Risk It: Paolo's Playhouse, Book 2 (4 page)

BOOK: Risk It: Paolo's Playhouse, Book 2
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“Aw, God, Amy!”

She felt his balls tighten and then he spasmed, shooting hot come down her throat. He grabbed onto her hair so tightly that it was almost painful, but she didn’t mind at all. His thrusts became rough and frantic as the orgasm dictated his movements. She kept her jaws loose, her mouth open and let him move as he needed to. He’d never come in her mouth before. She never thought she’d like it. But she gladly swallowed every salty drop he sent squirting over her tongue.

His movements slowed and gradually became less frantic, until he slumped against her and his hands dropped from her head. “Shit, I didn’t want to come yet.”

She laughed. “I’d have been disappointed if you hadn’t.” She licked his softening cock some more, until his skin was clean and shiny. She sat back on her heels and looked up at him. Her heart stuttered in her chest. There was that look, the one she’d accused him of not using anymore. The one that made her feel adored. She felt ashamed for avoiding him all these months. What a lot of time she wasted being afraid. “I wanted to do that for you,” she told him. “I haven’t done enough for you.”

“Are you kidding? You do everything for me. I couldn’t live without you.” He grabbed her by the shoulders and hauled her to her feet, their bodies sliding against each other as he pulled her up. She clung to him with both hands. “I love you,” he growled. “I never stopped loving you.”

“I love you too.” She wrapped her arms around him, inhaled the familiar scent of her Will. She’d forgotten how much she loved to be in his arms. How much she needed it. “I’ve missed you.”

“No more,” Will said seriously. “I’m not going to give you the chance to ever miss me again.” Then he shocked the hell out of her by scooping her up into his arms.

Chapter Three

Amy laughed and threw her arms around his neck. “What are you doing?” Will carried her over to the sofa facing the window. “Are you crazy?”

“Crazy about you.” He groaned, but held her close against his warm body. “Ugh, did that sound corny?”

She kissed his cheek. “We used to be pretty damn corny, remember?”

“We sure did.” He stopped in front of the sofa and placed her gently on the cushion. She opened her arms to him, but he didn’t join her immediately. He simply stood there, gazing down at her with that look again. His eyes were dark with desire. Amy shivered in anticipation. “Lean back, Amy. It’s your turn now.”

She grinned at the eagerness in his voice and settled into the cushions. His gaze ran over her body like a blow torch, heating every inch of her skin, yet she shivered. And waited. She squirmed as he continued to silently study her. “Will?”

“Shh. Give me a minute to enjoy the view.”

“Oh,” she sighed. “Okay.”

And since he was enjoying looking at her, she took advantage of the time to do the same. To notice the way his normally well-groomed hair was tousled from her fingers. Notice the crinkles around his deep brown eyes and the shadow of a beard on his stubborn jaw. She reached out to him, but he caught her wrist before she could touch him. Ignoring the curious frown she sent him, he gently kissed her fingertips then pressed her palm to the back of her head.

“Keep your hand there.”

“What? Why?”

Will held her still. “Look through the window, Amy. Look at all that bare skin. Look at their busy hands.” He picked up her other hand and lifted it behind her head as well. She interlocked her fingers, her elbows held out to the sides. Will stroked her hands then her hair. “Remember how we used to keep our hands busy while we watched from our little corner at the club? My hand would be up your skirt, playing with your pussy. Yours would be down my pants, stroking my cock.”

“I remember,” she told him, squirming as she pictured their dark corner, remembering the way they used to bring each other to climax while they watched all those couples wriggling on the dance floor. “My hands want to be busy now.”

“Not right now.” He kissed the top of her head. “Keep them there.”

She groaned, but gripped her fingers tightly together and looked up at him. “But I want to touch you.”

He chuckled and shook his head slowly. “You’ve already touched me.”

“But not enough, Will.” It would never be enough.

“Later then.” He ran a finger down her cheek and she trembled. “It’s my turn now.” He circled around the sofa and knelt down in front of her. “You’re so beautiful.” He drew his finger along her throat and tingles ran over her skin in its wake. “Right now I want you to sit there and let me take care of you.” He circled her breasts with that teasing finger and she didn’t know if she could stand the delicious agony of lengthening anticipation.


He stared her down. “Stop arguing with me for a minute. Let me take care of you, Amy. I want to do this.”

