Read Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1) Online

Authors: Blue Remy,Kim Jones,MariaLisa deMora,Alana Sapphire,Kathleen Kelly,Geri Glenn,Winter Travers,Candace Blevins,Nicole James,K. Renee,Gwendolyn Grace,Colbie Kay,Shyla Colt

Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1)
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Sobering up, Ella looked to the tender. “Hey Talon. Two Midori Sours.”

“Happy Birthday, Ella. Having a good birthday so far?” Talon asked as he grabbed the bottles.

Ella watched him while he mixed their drinks, resting her chin on her hands. “Thanks. It’s been okay. Nothing to complain about.”

“Maybe try letting go a touch. Let your hair down?”

Ella crinkled her nose and offered up a one shouldered shrug. “Not my thing, you know that.”

Trixie hip bumped Ella, rolling her eyes. “It’ll be your thing soon enough. You’ll get the taste of freedom and watch out, Santa Maria!”

Ella giggled, picking up the drink that Talon set in front of her, angling the straw just right. Turning enough to the right, she was able to watch Cross over the rim of her glass. It didn’t matter where he moved to in the building, he had a following.

Sighing to herself, Ella shifted to the side, lifting her hips, and slid onto a stool. She understood that Cross had fans, and his father was proud of him. Who wouldn’t be? But she had to admit, she was feeling a bit left out. This was to be her birthday celebration, not a welcome home party for the prodigal son.

Pushing herself toward the bar, Ella nodded as Trixie found one of the many men she enjoyed, and walked off toward him, leaving her by herself. Eyes fell to her drink. As she stirred her drink with her straw, her thoughts drifted.

Trixie had propositioned her to become a Painted Lady a few weeks ago. Ella knew if she accepted it, her father would kill her. He was an officer of the round table, and that would not be something acceptable.

The benefits though—she could reap the rewards and she knew it. Then again, what did she know? She was a virgin for Pete’s sake. She was idealistically saving herself for the one who never knew she existed. Ella knew she was pretty enough, had the body that men drooled over. She’d fetch a pretty price to become a dancer and be the comfort that some men sought in the Ladies.


Ella’s head jerked up in surprise, her eyes wide as she met the most gorgeous near-black eyes she had ever seen. Cross was standing next to her, lazily propped against the bar, gazing down at her with a bemused look on his face.

She forgot to breathe.

Ella glanced over both shoulders to be sure it was indeed her that he was talking to. Seeing it was, she couldn’t help but blink rapidly. Her lungs were burning from lack of oxygen, finally forcing her to take a large breath.

“Uhm, hi.”

Oh. My. God. Uhm, hi? Are you fucking kidding me?
Ella scolded herself, wanting to bury her face into her hands and disappear.

Baritone laughter echoed in her ears as he motioned to Talon for a beer. “It’s been a long time, Ella. How have you been?”

He was really talking to her. Oh, holy shit, he remembered her. Ella’s mind fumbled with what to say, finally spitting out, “I’ve been good. Not as good as you, so it seems.”

Cross snorted as he took a drag from the bottle, deadpan gaze scanning the crowd before his eyes fell back on her. “It’s the fame and money.” A large shoulder lifted and fell, maneuvering the massive frame around to rest both elbows on the bar. His head tilted toward her, a sidelong glance given. “I love the guys, and I know they’re proud of me, but it’s human nature to be drawn to it.”

“It’s not every day a local gets drafted into the NFL, Cross. Give yourself a bit more credit.”

He set the beer down onto the bar top and lifted up, his hand reached out and snatched her own. “Let’s blow this place.”

Her brows shot up as his hand enveloped her own. She never realized just how fragile her hand looked in his, or how calloused his palms were, until now. Swallowing, all she could do was nod. This was an opportunity of a lifetime. Alone with Cross.

There was a God.

Ella allowed Cross to pull her to her feet and dash out the building toward his truck. Laughter bubbled forth as he opened the door for her, pushing her up into the lifted Chevy. Maybe dreams do come true. She had wished for this for years and here it was.

