Read Room For One Online

Authors: Cooper West

Room For One (2 page)

BOOK: Room For One
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“So totally not. Buzzed, a little; still confused by you, though.” He looked around. “This is nice, I have to admit.”

“And that was the whole goal. Nice. With food, and good whisky, and blues.” He leaned back on the couch, stretching out, and Toby was reminded of the first time they met, when he’d thought David was so good looking. Mostly, David had faded into the background noise of Toby’s life, but right then he was casual and relaxed and sexy. He looked like a masculine delicacy, firm and solid yet pretty in the candlelight. Toby almost wished he had his camera.

David looked over at him, and his expression cleared from the languid haze he had going on a moment earlier into something sharp and predatory. His body flexed instinctively, Toby could tell by the way he nearly grimaced. He visibly forced himself to settle down and look at the wall of bookshelves where the stereo was set up, his gaze locked and blank.

Toby was surprised to realize that David was forcing himself to hold back.

Sighing, Toby reached out and put David’s half-full glass back in his hands. He gave Toby a shy glance, as if to see if he was mad at him. Toby shrugged. He was not even sure he would turn David down if he pressed… it had been a very long time since he had gotten physical with anyone, and he knew he would be lying if he said he did not miss it.

Moreover, he actually liked David. Toby enjoyed his company and his strange dinner parties and his music, but that was the best kind of tenant, he thought. One who blended into his life, who he felt comfortable around. He was not sure he wanted to mess that up with sex, much less the possibility of a relationship. Or not. He stared at his glass, realizing with a peculiar clarity that he was not really sure what he wanted anymore, and that he was possibly over-thinking this. It felt wrong to let David believe this was not a big deal, in its own way, and Toby found himself talking before he finished that thought.

“I was with Alan for eight years.” He set his glass down without drinking any more. David was frowning at him, obviously not sure if he was supposed to reply. Toby shook his head. “I like my life. I’m not sure I want to change it again. But I’m not sure I’m entirely happy either.”

David pulled one knee up on the couch so he could turn to face him directly. “I think you would know if you’re happy.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought too. But you know what? It’s not like I’m unhappy either. I’m… comfortable.”

David gave him a small, shy smirk. “Isn’t that when most people get divorced?”

Toby laughed. “Comfortable is good, for me. Alan was… difficult. Abusive. I’m lonely being single, sure, but don’t want to risk that again. I’m not out to rock the boat with casual sex either.”

David did not ask for details either way, which Toby appreciated. “Lonely’s no fun.” He gave Toby a shuttered look.

“No, but being hurt and in pain is much, much worse.”

David carefully set his drink on the table and leaned forward on the couch, still facing him, angling in closer. “Doesn’t have to hurt to be with someone.”

Toby looked at him, knowing what was coming and unwilling to stop it. David was right, and it had been so long since anyone wanted him enough to get past his defenses that ironically he did not want to put up much of a defense. Toby gazed steadily at David as he leaned in slowly, gauging his reaction, until their lips were touching.

That was enough, the brushing of skin against skin, to set Toby’s nerves tingling in anticipation. He brought his hands up to rest on David’s chest, not pushing him away, just trying to make a connection. David responded by leaning up on his knees and pushing against Toby's hands, pressing him down in a slow slide onto the couch. Toby pulled one leg up and nestled it between David’s as he lowered himself down, barely breaking the soft and gentle kiss the whole time.

David pulled up and looked at him while he started undoing the buttons on his own shirt. “This okay? I’m not… I’m not intimidating you, am I? This too fast?” He sounded and looked so sincerely worried that Toby stopped to laugh.

“No. No! But thanks.”

“Just… you know…” David murmured and tipped his head, leaning in to kiss again. Toby parted his lips just a little, allowing David to poke his tongue in enough for them to taste each other. When David’s shirt was completely unbuttoned he did not even try to get it off, simply let it fall open so Toby could move his hands to his bare back. David made a small needy noise as Toby’s hands stroked his skin, and he pushed his tongue farther into Toby's mouth. As they both relaxed into each other, Toby felt David’s erection starting to press against his thigh. It was still a little soft, but substantial enough for him to take notice of it. Toby’s hips gave a shallow thrust and he pulled his knee up to press his thigh harder against David.