Chills from his intense expression danced along her skin. “Okay.”

He slid his hands along her hips, and then hooked his fingers under the black lace still covering her most intimate area. “I like this pretty underwear.” He stroked his thumbs along the wet lace between her legs, over and over again, making her wriggle. “Did you buy them for me?” She nodded, panting. “I think you should buy more of them.”

She swallowed to moisten her mouth. “You do?”



He stared at her with his dark gaze as he continued to stroke her lace-covered pussy, teasing her with the tickles that made her crave even more. “They’re sexy.” Stroke. Tickle. “You’re sexy in them.” Stroke. Tickle. “And I can’t wait any longer to get them off of you.” He tugged the panties down and she eagerly lifted her hips to let him strip them off her body.

He knelt beside her, the panties dangling from one finger. “Now you look sexier than I’ve ever seen you.” After he shot her a mischievous grin, he tossed the panties over his shoulder. Still, he didn’t move to touch her and she ached for that more than anything. She couldn’t help but squirm restlessly on the soft cushion.

“We’re going to do this, don’t worry,” he said softly. “We’re just going to slow it down for a few minutes.”

Slow it down? They were already moving at a crawl.

Will cupped her face in his hands and swept his lips lightly over her eyes, nose and cheeks. She closed her eyes to savor the sweet sensations. His breath was warm as it brushed across her skin. He slowly moved his mouth over to her ear. He licked the lobe with his tongue, toyed with her little gold earring with his lips. She shivered, but it was in delight.

He moved his mouth across her jaw and down the column of her throat, nipping her with his teeth ever so lightly just above her collarbone. She shivered again. His hands moved to her breasts, gathering them together, squeezing them as she’d been imagining such a short time ago. How her despair had turned to joy since she’d entered this room.

She opened her eyes and looked past Will to see that the couple in the next room had made it to the bed. They were on their knees, facing each other in the center of a huge mattress. The blonde’s breasts were rubbing against the guy’s chest.

When Will lowered his face to her breasts, she ached to wrap her arms around him, as the blonde did to the man she loved. Amy wanted to gather her husband even closer to her, to hold on to him and never let him go. But she honored his instructions and didn’t lower her hands. Her nipples prickled and tightened with expectation. His chin was slightly scratchy, but that just added to the wild sensations running through her body. Then he took one needy nipple into his mouth and Amy gasped. She closed her eyes again and arched up into him, gripping her fingers even more tightly.

Sparks shot straight between her legs, sending the throb factor even higher. She shifted her hips beneath him, but he kept his attention on her breasts, which was certainly not a bad thing. But the nipping and sucking made the need between her legs grow stronger, the pulses of arousal heavier. Her mouth was dry from panting. She swallowed and wet her lips with her tongue. Will bit down lightly on one nipple while he rolled the other between his fingers. Her pussy throbbed and her clit prickled.

Her eyes flew open. She needed some attention down there. Now. “Will…please!” she moaned.

“What, sweetheart?” He lifted his head from her breast to look into her eyes. “What do you need?”

“Please,” was all she could say. She couldn’t think, could only feel. She rocked her hips. “Please, please, please,” she moaned, the words escaping her mouth in time with the movement of her body.

“I know.” He placed a light kiss on her wet nipple and then slowly dropped more kisses as he moved down her body. “I know.” More shivers. More throbs. Amy lifted her hips, instinctively trying to get closer to that wandering mouth of his. “I know.” Her hands hurt from gripping her fingers so tightly.

Will circled her navel with his tongue, the incredible sensations wet and erotic. When he plunged the warm wet tip into the dip of her navel, she groaned. That felt amazing, but she needed that tongue somewhere else, dammit.

He chuckled at her distress, the rumble of his laughter tickling her stomach. “I’ll get there, sweetheart. Don’t worry. Relax. Just enjoy the journey.”

She sighed and tried, really tried. There was no way she was going to relax, but she knew she should be trying to focus on where they were at the moment instead of just looking for the pay-off. Will was right. It had been so long since they’d taken the time to simply enjoy each other. To explore each other’s bodies. To connect in an intimate way. Lately, when they did have sex it was always a rush to get each other off and get to sleep. They’d forgotten to give each other the quality time they made sure to give their children.

