father.” Kari’s hushed and horrified voice drew the men’s attention. Her face had paled, and Jaren could smell the fear rolling off of her and could sense it flooding through their link.

“True, Karinna, we could.” Slaytor’s normally lighthearted expression was unusually grim. He reached across the table and took Kari’s empty hand in his, squeezing it reassuringly.

“But there are some things worth dying for.”


* * * *


Kari wandered through the quarters she now shared with Jaren. He was with his father in his study and her brothers were off somewhere, probably with Jaxson, so she had the afternoon to herself. She realized she hadn’t seen Marinda today, either. She found that odd, considering how much time her new sister seemed to want to spend with her.

Kari poured herself another cup of caf and stood in the kitchen, her gaze roaming over the living space. Jaren hadn’t been letting her get much sleep at night and she needed the extra jolt to stay awake. Not that she was complaining. Quite the opposite, in fact. If Kari had her way, she would take Jaren up on his earlier threat to lock themselves in their bedchambers. They could come out when they needed food. Or, even better, they could just have a food dispenser installed in the bedroom.

Jaren had told Kari that she could make any changes she wished to their living chambers or, if she preferred, they could build a new wing. But Kari hadn’t seen anything she would want to change—well, other than that food dispenser idea. Kari grinned to herself. She was becoming just as insatiable as Jaren when it came to sex.

She let her gaze continue to wander around their quarters. All of the rooms wrapped around the rear of the castle and overlooked the sea. A large balcony stretched across the length of their chambers, allowing access from all of the rooms. The spaces were decorated comfortably, unlike the rooms she had grown up in. On Montore, she had always hated the cold, impersonal feeling of the palace. Even her own bedroom had been furnished without any consideration as to her personal tastes.

This living area was large but felt cozy, despite its size. The floor was made from some type of smooth dark stone. Kari had expected it to feel cold against her bare feet, but the stone actually felt warm when she walked on it. Large, fluffy white rugs were arranged on the floor, the fluffiest in front of the great stone fireplace. Kari’s face flushed as she thought of the heated sex she and Jaren had shared on that rug.

The ceiling was constructed of beautiful wood beams that were polished to a high gloss. Large wooden fans hung from the ceiling and circulated the air throughout the chambers. Kari loved the potted trees and flowers that were scattered throughout the rooms. It made her feel like she was outside.

BOOK: Runaway Heart
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