Rediscovering Peace (Military Love Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Rediscovering Peace (Military Love Book 1)
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That was the last thing I heard before I hung up. Why would he not leave me alone? I decided to change my lunch plans and get my number changed. I didn’t want to deal with Oliver’s calls and texts. My heart was still in pieces, and it wouldn’t help if I gave him the option to contact me. Mostly I was scared that I would give in to his apologies. Even after everything he had done to me, I knew one thing for certain, I still loved him.

I returned to the office with a new number and in a lighter mood. Oliver had no way of contacting me anymore. I had already deleted him off all my social network pages the night before. Kicking him out of my life was the hardest thing I had ever done, and I still wasn’t sure how I felt about that. The last one and a half years Oliver had been the biggest part of my life and all of a sudden I didn’t have him to rely on anymore. I felt empty without him but I knew it had to be this way. I knew he would hurt me over and over again if I gave him the chance. However, the thing with knowing is that it still didn’t make things any easier.

“Skye, go home it’s seven. You’ve been here since 6:30 this morning.”

“Sorry, Jake, I spaced out. I didn’t realize how late it was.”

“It’s okay, dear. You need to stop trying to distract yourself with work. It will eventually catch up with you. I know it hurts, but you have to deal with it one way or another.”

“Why does everybody tell me not to drown myself in work? That’s not what I am doing.”

“Because we care about you and I need you to be on top of your game. You won’t be if you burn yourself out with work. Now go home and I don’t want to see you back here until eleven. If you are here before then I will fire you.”

I won’t come in till eleven tomorrow even though I think you’re bluffing. You need me here.”

“Try me. Good evening, Skye. Now out!”

Jake had been a kind boss from the get go. He cared about his employees and made sure that we got enough downtime after work. I was glad he had come into the company when it all went downhill. The first thing he had done was promote me to be his personal assistant. It had hit him hard when I told him I wanted the job in Colorado. We made a great team and between the both of us the company’s reputation would be back up in no time.

I stopped by the grocery store and picked up some stuff to cook tonight. I hoped my roommates would be home. The last thing I needed right now was to be alone. Luckily enough both of them were home and happy to see that I was cooking for the night. I fried up some chicken knowing how much my roommates loved southern food.

“Are you cooking what I think it is? Fried chicken, okra, mashed potatoes and gravy?”

“Yes. Would you come in here and help me make the biscuits, Faith?”

“I guess I can. Don’t get mad if they get burned again.”

Faith was a talented girl who had made it far in her company as a publisher, but when it came to cooking she had two left hands.

“I won’t let you burn them. It’s easy.”

We spent the next hour in the kitchen cooking and talking about random stuff. I appreciated that none of my friends pressured me into talking about Oliver. They knew I’d come around eventually.

“Caige, will you please get the plates and silverware? We cooked so you get to set the table.”

“Isn’t all that a woman’s job?”

He ducked down when he saw my spoon flying by his head. He laughed and got the plates out.

“Will you marry me, Skye? I will never find a woman who can cook as well as you.”

“You wouldn’t know if a girl can cook or not because you never even get to know the girls that you associate with.”

“You mean the girls he fucks?”

“I was trying to be nice, Faith.”

“Why? He needs to know that it’s a dick move to sleep with girls and never call them back.”

“I never lead them on. I tell them what it is from the beginning. It’s not my fault they still expect more from me. I don’t do relationships and attachments. The only thing that comes from relationships is hurt.”

“Oh and you think it isn’t hurtful when a guy sleeps with you and then just ditches you?”

“Faith, what is your problem? Caige’s sex life has never bothered you before. Why all of a sudden?”

“All men are assholes. Look at you and Oliver. He cheated on you. Yet you still sit here pretending it never happened. How many times has he called you? How long till you give in and forgive him?”

“Excuse me? I have no intention of ever forgiving him for what he has done. Nor do I plan on getting back with him. You are right he has called a million times. That’s why I changed my number. I don’t pretend like it never happened, I just don’t want to talk about him. My life fell apart in a matter of days. How would you feel if you found out your fiancé was cheating on you while you were sitting at home planning your wedding? Sorry if I don’t come out and talk about it all day. Now instead of being a hurtful bitch will you tell me what the fuck is going on?”

