Read Renegade Reject Online

Authors: Emily Minton,Dawn Martens

Renegade Reject (32 page)

BOOK: Renegade Reject
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“Well, fuck me,” Timber mumbles out before letting a low whistle slip from his mouth.  “I never thought a woman could look as good with her clothes on as she does without, but she just proved me wrong.”

I jerk my head toward him as I send my fist into his stomach.  “That’s my wife you’re talking about.”

“That’s a gorgeous ass woman I’m talking about,” he wheezes out.

I’m about to respond when Daisy steps in front of me.  “I’m ready.”

“Yeah, you are,” Timber says with a laugh.

I cut my eyes to him, but decide to let the comment go.  No need for blood to be shed.  It might piss Daisy off.  I look back to her and try to keep my mind off of fucking her senseless.  “Okay, Little Flower. Let’s go.”

Ice and Mary follow us outside, as well as half my brothers.  It pisses me way the fuck off that they are staring at my woman, but I understand why.  Daisy is abso-fuckin-lutely beautiful.  I growl as I step past Reese, his mouth hanging to the ground.  “Sorry, brother, but damn, she’s looking good.”

I ignore his words as we walk toward my bike.  “I’m not sure how you’re gonna get on while wearing that dress.”

“It’s not just the dress. I’m pregnant.  Even if I could get on, I don’t think it would be a good idea.”

I brought her to the clubhouse on my bike, and I never once thought about her safety.  “Shit, Little Flower.  I never thought of that.”

“We can take my car.”

“It’s not here.” I never even considered bringing it over.  When I locked her in the room, a car was the last thing I wanted her to have.

Ice steps up to my side and holds up a set of keys.  “You can take my baby, but if there is so much as a scratch on her when you get back, I will bury your ass.”

I stare at her keys like they are a snake ready to strike.  Ice loves her car; I mean
it.  Everyone knows to not even touch the thing. 

“Hello, did you go deaf on me?  Do I need to go get that hot ass cop?  I’m sure he’ll be happy to take Daisy somewhere.” 

“Fuck no!” I say, jerking the keys from her hand. “If I see that dick, I’ll fuckin’ end him, and that will be on you.”

She rolls her eyes.  “Quit being an ass.  I was just trying to get your attention.”

Daisy steps between us placing her hand on my arm, “Let’s just go.  I’m excited to see where you’re taking me, and I don’t want to wait.”

I can tell she’s placating me, trying to make me forget about Ice’s comment, but I don’t give a shit.  Her thoughts are too close to mine.  “Sounds good to me.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight


We walk into the hotel room, me leading the way.  “You were right, babe.  Buena Comida’s is the shit.”

She smiles.  “I know, right.  My dad used to bring me there every year on my birthday.  I just love it.”

I can’t imagine Maker taking the time away from the bottle to take her anywhere, but I don’t voice that thought.  “I hope you enjoyed it.  We could have done something else, but your Grams and Ice said that was all you would want to do.  I’m not good with this shit, so I just followed their advice.”

Her face goes soft, a look I haven’t seen since she was seventeen.  “It was perfect.  I wouldn’t have wanted to do anything else.  Well, I would have enjoyed riding on your bike, but that will have to wait.”

The sweet sound of her voice, the look on her face, it’s all just too much.  I step closer and lean down to kiss her.  As my lips descend, she pulls back.  “We really need to talk.”

“Talk?”  That’s the last fuckin’ thing I want to do right now.  In fact, the only thing I have on my mind is stripping her bare and diving between her legs. 

“You told me we would talk about your past, about your sister.  You still haven’t said a word about either.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck!  That is the last thing I want to talk about.  “Can’t it wait for another time?  This night is about us, not about my fucked up past.”

Daisy shakes her head.  “No, I don’t think it can.  If you want us to try to start over, to get beyond all this shit, then I need to know everything.”

Walking across the room, I sink down on the bed.  How the fuck did this happen? How did it go from a damn date to cleaning out my closet?  “I just don’t know if I’m up for it.”

“I’m sorry, but I need to know what you meant that day.”

“What day?”

She walks to me and sits by my side.  “That day at Chipper’s house.  You said the stuff my mom said brought up some issues from your past.  You made me think it had something to do with your sister.  You also promised you would tell me as soon as you got your shit together.”

