Read Raber Wolf Pack Book One Online

Authors: Ryan Michele

Tags: #romance

Raber Wolf Pack Book One (14 page)

BOOK: Raber Wolf Pack Book One
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“Zara?” a tiny voices calls out from somewhere on my right. I stop the forkful of steak I was about to put in my mouth and look down the table. A very adorable little pup, probably seven or so, stares back at me with huge, ocean-blue eyes and a large smile framing her snow-white teeth. Her mousy-brown hair is a styled into low pigtails that hang past her shoulders.

I set my fork down, giving her my full attention. “Yes, sweetie?”

She blushes and the entire table silences, their eyes burning into me. I turn off their thoughts. “I’m Natalie.”

“Nice to meet you, Natalie. I’m guessing you’re about seven?” I tilt my head playfully.

“Six-and-a-half,” she states adamantly.

“We mustn’t forget the half. It’s super important. I thought you were seven. That’s big.” I smile warmly. It’s kind of funny that a little six-year-old is the one to break the ice.

“I’m sorry you got hurt in your other pack. Alpha X won’t let anything like that happen to you.” Tears well up in my eyes. No child should even have to hear what I went through, much less apologize and reassure me.

Xavier squeezes my thigh reassuringly as the wolf sitting next to Natalie who I assume to be her mother, says, “Nat, don’t be rude.” Chastising her. It pisses me off and the tears vanish. I push my chair back and rise.

‘What are you doing?’
Xavier asks through our link.

‘Just going to talk to the little girl, relax. Isn’t that what you told me?’
I walk over to the little girl, bending down to her level as she turns in her chair. “Natalie. Thank you. It means a lot to me that you said those things. But you don’t have to worry. I’m gonna be fine.” She gives me a huge smile and it’s like hitting the jackpot in the lottery. Love this.

“It’s scary,” she whispers and I want to pull her away from the table and talk to her alone but given the other wolves’ apprehension regarding me, that won’t fly well. I sit on the floor and pat the spot in front of me. She climbs down and sits with her legs crossed, mimicking me. So cute.

“It is scary, Natalie, and it should have never happened. Some people make bad choices.” Her little head tilts to me, but I don’t tune into her. There’s no need, it’s all over her face. “Say, your mommy,” I look up at the woman who is smiling down at us and she nods, so I continue, “told you that it’s not okay to go into the woods without an adult. She’s made it very clear and made it a rule.” Natalie nods. “So, one day you’re out with some friends and they want to go for a walk that just so happens to be in the woods. You have a choice. Right?”

Natalie nods again. “I can go or I can listen to my mommy.”

“Exactly, and it’s up to you to make the right decision. One is a good choice and one is a bad. Which one would you pick?”

“Stay out of the woods,” she answers without a bit of hesitation in her voice.

“That’s a great choice. What happened to me wasn’t my choice. Someone else made some bad choices that hurt me. But I’m better now and happy.” I reach over and touch her leg gently.

“I’m glad you’re better,” Natalie says then looks to the floor.

“Thank you, little one. Now let’s eat.” She smiles, climbing back up in her chair as I rise up, heading back to my seat. Xavier stares at me with fire in his eyes, but he’s not the only one looking at me. Every wolf at the table watches each step I take.

‘Did I do something wrong?’
I think to Xavier who just shakes his head. Whew. I tune into their thoughts as I sit down, unsure about what is going through all of their heads and needing to know.

‘Such grace.’

‘She handled that wonderfully.’

‘Still don’t believe her.’

‘That’s a leader right there.’

‘How sweet that she engaged in a discussion with her. My old alpha in my birth pack would never have done that. She was a total bitch.’

‘I’m dirtying as many dishes as I can so she has to wash them.’
I sigh at Marissa. She’s still not getting it, but the other wolves’ thoughts are reassuring.

Xavier leans over to me, crooking his index finger for me to come closer. I do so without question and he plants the softest of kisses on my lips. He pulls away way too quickly for my liking, but we do have an audience. Wolves really don’t give a shit about public displays, but I just experienced my first high with this pack and want to ride it some more.