Faith started crying. “I am sorry, Skye, I didn’t mean it. I have been seeing this guy and instead of sleeping with him right away I made him wait. We went on six dates before I decided I wanted to have sex with him. Well, we had sex and it was amazing. Or at least that’s what I thought. Now he won’t return my calls or texts. Fuck men. They are all douchebags. Besides you, Caige, I love you and I am sorry I compared you to him. I know you tell the girls that it’s a no strings attached thing. I didn’t mean to lash out at you. I just really liked this guy and thought maybe it could go somewhere. I guess not. This is exactly why I never date.”

“Oh, Faith, I am sorry. You’re right he is a douchebag. He doesn’t deserve you. What you think about going to the liquor store and picking up a bottle and just drink the night away? I don’t have to go into work till eleven.”

“No need to go to the store. I already did. Margaritas sound good?”

“This is why we keep you around Caigey boy.”

“Do not call me that.”

“Oooooh, Caigey boy, why not? I think it’s a perfect nickname.”

He punched my arm, and I giggled. We were a strange group of friends but with the support of each other we would make it through everything, even douchebag guys and stupid heartbreaks.

The week passed in a blur and after meeting with my parents Saturday for lunch, I was getting ready to go out with my two best friends. A night of dancing would be perfect. My dad hadn’t been happy about my breakup. Not that he liked Oliver too much but he was protective of his little girl and I knew he wanted to kick his ass something fierce. I assured my dad that I would be okay and that Oliver wasn’t even worth the time. When we parted, he hugged me tight and told me that no matter what, in his eyes, I would always be the most beautiful girl and that no one was worthy of my love, but one day I would give my heart to the right guy. He would make sure that the guy protected it with everything he had. I loved my dad so much. He always knew what to say to make me feel special. I knew that even when he was away so much for his job, he had always loved me and that my mom and I were always on his mind.

“Skye, what are you wearing? I can’t make up my mind.”

“I think I am gonna wear my jean shorts, turquoise plaid shirt, and cowboy boots. Do you want to borrow my green dress? It would go perfect with your black cowboy boots.”

“I knew there was a reason you’re my best friend. I can always count on you to have the right clothes for me.”

“Yeah but you better give the dress back this time, bitch. It’s one of my favorites.”

“I always give them back! Are you calling me a thief?”

“I am pretty sure you still have my favorite pair of jeans.”

“Do not... Oh you mean the ripped ones? But they look so much cuter on me than you.”

I smacked her arm and made my way over to my bathroom to do my hair. I decided to straighten it and leave it down. I wasn’t in the mood to get all dolled up. I kept my makeup light too, just enough to make my blue eyes pop.

“You look H-O-T, girl. If Oliver could see you he’d kick his own ass for letting you go.”

“Ha! You don’t look too bad yourself, ma’am. Now let’s go make sure Caige doesn’t take hours to get ready again. I am ready to get my dance on. I wonder what this friend of his is like. Is it weird that I have known Caige for five years now and have never met any other friends of his before this?”

“No, it’s not. Caige doesn’t have a lot of friends. He has always stuck more to himself. I think I was the first real friend he had. Either way, I hope this friend of his is cute!”

“Caige, come on! We want to go! I am sure your makeup looks perfect.”

“Very funny, Faith. I am ready. Let’s go get our dance on!”

It was early in the night so Cowboys wasn’t packed yet. Thank God. Caige, Faith and I sat at the bar drowning our first drink of the night. It wasn’t until we ordered a round of tequila shots I heard someone call out Caige’s name. I turned around to see who was calling for my best friend. When I saw who it was my mouth dropped open. How could this be?

“Hey, Parker, what’s up? Glad you could make it out. Meet my best friends Skye and Faith.”

“Hey, Faith, it’s nice to meet you.” He shook her hand and I watched in shocked silence. He then turned to me and I knew I was done for.

“Skye, it’s nice to see you again. It’s been a while.”

Caige’s eyes landed on me. “You two know each other? How?”

What in the world was he doing here? Braden James Parker’s dad had been stationed in Germany the same time my dad was stationed there. When Braden and I met in school we were inseparable. We did everything together and then he became my first boyfriend. At the time, I was seventeen and he was nineteen. When we got stationed back to the states I did the one thing that would haunt me forever, I walked away from my first love. I loved Oliver but nothing ever compared to what I had felt for Braden.

