Raines, Elizabeth - Covert [Wicked Missions 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: Raines, Elizabeth - Covert [Wicked Missions 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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She surprised him by plucking the ring up and sliding it back on her third finger. “Together? I thought
was supposed to be calling the shots.” Her tone was pleasant rather than authoritative, and he couldn’t help but give her shoulders as affectionate squeeze.

Will reached across the table to put his hand over hers. “We’re a trio now, remember? You might be the woman, but we’re in this marriage and this mission, too. Lean on us when you need to, okay?”

Instead of replying, she yawned. For some reason it was contagious because first Tanner and then Will yawned as well. “Look,” Tanner said, “we might as well get some shut-eye. We’re all exhausted, and sitting around worrying about problems that haven’t happened yet is just going to make us all crazy.”

“Course is laid in?” Alayna asked as she scooted her chair back.

Tanner nodded. “We’ve got plenty of time to get some sleep. Ready for bed?”

Taking her hand in his, she gave him a lopsided grin and then cast a sultry glance to Will. “I’m ready for bed. But we’re not sleeping. Not yet.”

His cock sprang to life, the blood flowing there so quickly that he got a little light headed. He caught the scent of her arousal and groaned. “Fuck, no, we’re not sleeping yet.” Instead of waiting for her to drag them both to the big bunk, he swept her into his arms. Will shoved his chair back and was striding toward them. “Are we, Will?”

He answered by putting one hand over Alayna’s breast and pressing the other against Tanner’s swollen cock. The smile he gave them hit Tanner on a visceral level. He nodded at the bedroom, and Will pulled away to sprint ahead of them as Tanner carried their bride to their bed.

Will got to the bunk first and had dropped his trousers before he even kicked off his shoes. Tanner chuckled as he set Alayna down and started to undress her. Since she was grabbing at Will’s shirt, the three of them ended up blocking each other. After they all laughed at their predicament, they each stripped themselves and then simply stared.

He wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to seeing the two of them entirely blue. Whenever they were together, his thoughts constantly flipped between the way Will and Alayna used to look and how they appeared now. Did his partners have the same problem? Not that he didn’t like every delicious inch of their blue bodies. Alayna was slim yet muscular, her breasts high and topped with tight, indigo nipples that had probably been a pale rose once upon a time. Her hips flared from a trim waist, and her pussy was crowned with a tidy
of dark curls. Funny, but he saw them as brown.

Will had a body to drool over, not an ounce of fat on the man. His muscles rolled under his skin every time he moved, making him look like some sleek jungle cat. Rising from a nest of black hair, his cock was thick and handsomely decorated with prominent veins. A drop of clear fluid leaked from the tip, and Tanner reached out to brush it away with his thumb, loving how Will groaned in response.

Alayna took charge. “In bed. Now.” The men scrambled to obey. “This time, I want you both…at the same time.” She reached into a cubby by the bed and grabbed a bottle. Tossing it to Tanner, she said, “You’ve got a longer cock, but Will’s is too wide for my first time.”

He blinked a couple of times, hardly believing he was hearing her correctly. In his experience, some men had no problem with getting a dick up their ass. Hell, they
it, judging from the talk he’d heard over the years. He’d only had one affair with a man, and it hadn’t been a good experience because at the tender age of twenty, he’d been a bit confused about his own sexuality. And while he’d slept with quite a few women, they didn’t even seem to consider anal intercourse a possibility. Yet here Alayna was, asking for both men to penetrate her at the same time. His balls pulled up tight against his body, and he realized how close he was to coming already at the mere thought of being inside her tight ass while Will’s dick rubbed his cock through the thin tissue of her body. “Alayna...are you sure that’s what you really want?”

“You heard me,” she added with a wink. “Lube up, hubby.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Will knelt in front of her, pressing a kiss to her intimate curls. She tugged at his hair and spread her legs a little wider. Simply watching the two of them made Tanner’s heart start to slam in his chest. “Damn, that’s hot.”

With a chuckle, Will stood back up, cupped his hand around her neck, and pulled her hard against him. His mouth claimed hers.

Without breaking away from the tongue-dueling kiss, she crooked her finger at Tanner. He joined them, wrapping his arms around both of them while she stroked his erection. Nothing had ever felt as right as being with these two, and he was a bit surprised fangs didn’t spring from his canine teeth again. Perhaps the biting ritual was only the first time they came together, a symbol of them being joined by sharing blood and marking each other. This time was every bit as intense as the first time they’d made love, and he ran his tongue over his teeth just to check for fangs one last time.

Lifting Alayna off her feet and away from Will, Tanner carried her to their bed. She scrambled to the middle and smiled in clear invitation. Will made it to her first and kissed her again while Tanner fitted his front to her back, grinding his cock against that gorgeous ass.

Alayna didn’t want to stop kissing Will, but as Tanner combed his fingers through her hair and pressed his erection between her ass cheeks, she easily let him divert her attention. Turning to look at him over her shoulder, she wasn’t surprised when his mouth covered hers. His tongue slipped past her lips, sliding across hers as he growled deep in his chest, sending heat racing straight to her pussy. Her cunt tightened, needing to be filled by Will’s broad cock, and the anticipation of Tanner claiming her body at the same time had her squirming in need.

Will dropped down to pull one of her nipples deep into his mouth to drive her mad with suction and the soothing licks of his velvet tongue. Tanner released her mouth and pulled his arms away to lean around her and tease her other nipple. By the time they were done lavishing her with attention, she was panting. Her head lolled back, so she didn’t know Will’s intent until his hand was between her thighs, his fingers caressing and separating her folds until he found her clitoris. She whimpered, which only seemed to make him more eager to rub her closer and closer to orgasm.