“Oh my god, yes, please….” David made humping motions against Toby’s leg and starting giving him small, frantic kisses all over his chin and jaw.

“Hey, don’t take off without me.” Toby returned the kisses along his temple and forehead.

“No, just… feels so good. Been a while.” David slowed his hips down to a languid grind, though, and worked at Toby’s neck, kissing and gently sucking his skin. Toby felt hands scrabbling at his waist, then under his shirt, fingers gently skimming his skin. Toby moved his head up and kissed him again, harder, pushing his tongue into David’s mouth. They both groaned and David’s hands flexed, grabbing Toby’s waist in a clutch. Toby shoved his hips up and they were rubbing and tongue-fucking in earnest, a more familiar and comfortable routine he knew what to do with.

Moving his hands, Toby started to undo David’s pants, but David pulled up and back in response. Surprised, Toby stopped to stare, but David smiled and dropped his hands to rest lightly on Toby’s hips.

“Hardly seems fair to move
fast,” he said, and pulled at Toby’s sweatpants, dragging them and his underwear off in a smooth move. Toby could tell from David’s body language, the way he was shuffling backward and licking his lips and staring at his cock, that he was planning to go down. Toby sat up to stop him.

“Like this.” He got up on his knees and faced the back of the couch, bracing himself, legs wide. It was a cheesy way to “present” but he was aiming for distraction. Sex was one thing but he was not too comfortable with how intimate things were getting.

David did not move for a few moments, then pressed up against his back. He helped Toby pull off his T-shirt, wrapping his hands around him to hold them close together. David’s lips were at his ear and he licked it quickly before whispering, “What do you want?”

“As long as you have protection, I think we’re good to go.”

“Damn—yeah, okay—yeah.” One hand snaked around Toby’s waist to slide down and gently stroke his cock. Toby shuddered at the light, exploratory touches. David’s other arm tightened around his waist, pressing them so closely together Toby could feel the erection through David’s pants against his ass. He moaned softly with every touch and gasped as David squeezed ever closer.

“David…” Toby wanted to sound demanding but it came out in a long, anguished groan, and David chuckled.

David pushed Toby forward as he leaned back, his hands retreating. “Stay here. Like this. Just like this.” David ran a hand down Toby’s naked back, slowly. Toby nodded and lowered his head to rest on his forearms which he crossed over the back of the couch. He felt like a moron, sitting on the couch like that completely exposed, but he supposed it was better than having to lie there with his dick bobbing in the air, watching David run around with his pants open. This way he could just wait and think about making it good for them.

David crawled back on the couch after a second, but Toby did not move.

“I put the chain lock on the front door, just in case Steff comes home early. Here, let me….”

Toby felt slick fingers pushing at his butt cheeks, spreading them apart enough for David to rest a finger against his hole. As he did so, his other hand came back around to start teasing Toby’s cock again.

“Please, fuck, just… come on…” Toby groaned, thrusting his dick into David’s hand, then let out a long, heavy sigh as David’s finger breached him. “Oh my god, oh….”

“Been a while for you too, huh?”

“Yeah, yeah.” Toby gurgled out the words as David twisted his hand and shoved another finger in. “But I’m good, this is good. Fucking great.”

David laughed, pushing his fingers in and out and tightening his grip on Toby’s cock, pulling at it hard.

“I’m gonna come, you know that? Just,
oh fuck
, yeah, I’m…” Toby stuttered and gave it up, David chuckling behind him. His orgasm washed over him hard and dirty, with David’s fingers in his ass and his hand covered in Toby’s come. Toby gasped loudly, his thighs shaking. It was good, so good, maybe too fast but still fantastic.

He heard David fumbling with his pants. He thanked the gods for men who always packed for emergencies as he heard the crinkling sound of a condom wrapper being opened. Another second of silence, or close to silence as David mumbled and huffed to himself, and then he was pressed back up against him, holding Toby’s hips to pull him down.

“Got you,” David said and pushed in slowly.

Toby lowered his head and moaned at the breach. David stopped then, barely inside of him, and rested his forehead on Toby’s shoulder.

