Read Royal Heiress Online

Authors: Ruth Ann Nordin

Tags: #romance, #fantasy, #greek mythology, #time travel, #clean romance, #atlantis, #romantic fantasy, #sweet romance, #hades and persephone myth

Royal Heiress (6 page)

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Gaius was well into his sixties, and it was
close to his time to retire and hand over his leadership to someone
else. The Augurs had already voted for his replacement, but Julia
wasn’t due to assume her role for another month. He only hoped
there would be an Aug to take care of by then. He hated to show his
apprehension, but the task that loomed ahead of them was

“Atlantis has risen, as it was due to,” Gaius
announced to the four advisors. “The Olympian gods and goddesses
must have forgotten the plan they made long ago. I have reviewed
our records. If their replacements are able to exist, they will
seek to destroy us, for they will see us as a threat to their

“As well they should,” Octavia said. “We know
what happened to Atlantis because of the gods’ and goddesses’ lack
of control with the technology. We cannot allow for them to do it
again, or else the entire Earth will be in jeopardy.”

“So it’s really a matter of who will
eliminate who first,” he said.

“I have sent for the Queen of Raz,” Julius
informed him. “She should be on her way with her messenger as we

“Good. I am not exactly sure how she plays
into all of this, but we have seen the future of her and the last
remaining Infer destroying Atlantis. They are critical to this

“With the Infer’s memory of Atlantis
thousands of years ago, they will certainly be at an

“We are fortunate that he possesses a Stone
of Immortality.”

The others nodded their agreement.

Queen Amanda and her messenger appeared in
the room, and Gaius turned to them. “Greetings, Queen Amanda and
Matthew.” He motioned for them to sit at the table. “Thank you for
your prompt visit, Queen Amanda. We regret taking you away from
your visit with the Olympians, but we had no other choice. How
familiar are you with your mother’s trip to Atlantis before you
were born?”

Amanda cleared her throat as she and Matthew
took a seat. “I recall her ex-boyfriend and a man wearing white
took her there by force. They had planned to use her magic to bring
the city above the ocean, and their intent was to kill her if she
was pregnant with me at the time. Since she was pregnant, her life
was in jeopardy. But at the last minute, the man in white helped my
father rescue her, and Atlantis did not rise to power.”

“Do you know why they wanted to kill her if
she was pregnant with you?”

“Because I am to do something great

“In a way,” he said. “You are the one who
will finally destroy the city. That man in white was an Infer, and
he still lives today. He possesses a Stone of Immortality like the
Olympians do. He was there when Atlantis sank the first time, and
when he decided to protect you so you could be born, he changed the
course of his own history. You certainly know of our mirror that
tells the future?”

She nodded. “I have been told about it.”

“Good. In this mirror, I have witnessed this
Infer helping you destroy Atlantis. Do you understand what’s at
stake if Atlantis is allowed to survive?”

“The Olympians and you will ultimately be
killed by the new rulers there because of your technology

“And Earthlings will destroy each other over
the right to use that technology. It is not safe for it to be in
their hands. The only reason it is safe with us is because we have
been made to uphold justice. We have kept our line pure. Augurs
only marry other Augurs. This is why we have been able to maintain
our justice for so long, and we will continue to do so.
Unfortunately, we cannot destroy Atlantis ourselves. The one who
destroys Atlantis must have magic and must be a descendant of a
native Atlantian. You fit both requirements. Atlantis will only
recognize its own, and your magic will override the technology
there. Will you perform this task for us?”

“Yes, I will.”

He sensed her eagerness and self-confidence.
He was glad for her willingness to do this, but he suddenly became
uneasy at the thought she might not be cautious enough to perform
her goal. She seemed much too confident in her abilities.

She might fail to listen to the wise advice
of the Infer who’d had thousands of years to mature in his
thinking. The mirror did predict her victory, but he also knew the
future was not set in stone. One change in the course of her
actions could prove to be her undoing.

Pushing aside his hesitation, he continued,
“You must take Katherine with you.”

“My sister?” She blanched. “Why?”

“She will do the most good in assisting

“But Matthew’s the one I selected to go with
me on these missions. Katherine doesn’t care for me anyway. I
hardly think she’ll want to go.”

“She will go. And she’ll be happy that she

“What can she accomplish that Matthew

“You will have to trust our judgment. We
would not insist on her going with you if it wasn’t important.”

She sighed, obviously wanting to argue but
realizing it was pointless to do so. “Very well.”

The Augurs stood up and thanked her.

She reluctantly shook their hands and then
took Matthew with her back to Raz.

Gaius turned to the other Augurs.
“Katherine’s role is just as important as Amanda’s.”

“Katherine will establish joy where there was
once only misery,” Octavia agreed.

They sat back down to carefully plan their
next move, for their role was far from over.




Royal Palace

Planet: Raz


Katherine was proudly examining the jewelry
box she had made from her block of wood when Amanda burst through
the bedchamber door.

She groaned. “How many times do I have to
tell you to knock first? That’s it. I’m finding my own house on
another part of this planet!”

“Kathy, you need to come to Earth with me,”
Amanda said, ignoring her sister’s outburst. “I just got back from
talking to the Augurs and they want you to go with me.”

“You’re kidding.”

“No! I thought they would send Matthew with
me, but they specifically said it had to be you.”


“I don’t know. They didn’t bother to

Katherine crossed her arms. “I don’t believe

“Then let’s go to Mom and ask her what to do.
Since she was the queen, she’ll know what the rules are.”

“You can’t go running to her every time you
have a question. She and Dad are going to move to Countryside
Valley in three months when your training period is over.”

“She’s here now, isn’t she? That means I can
go to her for help while she still lives here.”