“Enough,” she finally cried. She wanted the three of them joined, and she wanted it right fucking

Her men seemed to have the same need. Will immediately fell, sprawled against the sheets on his back, smiling up at her. While Tanner reached for the bottle he’d dropped, Alayna straddled Will’s hips, rubbing her pussy against his cock and savoring the groan coming from his throat.

Tanner popped open the bottle, squeezed out some lubricant, and started smearing it on his dick while she wrapped her fingers around Will’s erection and guided it to her entrance. He thrust his hips up to fill her body, drawing a gasp from them both. “Damn, that feels good,” she said before she started purring. He drove up into her, holding tight to her hips as he raised his to meet her.

A warm hand settled on her back, pushing her forward until her breasts were plastered against Will’s chest. “Kiss me,” she begged Will. “I need you to keep my mind off of what’s happening back there.”

“I won’t hurt you, baby,” Tanner said as he smoothed his rough palms over the globes of her ass. “Anything feels wrong, you just say so.”

She couldn’t answer because Will had put his hand against the back of her head and drawn her mouth to his as he stopped moving. His tongue thrust inside to glide over hers at the same time Tanner’s slippery finger circled the tight ring of her most private place. Trying not to tense, she threw herself into the kiss, stroking the roof of Will’s mouth and then having him chase her tongue into her mouth so she could give it a gentle suck.

A finger slipped inside her, and Alayna moaned against Will’s mouth. “It’s okay, baby,” Tanner said as a second finger joined the first. “Just loosening you up.” His fingertips brushed over a sweet spot, and her muscles contracted. “That’s it, Alayna. God, I can’t wait any longer. I need to be inside you. Are you ready?”

She tore her mouth away from Will’s to shout, “Yes!” The blunt head of Tanner’s cock pressed against her, easing slowly in and out, in and out, until he passed the ring of muscles and entered her, his balls slapping against her buttocks.

Alayna gasped at the pain/pleasure feeling of both her mates deep inside her body. Somehow, knowing the three of them were so close made her feel complete. Will moved first, withdrawing slightly before slipping deep inside her again. Tanner caught his rhythm, and the two set an easy pace that quickly drove her closer and closer to release. Tired of their teasing, she dug her fingers into Will’s skin. “Fuck me, boys.”

They responded by picking up the cadence, pulling back and then slamming into her again and again as everything inside her drew into a tight knot. Just as her heartbeat starting roaring in her ears, the knot unraveled, sending spasms to rock her body as she shouted in release. Will pushed up into her, groaning as his hot semen poured into her. After two more hard thrusts, Tanner held on tightly to her hips as he spilled himself inside her with a grunt.

Reality was a long time returning. Alayna was so spent, she fell to the mattress, closing her eyes and waiting for her heart to stop pounding. Will rolled over to snuggle up against her side, throwing a muscular thigh over her legs while Tanner disappeared into the bathroom. After a few minutes, he crawled back onto the bed and over to her other side. When he flopped down, the mattress jolted enough to make Alayna and Will bounce.

“Wow.” Tanner wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her shoulder.

“My thoughts exactly.” Will gently brushed her tangled hair away from her face. She didn’t have the strength to help him. Every muscle felt like rubber, and she simply couldn’t find the will to move.

This feeling—this contented and sated feeling—was all she’d ever wanted in life. Sure, they had a rough road ahead of them, one that could last months, even a year or more. But she’d be sharing that ride with two men who were wriggling their ways inside her heart, and she wasn’t sure she knew how to stop them. Love wasn’t an emotion she knew much about. Loyalty, she understood. Dedication. Even courage.
But love?

If she wasn’t so damned tired, Alayna would have given her head a shake at her own stupid sentimentality. This mission was important. Patrile was running rampant through the Rhotan System, and her job was to put a stop to it. Love had nothing to do with it. Her own mission was to not only bring down the patrile makers and smugglers, but to protect these two men who had put their trust in her and had placed their safety in her hands.

This time, she wouldn’t let her partners down.

Chapter 6

Four months later…

Tanner pushed back from his desk and stretched the stiff muscles in his shoulders with an exaggerated roll. Fuck, but he wished he could find time to get in some weight training. His muscles were begging for a workout, but he was pulling so much overtime, he couldn’t even find a break to take a nice long run. Besides, the three of them needed the money the extra time on the clock brought in. Will was taking extra shifts too, as was Alayna. She also had to go out a couple nights a week and waste a lot of what they’d earned. He knew how much that hurt her, and he could see the pain in her eyes each time she kissed them both goodbye as she left for another trip to an interstellar betting parlor or a casino. Appearances had to be kept up, and she was supposed to have a gambling problem. She had to act her part.

Tanner wasn’t taking their circumstances as well as Will, and he realized he needed to learn to hide his feelings more. Alayna had enough burdens, yet he found himself leaning on her more and more—just like a Fraiquan husband should.

Perhaps he was a little lost in his role.

He was also the one who did most of the cooking since he had a way of turning the cheapest pieces of meat, even something as tough and stringy as cheap cuts of prolobeast, into a feast. Money was getting tight, however, and sometimes they had very small portions. Too small, but none of them complained. They weren’t desperate.
But Tanner had made a point of going to get refugee rations twice this week just to let everyone know how poor the Pariago trio truly was.

The worst thing was that none of them had even been approached by anyone doing anything illegal. They’d done everything they could to let their coworkers know how dire their situation was, both men not-so-subtly complaining about Alayna’s gambling even though it was horribly audacious for males to criticize their female. Since divorce was virtually unheard of on Fraiqua, the people they spent time with had to know there could be other ways of handling their dissatisfaction—hopefully by turning to crime to raise the family’s income.

BOOK: Raines, Elizabeth - Covert [Wicked Missions 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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