“Thank you, thank you, I’ve wanted this… you… oh Toby, goddammit….” He began pushing again, dragging Toby’s hips down to meet his as he lifted, and Toby shivered at the feeling of being filled. It had been a long time, and it was slightly uncomfortable, even with his own post-orgasmic haze going on—David’s cock was substantial enough to make a difference, he thought uncharitably as he shifted and squirmed, his hands clutching the back of the couch.

David’s hips snapped and he gasped, the reaction uncontrolled, and suddenly everything about David was
just right
. Toby laughed through a moan as David pulled out and shoved back in, all the way in, then did it again, and again. David leaned forward and kissed the back of his neck, and Toby wondered how in the hell David could multitask like that while he could barely hold on to the damn couch.

“Say my name. Please, Toby, please….”

He nodded and opened his mouth, pleading David’s name off his lips in a chant. David’s thrusts picked up speed and soon they were jerking the couch with their movements, racing to keep up with each other as they lost themselves in the heat of sex. David finally lost the rhythm, his whole body stuttering and shaking, his hands letting go of Toby to reach out and grab the back of the couch for support. Toby’s own cock twitched hopefully at the sensation of David’s cock throbbing with release deep inside of him.

The moment of connection, tenuous as it was, lasted for a few minutes. David’s body kept shaking behind him, even as he made the effort to pet Toby’s body and rock through the aftershocks. Toby wondered how long it had been for him, but decided not to ask, resting his head on the back of the couch and catching his own breath instead. Eventually, David slid out of him, wet and messy with lube, and Toby did not even pay attention to what he did with the condom as David basically fell down onto his back on the couch, smiling up at him. Toby glanced away, the gaze too open and honest for comfort, and untangled their legs.

“Toby?” David ran his hand along his thigh as he got off the couch.

“Hmmm.” Toby waved a hand noncommittally at him, gathering his clothes and stumbling back to his suite with the barest minimum muscle control. Later, he hardly remembered taking a shower before face-planting into the bed in exhaustion, sated and comfortable and pleased, with only the nebulous feeling that something might be wrong bugging a very small part of his brain.


was no stranger to one-night stands, although admittedly he’d only had a few over the years since the fallout with Alan. Still, he knew that the morning after was always awkward enough that it was better to be long gone before morning hit the situation. He had never hooked up with someone at his own house before, though, much less one of his own tenants, so he figured he was in for some first class denial-avoidance behavior from David that day.

He was not prepared for the loud noise.

“What the fuck…” He stumbled into the hall where Steff was standing, looking shell shocked, her coffee mug sloshing in her hands.

“I’m not going back in there,” Steff said, pointing at the kitchen then disappearing like a ghost into her room, slamming the door behind her. Toby cringed at that, shuddering as another loud bang came from the kitchen along with nerve-wracking noises of dishes being… well, he was not sure, actually. Tortured, maybe.

Pulling his robe tight, he took a deep breath and went to face the music.

“You’re waking up the whole house.”

David did not even look at him as he practically tossed the stew pot into the cabinet. “Oh? I woke you? Sorry.”

Toby blinked and tried to process what was going on. David continued to clean the kitchen with extreme prejudice.

“Did I miss something?”

David stopped, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. “Apparently not.”

“I’m getting coffee.” Toby shouldered past him to the coffee pot, ignoring David’s tantrum as he poured a cup and took a deep, painful swallow of the steaming hot liquid. “So this is about last night.”

“I’m surprised you even brought it up.” David started scouring the countertop.

“Well, you are kind of making it into an issue.”

“Sorry.” David gritted his teeth. Sighing, Toby walked out and went back to bed. It was his basic defense mechanism when things went to hell and he didn’t know why, but he also knew it was only a short-term reprieve.

It was not as if he regretted having sex, or even having sex with David. Toby liked him a lot, and he seemed to put a lot of effort into being a good tenant and a nice guy. He sat on the edge of his bed considering this, when there was a knock on the door.

“Go ’way!”

“Toby, open.” Steff sighed. Toby mumbled at her to come in. It was rare that anyone tried to cross the sacred boundary of his bedroom door, and Toby respected Steff for putting forth the effort.

BOOK: Room For One
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