She goes quiet for a second before reaching for my hand.  “Everyone keeps telling me you’ve changed, finally got your shit together.  If that’s true, it’s time you told me what the hell happed when you were a kid.”

She’s right; I have to tell her.  If not, it will always be a shadow coming between us.  “My father used to beat us, me and Tabby.  He would even take the strap to Mother from time to time, but she was smart enough to be what he expected her to be more often than we were.”

I hear her indrawn breath, but she remains quiet, so I go on.  “He was, probably still is, a zealot.  He preached the bible from morning to night, but he twisted its words to fit what he wanted.  There was never any mention of forgiveness or love in our house, nothing but fear.”

I go on to tell her about my childhood, ending with the day I met Kidd.  “My father’s drug was religion. He used it to control those around him.  He did that with his fist.”

I pull her into my lap and place my hands on her face.  “My drug was alcohol.  I used it as an excuse to fuck up time and time again.  When I thought I raised my hand to you, I was scared that I was becoming him.  Different reason, but the outcome was the same.”

There are tears shimmering in her eyes when she replies.  “I told you that you didn’t hit me.  You would never do something like that.”

“You don’t understand, Little Flower.  I was so fucked up most of the time; I didn’t even know what I was doing.  If I had, there is no way I would’ve ruined us in the first place.”

Her voice goes to a whisper.  “You didn’t ruin us, Preach.  You just caused us to have to work harder to find our happiness.  Uncle Holt always tells me that you value the things you work for a lot more than the things that are given to you.  He’s right, because I value you above all else.”

I can’t stop myself from taking her lips after those sweet words cleanse and wash away my past.  For so long, life has been hell on earth, and now Daisy is showing me a new path, a new way, and it’s pure fuckin’ heaven.  Cupping her cheeks gently between my hands, I press my lips to hers.  This isn’t the angry passion we’ve shared time and again.  This is a kiss filled with love and hope for the future.

I’m half afraid Daisy will pull away from me and demand we talk more, but as our lips caress and tease, she turns on my lap until she has her legs on either side of my body.  Her hands tangle in my hair, and her sweet little tongue flicks out against my lips.

That’s all it takes. My tongue instantly connects with hers, deepening the kiss while I hold her to me.  Our kiss is sensual and slow as we explore each other.  When she pulls away after a few long minutes, she’s out of breath, and her lips are swollen.  Playfully, I nip at her bottom lip before sucking it into my mouth for another round of kissing.

As we kiss, I gently tug the zipper on the back of her dress down, trailing my work rough fingers down her silky smooth back.  When my hands reach her ass, I grab hold and pull her pussy against my cock, pulling a cry from her lips.

“Preach,” she pants while she wiggles her hips on top of me, trying for more friction.

“I got you, Little Flower.”

I pull her dress over her head and can’t suppress a groan as I take in her virginal white panties and bra. Then the icing on top, the baby bump as she calls it, proudly presses into my abdomen, keeping us connected.  So fucking sexy.

Carefully, I lift my woman and lay her out on her back.  She looks like an angel laying there, just waiting for me to take her. “I’m going to taste you now.”

Her eyes are hooded, and she’s making these cute little keening sounds that have my cock ready to pound into her, but this isn’t the time.  For the first time in my life, I actually want to make love to a woman.  No, that’s not right.  I want to make love to my woman.  I make quick work of her bra, lavishing her nipples in licks and kisses.  Her body arches toward my mouth each time I switch to another part of her.  Finally, having had my fill of her glorious tits, I drag my tongue downward, stopping to swirl it in her belly button.  She giggles and pushes me away.

“That tickles,” she complains.

Before she can utter another word, I have her panties pulled aside, my tongue speared deep inside her pussy, and my thumb pressing against her sensitive bud.  Her giggles and complaints stop in an instant. “Fuck, you taste so good, Flower.  I wish I could stay with my head buried between your legs like this forever.  I would die happy.”

Reluctantly, I pull away from her pussy and tug her panties down her legs, passing those sexy shoes she has on.  I lick her ankle... “Now these can stay.”

“What?  No, they aren’t mine. If we break one of those...”

I cut her off when my mouth falls into her pussy again, licking and suckling at her puffy folds and working her clit until she comes undone. “That’s right, Daisy. Come for me.”

I kiss my way back up her body, kneeing her legs further apart to make room for my large frame.  I gently rub my cock around her clit, dragging her pleasure out, before slowly working my cock inside her swollen lips.

