Read Rogue Love Online

Authors: Ophelia Grey

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction

Rogue Love (4 page)

BOOK: Rogue Love
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Liam obliged, pulling his shirt up quickly to reveal his strong chest and chiseled abs. He quickly popped open the buttons on his jeans and pulled them down so he was only wearing his pair of grey boxer briefs. I could see his cock standing stiff and pressing against the fabric.

He finally hooked his fingers under the waistband and yanked those down in one swift movement so he was standing in front of me in all his glory. His body was perfection. Even the long scar across his chest and his winding tattoos only served to make him look more masculine. His muscles gleamed perfectly in the morning light and his cock curved up, long and thick.

I could feel the heat inside me growing. My core tightened with anticipation as me slit grew slick. I needed him. I had never been so sure of anything.

“I want you,” I whispered to Liam as I lay down on the bed and slowly spread my legs for him.

Liam groaned as he got a good view of my wet, slippery little pussy. He crawled between my legs and lowered his lips to my slit. His warm tongue slid along the seam of my folds, lapping up the liquid that now covered my little mound. His tongue felt incredible against my most sensitive area. My body trembled as Liam worked his magic. He moved slowly at first, gently lapping at my slit, then moving up to my small, hooded clit. He was gentle, moving his tongue in tantalizing circles as he slipped one finger slowly into my tight slit.

“Oh yes!” I moaned as he started to move his finger inside of me in a come-hither motion, pressing against the most sensitive spot inside my channel with each thrust of his finger.

He moved faster, his tongue slipping and sliding against my little nub as I gyrated my hips against his hungry mouth. I felt a tightness coil inside of me, like a spring pulled tightly, dying for release.

“Come for me, Mary!” he commanded as my body quivered against his tongue. My body obeyed, exploding in a ball of intense waves of pleasure. I cried out incoherently as the orgasm took me, melting in his arms as they wrapped around me.

“I didn’t even know it was possible to feel that good,” I murmured in Liam’s ear as my heart’s insistent pounding slowed.

“Oh, my sweet Mary,” Liam replied with a devilish smile. “I’m not done with you yet.”

H held my face gently, but the kiss he pressed against my lips was anything but gentle. His lips traced down my neck, stopping to nibble the tender skin, then down to the swell of my breasts. His lips gently enveloped one nipple and then the other, nibbling and suckling each until they stood erect. He finally pulled back with a dangerous look on his face.

I could see his cock standing out hard as a rock and swollen with desire. The fire in my core reignited and I was glad that we were not done.

Liam slipped one hand between my thighs, pushing them apart gently. His hips pressed against mine and his cock stood poised at my entrance as Liam stared deeply into my eyes. I felt lost in his gaze, reading the love, the lust, and the desire that mirrored my own.

“I want you,” I told him. “I need you.”

He didn’t hesitate a moment longer. With one hard thrust, his cock burst into my tight channel, tearing me open in a burst of pain mingled with intense pleasure. I cried out and he filled me with his hardened cock, pressing against my core. He pulled back and thrust into me again.

I dug my fingers into Liam’s back, gasping as he fucked me senseless. His muscular hips dug into my softer flesh as he moved inside of me, pumping harder and hard as we both neared our climax. I could feel my body teetering on the edge once again and cried out as my second orgasm slammed through me. I quivered and shook under Liam’s strong body as he continued to thrust. Then I felt his cock tighten and expand inside of me and he pulled out, releasing a thick stream of hot, milky liquid over the flat plain of my belly. He groaned and collapsed beside me.

We lay next to each other, silent except for the loud beating of our hearts and the fast, shallow breaths for what seemed like hours but was probably only minutes. Liam finally propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at me.

“I love you, Mary.” He said it so sweetly, so sincerely, that I couldn’t help but smile.

“I love you too,” I answered back before his lips pressed to mine, silencing them.

“Are you still happy with the choice you made?” he asked cautiously, examining my face.

“More than ever. My home is with you now. I’m ready for whatever life throws our way.”

His smile spread over his face, all the way to the crinkles of his gorgeous blue eyes.

“So am I,” he said triumphantly.




If you enjoyed this novella then be sure to check out Twisted Love, the novel about Mary’s friend Grace and what happens when she leaves Mercy River to work for a reclusive, tortured billionaire.

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If you would like to read the first chapter of Twisted Love, then keep reading!

Chapter 1.



“You know what you did.”

My father stared down his long, thin nose at me the same way he did when I was six years old and left my toys scattered in the yard. Then again, he gave me the same disapproving look almost every week for failing in some way or another. I took a deep breath and squared my small shoulders, making sure to look contrite. I tried so hard to be perfect, but I would never be good enough to live up to my father’s exacting standards. My mother stood rigidly next to my father, silent as usual, her plump face a perfect mask of calm. My mother didn't really do emotions. She deferred to my father in all things and spent her energy on proper womanly pursuits like cooking, cleaning, and organizing church events.

