Read Repair Me Online

Authors: Melissa Phillips

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Contemporary Fiction

Repair Me (5 page)

BOOK: Repair Me
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When we approached the apartment townhouse apartments he pulled into a parking stall and shut his bike off as Scott pulled his black Jeep next to us. I released my arms from him as Davien jumped off his bike. He held his hand out to help me off, but I denied his offer.

Natalia ran to my side and squeezed me tight. She immediately was loud and obnoxious. “I am so excited you came with.”

“Yeah, thanks. I guess I didn’t have a choice.” I answered with a unenthusiastic voice. She locked our elbows together and we began walking in slow, wobbly steps. The guys were slightly ahead of us and I could hear them laughing quietly. I wondered what was on their minds. I knew they were sober. Davien was nodding to words that Scott was speaking with approval .“This was a fucking set up Natalia. Were you part of this?”

“C’mon loosen up. We’re just gonna chill until we get a little sober. Scott won’t let me drive. And he really doesn’t wanna make the runs of dropping us both off.” She slurred. “We’ll have... fun.”

Chapter 3


When we walked into the townhouse apartment it was everything other than what I would've imagined. I had expected ripped up furniture, if no the pool table. And pictures of half naked girls hanging from the walls. It was just the opposite. As soon as you walked in, you were in the living room. They had a black leather love seat and a matching couch. The carpet looked brand new and a large black and white area rug sat under the glass coffee table. Across the room from the long couch was a large flat screen that sat on a nice stand. To the right was what I assumed a kitchen and next to the couch was a hallway that led behind and looked like it led probably to a bathroom and flight of stairs. It wasn't the bachelor pad I had thought of.

“Um.... can I use a bathroom?” I wiggled in my legs. I looked at Natalia for an answer, but she was already embraced in an intimate kiss with Scott, paying no attention to my question.

“Yeah, I’ll show you.” Davien offered. I crossed my arms over my chest and left a soft sigh, showing my annoyance. I was still mad at him and he knew it, but he smiled anyways.

Following him, he directed me down the hallway that I had previously assumed was towards a bathroom. I stepped in as he flipped a light switch. “I can handle it from here.” He gave me a soft laugh as I closed the door. I tried to think of a way to keep myself in the bathroom long enough for Davien to possibly go to his room and go to sleep. Maybe both Scott and Davien went to bed and Natalia was waiting for me. After using the bathroom with relief from my drinks, I walked to the sink and checked my make-up in the mirror. Everything was still in place like I had just left the house. My hair was still untangled and my dress was flattened with no wrinkles. I debated on looking through the guys drawers, but felt it was inappropriate.

The full bathroom was spacious enough to be used by a whole family, not a couple of bachelors. Everything was decorated nicely with light blue painted walls and an accent wall of navy. Thick stainless steel shelving above the toilet and matching shelving in the corner which was layered in perfectly folded towels. I wondered how many women came here on a regular basis just to clean after these guys. Surely Natalia didn't know everything that went on at Scott's place when she left. The thought caused me to shake my head as I stepped from the mirror.

Returning from the bathroom, I hoped to find Natalia waiting for me on the couch. But it was just the opposite. Davien was still in there, just the way I didn’t want and my best friend and her boyfriend had disappeared. “Sit.” Davien patted to the seat next to him. I looked at the long couch that wasn’t occupied and walked towards it. “That’s Scott’s… I wouldn’t sit there. He’s probably fucked Natalia on that couch in every position possible… and anyways he doesn’t allow others to sit there.”

I debated on sitting on the floor so I didn’t have to sit next to him. It was bad enough that he was wanting to share a couch but he of course chose the small loveseat.  I finally made my way to sit beside him and tried my best to sit far enough away that he couldn’t touch me. While crossing my legs in the opposite direction I focused my eyes on the movie that was on. M

“What do you want to drink?” I shook my head “That wasn’t one of the options.”

“I’m okay, thanks.” I continued watching the TV.