“Oh, God!  Yes, more please,” she begs.

Licking my lips, her taste is still lingering on my tongue.  I lean down and kiss her full lips, letting her taste how amazing her pussy is.

“You taste that, baby?  You taste that sweet little pussy?  Don’t you taste so good?” I ask as I rock into her slow and steady while her pussy milks my cock.  I swear to Christ, I could have come the moment I touched her hot little cunt, but somehow I hold back.  Somehow, I remain in control.  She’s doing everything she can to unman me though, rocking those little hips and thrusting that pelvis of hers up into me, trying to take her pleasure. “Mmm, so tight, my Flower... so fucking tight and all mine.”

Her next orgasm is coming quick.  I can tell by how she’s clamped down on me and from her guttural moans.  I thumb her clit, helping to get her there faster.  “That’s right, baby. Come again.”

“No, no, no, I can’t.  It’s too damn much... ahh,” she cries. “Oh, coming. I’m coming, Preach!”


“Don’t get comfortable. I’m not done with you yet,” he says as he rolls off of me. 

He climbs from the bed and reaches down to pull me to the side.  As soon as I’m sitting at the edge, he wraps his hand around his cock and moves toward my face.  “Take it in your mouth, baby.”

“I’ve...” I look up at him and feel heat rush my face.  I’m embarrassed by my innocence, but also proud that I stayed true to myself for so many years.  “I’ve never done that before.”

“I’d hope to hell to not, considering my dick has never been anywhere near your mouth.”  He sounds so cocky, so full of himself, that I get pissed. 

“Why should that matter?  I’m sure I’m not the first woman you’ve went down on.  Why shouldn’t I have been with other men too?”

He steps back, fury masking his face.  “What the hell are you saying?  Did you let that fuckin’ pig touch you?”

His comment may have made me angry, but I don’t want to fight right now, and I can see where this conversation will lead.  We’ve been having such a good night.  I don’t want it ruined, so I tell him the truth.  “You’re the only man I’ve ever done anything with, other than kiss, that is.”

“Then why the hell would you ask such a fuckin’ question?”

I shrug, almost wishing I had kept my mouth shut.  But also, still feeling a little stung by his words.  “I just don’t think it’s fair.  I know you’ve been with a lot of other women.  I’ve even saw you having sex with Leah.  Why does it matter who I’ve been with?  I’m a grown woman.  If I had screwed a dozen men, it wouldn’t be your business.”

“Yes, it would.  Everything you do is my fuckin’ business.” He glares at me.  “And what the hell do those bitches I was with got to do with anything now?  You know that shit’s not happening again.  It’s all in the past.”

“If I had been with someone else, it would have been in the past too.”

He stares down at me, his anger completely gone.  “You don’t get it do you?”

“Get what?”

“None of those others meant shit to me.  They weren’t you, so they were nothing more than a quick fuck.”  He climbs into the bed beside me and pulls me onto his lap.  “If you had been with someone else, it would have meant something to you.  You would never give your body to someone you don’t love.  The thought of you loving someone else would kill me.”

I lean into him, more than satisfied with his answer.  “I could never love anyone but you.”

“Well then, I think it’s time you learned to suck a dick.”

I jerk my eyes to his face, shocked at how quickly he brought the conversation full circle.  He’s wearing a huge smile.  “What do you say?  You want a mouth full of cock?”

I can’t hold in my laugh as I smile back.  “God, I love you.”

He smiles and stands up, then positions me back on the edge of the bed, him standing in front of my spread legs.  His cock is jutting out toward my face, still shining with my juices.  Theoretically, I know exactly what to do here, but now that it’s time to put it to practice, I am more than a little nervous.

“Just open your mouth and take it in.” His voice is husky as his strong hand cups my cheek.  I look up into his eyes and see nothing except love and acceptance.

“What if I do it wrong?” I whisper shyly.

“Anything you do will be amazing, baby.  Just do what feels right,” he consoles.

Timidly, I take his length in my hand and stroke it a few times the way I know he likes.  I lean my face closer, looking up into his face again for reassurance.  Preach’s head is thrown back, and his lips are parted in obvious ecstasy.  Feeling a bit brave, I flick my tongue over the tip, taking in the musky, sweet taste.  I can’t say it’s delicious like he would, but it’s... different.  I lick all around the head of his cock, getting the feel for it, before wrapping my lips around the crown.

BOOK: Renegade Reject
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