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Authors: Lynn Hagen

Rio's Fire (8 page)

BOOK: Rio's Fire
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Pulling onto the gravel, Rio drove as close as he could to the house and found an empty parking spot. He still needed to talk to Fire about why he was on lockdown. It bothered him. If Maverick was being this stringent, then Fire had to have fucked up pretty badly.

Climbing from his truck, Rio twirled his keys on his finger, catching them on every turn as he headed toward the front door. He saw a camera mounted high up in the corner, the small device turning toward him as he rang the doorbell.

It didn’t take long before someone answered.

“Can I help you?”

“I’m here to see Fire.”

“Why would you want to see him?”

The guy looked vaguely familiar. Rio knew he had seen the man somewhere before.

“Who is it, Johnny?”

“Someone to see Fire,” Johnny called out over his shoulder.

“Although I think he’s nuts for wanting to see the fey.”

Rio was starting to get upset. Fire may have messed up, but he took exception to the way people talked about his mate.

Hawk came to the door. Now this was a man Rio recognized and knew. “Come on in, Rio.”

Rio stepped in as the door closed behind him. Why did he feel like he had just stepped into Satan’s lair?

Rio’s Fire


Chapter Seven

Fire closed his bedroom door, thankful he was finally alone with his mate. It seemed everybody and their mother wanted to talk to Rio.

Fire argued with half the people in the house most days. Let Rio show up and he was an instant hit. Even the sentries liked him.

He guessed that was a good thing. But trying to pry Rio away from everybody to get him alone had given Fire a migraine. When he turned from the door, Fire saw Rio standing over by his bed examining the items on the shelf. It seemed unreal that Rio was standing in his room. He made a slight gesture with his hand. “Make yourself at home.”

“You have a nice room.” Rio was staring at the full-length mirror that was attached to the wall on the left side of Fire’s bed. He could almost see Rio’s imagination working overtime. While Fire was all for whatever Rio had in mind, his body all of a sudden betrayed him.

His mind went blank, his palms became moist, throat dry, and for the first time in a very long time, Fire was unsure of what to say or do.

He just stood there, his hands smoothing over his abdomen. Rio was like this all-powerful being in his room—that was what it felt like. It was as if his presence sucked the very oxygen from the air.

Fire found Rio an imposing force, but even more so now that they were alone.

“You look a bit pale.” Rio closed the distance, running his knuckles over Fire’s cheek. “Tell me the fey who has bragged about being bedded by any man or woman of his choice is nervous.”

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Fire lifted his chin at Rio. “Have no idea what you’re talking about, buddy.” Although Rio was telling the truth, there was no way Fire was going to confirm it. His pride wouldn’t let him.

Fire’s heart fluttered. His belly tightened. His cock was as hard as a rock when Rio stepped into his space, grabbing Fire’s fingers and bringing them to his mouth, nibbling on each knuckle. “Don’t worry, darlin’. I only bite if you ask nicely.”

His breath became sharp and short, as if he was about to hyperventilate when he saw Rio’s eyes smoldering with promise.

Using nothing more than tongue and teeth, Rio nibbled his way to Fire’s wrist. He kissed the pulse, and then began to move his way up Fire’s bare arm. Rio stopped at the elbow, his eyes darting up toward Fire’s face.

That look, oh god, that look was like nothing Fire had ever seen before. It was so damn seductively wicked that Fire jerked on an exhaled breath. He felt like he was being pulled into Rio’s gaze, trapped in the man’s beautiful blue eyes. He couldn’t move. Fire found it hard to breathe. The only thing he could do was stand there wondering how deep Rio was going to pull him in.

His lips parted when Rio began to work his way toward Fire’s shoulder. The panther’s tongue twirled and swirled an erotic path until Rio’s lips pressed into Fire’s collarbone.

Fire was so lost in the moment that he knew Rio could do anything to him and he wouldn’t protest. His mind was shrouded in lust, his body aching for release. A small, agonizing sound rumbled in the back of Fire’s throat. He didn’t want Rio to stop, but he wanted Rio not to torture him. It was a conflicting emotion, and Fire was powerless as Rio’s hands explored his body. The only thing Fire could do was bow his back and let his head roll to the side.

“Mmm, you taste so damn good on my tongue.” Rio bit down on Fire’s neck, but not hard enough to break skin. Fire’s body shuddered at the sudden sensation and the sound of Rio’s deep baritone voice.

