Read Riding the Line Online

Authors: Kate Pearce

Tags: #Romance

Riding the Line (21 page)

BOOK: Riding the Line
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One of the firefighters came forward to extinguish the blaze and Dakota stepped out of the way. He continued to stare at Robyn. He’d liked seeing her with his family at lunch. She seemed to fit in just fine. Neither of his brothers had intimidated her and that was a definite bonus. His brothers had heckled him about Robyn but he’d held his tongue and not allowed them to rile him.
Near the end of the meal, Robyn had become withdrawn and made an excuse to get away from him. He was still trying to think of a way to ask her why, without inciting her wrath. It was as if she was afraid to get close to anyone, afraid to imagine she could have anything good in her life.
She was laughing at something Lauren had said, her head thrown back, elongating the length of her neck. He wanted to sink his teeth into the tender spot between her shoulder and her throat and bite down hard.
‘Dakota?’ He turned to find Joe at his elbow again. ‘We’ll need a few close-ups on Monday and that’s it.’ He hesitated. ‘You look great on film. Have you considered becoming an actor?’
Dakota grinned back at him. ‘There’s no way in hell I’d ever do that, Joe. It’s way too hard for me.’
‘I don’t think so, and all the guys who have seen the uncut commercial agree with me. You could be a star.’
‘Yeah right. Go tell my brother that so he’ll pay me more money.’
Joe grinned and patted his shoulder. ‘Have a good night.’
‘I intend to.’
The firefighters dispersed, and the crew started to turn off the lights and dismantle the set. He found himself walking toward Robyn, his gaze fixed on her laughing mouth. He wanted all her smiles. He didn’t want her to leave him. Had he ever felt this possessive about a woman before?
She looked up at him, her gaze soft and full of warmth. God he loved her when she looked at him like that, as if he was the only person who mattered in the whole world.
‘Hey, you. Lauren was asking if we wanted to go out to dinner with her and Grayson.’
He managed to nod. ‘Yeah, that would be great.’
‘They’re staying at the same hotel.’
Robyn touched his arm. ‘Are you OK?’
He turned to Lauren and winked. ‘We’ll see you at the hotel, OK? Just call our room.’
Lauren, God bless her, took the hint and took off. Robyn stared after her. ‘I thought we could ride back together to the hotel,’ she said.
Dakota took her hand and led her through the crowd of workers toward the stacked hay bales in the corner. ‘Nope.’
‘Then where are we going?’
He maneuvered her behind the highest stack and dropped his shirt over the lowest bale. ‘Here.’
‘Dakota . . .’
‘I want you now, right here. Do you have a problem with that?’
He reached out and cupped her breasts, his thumbs rubbed her nipples bringing them to two hard points.
‘What about all the people?’
‘They’re too busy working to worry about us.’ He started on the zipper of his jeans, revealed his already erect cock. ‘I’ve been thinking about you and me rolling in the hay together all day. I have to see if the reality lives up to the fantasy.’
She licked her lips, her gaze fastened on his swollen shaft. ‘I could just give you a blow job.’
‘Thanks, but I want to be inside you.’
Robyn shook her head. With a satisfied smile he reached forward and pulled her T-shirt over her head, exposing the creamy swells of her breasts. He bent his head and sucked her nipples until her hand fisted in his hair.
His fingers worked their way down the front of her pants and past her panties. He sighed as he fitted his palm to her pussy.
‘All wet for me, honey. I like that.’
‘Oh, God, Dakota, I know I shouldn’t be doing this but it’s such a turn-on.’
She moved against his hand and he slid two fingers inside her. She moaned against his ear, the soft sound making him harder and hornier. The straw muted the noise coming from the dismantling of the set and the hubbub of voices. As he pumped his fingers back and forth, deep inside her, Dakota forgot about everything but her.
She turned her head until her mouth grazed his and he kissed her, his tongue mimicking the rhythm of his fingers as she swayed against him. He looked down into her eyes, watched them haze with lust and longing, guessed she’d forgotten about the possibility of discovery as well.
With a soft groan, he shoved her pants down to her knees to give him better access to her pussy. He fingered her clit, felt it swell and grow beneath the calloused pad of his thumb. She came suddenly against his working fingers making him jam his cock against her hip, needing to feel it with her.
‘I want my cock in you, honey, come here.’
He wrapped one arm around her waist and drew her down to her knees facing away from him, her upper body and breasts braced against the straw bale. She looked so fucking hot, her breasts ready for his hands, the long line of her neck bared for his teeth. He knelt behind her and slowly pushed his jeans down to his knees.
‘Not much room to work with here, but I don’t want your pants off all the way, so I’ll have to squeeze in between your thighs, OK?’
‘Just get on with it!’
Dakota smiled as he smoothed a hand over his dripping cock. Perhaps she hadn’t quite forgotten there was a potential audience after all. He’d make her forget; make her scream out his name if it was the last thing he did. He slid three fingers deep into her creamy wet pussy. Her back arched and her hips angled toward him.
‘Hang on, honey, let me get a condom.’ He slid his hand into his pocket and found nothing, tried the other pocket. ‘Shit! These aren’t my jeans.’
‘What do you mean?’ Robyn’s voice was slightly muffled from her bent-over position on the hay.
‘I’m still in costume.’
He couldn’t stop working his fingers inside her even as he realized his cock wasn’t going anywhere. He wanted to scream, throw Robyn over his shoulder and run her back to his dressing room to retrieve his jeans as quickly as possible. With a groan he sank down to his knees and rested his forehead against her ass.
‘So not fucking fair. I want you so bad.’
She wiggled around until he could finally see her face. ‘It’s OK. I’m on the pill.’
Dakota licked his lips and stared at her. ‘What?’
‘You can fuck me.’
‘Without a condom?’
‘I’m protected, it’s OK.’
