Release In The Dark (DARK erotic romance series) (10 page)

BOOK: Release In The Dark (DARK erotic romance series)
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No.” There is a
touch of anger in his voice. “I don't mix with brutish
military men. They're not politicians. They're just dogs!”

He yanks hard at my leash and I
lose my footing and careen towards the wooden wheel. My shoulder
smashes into one of the spokes and rattles the chains.

Dell's black eyes widen as he
breaks into a smile. “Well, well, Ana, I see you gravitate
naturally towards the Wheel. Excellent.”

What? I didn't...”

Pulling me up roughly, he snaps
off my collar and pushes me back against the Wheel. I cry out as he
pulls my arms up over my head and with a grunt, pushes the cuffs
firmly down over my wrists, locking them in place on the Wheel. I
try to kick out but he winds the chains around my legs swiftly and
steps back.

With my body stretched out on
the Wheel, I can only raise my head slightly to glare at him. But he
is not looking at me.

Dell is facing away from me,
standing in front of Pam and Kylee, cocking his head as if trying to
decide between the two of them. He reaches out to touch Pam's hair
and she flinches. Her reaction seems to please him. He runs his
forefinger down her chest, over her nipple and down her flat tummy.
With the same finger, he points to the bedded platform in the corner.
Pam bows her head and silently kneels at the edge of the platform.

Pulling out a flat, silver card
from his back pocket, Dell slides his thumb across the flat surface
and looks up expectantly. I realize the card is a remote control
when I hear the ominous creaking and clanging of metal as chains
start to lower from the darkened ceiling.

I see the chains snaking down
towards Kylee. Dell removes her collar and reaches his hand up to
grab a fistful of chains. I twist against my cuffs, trying to see
what Dell is doing to her. But a movement directly above me catches
my attention. I flick my eyes up, and a cry bubbles from my throat.

To my horror, something is
descending from the ceiling directly above my stretched out, naked
body. They look like clamps, and they are plunging down towards my
bare breasts. I try to jerk away but my body is flattened tightly
against the wheel, my back arched with my breasts jutting up in
offering to those evil looking clamps whirring down from the ceiling.
The clamps are poised directly above my quivering nipples.

No, no...” I start
to shake my head madly when the metal jaws of the clamps widen. As I
blink rapidly, I see that the clamps are padded but that does nothing
to tamp down my terror.

I can't watch anymore. Bracing
for pain, I squeeze my eyes shut as the clamps latch onto my erect
nipples. I bite down a cry at the pressure and the sudden shot of
pain. But as I force myself to breathe and my body slowly relaxes, I
find the pain not unbearable. The pressure is not crushing, and the
sensation becomes oddly pleasurable after the initial burst of pain.

I blink hard to chase away the
fog from my eyes and mind. Dell is smiling down at me, drawing lazy
circles around my breasts with his fingers. “Beautiful. Just
beautiful,” he drawls. “Perfect!”

He straightens up and smirks,
“I'll go adjust her chains, then we can play.”

Panting, I manage to raise my
head a little. I see Kylee immediately. She is being suspended in
midair with chains around her body. There are shackles around her
ankles, which are attached to the tangle of chains rattling from the
ceiling. Dell swipes his thumb across his silver card again, and
there is the buzz of pulleys and machinery from the ceiling. Kylee's
legs are slowly being spread wide apart as unseen machinery move the
chains into the required position.

Dell moves to stand between her
legs. Kylee's body is lifted until her crotch is at Dell's eye
level. He puts his palms on her taut thighs and presses his face
into her pussy. Kylee's face remains stoic, even as his hands and
mouth busy themselves between her legs.

With a loud slurp, Dell backs
away from Kylee and mounts the bedded platform. Pam is the only one
who is not chained and cuffed to any of the gory devices in the room.
She is simply kneeling on the platform with her head bowed, her
chest rising and falling ever so slightly.