Katherine frowned. Amanda knew everything.
She doubted Amanda would ever need her help on her trip to Earth.
But she followed her sister until they arrived at the terrace
outside their parents’ bedchamber, where they ate their evening

Their mother blinked in surprise. “Amanda,
what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at Olympia?”

“I got my first adventure assignment!” Amanda
cheered. “It’s so exciting. But I have to take Katherine with me,
and she doesn’t want to go.”

“I never said I didn’t want to go. I’m just
wondering why I have to go with you,” Katherine corrected.

“What is this adventure?” their mother

Amanda quickly explained the situation to
them then concluded, “The Augurs were insistent Katherine go with
me. I told them Matthew could go, but they said he must stay

“If the Augurs told you Katherine must go,
then you should listen to them,” their father advised. “The Augurs
may seem unrelenting, but there’s a good reason for it.”

“And if I don’t want to go, then I have to
because the Augurs want me to?” Katherine asked, not seeing how it
was fair she was denied a choice in the matter.

“No, you don’t,” her father assured her. “But
from personal experience, I highly recommend you go. They chose you
to accompany Amanda because you will do something to help Amanda
that Matthew won’t be able to do.”

“Remember what we told you about our initial
encounter with the Augurs,” their mother added. “If we hadn’t
listened to them, your father wouldn’t be alive today.”

Katherine recalled the story. “Alright.” She
sighed, giving in. “I’ll go. Let me get into some suitable combat

“I’ll do the same,” Amanda said as she ran
off to her bedchamber.

“You’ll be glad you went,” their father
gently told Katherine. “It’s not easy not knowing why the Augurs
selected you. I know how aggravating their demands can be.”

“Maybe this has something to do with what the
Great Magician told you,” their mother added. “You are destined to
do something great on another planet. Maybe this is the answer
you’ve been searching for.”

Katherine’s countenance brightened. “Maybe.
Just maybe…” Encouraged, she hurried to her own room, more
optimistic than she had been in a long time.

Chapter Seven



Planet: Earth


By the time Pallid and Jake flew to Atlantis
on their personal jet, the satellites above Earth had taken
pictures of Atlantis, displaying its coordinates to the nations
around the world. There were already several military groups from
Europe and the United States checking out the new discovery.

Pallid frowned, not liking this unexpected
development. “I didn’t realize Atlantis was already above the
ocean. I wonder how it happened.”

“Did one of the aliens do it?” Jake

“I don’t think so. I only see Earthling

Jake took a deep breath as he surveyed the
flurry of activity around the arc that towered above the city.
“What should we do?”

Pallid surveyed the city for a place where
they could safely land without being noticed. How could he not know
Atlantis had been noticed by the nations on this world? Something
told him he should have anticipated this. He steered the jet to a
part of the city which was uninhabited.

“I don’t know what’s going on,” he told Jake,
“but I think it’s best to remain anonymous to the groups surveying
the city.”

Pallid safely landed between two large
buildings. The city was as beautiful as he remembered. He never got
tired of feasting his eyes on the majestic splendor of the tall
buildings that changed color whenever sunlight hit them. No other
city on Earth compared to it.

Jake, he noticed, didn’t bother hiding his
own awe. “How is it that no one has been able to duplicate this

He smiled, enjoying the compliment of his
beloved city. “Atlantis is full of wonder and enchantment, thanks
to the six leaders who developed the technology to create such
beauty. When Atlantis sank, the technology to produce these
buildings went with it.”

“I suppose all that is about to change now
that the technology is exposed to the entire world.”

Pallid shivered at the thought. As much as he
loved his city, he feared people would exploit the technology. He
was beginning to see the dangers the city possessed. He turned off
the engine. “Somehow, I am supposed to meet up with Queen Amanda
from planet Raz. I wonder where and when that is supposed to
happen. It seems to me the outside interference is going to make
things more difficult.”

“I hate to admit it, but I can see why my dad
wanted to rule this city.”

“It is the diamond of all the cities on this
world. Many would die for the chance.”

Jake sighed. “And many probably will.”

Pallid turned to him in interest. “And what
about you? Does the desire for power flow through your veins?”

“No. Anyone ruling this place would have to
constantly worry about someone trying to take his place. I just
want to live my life in peace.”

“You are nothing like your father. Are you
sure you’re his son?”

“Unfortunately, yes.”

Noting the bitter tone in Jake’s voice,
Pallid settled for nodding then got out of the jet. He knew it was
just a matter of time before the military officials discovered they
had an intruder in their midst, so they had to find a place to
hide. Since he had the advantage of knowing the city inside and
out, they had a good chance of eluding them for some time.

Jake followed his lead.

“Up ahead is the gym. We can go through there
to the tunnel beneath this city,” Pallid said, pointing to the
square building with two columns decorating its front door.

“You had a gym here?”

“We prided ourselves on physical perfection.
That included physical fitness.”

“I worked at a gym. I was a personal fitness

“I can tell you pride yourself on your
personal fitness. You obviously work out. You would have fit in
well here. You are the image of the ideal Atlantian, except for the
wrinkle on your forehead. You would have had to remove that, but it
would’ve been a quick fix.”

“Didn’t people grow old here?”

“Yes, but it was very undesirable. The
leaders developed creams and instruments to remove the signs of
aging, whether it be age spots, wrinkles, or drooping skin. Youth
was worshiped and pursued at all costs.”

They entered the building.

Jake gasped in amazement.

Pallid grinned. No doubt the sophisticated
gym equipment appealed to him. The leaders had produced machines
that could adapt themselves to a particular individual. There was
no need for personal fitness trainers here. The machines were more
than capable of doing that job.

“How is it that everything in this room looks
brand new?” Jake asked.

“The technology that went into the buildings
went into the machines, too. There was no decay here.”

“But people can’t live forever. Well, not
without a Stone of Immortality. Did everyone have one of

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