He stared at her as his cock grew even bigger. Yeah he’d like that
too much, to feel her climax without a condom, to empty his hot come deep inside her. While he struggled to breathe, the shy invitation disappeared from her face and was replaced by defensiveness. Damn, he’d done it again. Let his past dictate his reaction to her. She moved away from him, wrapped her arms around her knees.
‘You don’t trust me, do you?’
He smoothed his hair back from his face. ‘It’s not you. It’s just I’ve been caught that way before.’
‘Caught?’ Her eyes widened. ‘Some woman told you she was on the pill and then said you got her pregnant?’
‘Yeah.’ He rubbed his unshaven chin with the palm of his hand. ‘It was an uncomfortable few months until the DNA testing proved I wasn’t the right guy.’
She caught her bottom lip in her teeth and worried at it. ‘Do you think I would try to entrap you like that?’
‘No! I’m just . . . wary, I suppose.’
She found her T-shirt and put it on, her movements jerky. ‘I already told you I wasn’t the marrying kind.’
‘That same night you also told me I could get you pregnant if I didn’t wear a condom, so what’s changed?’
‘No method of contraception is entirely foolproof. That’s all I meant.’ She scrambled to her feet and pulled up her pants. ‘And you’re right to remind me of the risks. Nothing’s changed, has it? It was a stupid thing to say.’ She attempted a smile but he could see the hurt in her eyes.
Dakota got up from his knees and grabbed hold of her hand as she started to turn away. ‘Don’t walk away from me.’
She went still, her face still averted, her fingers trembling in his grasp.
‘Don’t leave it like this, honey. Come back to my dressing room, I’ll change and we’ll go out to dinner, just like we planned.’
She swallowed hard. ‘OK.’
He briefly closed his eyes as relief swept over him. Perhaps this was progress of a sort after all. She hadn’t stormed off or slapped his face – however, the night was still young. Could he convince her he wanted her too much to let her get away? He wanted her to become his permanent lover. Then she could have all the condom-free sex she could ever want.
Robyn allowed Dakota to lead her through the now deserted set and back toward the row of trailers in the parking lot. God, she’d made a fool of herself again, offering her body to Dakota like a raffle prize and then realizing he hadn’t even bought a ticket. She obviously wasn’t the only one with trust issues, but his rejection still stung.
She sighed as he snapped on the lights of the trailer and locked the door behind him. The scent of strong coffee and hairspray still permeated the small space. A few of Dakota’s clothes hung over the back of a chair; otherwise the trailer was as neat as a pin.
Dakota drew her into his arms and started to kiss her. The slow steady stroke of his tongue reawakened the heat he’d stirred in her earlier and she struggled to contain her response. He kissed her harder, his teeth grazing her lower lip, his fingers splayed over the back of her skull holding her still for his possession.
‘Don’t stop me, honey, let it go, give me all you’ve got.’
His murmured comments against her lips made her lean into him, angle her body into the hard curves of his and kiss him back. He kissed his way down her throat and between her breasts before falling to his knees. Robyn had no chance to step back as he grabbed her hips and worked her capris down her legs.
‘I don’t think I want to do this right now, Dakota.’
He looked up at her as he slid one finger under the lace of her panties and found her clit. ‘Because you’re still mad at me?’
His finger circled and stroked, driving tingling sensations straight to her womb and breasts.
‘I’m not mad at you.’
‘Then we’re OK then.’
He added another finger, slid that one deep inside her channel. She shivered as he slowly advanced and retreated. A climax tore through her and he murmured his approval.
‘I love it when you come, especially when my fingers are buried deep inside you.’
‘Better than when it’s your cock?’
His smile was crooked. ‘Nope, but almost as good.’ He kissed her clit, licked around it with the tip of his tongue. ‘I still want my cock in you tonight. Will you take me?’
She stared into his eyes, saw the need and sincerity there and pushed down her hurt. Hadn’t she promised herself to live in the moment and forget dreaming about the impossible? So what if he didn’t trust her enough not to use a condom. It wasn’t as if she was any less wary herself. If anything, she should be grateful for his caution.
‘You’ll use a condom, right?’
‘Of course, honey.’ He gestured at the chair behind her. ‘Look in my pocket.’
She fumbled in his pocket and found the silver packet. He groaned as he opened his jeans and she covered his cock to the base.
‘That’s good, Robyn, now come here. I need you bad.’
He reached for her and stripped her capris and panties off one of her legs. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around his hips as he drew her close. The soft skin of her inner thighs grazed the rough denim of his jeans and his cock pressed against her sex and throbbing clit.
With a low sound, he lifted her slightly and brought her down over his cock. Robyn sighed as he slid home, so deep and thick that she thought she’d never take him all. She used her feet to shove down the denim over his ass and dug her heels in.
‘Yeah, ride me, Robyn, use your spurs.’
She started to move on him, glad of his anchoring hand on her hip and his strong upward thrusts that only intensified her pleasure. He brought his mouth to hers, locked her into a kiss that left no room to escape, no ability to breathe except with him and through him. She climaxed again and he groaned against her lips, his cock growing even bigger as he thrust into her.
‘Dammit, Robyn.’
She didn’t complain when he rolled her over and her back hit the ground. He moved over her, free to slam his hips harder into hers and to angle her pussy to get the greatest enjoyment. She simply hung on to his shoulders and enjoyed the sheer masculine power of his pumping muscular body over hers. He slowed his pace and withdrew until only the crown of his cock rested at the entrance to her sex. He raised his head to look at her.
‘You think I was disgusted at the idea of having sex with you without a condom, don’t you?’
BOOK: Riding the Line
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