Resurrection (Wesson Rebel MC Series Book 3) (17 page)

BOOK: Resurrection (Wesson Rebel MC Series Book 3)
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I unlock the door of our house and slip inside. It’s well past midnight and I’m sure Vita must be asleep. She’s spent most of her time unpacking recently, which makes for long days. I know she enjoys decorating our space. I couldn’t care less what it looks like, as long as she’s here. I don’t fear my feelings anymore, I embrace them. I never thought I’d feel like this and it’s got me to actually be happy-go-lucky. The boys give me shit, but I don’t let it bother me. If you’ve never known the love a good woman, you can’t imagine how different it can make you.

I drop my saddlebags by the door, lock up, and shed my vest. It hangs on the peg we hung together. I carefully make my way around the boxes scattered through the living room and pause in our doorway.

Her dark hair is spread across the pillow and my T-shirt is riding high on her thighs.

I remove my boots quickly and leave them by the door. My clothes are shed and dropped along the floor. Suddenly, I can’t wait to taste her on my tongue and feel her wrapped around my cock. I crawl up onto the bed, spread her legs, and moan quietly when I bare her shaved pussy.

No panties. You’re trying to kill me, V.

I lick a path up along her slit.

She moans and spreads her legs wider.

That’s my girl.

She’s coming out of her shell and turning into a sexual dynamo.

I continue to deliver slow, long licks. When I taste her cream on my tongue, I circle her clit and delve inside. Her hips come up and she buries her fingers in my hair. I moan against her pussy. She closes her thighs around my head, and I dive in, fucking her tightness with my stiff tongue, slurping up her sweet juices. I swear, she has the tastiest center I’ve ever tasted.
Maybe it’s her fruit heavy diet.
I devour her until she’s tugging at my hair and fucking my face. Her legs fall open. I click on the light on the nightstand and I move between her legs.

We’ve been together for two months now. The safety conversation has come and gone. I took her with me to get tested, to show her I’m serious about honesty. We both got a clean bill of health and she started the pill.

Now, I get to ease inside of her and experience her tightness the way nature intended. “I love having you like this, V,” I whisper as I slip into her. “You’re so hot and wet. It’s all for me, isn’t it?”

She nods her head. Her lips are open and her eyes are dark with desire.

I drive home and she arches. “All I could think about was getting home and getting inside my woman.” I twine her fingers and deliver hard, deep thrusts.

She squeezes my fingers, giving as good as she gets. The slap of skin on skin is a beautiful symphony of our love. I couldn’t say the words to her before, not when I had one foot still in my past. She flexes her muscles and I growl. I fuck her harder. Her mouth opens and I know she’s delivering a soundless scream. “That’s it, baby, scream for me. Tell me how much you love it.” I read her lips.

“Yes, please. Harder,” she mouths.

I obey her command.

“Oh, God, Prophet.”              

“I love the way my name looks on your lips.” We’ve created our own brand of communication. It’s one foot in the speaking-hearing world and one out. Tailor-made, it fits us both like a glove.

Her body tenses. Her muscles quiver.

I know she’s close. “That’s it, let go for me, Vita. I want to feel you come all over my cock.”

“Oh, shit,” she mouths.

I smirk. I love to see the filthy words on her lips when I’m satisfying her. I thrust once, twice and she comes…hard. I allow her to pull me over with her, continuing to pump as I fill her to the brim. After what I faced today, I need to stake my claim. Spent, I collapse on top of her, careful to keep the brunt of my weight on my forearms. I nuzzle her neck. “I Love you, V.”

She jerks away, eyes as round as saucers. “You love me?” she mouths.

“I. Love. You.”

Her eyes glisten with tears.

“Shit, I thought it’d make you happy. I can take it back if you want?” I tease.

She shakes her head vehemently.

I laugh.

“I love you, too,” she mouths.

“What’s that? I can’t hear you.”

Vita slaps my chest.

I laugh some more. We went through hell to get here, but shit this is better than I imagined it would be. I slide onto my side and tuck the strands of her hair behind her ear so I can see her face.

“How was it?” she asks.

“Freeing. I’m not sure what I expected to see or experience. But…it’s like looking under the bed and discovering the boogie man isn’t there, because he never existed in the first place. She was worn and callous. She hid her true nature well, but seeing her there like that, so detached and uncaring, really drove home how excellent her acting skills were.”

“What did she say to you?”

“She was shocked to see me again. I asked her why she’d done it. Do you know what she said? Because she wanted to be rich. Because I was handsome, kind, and giving. She’d been watching the meetings I attended at CODA for some time and decided I’d be the one to best suit her needs.” I snort.

“Disgusting. Please tell me you know this wasn’t your fault?”

“I do now. A part of me will always feel guilty. But I couldn’t have seen what was wrong with her. I was young, looking for acceptance and love. She was a pro at seeing weakness and exploiting it. While I was sitting there across from her, I came to understand something important. She will be stuck there for the rest of her life and I am out here, able to live my life how I see fit. It’d be an insult to my family to do anything other than enjoy every minute I have.”

Vita leans in and delivers a sweet kiss.

This woman has helped me meld Prophet with Chuck. It’s a feat I’d once thought impossible. I roll over, shut off the light, and pull her close to me. I’m surrounding her, inside of her and completely content. I can’t say where life will take us from here, but I’m confident we’ll be able to handle it.





