Read Room 103 02 - Thrilling Heaven Online

Authors: D. H. Sidebottom

Room 103 02 - Thrilling Heaven (10 page)

BOOK: Room 103 02 - Thrilling Heaven
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Chapter 15



“Let’s be rebels and smuggle you out of here in my
pocket.” I whispered in Jen’s ear as she slipped her shirt back on.

She giggled and scrunched up her shoulder as my breath
tickled the soft skin under her ear. “Ethan, baby. You won’t fit anything else
in that pocket with the size of your…”

I quirked an eyebrow at her, egging her on to finish that
sentence, “The size of my…” I incited with a grin.

She swat my arm playfully and I circled her waist with my
arms, pulling her against me as I nuzzled into her soft hair. “Seriously, baby.
Let me get you away from here. We can slum it, veg out, eat vast amounts of
junk food and have lots and lots of rampant sex.”


I could make out her brain ticking as the various
thoughts passed in her many expressions and I held my breath hopefully. I
needed to get her out of here and away from him.

“Where is he anyway?” I asked with disgust as his face
swarmed in my head.

“Probably fucking his secretary” Jen murmured as she
picked up her bag from the floor under her desk and I whimpered at the sight of
her tight arse in her even tighter skirt.

“He’s what?” I spluttered as I watched her pick up a photo
of Shane from her desk and push it into her bag.

My eyebrows rose when I realised she was actually doing
what I asked and coming with me.

“He sleeps with all the women here. He’s been screwing
Dana for months, why do you think she gives me filthy looks” she said
nonchalantly as she pulled out the top drawer from her desk and lifted it high
above her head.

I squinted at her, “What are you doing?”

She skimmed her huge eyes at me and tilted her chin for
me to come near.

I stalked over to her and looked up at the underside of
the drawer and my heart swelled enormously. “Oh, baby” I breathed as my chest
squeezed tight.

I reached up and gently removed the small square plastic
wallet that was stuck to the bottom of the drawer and regarded the contents.


Her arm came around my waist as she leaned in and peered
at the lock of my hair and the dried daisy I had given her one day when we were
sixteen. “You kept it” I stammered as my throat closed in and I ran my finger
over the items as the memories of that summer’s day assaulted me.

“Of course. I kept everything you ever gave me” she
whispered as she tenderly kissed my neck and squeezed my side. “You never left
me Ethan, never.”


I turned to gaze at her and she nestled her hand on my
cheek, her soft skin scraping against the harshness of my stubble as she held
me close. “You are so fucking beautiful, Ethan.”

I nodded at her, my face expressionless as I swallowed
heavily “I know, baby. It’s those super powers I was telling you about.”

Her eyes glistened as she sucked in her lips trying to
pull back her smile but it erupted prettily on her face. She ran her finger
tenderly down my nose as she smirked, “I remember when you broke this.” She

I rolled my eyes and let out a bark of laughter, “I’m
never likely to forget.”

Her huge eyes twinkled as the memory flashed through her
eyes. “You were running late to meet me in the field. I can remember looking
around for you and you just seemed to vault over the hedge from nowhere. I
tried to hold my laughter back baby, honestly I did.”


I pursed my lips at her lie and nodded slowly as I took a
step closer to her and she grinned as she retreated stealthily. “It hurt” I
told her with a pout as I took another stride towards her.

She nodded and gave me a mock sympathetic look. “I know,


My mind swept back to that day, the day before she told
me she was pregnant. I had been late finishing work and I knew she was waiting
in our usual spot. Eager to get to her, I took the short cut and hedge hopped
over the back of the houses.

The last hedge, the one that joined the field, was a
little higher than the others but I wasn’t aware of this, and after jumping six
already, I leapt at the same height as the others. My foot caught the top of
the damn bush, my arms got trapped in the bloody branches and I plummeted over
the other side and landed face down in the field, my nose splattering forcefully
on the ground as the air left my lungs in one fell swoosh.

I had cringed severely, knowing Jen had seen me,
humiliation and mortification coursing through me as blood poured from my nose,
but she had ran over to me, laughing loudly as she said “I already knew you’d
fell for me baby, you didn’t need to demonstrate it as well.”


I held back my laughter as I took another step into her
and her arse landed heavily into the high backed leather chair in the corner of
the room. I leapt on her instantly, my thighs crushing hers as I pinned her
down and growled mischievously.

She giggled exquisitely as I pinioned her arms above her
head and scraped my stubble across her neck.

“Stop!” she laughed loudly as she squirmed against me,
“Ethan, please…”

“What’s it worth, Jen?” I teased as my fingers now dug
into her ribs lightly.

“Oh my God…” she stammered and hiccupped as a tear slid
from the corner of her eye, “please… anything.”

