Rhal Part 3 (Scifi Alien Serial Romance) (The Ujal) (4 page)

BOOK: Rhal Part 3 (Scifi Alien Serial Romance) (The Ujal)
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“Do it. Now.”

So bossy. And so wonderful.

“Cara…” There was no missing the growl in his voice, the increase in force of his thrusts and the way he dug into her hips even tighter. “

She was helpless to ignore him. Her body had a mind of its own, and she was merely along for the ride. She convulsed in his arms, legs twitching and toes curling as pure pleasure coursed through her veins. It overcame her with a sudden tidal wave of sensation. She screamed with her release while her pussy clenched and milked his thick invasion. She tightened around him, silently demanding he give
what she desired. His pace became a stuttered series of thrusts, each one drawing out her orgasm further until she thought she’d pass out from the ecstasy he gifted.

Then he was roaring, his shout joining her screams and with one last shove, his hips were flush with hers. His cock pulsed and thickened inside her, and a new rush of warmth bathed her inner walls. She drew it into herself and let it soothe her raw nerves. It was an extra boost of him, and she reveled in the addition, soaking him in as if she were starving for him.

Though in truth, she was.

Her release slowly lessened, the overwhelming sensations easing into a gentle ebb and flow of pleasure while she caught her breath. Before long, his breaths matched hers, and they settled together. She let her forehead rest on his shoulder while he did the same, their fronts plastered together. Sweat coated them, the fine sheen covering every inch of her body, and she smiled.

“What has caused your smile?”

“You.” She sighed and ran her nose along his neck. “I smell like you. You’re inside me.”

“Hmm… I will be. Always.” His words rumbled through her, the vibrations sinking into her bones and she clenched against him once more. The move pulled a moan from Rhal, and she felt him stiffen inside her once more. “You tease me, czira.”

“I crave you. There’s a difference,” she mumbled.

Rhal’s right hand abandoned her, and then he sifted his fingers through her hair. He tugged, forcing her to lift her head, and she met his gaze. “You will have all of me you desire.”

Cara trembled as a new tingle of need slipped down her spine. “I need a lot of you.”

“You already have all of me.”

She whimpered, and her pussy clenched once more, milking him to full hardness. “Can I have all of you again?”

He grinned, sensual heat burning in his eyes. “Of course.”

Rhal pushed away from the wall and padded down the hallway that led to the bedroom, not stopping until they’d reached the bed. And then he gave her everything. All. Night. Long.



Chapter Three


A low, familiar bell gradually dragged Cara from sleep. It repeated, slowly increasing in volume until there was no way she could ignore the stupid thing, and Rhal still hadn’t silenced it. With a groan, she rolled to her back, hand flinging out to reach for her mate—in truth now—and found the sheets cool to the touch. So he’d left her. A while ago if the temperature was any indication. She shouldn’t be hurt by his absence; he’d told her he had to go into work for a little while each day, but that didn’t keep her from missing him.

The ding came once again, and she sighed as she inched to the edge of the mattress and slowly gained her feet. Aches and pains attacked her joints and muscles, but she recognized the twinges for what they were—evidence of thorough and hours-long lovemaking.

Cara stretched, lifting her arms high into the air as she worked out what kinks she could and then padded toward the front of the apartment, managing to snare a discarded robe off the floor. The sun shined brightly through the floor-to-ceiling windows, bathing her in warmth while the low rumble of the sea soothed her. Hell, she hadn’t even realized she was edgy until the quiet roll of water on sand sank in. Her muscles slowly relaxed, and tension left her.

Until that friggin’ bell dinged.

wanted inside, and she had half a mind to ignore them because they were annoying her.

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” she mumbled and thought about the last time she’d said those words…

“Rhal! I’m coming. Oh, God, I’m coming!”
Her face heated with the memory of his cock inside her, and she shuddered as a tendril of desire snaked through her veins.

“Override the locks, this instant.” The female’s voice was blunted by the doorway, but her demand was clear. Unfortunately, her companion’s was not. “
Do you know who I am?

Cara didn’t, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to know either. That definitely wasn’t the queen’s voice; she’d met the female on several occasions and she was sweet, even if nosy.