He paid no attention as he stood up and walked into the kitchen “I’ll make you something light, I think you’ve had enough anyways.  Some bastard kept sendin' shots your way all night.”

I yelled towards the kitchen just loud enough for him to hear. “Yeah, wonder who.” What a jerk. Let's get Avery drunk and make her come home with us. He didn't realize I wasn't one of his groupies. I was merely here just for Natalia. I was being a decent friend as she spent time with her boyfriend. If it meant I had to be around Davien... I guess I could do it for awhile. It was polite for Davien to keep me entertained while I would have sat alone.

He poked his head around the corner of the kitchen door frame. “You needed to loosen up. You can’t tell me that you didn’t enjoy yourself.” His voice was suspicious. It was raspy, just how he sang. The scratchiness wasn't bad, it was beautiful. It was powerful and unique.

He was right I had a blast once again. Earlier this night I thought this same man was a god. I watched as he walked away from the kitchen entrance and back inside towards the counter where he was preparing our drinks, but I could hear his voice as he continued talking. He faced towards the opposite counter next to the sink so I could only see his back as I looked into the next room. “Oh and by the way, Avery, when you sit with your legs crossed over like that I can see your hot pink panties.”

I immediately changed my position and straightened my dress. Sitting with high posture. My eyes were squinted and my nostrils flared. I exhaled with embarrassment as Davien returned with two drinks in his hand. He was still smiling when he handed me one of drinks. I was examining the glass. “Nothing's in there, just a little vodka and lemonade, promise.” He grabbed a large blanket from the back of the couch and tossed it my way. “Here, it’s cold”.

“Thanks” I pulled the cover up until it reached just below my chest. He tossed back half of his glass, exhaling with relief. I followed him with soft sips.

“It’s not bad is it?” He asked as he watched TV. “I barely put of drop of vodka in yours.”

He was right I mainly tasted lemonade with a very slight touch of alcohol. “No, it’s good. I really needed something light.”

“So tell me about yourself.” He turned to look at me as he pulled part of the blanket over his lap as well. I felt awkward as we shared the same cover.

“What do you mean?” I asked back and I stayed quiet for awhile as I tried to read his facial expressions “What do you  know?”

“How do you know Natalia, what do you like to do, where are you from?” He stopped for a minute as he shrugged his shoulders “How long have you dated your boyfriend?” Was he really serious?

“I’ve known Natalia since freshman year in high school. We met at school, our lockers were next to each other and we were instant best friends. I guess opposites attract, ehh?” He laughed with amusement at the same thought as mine. Natalia and I were nothing alike. She was the wild, outspoken, beautiful girl. I was the quiet, so called pretty one, not beautiful or gorgeous as they described Natalia. Davien sat waiting for more. I sighed. “I don’t do a lot anymore. I go to school at the community college, I'm just doing general ed right now though and that’s about it.”

“Continue.” He asked. I looked into his eyes, wondering what kind of answers he wanted to hear. Was he just being friendly so his friend had time to be with Natalia or was there more. Maybe the guys did this for each other. One guy goes in the bedroom with a chick while the other guy keeps the friend company. I tried my best to ignore the question in my head.

“I grew up about 30 miles away from here. I moved here last year when I started dating my boyfriend.” There I told him. I answered his questions so he’d be happy.

“You’re not happy.” He didn’t ask, he just stated.

“Look, I am happy or I wouldn’t be here.” I argued with Davien. My voice grew louder and I took a long drink from my glass.

“Exactly, Avery. You wouldn’t be
if you were happy.” And he pointed around the house. We sat quietly as he proved his point but I made no attempt to argue. I looked around the room, unable to focus on the TV. I couldn’t hear Natalia’s voice anywhere and I wondered how much longer she was leaving me alone. “Avery, you think I’m trying to make a move on you, don’t you?”

“I don’t know what you’re trying to do honestly.” And I was telling the truth when I said that. He gave me mixed feelings. If he wanted to make a move then why was he questioning my boyfriend.

