Redeeming Kyle: 69 Bottles #3 (2 page)

BOOK: Redeeming Kyle: 69 Bottles #3
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He kneels down in front of me. “I don’t understand.”

“This goes inside of me, and it releases hormones into my body, then after three weeks, I take it out and within a few days I get my period.” Kyle shows up with my phone.

“When were you supposed to take it out?” he asks me.

“Sunday morning, but I couldn’t find it. Then with the Bryan Hayes thing, then yesterday- I just forgot about it. I was going to have one of you help me, but everything just got so messed up. But I couldn’t find it because it was gone and it’s been gone…” I look at my phone, “for over two weeks.” Panic soars once again.

“But we haven’t used condoms.” I put my hand on his cheek.

“I have problems, with my ovaries. My likelihood of getting pregnant is less than ten percent.”

“So you’re not…” I can see the panic I feel reflected in Talon’s eyes.

“I didn’t say that, though I wish I could.” I look back at my calendar. My period usually shows up Tuesday night, or sometime Wednesday. “I need a test, but it might be too early.” The tears flow again when I see Talon with complete panic on his face.

Kyle kneels down behind Talon. “Talon, are you alright?”

He doesn’t respond. He just sits there. His body is radiating panic and ready to freak out. I put my hand on his cheek. “Look at me, big man.” He doesn’t move. “Come on, big guy, I need you to look at me.” Tears streak down my cheeks. I can’t stand to look at his panicking face; I need him to look at me. “Come on, baby, look at me.” Finally his eyes meet mine. “Hi there.” I smile. “You with me?” He nods slightly. “Can you talk to me? What are you thinking?” He looks down again. “No, no, keep looking at me.”

His eyes come up, meeting mine, and they’re thick with unshed tears. “I’m scared,” he breathes.

“What are you scared about?”

“I’m not sure I’m ready to be a father,” he says in a whisper.

“Aw, baby, we don’t know that. We don’t know one way or another. Until we know for sure, we cannot panic. Please, I can’t.” The tears flow harder and faster, “I can’t stay strong for the three of us.” I look past Talon to Kyle.

“Talon, no matter what, we’re all in this together,” Kyle says as he rubs Talon’s back. “You’re not in this alone, neither is Addison.”

“What if it’s yours?” Talon asks.

“Honestly, it doesn’t matter to me whether it’s yours or mine. If she’s even pregnant, we’re still all in this together. We’ve made a choice to be a threesome; everything we do involves all of us, no matter what,” Kyle says. His strength is like a shot of adrenaline straight to my heart.

Talon loosens up a little bit too. “Kyle’s right. We can’t make assumptions until we know for sure.”

“How do we do that?” Talon asks.

I give him a small smile. “I need a pregnancy test.”

“Where do I get one?” He’s eager.

“Breathe, big man. I will send Tori or someone else to get one.”

“I’ll go,” Kyle says as he stands up.

“Relax, cowboy. There is no guarantee that the result I get today will be accurate. A blood test is preferable, but I don’t want to take the risk of it leaking to the media. So, if we’re going to get one, I’ll need at least two. I’ll take one today and I will try another one on Thursday or Friday. My period usually starts on Wednesday after I take out my ring, but I only had it in about a week before it fell out. So my body is probably screwed up.”

“Okay, let’s get you a couple of tests,” Kyle says.

I nod and look to Talon. “You feeling better?” He gives me a tiny lift of his lip. “I’m going to slide into this nice warm tub. I need to relax.”

“Can I join you?” Talon asks. “I just want to hold you,” he whispers.

I look up at Kyle who nods. “I’ll go talk to Tori,” he says.

“Are you sure?” I ask.

He leans down and kisses my forehead. “Absolutely,” he says and leaves the bathroom.

I reach for Talon’s hand. “Come on.” He stands up with my help. I step over the side of the tub and stand in the middle. Talon steps in behind me and slides down into the water.

“Come, angel,” he says and I sit down in front of him. He wraps his arms around me, under my breasts, and pulls me back closer to him and holds onto me like he needs air to breathe. I settle into him, his hold and his touch surrounding me. I lay my head back on his shoulder.

Kyle is back within fifteen minutes and Talon hasn’t moved. He has his head buried in the crook of my neck and I love the fact that we’re wrapped up like this. Kyle stands over us. “Join us, please,” Talon requests.

I smile at Kyle and nod and he steps out of his pants and t-shirt before joining us in the tub. He starts to sit down opposite us. “Come here, and turn around,” Talon says and Kyle turns around and sits down between our legs. He hesitates to lean back.

“You won’t hurt me,” I tell him, wrapping my arms around his chest and pulling him back against me. Once he’s settled against me, I wrap my legs around him, keeping him pressed tightly against my body. He leans his head back on my shoulder and Talon kisses his head, and then buries his face back in my neck.

We don’t move, staying like this for some time. We hold on to each other and it’s pure bliss. I nearly forget what we’re facing right now. What Kyle said, about us being a triad, a threesome, and how no matter what, no matter whom, it doesn’t matter. The idea brings tears to my eyes again.

Kyle shifts and I let him go. He turns in the tub. “What’s wrong, baby girl?”

Talon’s hands begin rubbing along my stomach, but there is nothing sexual about it, it’s strictly comforting. “I’m scared. I’m nervous. I’m, god, I don’t know. So many things are running through my mind.” Talon lifts his head.

“Lean back, Kyle,” Talon says and he does, getting awkwardly comfortable, so many legs. “Go to him, baby, lay with him.”

“Where are you going?” I ask quietly.