He was so lost in the moment that Fire hadn’t realized his hands were
Rio’s Fire


shackled behind him, caught in the tight grip of Rio’s hands. He tried to tug them free but found that Rio’s hands were like solid, steel bands around his wrists, unrelenting.

One of Rio’s black brows hitched up. “Do you really want me to let you go?”

“N–No,” Fire said, his voice so strained that it was nothing more than a mere whisper. Rio let out a low, deep chuckle as he nipped Fire’s flesh. Rio clasped a hand to Fire’s cheek, now only using one hand to keep Fire’s arms locked behind him.

His thumb stroked over Fire’s bottom lip, Rio’s gaze following the move. “I want to feel these lips sucking my cock.”

Fire whimpered.

Rio leaned forward and caressed his cheek over Fire’s, whispering softly in his ear. “Don’t be shy, darlin’.”

Fire felt himself slowly lowering to his knees. He kept his gaze locked with Rio’s, seeing the intensity and the man’s azure-colored eyes blaze even higher. The blue became so dark that the color damn near turned purple. Rio’s hand caressed Fire’s jaw as his other hand worked his jeans open.

“Take me into your mouth, Fire.” Rio guided the head of his cock to Fire’s parting lips. The explosion was instantaneous when he tasted his mate for the first time. The texture and taste of Rio’s cock had Fire moaning around the shaft.

Rio brushed Fire’s hair from his face and then gathered the strands as if making a ponytail. He held on with a tight grip. Fire pressed the palms of his hands into Rio’s thighs, his fingers curling tight as he felt the head of his mate’s erection touch the back of his throat.

“That’s it, baby. Suck me.”

Relaxing his throat muscle, Fire leaned further toward Rio’s groin.

He felt the thick, hard cock slide all the way down as his nose touched the curly hairs at the base of Rio’s shaft. A fine tremble began to vibrate in Rio’s legs, telling Fire that his mate’s control was slipping.

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Rio gave a hard tug to Fire’s hair, pulling him back until only the head remained between Fire’s lips. Fire smiled and Rio growled.

Before he could sink fully into his satisfaction, Rio caressed the tip of one of Fire’s pointy ears.

Fire nearly fell back from the intensity of Rio’s touch to his erogenous zone. He hadn’t been expecting the move and was caught off guard. The only thing that stopped him from falling to the floor was Rio’s grip on Fire’s hair.

“Two can play at that.” Rio’s voice was harsh, raspy, sounding as if he barely had a thread of a grip on his control. Fire flicked his tongue out to catch the drop of pre-cum seeping from the head of Rio’s cock and instantly felt the manacle hold on his hair grow tighter.

The cat didn’t like when Fire got the upper hand. He knew this because it looked like a lightning storm in Rio’s eyes. He attempted to lean forward once again, but Rio’s hold was too tight, not allowing Fire an inch to move.

“Take. Your. Pants. Off.”

Oh yeah, Rio was definitely in a raw mood. The man’s jaw was clenched so tight that Fire could see hard lines forming around his mouth—and his canines were growing longer.

“Hard to move when you have me leashed in place.” Fire made his point when he jerked his head away from Rio’s hand. His scalp tingled at the rough move.

His mate’s hands fell to his sides as he took a step back. As seductively as he could, Fire slid to his back and made a show of removing the jeans from his body. When he had them off, he tossed them aside, and lay there with his legs spread. “Now what?”


“Say please,” Fire said in a singsong voice, teasing the predator that stood over him. Although Fire wanted Rio to be in charge, that didn’t mean he had to obey the man’s every command. There was nothing wrong with pushing Rio a little. Having Rio on the edge of
Rio’s Fire


his control would only make the sex a hell of a lot more interesting…and fun.

Instead of saying the magic word, Rio squatted by Fire’s feet and gave him a devastating smile. “Are you really sure you want to push me?”

Instead of answering Rio, Fire posed his own question. “Are you really sure you want me to roll over at your every command?” Fire already knew the answer was no. He could tell his mate’s cat liked the challenge.

With slow and deliberate moves, Fire rolled to his hands and knees, making sure every single moment was exact and seductive. His hands caressed his own body, small moans falling from his lips.

