REVEAL - Scorpio & Harlan (Fettered Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: REVEAL - Scorpio & Harlan (Fettered Book 2)
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Chapter Fifty-Two

t’s warmer inside
, and it smells like rose petals.

I make it to the bottom of the winding staircase without landing either of us on our asses, and breathe a sigh of relief. I plan to spend the rest of this night happily horizontal.

I toss the woman in my arms onto the bed just to hear her squeak at me again. She sprawls exactly where she’s landed, wide open to me and eyes full of laughing desire.

I dive for her, landing tickling fingers on her ribs as I dip my head between her legs.

She screams, and her legs slam together around my ears.

I grin and flick her clit with my tongue. “It’s going to take way more than that to keep me out of your pussy. Open up.”

She glares down at me. “I want more kisses first. And no tickling.”

Bossy sub. I slide up her body, tasting as I go. She sucks in a choked breath as I close my teeth over one of her nipples, and I decide she can have her kisses in a bit. I torment her nipples until she’s practically hissing, and then I lick my way up her collarbone to the soft skin of her neck and the hopelessly ticklish region just below her ear.

When she’s a mess of helpless, laughing desire, I slide into her pussy again. And then I just lie still, because something about her warmth wrapped around me is so good that it’s all I need.

She rocks ever so gently, stretching her legs out along mine. I pick up the rhythm of her rocking, some kind of primal, soft dance that has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with joining to her and all of who she is. She kisses me, feather light touches on my face, my neck, my shoulders, as her fingers trail down my back, drawing lazy circles on my ass cheeks.

We could do this forever and never come and it would be perfect.

I breathe into this new experience and this new life I’ve suddenly found and I hear her breath moving with mine. Our ribs, floating on the same lazy ocean of sensory pleasure and something far deeper. I feel the smile rising all the way up from my toes.

Being her guy is going to be the best thing I’ve ever done.

Chapter Fifty-Three

feel his heartbeat
, the slow, steady pulse of it. The lake of calm, satisfied, beautiful man draped over me.

And then I feel him quicken.

I grin at him and at the sudden playful lust in his eyes. “Are we going to sleep at all tonight?”

He’s doing something wicked to my nipples with his fingers. “For the foreseeable future, plan to nap on the couch or under your desk at work. If you’re in the same bed I am, you’re not going to be sleeping much.”

That sounds impossible. And holy. “We’ll break something.”

He rolls to the side and cups me, gently rocking his fingers. “My fingers will never get tired of playing with your pussy.”

I am absolutely certain there are no more orgasms in me. There isn’t even a decent squirm. “I’m done, sexy man. You’ve wrung me totally dry.”

His chuckle beside me is low and amused. “Bets?”

The rocking is already stirring things up, but I have a rep to maintain. “Totally. What do I get if I win?”

“Hmmm. There’s a really big spa bathtub around the corner. I think I’ll lay you down over the edge on some soft towels with your legs in a tub full of hot bubbles. And then I’ll climb in and lick you until the water goes cold.”

I groan. I’ve already made plans to have a hot, steamy affair with his tongue. “That’s some really excellent motivation. What do you get if you win?” Because he’s already making it really obvious he’s going to.

He nips my earlobe. “The bathtub thing, except I get to fuck you after I lick you.”

I spread my legs and let my hips move against the slow, insistent, stupidly effective rocking of his hand. “I hope your plans for tomorrow don’t involve me being able to walk.”

He grins. “Nope. Or the next day either.” He slides two fingers inside me and strokes the spot that has apparently risen from the dead. Chasing what he wants with infinite patience—and infinite demand.

But it’s not his fingers that have me now. It’s his eyes, looking deep into me and offering everything he has. He stays that way as his fingers carry me right to where he wants me to be. And then he leans down and kisses my cheek, feather light. “Come for me now, love.”

I smile as I go over the edge he’s brought me to, the glistening, glorious one that will never make me bleed. The one where he’ll be waiting on the other side.

The one where he will be my guy—and I will be his love.

Chapter Fifty-Four
Epilogue - Harlan

down what’s left of my slice of pizza. One hunger taken care of.