“I just want you to know that you deserve better. I know him and that’s all I have to say about Mr. Anthony Ricci.” He shocked me when he mentioned his name. “You’re a great girl and you’re young. He‘s not gonna change.”

I tried changing the subject, the last person I wanted to discuss with Davien, was my boyfriend. How did he even know who Anthony was or that he was my boyfriend. “Do you know where Natalia is or how much longer she’s gonna be?”

“She’s knocked out upstairs on Scott’s bed, she’s out for the night.” He’s got to be kidding. I looked around the room and was willing to search for her.

“Are you fucking serious? She was my ride home.”

“Hey we’ll finish watching the movie and I’ll grab you a clean shirt and some pajama pants.” He said in a serious voice. There wasn’t really a question to his sentence, just an offer. He pulled from under the cover and stood up, tossing the remote to my lap “Here find something to watch, I’m gonna take a quick shower. Wanna join?” His eyebrow arching with amusement.

I so badly wanted to throw the remote at his stomach. “Stop.”

“I’m just playing. I’ll be out in a minute.” He grabbed his glass from the coffee table and downed the rest of the drink before heading to the bathroom. I was sure his drink was much stronger than mine since he shivered from the final swallow. I flipped through the channels searching for something that wasn’t boring as I needed something to keep me awake as long as possible. But I was also cautious to find something that didn’t contain nude scenes or anything obnoxious to make us uncomfortable.

I found an old Demi Moore movie to change my attention. I was caught in the hilarious scenes when Davien returned to the living room. His hair was no longer styled in a spiky look, but hanging damp as he ran his fingers backwards through it. He only wore low slung navy blue pajama pants, showing off his toned chest and arms. The well built man was not of any part ashamed of his body. It was a work of art and as he caught me, I flipped my head from his chest. He walked closer, making me intimidated from his moves. “Here, the bathroom is free.” He tossed a pile of clothes to my lap.

I slid from the cover and stood as I straightened my dress. “Um thanks.” I looked at my hand that held the clothes. “I guess I don’t have a choice but to take over your loveseat tonight” He only laughed and never said another word.

When I closed the bathroom door I almost immediately dropped to the floor as I smelled every scent of Davien flowing through the steam. I made sure the door was completely locked before removing my dress. Tingling feeling throbbed between my thighs as I pictured a fully bare Davien. I stepped into the pants that he had offered me. I tried to keep my balance since my legs were close to giving out from alcohol. The pants were much too big for me and the clean shirt was still covered in his fragrance. I downed the scents from his body. With a mixture of the smells from his skin and mixed with the fresh scent of freshly washed fabric, I could have melt right in the t-shirt. It would have to do for the night. I wasn’t sleeping on the couch naked and as he had already pointed out, my dress was a little too short for laying down in.

I folded my dress up and slowly walked to the living room. Davien was sitting in the middle of the loveseat and the cover was already folded up and hanging from the back. He held his hand out, his two fingers bent waving me in his direction. “What?” I looked at him curiously. Not sure what he meant as he directed me to him.

“Come here.” I walked closer to him and when I was in his reach, he pulled me closer until my waist was at his eye level. My heart was racing when he placed his hands on the hem on my shirt and lift it high enough to see the top of my pants. He pulled the drawstring tight and knotted it in place. “Guess they're a little big on you.” He said, then dropped his hands. My heart slowed down as I realized he was only trying to adjust the pants he gave me. My face was blushing and I was sure he was aware of it. “Ready?”

I looked around the room. “I guess I’ll just watch TV until I fall asleep. Thanks for the clothes.”

“Scott would kill me if he knew I let you sleep on the couch.” I sat on the loveseat causing him to moved over. “And the loveseat is way too small”

“Please tell me you have a bed in your spare room.” My eyes widened and my head dropped slightly to one side.

He laughed and shook his head “Scott’s room is upstairs and mine is in the basement.” He grinned “You choose.”

BOOK: Repair Me
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