“There. I rolled over for you.” His shoulders were low and his ass was high in the air, as he presented himself to his mate. But he was just teasing. He wasn’t the type of guy who listened very well.

“You minx.”

Fire made an unmanly sound and fell forward onto his face when a heavy hand cracked against his bottom. The sting radiated out, and soon his entire backside felt like it was up in flames. He ground his cock into the light-grey rug, an automatic reflex to what Rio had just done.

“Behave,” Rio said with a low growl, “or else I’ll swat the other cheek, darlin’.”

This was not the sweet kindergarten teacher Fire remembered. On the contrary, Fire knew he was dealing with the predator that lived inside a Rio—and he liked it.

Slowly pushing himself back to his hands and knees, Fire glanced over his shoulder and gave Rio a defiant glare. Good to his word, Rio’s hand sliced through the air right before it landed on Fire’s other cheek.

This time Fire collapsed, his face smashed into the carpet. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t breathe. No one had ever spanked him before. Fire found the new experience thrilling and confusing.

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Logically, a grown man should not like to be spanked. But here he lay, his cock throbbing so hard it hurt.

There was a rustling noise behind him. Something heavy hit the floor and Fire guessed the noise to be Rio’s boots. He heard the rattling of a belt next. The man was undressing, and all Fire could do was lie there, gasping and groaning as the sensations continued to radiate throughout his body.

What in the hell had Rio done to him? Fire was almost ashamed to admit that he liked Rio’s heavy hand on his backside. Was he supposed to like it? He sure as hell didn’t like it when his father had kicked his ass when he was younger.

So why did Rio’s punishment turn him on?

Fire’s eyes fluttered closed when he felt two strong hands begin to massage his abused flesh. Instead of taking the sting away, it intensified. Fire was baffled, conflicted, confused, and enjoying every second of what Rio was doing to him. He lay on the floor at the foot of his bed and soaked up every nuance of touch that Rio was giving him.


Fire didn’t want to look. He was too busy enjoying Rio’s hands on his butt. They were slowly working lower, until Fire could feel one of Rio’s fingers circle around his back entrance.

“Open your eyes, darlin’.”

Reluctantly, Fire cracked his eyes open. The first thing he saw were his own eyes in the full-length mirror situated on the wall in front of him. Only they weren’t the medium-brown Fire was used to seeing. They had morphed into the color of dried vanilla beans, dark, smoldering. Fire wasn’t used to seeing himself this way.

But what really caught his attention was the body behind him, kneeling between his legs. Rio’s stunningly thick, black lashes outlined eyes that held the same glassy look as Fire’s. The bandanna was gone and his silky black hair framed his face in a way that reminded Fire of a fallen angel—one who knew how to draw pleasure
Rio’s Fire


from a man’s body. The unshaven stubble only lent to the man’s mysteriously dangerous appearance.

As Fire’s eyes traveled lower, he took in his mate’s sculpted body.

Both nipples were pierced, a loop adorning each. Fire’s teeth ached to pull at one of them. Rio wasn’t thick with muscles. Instead he was chiseled, showing off a sleek body that belonged to a black panther.

His biceps were well defined, rising just the right amount to let Fire know just how much strength the man held.

Continuing his journey, Fire took in the rigid abdomen. His mate had a six-pack, the muscles honed to perfection. He took in the sultry lines that ran on either side of his mate’s groin.

And then his eyes zeroed in on the hard cock that extended from base to navel. It was upright, erect, and the pre-cum made Fire’s mouth water. His cock and hole pulsed at the same time as Fire drank the man in.

Something shiny caught his sight, and Fire could see a small packet of lube in one of Rio’s hands.

“Watch.” Rio nodded toward the mirror. “Watch me take you.”

Fire turned his head back around, brown eyes locking with blue in the mirror. His eyes watched everything Rio was doing, knowing that nothing on earth would be able to tear his gaze away.

Using his teeth, Rio tore the small packet open and emptied the contents down the crease of Fire’s ass. The liquid was warm, making Fire shudder as his nerve endings felt exposed and raw. His mate’s hand dipped down between Fire’s cheeks as his fingers began to circle around Fire’s tight entrance.

Rio’s gaze was still locked onto Fire’s, but now there was a small hitch added to the side of Rio’s mouth. Fire could still see the man’s extended canines, which only made his mate look even more provocative.

BOOK: Rio's Fire
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