The other one is apparently bottomless.

I run my slightly greasy, very appreciative fingers over the lusciously naked woman who’s cuddled up next to me on the couch, watching the movie we’ve been trying to watch for three days. I wait until the scene mostly finishes and then I nuzzle into her neck. It’s become one of my favorite addictions. “So there’s this guy I know at the club.”

She laughs and pauses the movie. “Threesomes are a hard limit.”

I growl. “They better be.” I’ve never shared well, but this woman takes that to a whole new level. “He’s a drummer. And Quint plays some guitar. They’ve been talking.”

She’s eyeing me now, in that suspicious way I hope she never loses, because someone needs to keep me on my toes—and because I never want to stop surprising her.

I grin and fondle her naked ass. “Ari wants to do some nights at the club with live music. Which means we need a band who won’t freak out if there are screams from the dungeon.”

She’s catching up now. “You want me to join a BDSM band?”

I shrug, surprised I’m having trouble reading her. “I’m busy working the floor most nights, so I thought it might give you something to do.”

She sits up and straddles me, and I can tell by the fiercely amused look on her face that she’s not swallowing any of my crap. “This is you thinking you know what I need in my life and trying to sneak it by me when I’m weak from pizza and too much sex.”

Pretty much. “Guilty. Sorry.” She’s made very clear that she wants the man as much as she wants the Dom, and there are lines. Which I keep crossing. “It would be a low-key gig, a chance to have some music in your life with a couple of guys I won’t need to kill, and I’d get to hear you sing.” Which is another addiction I’m rapidly growing, even if right now it’s mostly only in the shower.

She’s rubbing herself slowly up and down my cock, which seems to be having second thoughts on his planned nap. “There would need to be some rules.”

I growl and hold her hips still. “We need to have another chat about topping from the bottom, beautiful.”

She laughs. “I’m on top right now. And you’re avoiding my rules.”

She’s warm and wet and if I lift her a few inches we can have this discussion while she’s riding my cock. I do the deed and groan as I slide in. We’ve done the tests and ditched the condoms, and this right here is pretty much my definition of heaven.

She slaps my hands off her hips and holds herself as primly as she can with a cock balls deep in her pussy. “Rules. No scening while I’m singing. That means no plugs, no clamps, no skimpy outfits.”

She’s still too new to understand all the doors she’s left open. I man up and close them for her. “Okay. I’ll keep my distractions minimal.”

She grinds a tight, sexy circle and snickers. “You have no idea what that word means, tough guy.”

I grin and thrust up into her a few times. “Sure I do. It means you don’t want to squeak while you sing.”

She splutters and gives my nipple ring a tug. “I don’t squeak.”

I want to fuck her until she’s very convinced of the error of that statement, but teasing Scorpio is one of my very favorite things, and this orgasm isn’t coming nearly as soon as she thinks it is. “Any ideas yet about where we should go on our vacation?” We’ve booked the same week off and I don’t intend to spend it on her couch, no matter how much I like it here.

She leans down and her eyes have that soft, melty look in them that still slays me, every damn time. “Somewhere we can hold hands in daylight.”

I catch her fingers in mine, because that’s become one of my favorite things and she knows it. And thrust up into her, just so she doesn’t forget my other favorite thing. “That’s not going to get us plane tickets.”

She grins. “You’re so bossy.”

Not anymore. Someone has lulled her man into lazy, lustful complacency.

The love part—that’s all on me.

Chapter Fifty-Five
Epilogue - Scorpio

his whole talking
-while-fucking thing is just plain weird, and we do it all the damn time. He slides into me at the breakfast table, in the shower, while we’re watching bad TV, while I’m reading. Not to interrupt whatever I’m doing. Not to have sex. Just to be inside me.

Eating Cheerios with a hard cock in my pussy is definitely a new relationship experience.

He says it’s all about being totally present in the in-betweens.

I stroke his cheek, because much as I want him to bend me over the couch right now and fuck me silly, there’s something I want more. This deep, everyday closeness that I’m learning to crave more than chocolate and sex and music combined.