It was a hot summer day and we stood in the sweltering living room of my parents’ home. The room was perfectly clean and tidy with decorative pillows arranged artfully on every couch and chair, although the drapes were faded and the carpet was worn. We weren't well off, but my parents still liked to present the image of respectability. We were part of good society here in Mercy River, even if we couldn’t afford air conditioning. After all, very few people around here could.

I felt a strong hand on my shoulder and couldn't help a small smile that played at the edges of my lips. At least Daniel was there for me. He was my rock in all things. Daniel and I had been dating since freshman year of high school when he
had offered me a rose and asked me to the church formal. I knew he would help me figure out whatever it was that I had done to upset my father and he would help talk me through it, pointing to relevant bible passages and showing me the path to goodness and obedience. He always did.

I looked back to see his encouraging smile. He nodded at me, looking so perfectly clean-cut with his short brown hair, blue polo shirt, and pressed khakis. He belonged in a television show or commercial from the fifties with his big, toothy smile and hair combed perfectly to the side. I was always trying so hard to live up to his example and present a perfect image to my parents and to the town.

“I'm sorry for my failures, father,” I recited quietly, raising my eyes to his stern face. I was so used to the words that they just tumbled over my tongue effortlessly without me even having to stop and compose them or think about their meaning. “Please explain my mistake to me so I can make amends and improve in the future.”

I took another deep breath, filling my lungs with the thick, sticky summer air and wracked my brain, trying to think what I had done wrong. The last time we had had such a serious talk it was because I had been researching secular colleges. Nothing radical or far away, of course, but just the idea of going off somewhere further, learning about the brought a light into my heart. I thought that light must have been from the lord. But my father knew otherwise. He told me I was being tempted by the devils of secular society. He was right. I went to the local Christian college, Mercy River College for Christians, with Daniel and now I was protected from the devil's influence.

“Daniel, it is almost time for you to take my place as Grace's guide.” He was referring to marriage, of course. Daniel and I were not formally engaged yet. He was saving up for a small, modest ring. But we would be soon. I glanced over at him and smiled.

“So why don't you explain her sins to her.”

I looked at Daniel again, this time confused. He knew what my father was talking about?

“Grace,” Daniel said in his calming voice.

I turned around and he took my hands in his, staring into my eyes with a small smile.

“I want you to understand that I am not doing this to embarrass you. I had to discuss what you did last week with your parents and Pastor Rick because it is important that all of us know the temptations that you are facing and find some way to help safeguard your purity until our marriage.”

For a second, I was confused. What on earth was he talking about? And then I realized what he meant and my heart dropped to my stomach. My cheeks burned bright red from anger and embarrassment and I dropped his hands.

“You told them about that!?” I glared at him accusingly. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and it took everything in me not to yell or scream. How could I trust him if he was willing to break my trust and tell my parents about our most intimate moments? And how could he live with his hypocrisy? I had only tried to make him happy and give him what I thought he wanted.

I lived at home with my parents and commuted to college, but Daniel had a dorm on campus. Sometimes I would go spend time with him there and we would spend a lot of time making out and whispering about our dreams of a future together.

Last week, when Daniel had run out to get us sodas, I had stripped down to my bra and panties and posed on his bed. I didn't want to break my vow of chastity. I just wanted him to appreciate my body, to maybe touch my breasts or do something more than just kissing. It wasn't so wrong if we were pretty much already engaged, right?

To my disappointment and embarrassment, Daniel had told me that I was being corrupted and to put my clothes back on. He didn't realize that I had seen the bulge in his pants get bigger when he saw me like that. And he also didn't realize that the only reason that I had entertained the idea in the first place was that I had found porn on his laptop's history when I was doing research for a paper while he was out.

At first, I had been disgusted, slamming the computer shut. But my curiosity had won out. I slowly opened the computer again, and watched dubiously as the video played. A busty young woman in lacey black lingerie was kneeling in front of an older man. The man’s large penis was dangling in front of her face and she bounced happily, grabbing it between her large lips as if it were some delicious treat. I watched as she sucked, groaned, and slobbered all over the man’s erect penis until he exploded, spurting white liquid all over the young woman’s smiling face.

I glared at Daniel now. I was tempted to blurt out that he was a hypocrite and a pervert and let my parents know that he had watched porn. But I kept my lips shut and just nodded as both he and my father droned on and on about the temptations of the flesh and the value of a young woman's chastity. The worst part was that he had told Pastor Rick, although he couldn’t possibly know why that would hurt me so much. That was my one big secret from Daniel and the rest of the world.

“So that is why we think you should take a year off of college to stay at home and study the bible and learn how to be a good wife for Daniel when he graduates.”

Wait, what?
I finally snapped back to attention, my mouth hanging open. They were going to make me drop out of college. And Daniel was just agreeing to go along with it. I knew he wanted me to be a good wife and stay at home with our future children, but he knew how important my education was to me and how much I wanted to experience working, even if just for a little while.