He begins to unbutton his red,
silk shirt with one hand. With his other hand, he fumbles with his
belt and zipper. Completely naked, except for the black satin mask
over his eyes, he yanks Pam's leash violently.

On all fours,” he

Soundlessly, Pam leans forward
on her hands and knees. Dell gently moves her hair to one side and
finds the strings to her leather collar.

Growling, he pulls the black
string to tighten the collar. He lets out a satisfied laugh when Pam
jerks back with a gasp, her small hands flying to her throat.

He pushes her body down,
maintaining his hold on the black string. He rubs his short, hard
member vigorously between her butt cheeks before pushing into her.
He pulls on the string as he starts to pound, throwing back his head
and making wordless sounds of ecstasy.

Pam's hands are clawing
desperately at the collar, her body shuddering. Between the sounds
of slapping flesh and Dell's bellows, I can almost make out tiny,
choking sounds emanating from Pam. I try to squint at her, but the
clamps are clenching my nipples with so much force now that my own
anguish is the only thing I can focus on at the moment. I thrash my
head, trying not to focus on the burning sensation radiating from my
nipples to the rest of my body.

The pressure on my nipples is
now so intense that it is all I can do not to black out. Dell's roar
jolts me back from the brink of unconsciousness and back into the
darkness of Room Number Five. I shake my head and take deep, quick
breaths. Dell's is cursing and swearing noisily, and his grating
voice slaps me fully awake.

I snap my eyes to the bedded
platform, and see Dell yanking angrily at the black string. Pam is
lying on the platform, her body limp and pale. She doesn't stir even
when Dell wrenches the string so hard I hear a loud crack.

Stop it!” I cry
hoarsely. “Stop! You'll kill her!”

I gasp, the full meaning of my
words smashing into me like a sledgehammer. “Pam!” I
scream, jerking against my cuffs. “Pam! Wake up! What have
you done to her? Stop touching her! What have you done?”

Dell whirls round to face me,
his eyes full of hostility and frustration. “What are you
making such a ruckus for? Just shut up!” he spits. He drops
the string, and Pam slumps like a rag doll.'ve killed her,”
I choke.

He shrugs and snorts in disgust.
“And I'm not even done yet. I haven't finished, and she dies
on me. Bitch!”

He turns to snarl at Kylee and
me. “One of you will have to take her place.”

Kylee stares straight up at the
ceiling, not turning her head to throw even a glance at Pam's body.
My reaction is the complete opposite of hers. I am sobbing and
screaming uncontrollably, unable to look away from Pam's still body.

How could he have strangled her?
Why didn't she cry for help? Why didn't he stop?

The answers are so glaring, and
so painful.

He strangled her simply because
he could. She did cry out, but he didn't want to stop.

Dell looms over me and I spit
viciously at him. He inhales sharply then rears back with a roar.
He backhands me, and my head lolls to one side. I taste blood in my
mouth, and I turn back and bare my bloodied teeth at him. He slaps
me again, and again, until I can't see or feel anymore. I don't even
realize I am blubbering incoherently, until Dell places a finger on
my lips and shushes me. “Shh, there's no need to get so
emotional. Hush. Quiet now. Be good now. She's just a whore.
Nothing more. No need to cry and spoil all our fun. I said quiet

My sobs cease instantly at his
words, my tears drying in my eyes.
She's just a whore.

My entire body stills, and I
don't even draw a single breath.

Good girl.” Dell
strokes my hair and releases my cuffs. “I like that. So

You will do nicely. You
will take her place. You will be perfect,” he whispers in my
ear. He caresses my cheeks and releases the clamps from my nipples.
He rakes his fingernails across my sore, throbbing nipples, before
pinching them hard. I force myself not to react, biting down hard on
my lip against the pain. He squeezes harder, and a stifled cry
escapes my bleeding lips.

Kneading my breasts roughly, he
chuckles, “Perfect.”