“Anything?” I asked with a waggle of my eyebrows. She
nodded frantically as she struggled beneath me, her delightful firm boobs
brushing against me as she squirmed. Needless to say my dick hardened

This girl could turn me on with just one look and as her
thigh slipped between mine and rubbed against me, my dick now powered to a new
level of rigid.


I moved my mouth around to her ear and delicately nibbled
around the edge of it. “How about you take out my hard cock, pull your knickers
to the side, and ride me to hell and back?” I rumbled as I sucked on the soft
flesh below her ear.

“Can’t we go to heaven instead, it’s sunnier?” she asked
with a low breath as her nipples hardened under me, the tight peaks pressing
into the thin material of my shirt.

“Nah, baby. Hell’s way hotter and you’re one hell of a
hot fuck.”

She gasped and then fumbled frantically with my zip,
sliding her hand under and palming my shaft.

I hissed as she squeezed and pulled me
into the open.


I embraced her waist and lifted her, rotating us round
and swapping our positions. Plonking my arse in the chair gently, my right
cheek still sore, her thighs straddled mine and she wasted no time in doing as
I had asked as she slid her knickers to the side before she plunged down on my
length in one hard drive.

“Oh God….” She rasped as she lifted slowly then dropped
back down in a swift descent.


I grasped her hips and held her still as I thrust into
her harshly and powerfully, desperate to increase the speed and bury myself
further into her.

Both our moans were loud and profound as I bore deeper
inside her perfect pussy, its softness and heat sheathing me as I stretched her

“Ethan!” she screamed before she bit into my shoulder to
stifle her loud cries. The pain unified with the exquisite white hot pleasure and
my spunk shot forth, its intensity possessed my lungs and seized my breath as
she tightened infinitely around me and growled out her orgasm.

Jesus Christ, I fucking loved this woman.


Her head dropped onto my shoulder as she panted heavily,
her forehead slick with sweat as we both frantically gasped for our breaths and

“You know, I will never get tired of that.” I told her
with a contented sigh.

She pulled back slightly and regarded me before her plump
lips lifted into a dazzling smile. “Good, cos’ you should be aware that my
pregnancy hormones make me horny.”

My brows lifted as high as my lips and I swirled the tip
of her nose with my own, “That’s just terrible, baby. God knows how little Boss
is gonna keep up. Maybe we should keep working him out and improve his


She scoffed and lifted her little body off me as she
palmed my cheek, “Ethan, you’re the only man I know that can orgasm over three
times in an hour.”

“Super powers, Jen.” I shrugged impassively in

She laughed loudly and I watched her stuff more things
into her huge bag, its size resembling California and I frowned when I suddenly
realised she kept a photo of her brother on her desk. They had always been
close, but it was still strange to have a photo of your brother on your desk.

“Why do you have Shane on your desk, Jen?”

She turned to me and frowned but then a light flickered
behind her eyes, “You don’t know.” She stated bluntly.

I shook my head in confusion and returned her frown as
she sighed deeply. “Shane died three years ago, Ethan. I’m sorry, I didn’t

Jesus Christ.


Shane and I had been quite good friends, regularly attending
concerts together, our mutual love of rock had seen us favouring the same
groups. We also played football together every Sunday; him being great, me
being crap.

“Christ, baby. How?” I asked her quietly as she gazed at
me sadly.

“Leukaemia. Zoe was his wife, that’s how we got close.”

I nodded faintly as my heart constricted and I stalked
over to her and cupped her face before latching her lips onto mine and giving
her a tender kiss. “I’m so sorry, Jen.”

She nodded and gave me a soft smile but I could still see
the pain behind her eyes. “I love you, Jen. So fucking much it renders me
breathless, baby. I need you; I need you with me… all the damn time. All of
you, every single inch of you. I need to possess you. I need to own you, Jen.”


Her eyes studied my face, dropping from my eyes to my
mouth and back up again. “You’ve always owned me, Ethan. My heart, my soul, my
body, you own every fragment of me and I’ll always be yours.”

I nodded before pulling her against me, my craving for
her demanding her close as I nuzzled her hair and inhaled her sweet scent.


It was such an intimate moment… until my stomach grumbled
really loudly and I winced. Trust me to ruin the moment.

Her tiny body shook in my arms as she laughed and shook
her head in exasperation. “Hungry?” she asked as she chuckled.

I beamed at her. “You really need to hurry and pack
before I decide to eat you.”

Her tongue swept across her bottom lip as she grinned
sexily “Anytime baby, you just need to ask.”

My brows rose at her directness. “How about McDonalds for
now though?” she offered with a sweet smile.

I pursed my lips, weighing up my options, “I suppose I
could force down a Big Mac, pussy for pudding.”

She smirked and took my hand as she inhaled deeply, her
grit and determination prominent on her gorgeous face. “Okay, Superman, you


I swallowed heavily and sucked in a breath, “You’re
really doing this?”