The throbbing between her legs faded into the background as she focused on what Will was doing at the moment. On his hot, hungry mouth nibbling at her skin. On the roaming lips that swept across her abdomen. On the wet tongue dipping into her navel. She hadn’t even noticed he was running his hand over her thigh in her previous obsession with her greedy clit. But now the scrape of his fingers along her sensitive skin sent shivers shooting across her body.

Will made his way leisurely down her restless body, sweeping his tongue over her skin on his way, she hoped, to the juncture of her thighs. At the same time that he nibbled on her stomach, he stretched one arm along her thigh and down past the calf of her leg until his large hand circled her ankle. He pulled her leg out to the side, giving him better access to the hot, wet spot between her legs.

“I love the way you smell,” Will murmured. He buried his nose in her tight curls and again her hips jerked uncontrollably. “That musky scent tells me you’re ready for me. Are you, Amy?”

She trembled beneath him. “I’m so ready. Touch me, Will.” The words tumbled out in a stream of edgy need. “Kiss me there. Lick me. Suck me. Oh fuck, just touch me there. Touch me now.”

But he still didn’t touch her. He apparently wasn’t going to be rushed now that he had her stretched out like a banquet before him. He looked up at her from between her legs and grinned. Seeing that boyish expression on his face took her breath away. They hadn’t been this carefree, yet this intense, in ages.

He hovered over her, his face so close she could feel the warmth of his breath on her inner thigh. But he didn’t lower his mouth to her. Not yet. Still not yet. She shivered in anticipation. His eyes were heavy-lidded as he looked at her. He slid one finger through her slick folds from ass to clit, barely brushing against that sensitive button. She gasped, but his touch was already gone.

“Oh, Will, don’t tease me.”

He placed a gentle kiss on her stomach. “Aww, I’m not trying to tease you, sweetheart. I’m trying to give you the attention you deserve.”

The tenderness in his voice brought tears to her eyes. “Oh.”

“I’m sorry I haven’t paid enough attention to you.”

Intense arousal had affected her brain cells and she could hardly think straight, but Amy knew she couldn’t brush off his apology. “I think we both got so caught up in the day-to-day needs of life that we forgot about the needs of love.” She remembered Paolo’s words to her earlier. “We forgot to make time for each other.” She smiled softly. “I’ll forgive you if you can forgive me.”

“There’s nothing to be forgiven,” Will said quickly.

“There’s a lot,” she replied. “But I’m going to do my best to make it up to you.”

He chuckled. “You already have. Now it’s my turn, remember?” He swept his finger along the slick flesh between her legs. “You’re so wet, sweetheart,” he said in a wondering tone of voice. “So wet. So beautiful.”

“I’m wet for you,” she murmured, squirming beneath him. “It’s all for you.”

A deep groan met her ears and then he dove in, with lips and tongue and teeth. Amy gasped and lifted her hips to meet him. He sucked on her swollen flesh, teased it gently between his teeth. She grasped her fingers more tightly when all she wanted to do was grab his head and hold him there. Sensations flew through her body, at once scattering along her skin and yet concentrating in her clit.

Will’s fingers dug into her hips as he feasted on her. His tongue thrust into her core and then he lapped her juices with enthusiasm she hadn’t witnessed in ages. He moaned and the deep the vibrations buzzed through her. He lifted his head to look at her.

“You taste so sweet,” he said, and began again, licking and sucking and driving her completely crazy. She lifted her legs and draped them over his shoulders, pulling him closer, holding him in the only way she could right now. His hair tickled her inner thighs. His fingers tightened on her hips. And he kept working his mouth on her.

He swiftly brought her to the edge, winding her tighter and tighter with each lick, each suck. When he finally rubbed his tongue roughly against her clit, the tension snapped and the orgasm overtook her. She bucked beneath him as he continued to work on her, still licking and sucking, still keeping her flying higher and higher.

Amy cried out with the release, with all the crazy emotions flying through her system. The wild sounds coming from her mouth sounded foreign to her. She felt a sharp sting as her aching fingers lost their grip and pulled at her hair. Will slowed his tongue, his lips, gradually gentled his attentions. She let her legs slide off his shoulders and she slowly relaxed, her arms dropping to her sides. Her mouth was so dry, she had to swallow before she would sigh and whisper, “Wow. You sure know how to pay attention to your wife.”

BOOK: Risk It: Paolo's Playhouse, Book 2
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