We walk into the crowded backyard and I make a beeline for Cora. It’s the first time I’ve seen her since I visited her and baby Greer at the hospital.

Much to everyone’s amusement, they’d had a three week lockdown period after she’d been born. Then everyone was asked for limited contact afterward. Dallas would do anything to keep his family safe. No matter how relentlessly he was teased about it.

I thought it was admirable.

“Vita,” Cora cries. She hands a cooing Greer over to her proud papa and holds her arms out for a hug.

I give her a tight squeeze, inhaling the sweet scent of baby powder.

“I’ve missed you, girl.”

I step back, so she can see my hands. “Me too. We’re almost settled into our new place, though.”

“You’ll have to invite us over. I can’t wait to see what you’ve done to the place. It was gorgeous to start with and you have excellent taste.”

“Thank you. How are you and little miss?”

“Great. She’s sleeping for longer chunks of time, which is like the World Series for parents of babies.”

I laugh. “I can imagine.”

“Do you want to hold her?”

“If it’s okay?”

Cora looks at Dallas, who looks me over. “Are you, or have you been sick?” he asks in a serious tone.

I shake my head.

“Then I guess it’s okay, you’re good people. You got my boy’s head right when he needed it.” He hands Greer over before I can ask him if he meant my brother, or Prophet.

I carefully support her head and bring her in close to my body. Her eyes are wide and the same green shade as her daddy’s. I wish I could talk to her, like most people, but she doesn’t seem to mind my silence. I lean in close enough for her to semi-see me, and she begins to coo.

“What do you know? She likes you,” Dallas exclaims.

The pride in his voice makes me grin. Say what you want about the man, he loves his family. I rock Greer, admiring her black baby curls, chubby face, and café latte skin. Her lips are bow shaped and her smile tugs at my heart. I’ve gotten used to the family functions. Wesson is slowly becoming my home.

“Shocker, here comes your other half. You can’t be away from her for more than a few minutes, can you?” Dallas teases Prophet.

“I’m sorry, are we talking about me and Vita, or you and Cora?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Dallas replies.

I can hear the humor in his voice. It feels good, belonging to a group after being alone for so long. People are nice for the most part. They’ve learned I’m not stupid or deaf. They tend to speak slowly to me, so I can read their lips, and I always carry a pen and a paper…we make do communicating. Prophet wraps an arm around me and I can’t help but imagine if someday we’ll have this, a home and a child.

Things between us are awesome. We have our fights like any other couple, but at the end of the day, we love and understand one another. It’s never easy watching him ride off to do God knows what for the team, but it’s a life I’m familiar with. I trust him implicitly when he’s away, because there’s nothing he hates more than a liar. There’ll be no dalliances. If it ever stops working between us, we’ve both agreed to be open and honest about it. I can’t ever see that conversation occurring. He completes me in a way I never thought anyone could. Not after the attempts on my life. It changed me and damaged so much more than my voice.

He accepts that and every day, we work on healing our wounds a little more. I noticed a change in him when he came back from the prison. He’s lighter and more open. Our eyes meet and we smile goofily. He doesn’t mind showing me affection. It’s one of my favorite things about him. I crave the contact after so many years of nothing.

“Please tell me this is not how we look,” Dallas whines.

“She can’t tell you that because you do,” Rowan says, joining us with Sampson by her side.

“No, you’re confusing me with you and my little brother. If he’s not mooning over you, I know something is terribly wrong,” Dallas smirks.

“Oh, shut up!” Rowan says. She elbows him, but there’s no fire behind it.

“You going to let her treat me like that, woman?” Dallas asks, glancing at Cora.

She nods happily.

I smile. I love watching their rapport. There’s a comfortable understanding that exists between people who’ve been friends their entire lives that sets you at ease.

“No damn respect. Greer, you’re not going to do your daddy like that, are you?” Dallas asks of the cooing baby.

“You keep telling yourself that, brother. She’s going to be her mother’s daughter and you know it,” Sampson quips.

“That’s why Daddy already has his shotgun ready for them boys.”

Greer reacts to his voice and I hand her back over. I’m not so sure we don’t have a daddy’s girl on our hands, but I’ll keep it to myself. The gate opens and I gasp.
I run over to him.

He lifts me up in his arms. “I figured it was time for a little vacation.” He grins.

I hug him tighter. It’d been tough redefining our boundaries. There are a million questions I want to ask him about Philly, but right now, I’m so grateful to have him here, everything else could wait.

“Surprise!” he exclaims and sets me on the ground.

I spin around and catch Prophet’s eyes. “Did you know about this?”

“Of course I did.” He grins.

Knowing he set this up with my brother touches me. I’ve been in the middle of a tug-o-war between the two. Now that they’ve decided to play nice, I see smooth sailing ahead. “I’m glad you came,” I say to my brother.

“Me too.”

There are shadows in his eyes, stories he’ll share when he’s ready, if he can. He’s a man with a foot in two very violent worlds. It scares me. But now we are all here and there’s no major threat looming over my head. I rejoin Prophet as Houdini makes his rounds. “Thank you,” I mouth.

“Anything for you, Vita.” Prophet winks and pulls me to his side— where I know I belong.

Cover Artist Dreams 2 Media
Photo Courtesy of MHP Photography
There for You Editing
Leanore Elliott



BOOK: Resurrection (Wesson Rebel MC Series Book 3)
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