Once he was settled and had the truck on the road, Ella took a moment to study him as he remained focused on the road. His jaw was square and strong, a beard starting to shadow his sideburns. The sides of his head were shaved, though the top and back were left mid-length, showing off the rebellious side to him. His lips were full and lush, his nose slightly crooked from a high school ball injury that left it broken.

“Since I wasn’t able to get you a birthday gift, I’m taking you somewhere to celebrate.”

Her curiosity was piqued as he turned the truck toward town. “Where at?”

“You’ll see.”

Chewing on her lip, Ella was trying to hide the smile that wanted to light up not only her face, but the whole cab of the truck. “Are you really kidnapping me and going to ask for ransom?”

Cross snorted and quickly glanced at her, then back to the road. “I don’t think I’d ask for ransom. I’d keep you all to myself.”

Yup, she had died and gone to heaven. That had to be it. Either that or she was having one hell of a dream and she prayed that no one would wake her up. “I don’t know, I might get on your nerves.”

“I have a rope and a gag, if I need it.”

Liquid fire spread through her at the very thought of Cross tying her up and having his way with her. Squirming in her seat, Ella cleared her throat, not too sure she had a comeback for that one. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”

“Not a threat, Ella. That’s a promise.” His voice was a throaty growl as he looked over at her.

She was going to need to change her panties at this rate.

The truck rolled to a stop before it turned into a park. Ella couldn’t help but gasp in surprise. He had brought her to her favorite spot. Waller Park.

“If I remember right, you love to swing.”

She had brought it up once, over four years ago, and he remembered? Her heart fluttered as butterflies turned loose in her belly. This man was everything she could ever want, and then some. He had paid attention to one tiny detail. One that meant the world to her.

“You’re right. I do. I haven’t been on a swing in forever.”

“Well, we’re going to fix that.” Putting the truck into park, he got out, slamming the door behind him.

Ella watched him walk around the truck to her side, opening the door for her. Offering his hand, she grasped it and hopped down from the cab, stumbling slightly as a couple of pebbles rolled under her foot.

“Sorry,” breathless as her apology was, she stared up at him, her hands planted on his solid chest to catch her balance.

“You’re fine. Come on.” He captured her hand once more and led her over to the swing set that lay nestled under a cluster of pine trees.

Ella’s hand was let go when they reached the swings, his bulky frame pushing past the steel chains and stilling a swing for her. “Here you go. Sit. I’ll push.”

It was so hard not to burst with sheer happiness at the romantic gestures from Cross. Ella was trying to sober herself up and tell herself that he probably did this with other girls, but it didn’t matter. This was here and now. He was doing this for her and no one else.

Butt was planted onto the plastic seat, a mixture of a squeak and giggle surprised her as he pulled her back and let her go, allowing her to swing forward. His hands were warm on her back with each gentle push he gave her.

The feeling of absolute freedom and the ability to fly came with sitting perched on that swing. Her hair wisped about her face, near breathless from laughter as he pushed her toward the sky. She felt like she was flying so high up that she could reach out and touch the stars that littered the horizon.

Cross moved out from behind her, settling down on the swing next to her, though he stayed still, watching her.

“What is it like?” Ella had to ask him. It’s not like she knew anyone else that was famous.

“What’s what like?”

Ella drug her feet just enough to slow her down, eventually coming to a stop. Twisting in the swing, she faced him. “Being famous. What’s it like?”

Cross rolled his eyes, giving his head a shake. Chocolate strands fell over his eyes, forcing him to tilt his head to the side to see her better. “I’m not famous, really. I’m second string. Nothing to write home about. I’ve played once, for the last five minutes of a game and lucked out with a touchdown.”

“To the guys, the club, you’re famous.”

“Yeah, I know. I play for the game. For the love of the sport. Most of the guys are in it for the money. They lost the thrill of the game a while ago. I hope that never happens to me.”

Ella’s brows shot up at the admission, though she had always known he was humble. “They say money doesn’t keep you warm at night. It helps though.”