Rather than open the door, she tapped the palm pad to the right of the portal to bring up the camera stationed outside their apartment. She stared at the couple standing there, the female berating and growling at the large male by her side.

She poked the screen. “Please identify yourselves.”

The female stiffened and trembled, and Cara had no doubt it was due to outrage at being questioned. She had that look about her, the one that said she was better than anyone else, and everyone should give in to her demands

Yeah, not really happening.

“I am Otta fa Adar,
to Rhal fa Adar.”

Like there was more than one Rhal at UST and in Tau. God, Cara was bitchy this morning. She really didn’t want the female in her apartment, but she was Rhal’s
which meant she had to be polite, and she remembered him mentioning his parents arrived yesterday. Rhal told her not to grant anyone entrance while he was gone, but did that include his mother?

“And your friend?”

“My…” Otta paused for a moment. “Guard. As provided by Prince Tave.”

She frowned and stared at the male’s form. He hadn’t looked at the camera yet, but his size seemed familiar in some way and it was probable that Tave would assign guards to Rhal’s parents. They were some sort of aristocrats on Ujal.

“One moment.” Cara muted the controls and then placed her palm on the pad to grant Otta entrance.

The moment the panel slid aside, Cara stepped back to give Rhal’s
and guard space to enter. The woman… young. Younger than she expected anyway. She looked no more than ten years older than Rhal, her skin still flawless and wrinkle-free. Her golden scales reflected the sun’s rays, making them sparkle with the light, and her golden hair was long and curled around her shoulders. She was in a word—stunning.

Yet, there was something that swirled around her, a feeling of dread that accompanied her arrival, and Cara’s heartbeat stuttered before picking up a rapid pace. She swallowed past the growing ball of unease and pasted a smile on her lips. “Otta, so nice—”

“You will call me Lady Adar.” Her eyes sparkled yellow topaz, and there was no mistaking Otta’s glare.

She swallowed back her initial urge to snap at the woman. She was on edge because of her tremulous transition, and Faim told her she’d be a little bitchier than normal. Cara was bitchier than normal? What was Otta’s excuse? “Of course, Lady Adar. Thank you for your visit.”

“This place is… quaint.” Otta sniffed and glanced around the room, her disgust easily visible on her features. Well, she and Rhal thought it was fine. For now anyway. “Yes, well, you can’t be expected to know everything. After all you’re,” the female looked her up and down, that disgust turning into revulsion. “Human.”

Cara pressed her lips together and refused to correct the woman. She
been human, and
she was Ujal-ish.

Instead of addressing Otta’s put-down, she turned to the guard. She’d come to know quite a few of them over the months she spent at Rhal’s side, and she wondered who’d been stuck with babysitting Rhal’s
. She expected one of the high guards since Otta was part of aristocracy. Perhaps Zerol with his easy-going nature or Argas with his teasing ways that never failed to bring a smile out of anyone. They were still deadly to any opponent, but she knew they were the most personable.

But instead of seeing a friend, she saw
. The male who’d been dismissed during her and Rina’s trip to the Population Ministry. He was still standing, so Rina must not have told her mate of the insult he’d levied on Cara.

And this guy, the way he glared at her… Sometimes, when she caught Rhal unaware, he’d give her a look—one that embodied death. This male seemed worse. As if he could destroy without thought or care. Rhal could appear to do the same, but she knew his past rested heavily in his heart. That heart separated the two males.

And it was this stranger’s disgust of humans that probably drew him toward Otta.

“Kaag, come along. We have things to do,” Otta called to the guard as if he were a puppy. She expected anger at the woman’s words and found anticipation, excitement, and joy?

Otta strode deeper into the apartment, Kaag on her heels as they explored Cara and Rhal’s temporary home. Worry wiggled down her spine, uneasiness slowly transforming to tingling panic. Each look the two shared, each glance shot her way, made her heart beat faster. They didn’t threaten her with words and yet she felt as if her life was nearing an end. And she had no justification for the emotions.

stopped in the center of the living area and brushed her palm along the seat of the couch. “This will do, I suppose.” She perched on the edge of the cushion. “Are you bringing refreshments?” Otta snapped.