“Braden, what are you doing here?” I asked when I finally found my voice again.

“I just got stationed here from Kentucky.”

“I didn’t know you had joined the army.”

“Well you couldn’t have known since I never heard from you after you left Germany. You just vanished and I had no idea where you were. Why did you never call me like you promised?” I saw the hurt in his eyes. This couldn’t be happening. First I find out that my fiancé is cheating on me then I run into my first love. What did I do in my past life to deserve this?

“Look, Braden, I am sorry. I just couldn’t. Can we just forget about it and enjoy the night? I need the distraction.”

“Okay. But Skye, we will talk about this at some point.”

Caige sat in silence watching us. He finally opened his mouth and started laughing. “Incredible how small the world is. When you told me your dad was stationed in Germany I never thought you actually met my Skye. This is hilarious. Now let’s drink.” He waved the bartender over and ordered another round of beer and shots. This was going to be a long night.

Caige wouldn’t find the situation funny if he knew our history. I felt Faith putting her arm around me. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“Everything’s fine. I’m just surprised to see Braden.”

We sat at the bar for a while chatting and drinking. I kept sneaking looks at Braden. He was handsome. His features had become a lot manlier since we were younger and he had gained a lot of muscle. He obviously worked out quite a bit. His brown hair was cut into the typical military cut just short enough to meet army standards. When I first met him he had longer hair. I knew he must’ve hated cutting his hair off when he joined. He was dressed in jeans, a University of Georgia shirt and black sneakers. Braden’s family was originally from Georgia and he had always been a huge UGA fan. So I wasn’t surprised to see his attire. Then again he could wear whatever he wanted and would still look good. He was one of those guys who were always attractive.

Braden caught me staring at him and asked, “Like what you see, babe?”

“I am not your babe. You can cut that shit right now, Parker. I was just wondering how much you have changed since I saw you last.” I would never admit that I thought he was hot as hell. I was done with men. Braden included.

“Well it’s been what? Eight years? Of course I have changed. Did you think I’d stay a twenty-one year old boy forever? I must say though you are as beautiful as ever, Skye. More so than I remembered. Care to dance?” He held his hand out to me, and I hesitated. “Come on, Skye, I promise I won’t bite. Unless you ask me to.” I kicked his shin and grabbed his hand. There was nothing wrong with a little dancing. Braden and I could be friends. I hated to admit it but I had missed him. Not only had he been my boyfriend but also my best friend. He knew everything about me, and I knew I could always count on him to pick me up when I had a bad day. Maybe that was just what I needed.

Brantley Gilbert’s “Bottoms Up” came on and Braden and I started two stepping. We had always loved to dance and even took classes together. Our bodies were still in sync like nothing ever changed and we didn’t spend the last eight years not talking to each other. All of a sudden Jana Kramer’s “Why Ya Wanna” came on. How fitting.

“How are your parents?” I asked him to distract him from the song.

“My mom died of cancer three years ago. Dad is as healthy as can be but my mom’s death hit him hard. He got out of the army and all he does is sit at home and drink. That’s why I asked to get stationed here. I want to be closer so I can take care of him. He lives here in Savannah. Now that I know you are here it’s even more worth it that I came here.”

“I am sorry about your mom. I know how much you loved her. I adored her and never stopped loving her.”

“But you stopped loving me...”

“Braden, please...”

“Skye, when you walked out on me you shattered my world. I kept hoping that you would change your mind and call me. After a year I realized you had moved on and I wouldn’t see you again. That’s when I joined the army. I had nothing to lose. But I never forgot about you. You’re the one that got away. I missed you so much the last eight years.”

“Walking away from you was never easy on me, Parker.” I was the only person who called him Braden, and he loved that I always called him by his first name. I knew calling him by his last name would let him know that we weren’t what we used to be. I needed that distance. “There were so many times I wanted to call you or write you and apologize. I wanted to beg you to take me back and promise that I would never leave you again. We were so young. We were an ocean away from each other. I couldn’t have done it. I missed you so much too but you are right I eventually moved on like I always did after having to say goodbye.”

BOOK: Rediscovering Peace (Military Love Book 1)
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