She smiled widely and nodded. “You got me; gun, rocket
launcher and baby Boss, all of us.”

I couldn’t hold back the giggle that erupted at my

Told you I was a pussy.


“Don’t forget your perfect pussy and great tits, baby.” I
told her seriously as I turned my back to her and patted my arse… gently.

“Those too.” She giggled as she hopped on my back and
curled her arms around my shoulders.

“Let’s go home, baby.” I whispered as I turned my face to

“Together” she whispered back as she planted a tender
kiss on my cheek.

My breath stole as I demanded back the tears. “Together,

Chapter 16



We ran through the building like giddy teenagers; Jen
clung to my back with her legs wrapped around my middle as we dodged the many disgruntled
people coming through the glass foyer doors as we flung ourselves out of them.

We were still laughing hard as I planted her
unceremoniously in the passenger seat of my car as I scurried round to the
driver’s seat and clambered in before Kyle spotted us.

“Did you see Tracey on reception? Her face was classic.”
Jen laughed loudly and I smiled at the sound.

Even her laugh was bloody beautiful.


“That’s because she was jealous of you hung on to an extremely
handsome, strapping guy.” I told her as I pulled into the traffic, camouflaging
us with the heavy traffic.

She nodded respectfully as her eyes travelled down my
body and I shifted to adjust myself as my dick roared to life again.

Christ, he was a monster where Jen was concerned but the
little fella had nine years of catch-up to get through, so I couldn’t blame him


“Do you think Bulk will be okay with us stopping at his,
I mean, we haven’t even asked?” she queried quietly as she turned her face to
the window and watched the scenery speed past us.

“Sure. He likes you” I told her as I checked my mirrors
religiously for any tails.

She nodded and smiled softly, “I like him too. He’s a
good friend to you.”

“Yeah, we’re all pretty close. I’m closest to E, but the
others come pretty close too.” I told her with honesty in my words.

They were my family, well they were until Jen and baby
Boss had stormed back in my life. They were now my priority, my family, my


She remained quiet for a while, her gaze still trained on
the outside world and I could sense her apprehension in the confines of the

“You okay?” I asked hesitantly, hoping she wasn’t regretting
her decision to leave with me.

She nodded but didn’t talk and I frowned as I glanced at
her. I could tell something was bothering her as her body was tense and still
and I rested my hand on her thigh gently. “Jen, listen to me.”

She sighed and turned to me and I winced at the horror in
her eyes. “Bulk will be fine, baby. Don’t worry” I soothed but she shook her
head and bit her lower lip with a sigh.

“It’s not Bulk, Ethan. It’s… I’m just worried about… what
Kyle will do when he finds out. It just feels like we’re stepping into the
mouth of the unknown, ya’ know.”


I flicked her a soft smile and squeezed her thigh before
shifting gears and replacing it. “Jen, don’t worry. It’ll be over soon, I

“It’ll never be over, Ethan. He’ll never stop hunting us”
she said despondently and my heart broke for her.


How the hell my parents had parted with such an evil
bastard was beyond me. I had turned out okay, pretty nice if I could say that
without it sounding arrogant, but yeah, I was a good person.

That thought suddenly shattered in my mind when a little
voice told me I had ordered a hit on my own brother, but I pushed that away.
Jen would always mean more and come before Kyle.

He was no brother of mine, not the way he had treated Jen
for years. I didn’t want any association with a person like that.

We were done, simple.


“It will be fine, baby. I promise. You need to listen to
me, Jen. Don’t forget I have super powers and those include a premonition that
soon, very soon, me and you will be walking down an aisle under moonlight. One
covered in soft pink rose petals, whilst E sings softly beside us. Our friends
smiling widely as they watch us. You dressed in a delicate white gown, as I
watch your beautiful face smile down that aisle at me with so much happiness,
it will be blinding.”

She slowly turned towards me, her eyes wide, her lips
parted and her breathing heavy and unsteady.

Her throat bobbed rapidly and my stomach clenched as I
realised she didn’t want that, she was appalled that I would even mention
marriage, I could see it in her eyes.


“Are you… are you asking me to marry you?” she stammered
as her fingers curled into her thigh, the opposite one to which I was still
clung to, my own fingers digging painfully into her soft flesh now that devastation
flowed through me.

“I, uhh…” I gulped away the damn threat of tears that
were trying to force their way up my throat.

What the hell was wrong with me? I had barely ever shed a
fucking tear in my life. The last time I had cried had been nine years ago,
when the person triggering the tears now, had walked out of my life.


She reached into me, her warm breath whispering against
my cheek and I tried my damn hardest to concentrate on the road as her lips
brushed my skin. “Yes” she whispered in my ear, “Fuck, yes!”