“Apparently,” Cara mumbled.

“What was that?”

“I said yes, one moment.” The last thing Cara wanted was to entertain, but she reminded herself she was dealing with one of her in-laws. They didn’t live on Earth, and she had no idea how long they’d be staying, but she could play nice. She padded to the cooling unit and withdrew a few bottles of water as well as the fruit beverage Rhal constantly drank.
. Cara carefully carried them into the living area and pasted a smile on her face. “I hope water or homemade juice is acceptable. I’m afraid we just moved in and don’t have much.”

“Hmm…” Otta smirked and stared at the juice. “Still drinking that, is he? The boy should learn to live with what he is. That no amount of diet manipulation can help what lives inside him.”

“The boy?” Rhal was all man. “What he is? Inside him?” Cara had a feeling the woman was talking about Rhal, but her mate was far from a boy and the only thing he “was” was a gorgeous, worthy male with the stamina of a thousand men.

Otta took a sip from one of the bottles of water. “Rhal, yes. And he continues to deny what he’s become, who he is.”

“I…” she shook her head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Otta smirked. “Of course not, dear. You’re

She might as well have said
, but Cara wasn’t going to rise to the woman’s bait. Not when she wanted Otta to explain.

“How much do you know about my dear child?” Kaag snorted at Otta’s words and the female glared at him until he wiped the smile from his lips.

Next to nothing.

“Of course.” Otta’s knowing smirk returned. “So you know he made his first kill for the kingdom at seven and his hundredth at nine. That the king demanded he train from sun up to sun down. At ten, he became the king’s official assassin and at eleven the land’s executioner.” Otta leaned forward as if imparting a secret that had to be whispered. “And at fourteen, he took the life of his true mother.”

Cara knew what the female expected, knew that Cara was supposed to now sob in fear and flee. Perhaps Rhal did those things. Maybe he sacrificed his childhood at the king’s request. Maybe he had taken those lives. That knowledge didn’t frighten her; it didn’t disgust her. No, it made her ache for him. It made her care for him all the more. It made her desperate to touch him, hold him,
right now

A killer at seven.


Hadn’t he told her there were things she didn’t want to know about him? He’d pushed and pushed and tried to get her to leave him, but she’d been persistent.

Cara remained quiet as she slowly and carefully grasped a bottle of water. She twisted off the top and brought it to her lips, swallowing one mouthful and then another before finally lowering it to answer Otta. Cool, calm, collected. The woman wasn’t right in the head. She took joy in her attempt to frighten her, Otta’s expression filled with delight and anticipation of her reaction. Well, no matter the roiling emotions inside her, she wasn’t giving this female what she desired. Ever. Now her task was to get these two out of their apartment.

“Yes, I am aware,” Cara drawled, pretending to be unaffected.

“Really?” Otta raised a single brow. “Then you also know that a male with an appetite for blood also has other strong
?” Otta traced her neckline with a single, sharpened nail. “Those that have been sated by many?”

The insinuation pierced the shell around her emotions, but she battled them for control. Rhal was an excellent lover and if this female took advantage of him…

Because it had to have been that way. When did he leave his father’s household? How long had it been since he’d been home? They’d talked about it, but now she couldn’t remember… He must have been practically a youngling.

“I’m sure he didn’t become so skilled without practice and I’m glad now that he’s gotten things right, he’s taken me as his mate. I appreciate the sacrifice those other females made on my behalf. Perhaps I should send them each a gift? Because he
is an excellent lover.”

Otta smirked and rose to her full height and Cara mirrored the action. She ignored the hulking guard’s presence and kept her gaze trained on Rhal’s
. She was crafty, bitchy, and would probably put a knife in Cara’s back and smile the whole time. “Hmm… Perhaps it’s time to leave, Kaag. It seems talk has become quite
.” Otta turned on her heel and strode toward the door. The floor length dress she wore made her look as if she

BOOK: Rhal Part 3 (Scifi Alien Serial Romance) (The Ujal)
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