“I’m going to see if we have what we need to try and find out. We’re all going to make ourselves crazy if we keep fretting over this and I can’t take it anymore.” He stands up as soon as I’m pressed back against Kyle and his arms and legs are wrapped around me. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He leans down, kisses my forehead, then kisses Kyle’s, before stepping out and wrapping a towel around his waist.

“Is he okay?” I ask Kyle.

“I think he’s freaking out, but I think he recognizes how much you and I need him, so he’s trying to be strong.”

“What about you, cowboy?”

“I’m freaking out. But,” his hand rubs along my stomach, “either way, I’ll be good. I just need to get past the unknown. That’s all.” I put my hand on top of his and we lay there. My early wake up, my panic and emotional drain catches up and I nearly fall asleep before Talon returns. He has a bag in his hand.

“She got like, four boxes. What did you tell her, Kyle?”

“I didn’t know what to get, so I’m assuming she grabbed a couple different brands.”

Picturing Tori in a drug store, buying pregnancy tests for me, almost makes me laugh. Almost. ”What do you say, baby girl, should we give this a go?” I nod and he unwraps his legs from around me, giving me room to stand up. “No, stay, let me get some towels,” Kyle says as he climbs out.


“Yes, angel?”

“How are you doing?” I ask.

“I’m better now, I think. I just need answers. My mind will run a thousand and one different scenarios and I need to turn them off.”

“Even if it comes back negative, we’re not necessarily in the clear. You do understand that, right?”

He gives me a small smile. “I do, but at least it’s something I can work with. If it’s negative, how long will we need to wait for another test?”

“I’m going to say a couple of days. Maybe Friday. Unless my period shows up between now and then.” He nods. “If it’s positive, we’ll figure it out, I promise.”

He leans down, kissing my head. “I know we will. We always do,” he says as Kyle comes back with a stack of towels, one is wrapped around his waist. He sets the rest on the sink and he hands one to Talon, who opens it up for me. I stand up. He wraps the towel around me and begins rubbing me dry.

Once he’s done, I kick them out. “I’ll let you back in when I’m done. I can’t pee with an audience.” They leave reluctantly and I sit down, peeing on a stick, my heart rate rising further with each passing second. Once I’m done, I put the little cap on it and lay it flat on the counter. It’s one of those digital ones, so there is an hourglass flashing. I open the door. I want to climb back into the bathtub but they’re both sitting on the bed.

I walk over to them and they both wrap their arms around me. Holding me to them. “I have a better idea,” I say and I step around them and climb onto the bed, dropping my towel in the process. Talon gets up and comes around the bed to his usual spot and Kyle lays down behind me, his front to my back. “Turn around, big man, let me hold you.” He rolls over and backs up. I push one arm under his head and the other under his arm and I rub my fingers along his tight stomach muscles. Much the same as Kyle is doing with me.

“How long do we have to wait?” Talon asks.

“About three minutes or so,” I say and kiss him between his shoulders.

“Want me to go look?”

“No Talon, I don’t want you to move right now. I just want to lay here between the two of you.”

No one says anything for about fifteen minutes. “Okay, I can’t take it anymore,” Kyle says.

“Okay, let’s go.” I move to sit up.

“Let us look, angel. You stay put.”

“I’m freaking out just as much as you are, you know?”

“I know, but let us look first,” Kyle says. “We will be right back.”

“Guys, what’s going on?” I call out after what seems like an eternity but is really just a couple of minutes.

They both come back onto the bed. Kyle slides in behind me, Talon slides in front of me. “Look,” Kyle says as he shows me the stick. ‘Not pregnant’ stands out like the biggest, brightest, sign I’ve ever seen.

Relief washes through me. “My god,” I breathe. I look at both of them and they both seem a little sad. “What? You’re not happy about this?” I ask.

“We are and we aren’t.”

“Whoa, wait a minute. Not ten minutes ago the two of you were somber ducks, now you’re disappointed that I’m not pregnant, or that the test says I’m not.”

That conversation, the one we had back on the bus, when they were talking about my nipples, Talon’s slip, plays through my mind. “I think you’ll be sexy as hell when you’re pregnant.” Kyle says as he reaches back to set the test on the table, then comes back and wraps his arms around me.

“I’m scared shitless, but I think, while lying in the tub I realized that while the prospect scares the living shit out of me, I might be a little excited about the idea of one day having a baby with you.” Talon smiles. Though it’s not his normal bright smile, it’s better than what it was earlier.

“What if it’s Kyle’s?” I tease. He wraps his arms around me, between Kyle and me.

“I don’t think I’ll care, or even want to find out.”

“Gah, you guys are maddening, you know that?”

And in tandem they both thrust their hips at me and I can feel their erections. One probing in the front, the other in the back.

I lift my leg and wrap it around Talon’s hip. “Are you going for trying to knock me up?” I ask and they both thrust again. I groan. I feel Talon shifting his hips again, and this time I can feel the head of his cock probing at my entrance. Kyle shifts, reaching for something. When he comes back he has a bottle of lube in his hand. I moan and Talon dips the head of his cock inside, just teasing, just barely stretching me.

Talon cups my breast in his hand and I can feel Kyle stroking his cock, lubing himself up. “Oh fuck,” I groan and feel Kyle pressing against my tight ring. Talon releases my breast from his fingers and he reaches under my leg, lifting it. Giving them both access to my inner most parts.

They’re both probing gently as I writhe. Talon’s mouth finds a nipple and he licks, then sucks it into his mouth. I moan, relaxing and opening for them.

BOOK: Redeeming Kyle: 69 Bottles #3
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