Pulling me up, he takes my hand
and leads me to the platform. I stand numbly at the side of the
platform and watch him wrench the collar from Pam's slender neck.

He turns around slowly, the
collar in his hand. “My turn,” he beams.

I start to back away.
No! I
will not be strangled to death by the likes of you. I will not die
like this!

His hand shoots out and grabs me
by the wrist. I am about to scream when he stretches out his
hand—and presses the collar into my palm.

I gasp, my eyes round with
horror and confusion.


I close my frozen fingers round
the collar, scarcely able to breathe. The leather collar is still
warm, warmed by Pam's last breaths while Pam's pale, bruised body
lies abandoned in the corner, cooling rapidly.

I turn the collar over in my
hand, comprehension gradually dawning on me. The corner of my lips
twitch, and slowly curve up.

Dell has lowered himself to his
hands and knees on the platform. He looks back at me over his
shoulder and points to his neck. “Do it,” he pants
eagerly. “Make it good.”

My eyes gleam as I nod. “With
pleasure, Master Dell.”

I step up to the platform.
He wants me to collar him. And tighten the collar to
heighten his erotic pleasure.

I bend forward and clasp the
collar securely around his thick neck. He throws back his head and
moans as I give the string a tentative tug.

Are you ready, Master
Dell?” I coo, wrapping the string around my fingers.

He nods, smacking his lips and
rocking his hips with anticipation. His fist is already wrapped
around his cock, squeezing and pumping. He groans as he pumps
himself harder, and grits out, “Do it. Come on. Make me high.
Do it. Now! Ahh...more...”

I grip the string with both
hands, watching his shoulders shake with his own exertions. I pull
the string tighter, and he starts to pant and groan.

Gagging and choking, Dell turns
his head to the side and smiles deliriously at me as he pumps himself
to climax. After squirting his semen onto the platform, he wheezes
breathlessly and signals me to stop, but I don't. Instead, I pull
the collar tighter.

I watch him start to struggle
as he realizes what I am doing. He clutches desperately at his neck
trying to rip the collar off, as he writhes and convulses on the
platform. I stand up and continue pulling the string even as he
lunges at my legs and tries to topple me. I stumble but I push
myself up quickly. Even on my knees, I refuse to let go of the
string. With my eyes fixed on Pam's body, at the bluish marks around
her neck and the blood under her fingernails from clawing at her own
body, I don't let go. I can't let go. I just keep on pulling and
squeezing the collar tighter and tighter, ignoring the scratching,
clawing fingers at my thighs and the screaming ache in my arms.

My knuckles crack loudly as I
tighten my grip. With a savage curse, I wrench the string back with
all my might, using all my rage and remorse to power my muscles. I
throw all the strength I have left into my arms and pull the collar
increasingly, satisfyingly, deliciously tighter.

His hands start to claw at the
collar, and he tries to twist around, but I don't let up. Making
choking sounds, he tries to reach back to hit me, and his legs kick
out but I continue jerking at the string with a blind, mad vengeance.
I bark out a deranged laugh when I realize how much stronger I have
grown. All the training that Irin and Jaxon had put me through in
the underground cell has paid off.

As his eyes start to roll back
in his head, I yank harder, shaking violently under the strain. In
response to his desperate splutters, I manage to grit out, “Yes!, Master Dell!”


I don't let go even though my
strength is completely, utterly depleted. Dell is no longer moving
on the bedded platform. His feeble scratching, sputtering and
twitching have ceased, and now all I can hear is my own labored
breathing and grunts.

As my numb, shivering arms
finally fall to my side, the string slips from my fingers and I
collapse onto the platform beside Dell's body.

In a daze, I stare at the black
satin mask sitting crookedly over his face. I don't bother trying to
unmask him. I have no interest in what he looks like. He is just a
Nothing more.
No need to
cry and spoil all

BOOK: Release In The Dark (DARK erotic romance series)
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