My throat suddenly released a funny murmur as her words
hit each of the lobes in my brain and exploded into a stunning clarity that
this woman, this fucking woman who I loved more than life, more than the
chuffing galaxy, wanted to marry me.

She wanted to fucking marry me.



“Holy Fuck” I wheezed out and she laughed loudly as she
planted a huge smacker on my cheek.

“God damn, I love you, Ethan Hart!” she cried and I
laughed with her, both of us hyper with emotion as we pulled up at Bulk’s huge
iron gates and I tapped in the code, opening the gates for us.

I screeched to a halt outside his house before I pulled her
across the console and onto my knee. “Do you know how crazy I am about you,

She nodded as her eyes sparkled wildly, “I know because I
feel the exact same way about you.”


She leaned into me slowly, her eyes never leaving me as
her lips brushed over mine so tenderly it hitched my breath.

She didn’t move any further, just held me close with her gaze
as I held her just as close, both of us saying so much without uttering a
single word.

I could see her heart beating wildly through the
reflection in her eyes, her own beautiful soul reaching out to me as she gave
me everything she was.

All of her. She was mine, all mine; after eleven years of
loving her so deeply there had been no escape from my own tortured soul.

But now, at long last, I had her… I fucking had her!


A tear slid down her cheek and she smiled so exquisitely
with a vast happiness in her eyes as she palmed my cheek.

“Thank you” she whispered before she brought her mouth to
mine and kissed me.

Fuck, it was a kiss of pure sweet, adoration and I echoed
it as I took her lips beneath mine and demanded control as I worshipped her
soft mouth with my tongue, exploring every fragment of her mouth as I showed
her just how much I loved her in return.

Her hands slipped behind my head and she slipped the band
from my hair before she grabbed a hand full, triggering a moan from deep inside
me as my blood roared south.


We both jumped when someone banged on the roof of the car
and Bulk’s face appeared at the window with a huge smile.

“You coming in? Or you just gonna hump each other out

We looked at each other and deliberated before we both
beamed back at him and unfolded ourselves out of the small interior.


“Hey, little lady” Bulk smiled softly at Jen as he pulled
her in for a hug.

“We were hoping to stay here for a while, Bulk. Just
while the arsehole’s still about.” I told him as I grabbed Jen’s hand and
pulled her back to me, smiling widely at Bulk.

“Sure.” He nodded with a smile as we all walked in his
ginormous house.

What am I saying, house; it was a bloody castle!




Jen grinned as I backed her into the bedroom, my hard
chest against the soft fullness of her breasts.

Her hands came up to my ribcage as I kicked the door shut
behind us and I could feel the heat of her through the thin material of my
t-shirt. She gripped the hem and pulled it forward and over my head before she
inhaled deeply and skittered her fingertips across my pecs and over my stomach.

“You were made in heaven, you know that?” she whispered as
her mouth targeted my nipples and I murmured a reply as she grazed her teeth
over one.

Her thumbs curved the outline of my abs so softly I
swallowed against the sensation.



I’d had my fair share of women over the years since Jen,
but none, not a single one, had ever made me feel like I did right now.

Her fingers left a trail of sparks in their wake, each
tiny jolt shooting through my veins and into my brain. Her soft lips shadowed
so much heat that I felt like I was on fire and her tongue, Jesus her tongue, it
tasted, licked and sketched each contour of my muscles lighting every nerve it
tracked over.


She edged around me, her tongue and fingers working a
path slowly to my back where she continued her worship of me.

“Jen…” I breathed as she licked a line down my spine and
across the edge of my waistband as she settled on her knees behind me.

Her hands came around me and popped the button on my
shorts before she gripped the sides and pulled them slowly over my arse with my


Her gasp made me cringe when I had forgotten about my new


Her voice sounded strangled and I bit my lip in
mortification as she peeled off the protective film. “E made me get it. What’s
it like? I haven’t seen it yet. Why I had to have a damn care bear is beyond
me. She’s just mean.”

She was silent and I closed my eyes as she continued to
stare at my backside. “Who did it?” she choked out and I narrowed my eyes, sure
I could hear the faintest laugh in her voice.


I sensed her nod slowly and heard her swallow deeply. “A
care bear,” she said somewhat strangely.


She cleared her throat and coughed slightly as she stood
upright and came round the front of me.


I could see the humour on her face along with the
desperation she had at fighting the urge to laugh as her eyes held a bright

“You ought to look, baby. You should be able to see it in
the mirror.” She closed her eyes as her throat dipped rapidly and her teeth
sank into her lower lip.

I just knew it was the damn pink care bear from the look
on Jen’s face and I stalked rather grumpily over to the mirror and twisted my
head to look.


My jaw dropped and my heart beat sped up as I viewed what
was tattooed on my right butt cheek and Jen’s laughter finally erupted.





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