“Fine!” I heard myself spit out. “I can't force you to pay for college, but you can't force me to stay here. I'm finding a job and leaving.”

I turned and stormed out the front door in a fit of anger before realizing I had nowhere to go. My best friend Mary would only tell me to return home and apologize to my father for my disobedience. She was always there for me, but she could never understand my desire to rebel. But I was not going to apologize. I was done apologizing for everything. I had been so good, done everything everyone else had told me to do, and now it was time for me to live my life on my terms.

I walked along the dusty dirt road that led from my parent's house to the center of town, holding up the bottom of my long, modest dress so it didn't drag in the dirt. The road was flat and straight, like everything in Mercy River. The first thing I needed to do was find a job somewhere far away from this little town. I resolved to leave Mercy River and not look back.

I decided the best thing to do would be to go to the library and check the newspaper's classified section. I wasn't exactly sure what skills or training I had that would be relevant to any jobs, but I was eager to do anything different. I wanted to learn about the world, support myself, and finally feel like I was valuable and needed for more than just my quiet obedience.

I imagined myself as a high-powered CEO as I walked down the dusty road. In my mind, I was wearing a black skirt suit with my hair in a tight bun as I ran around with a clipboard. I walked tall, my head held high and my stilettos clicking on the marble floor.

I shook my head to clear it of the unrealistic image. I didn't even have my degree from my podunk Mercy River Christian College. I would probably need to set my sights lower to start. I could work as a nanny or a housekeeper, but those were the type of jobs my parents would approve of, women's work, work that would prepare me for my role as Daniel's wife. I wanted to try something different. I could be a secretary or an assistant, I
thought hopefully.

The warm spring air had turned heavy and oppressive by the time I reached the library. I was covered in a layer of sweat under my long dress and a few tendrils of hair were plastered to the side of my face. Even the air in Mercy River was oppressive.

I pulled the heavy door to the library open and sucked in the cold air as it hit my face. I had spent many summers hiding away in the library as a child just to have relief from the heat and humidity that lingered for months. My quest for a break from the summer heat had turned into a love of knowledge and reading as I had quickly read my way through the small library’s collection of books. I felt the hunger for adventure bloom inside me as I read the tales of Odysseus and Gulliver. I realized that the world was much bigger than Mercy River and that there was still so much more for me to learn.

Luckily, the library was empty, except for the old librarian napping at her desk. I smiled as she snored quietly, her thick glasses askew as she slept on a pile of books. I ran my fingers over the spines of the old books as I walked down the aisle, remembering when and where I had read each one. So far, books had been my biggest escape. Now it was time for me to move on and have a real life adventure.

I reached the table where the newspapers were kept, folded neatly and arranged by date and type. I passed over the local papers and looked for the big city papers. I pulled out five and then found a seat at the long table so I could pour over the classifieds. The first paper contained almost nothing useful. There were many job postings, but all of them were very specific and technical, calling for multiple years of experience. I set that paper aside and turned to the second one. The first few ads didn’t interest me, but then my eyes fell on one small ad at the bottom.

“Seeking intelligent assistant for temporary live-in work for successful businessman. No experience necessary. Impress me,” I read, already feeling the excitement coursing through me. This was it. This was the job for me. I quickly grabbed the paper and ran over to the old communal computer in the corner. I had an old, used laptop at home, but I wanted to send out the email as soon as possible.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for the live-in assistant position you advertised. I do not have much work experience, but I am eager to learn. I’ve always been a quick learner, teaching myself about history and literature from books at my local library. I’ve outgrown my small town and I am willing to work hard and do whatever is required of me so I can learn more about how to succeed in business. Please let me prove myself.


Grace Martin

I finished typing and clicked send before
I could second-guess myself. I knew there were many people searching for jobs and most of them probably had more experience and education than I did, but I
that this job was for me.

It was still early afternoon, so I decided to stay at the library and read over one of my favorite books, The Count of Monte Cristo, for the hundredth time. I ran my hands over the yellowed pages and the cracked spine that was worn from years of use. I smiled, realizing that I had been the one who left most of those marks over the years. I remembered huddling in the corner of the library with a bag of carrots that the librarian had pretended not to notice and spending hours turning these pages, engrossed in the mysterious tale of revenge. I had checked the book out and carried it everywhere for weeks, reading outside in the shade of my favorite oak tree and under my covers with a flashlight at night.

A quiet beeping sound broke me from my reverie. I looked over my shoulder and saw the flashing computer screen. I must have forgotten to sign out of my email. I quickly put my book down and went over to silence the computer before it woke up the librarian and she came over to scold me. The screen was flashing the notice that I had a new email. Excitement coursed through me as I looked over the subject line.
You’re hired!
I couldn’t believe it. Maybe it was a trick or a scam?

BOOK: Rogue Love
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