His laughter wrapped around her like a blanket, making her shiver.

“I suppose. Did you ever go to college?”

“Nice change of subject, Cross.” Ella reached out with her foot and nudged him. “Yes. I majored in dance, but I have no idea what I want to do with it. I can go be a pro cheerleader if I want, or teach dance, but I’d need to go back for a teaching degree. I don’t see that happening. I don’t have the patience for it. My dad said I wasted my college years, that I should have studied something else.”

“What does your mom think?”

Ella scoffed and shrugged. “She’s not my mother.” If Ella hated anyone in the world, it was her step-mother and her two daughters.

“My bad.” He pushed up and out of the swing, grabbing her hands and pulling her with him.

“Not your fault. You didn’t know.” She traipsed after him, trying not to throw herself at him when he lowered the tailgate of his truck and lifted her up into the bed of the Chevy.

Ella perched on the wheel-well, watching him as he climbed in and opened up the toolbox. Her heart rose up into her throat as he pulled out a blanket and laid it out over the metal bed, motioning for her to lay down on it.

She did as instructed, the warmth of his body radiating out to her as he laid down next to her. Holy shit, maybe she was going to lose her virginity after all. She wasn’t going to die as a spinster because she didn’t want to sleep with anyone else.

She seriously needed to get a grip on reality.

“I miss this.” Cross raised his hand and motioned to the star filled sky. “You don’t see this shit in large cities like San Diego.”

“Maybe you just haven’t taken the time to find a spot where you can?” She turned her head just enough to be able to look at him.

Her lips parted and breath caught as his eyes dropped to her mouth, seeing a flare of hunger rise in the dark depths. The warmth started spreading through her once more as she held his gaze, afraid to move lest the moment be ruined.

“Maybe.” His words were barely spoken above a whisper as he rolled over and pushed himself up on one elbow, his head hovered over her own.

“Make the time, Cross. Find you a special place to go and relax.”

“Why did I not realize until tonight how beautiful you are?”

Come again?

Ella wasn’t sure she heard him right. He just said she was beautiful. Or so she thought. He did, right? Lashes fluttered as her brain tried to register the compliment, heat rushed up her face, knowing she was blushing. He had to be playing with her. He was a big shot now. He could have any female he wanted—yet, here he was, with her, at her favorite spot, doing her favorite thing, telling her she was beautiful.

She nearly melted when he lifted his hand and tenderly ran the back of his knuckles down her cheek. His thumb brushed over her full bottom lip, leading his hand to cup the back of her neck.

“I—I don’t know.” That was all she was able to get out, her mind a jumbled mess of emotions at his very touch.

Cross’ head dipped, his lips barely touched hers, his warm breath was a caress as he spoke. “Open your mouth for me, Ella.”

She was happy to oblige. Lips parted as his own settled upon hers. Tender, yet demanding, his tongue swept across her own, tempting her to a dance that she would never experience again. A choked whimper was heard, surprising herself as her tongue darted out to meet his, reveling in his hand tightening about her neck.

A vibration against her hip jolted her out of her reverie, forcing her to pull slightly back from him. “What is that?”

He groaned and rolled onto his back, his hand diving into his jeans pocket. Pulling out his cell, he frowned as he looked at the screen. “Who the hell?” Hitting the talk button, he put the phone to his ear. “Cross.”

Ella smiled, her fingers gently touching her lips, still feeling his own against hers. Talk about a happy birthday. It couldn’t get any better than this.

“Oh, hey.” Pause. “Yeah, she’s right here with me.” Cross shifted his eyes over to her.

Ella quirked a brow, pushing up into sitting position. “Who is it?”

Cross’ face fell as he stared at Ella, his color vanishing as he spoke into the cell. “I’ll get her there as quick as I can.”

“Cross?” Her voice wavered, his responses to the stranger on the phone making her nervous.

Once Cross hung up the phone, he cleared his throat and jumped up quicker than Ella would have liked.

BOOK: Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1)
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