But I have a rep to maintain. I tighten my inner muscles around him in the way I know he likes.

He growls.

The man is getting very good at making me beg. Or, in this case, answer his question, because that’s almost always the surest path to getting what I want. “I was thinking a beach. Ideally one where naked and alone happens a lot.”

“Mmmm. I like the sounds of that.” He slides backward on the couch far enough to prop himself partway up to sitting. All the better to fondle me. And to put our eyes on the same level. The man is the master of subtle power cues. Growling or not, right now he’s not my Dom—he’s just a guy with a naked woman in his lap who wants to go on a sandy vacation. “Maybe somewhere we can still get restaurant food.”

I snort. “What, you’re sick of eggs already?” It’s about the only thing either of us can cook.

He grins at me. “Gabby’s going to give cooking lessons. I set it up with Damon.”

I laugh so damn often with this man’s cock inside me. “In Fettered’s kitchen?”

He nods solemnly. “We Doms need to keep our skills up.”

At any other club that class would be put on for the subs. “You’re a smart and very sexy man, tough guy.”

He kisses me, long and intently, and I can feel his cock pulsing inside me. Now we’re getting somewhere.

I nuzzle into his cheek and lay out my best bait. “Ari’s coming over soon. We should probably put some clothes on.”

He growls. “Define ‘soon.’”

I have no idea, but she’s smart enough to knock. And to go get coffee if she can hear his hand meeting my ass. “Probably not enough time. I know we’ve tired you out.”

He snorts. “Somebody wants a spanking.”

I bend down and mouth his nipple ring. “I totally do. How much harder do I have to work at it?”

He grins at me and thrusts a little harder. “I think I’ll just wait until Ari leaves so I can add on everything you earn while she’s here.” He reaches around behind me and slides a finger in my ass. “And because she’s your friend, you get a swat for every time she’s sassy too.”

I can’t help it—I start laughing, even though I’m close enough to coming that I’m going to be squeaking soon. “That is so not fair.” And absolutely my Dom giving me what I want.

He squeezes my nipple in time with the finger sliding in and out of my ass. “You can always tell her it’s your ass on the line and she should be on her best behavior.”

I bite his earlobe. “Right. Because that will totally make her behave.”

His fingers move faster. I arch my back, trying to put more of me into both of his hands.

He stops dead, pops me off his cock and onto his lap, and kisses my nose. “Go put on clothes. Ari will be here soon.”

My entire body wails at him. “I need to come, dammit.”

He raises an eyebrow, all arrogant Dom. “Be good or I won’t let you come tonight either.”

I want to sulk like a two year old, but I’m not sure I can handle the consequences. “That’s just plain mean.”

He leans over and whispers in my ear, “When she leaves, I want you in the shower, naked and waiting for me.”

My shower with the new, very sexy renovations. I climb off his lap and reach for the lacy underwear that seems to breed overnight when I’m not looking. I pull it on slowly and then reach for his t-shirt. I have a thing lately for being able to smell him when he’s not around.

He grins and stands up. “I’m going to go take a nap. Naked.”

I shake my head. “You are an evil, evil man.” One who obviously isn’t going to let me sleep again tonight.

A man keeping his promises. Every last one of them.

That’s the end of the story, but if you want one last peek at Scorpio and Harlan at her first band practice, go to the next page and follow my instructions… xoxo Lilia

Note from Lilia

on’t worry
, my loves! I have more stories of Fettered coming to you very soon.

First, a little bonus content! If you want to read about that band practice (and Ari’s name for Scorpio’s band!), sign up for my
email list
. There will be special bonus content for each book, just for my subscribers. Signing up will let you hear about my next release as soon as it’s out, too.

Next up in the
series, Gabby’s friends know she’s getting curious—and there’s just no way they’re going to leave that alone…

Go sign up for my
email list
so you don’t miss the next release (hint, it’s coming really soon!), and then come play on
. Safewords are optional. :)

xoxo Lilia

P.S. If you write Scorpio & Harlan a review (for which I am always grateful)—please let me know

BOOK: REVEAL - Scorpio & Harlan (Fettered Book 2)
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