Light conversation ensues and some wolves ask me simple, everyday questions: my birthday, how old I am, what I like to do in my downtime, which I had a difficult time answering so I’ll need to rectify that soon, and even what I use on my hair. Considering I have nothing of my own anymore, I said Xavier’s shampoo and two of the women gasped, insisting they’d go to the store and buy me some more womanly items. I am more than grateful for that. Another female wolf offered to get me some clothes and I took her up on that one, too.

I can’t keep borrowing clothes from whoever supplied the stuff I have on now. I need my own. I offered to pay for them and then felt like a complete idiot because I have no money either. They shrugged it off, but I will find ways to repay them all. Even if it’s doing their jobs around the den, I’ll do it.

After eating, I feel so full I could burst at any moment. But I’ve already claimed kitchen duty and duty I shall do. I rise from the table and Xavier grabs me. “Where are you going?”

“Clean up.” I grab his plate and a few of the others and take them into the industrial-sized kitchen. Holy crap. This thing is state of the art, top of the line as far as kitchens go. Stainless steel everything, huge sink with a sterilizer, and several ovens and fridges. I thought my pack had a big kitchen but this one dwarfs it.

“Let me help.” Rose, the female who made me food the first night I was here, says from behind me.

“It’s just a lot to take in.” I follow her, setting the dishes down into the deep basin, the soapy water caressing my skin.

“You’ll get the hang of it.”

She tries to wave me off like she’ll do the work, but I stop her. “Nope, teach me how all of these things work.”

“Are you sure?” she questions as she takes some more plates from another female.

“Yes. I’m clear on how to wash, but this sterilizer, I have no clue.”

“Okay. Let me show you.” Rose shows me how to work every machine in the place. I catch on quickly and the task goes by fast. I learn about Rose, her mate, and their pups, and about the families of the other females helping in the kitchen. Trying to keep everyone straight is hard. I may have to make a graph or something to get it all.

We sit on the barstools around the large island in the center of the kitchen, chatting while they sip on coffee and I drink diet soda. Do I dare say how nice this feels? How wonderful it is to feel welcome, to experience this sense of camaraderie? I won’t lie. I did listen to their thoughts as we sat. I’ve been burned a lot in my life and I had to make sure they were genuine, and lucky for me, each of them were. After that realization, I shut their thoughts off and stayed in the moment with them.

It’s wonderful being with the women, but part of me aches. Aches so bad that I need to feel Xavier to make it settle. It’s not even a want, it’s a need that I touch him in some way in order to survive and my leg begins to bounce. I can’t control it and it’s on hyper-drive.

“You okay, Zara?” Rose asks, taking a sip of her coffee.

“I need to find Xavier.” I don’t wait for a response before quickly leaving the room. ‘
Where are you?’

‘Office. Come to me.’

I allow the teenage giddiness to slide through me. I love it when he talks to me this way. Gets me so hot and bothered.

‘On my way.’

I take off through the living room, walking by several of the male wolves watching a game on the television. Their noses perk up in the air as I walk past and their eyes zero in on me. What the hell? I listen to their thoughts.

‘Sexy. I want a taste.’

‘Heavens, she smells good.’

‘I could eat her alive.’

Holy shit. What changed? What part of my scent changed? ‘
Xavier. I need you to come to the living room. Now!’
I call to him as fear spikes in my chest.

“What’s going on, boys?” Several lick their lips as they run their gazes up and down my body, devouring me with one look. I feel so damn naked from their assessing eyes.

‘What’s wrong?’
Xavier demands.

‘I smell different to the males. You need to get to me. Now.’

Not one of the males says anything. It’s like they are mesmerized by me and can’t speak. What in the hell is going on here? With this many male wolves, panic hits me, and I back up toward the door as they start to rise. Holy shit. Are they going to hurt me?

The door behind me bursts open and Xavier moves in front of me. “What the fuck are you doing?” he barks. The guys look up at him in a haze, blinking rapidly like they just came out of some trance.

‘What the fuck?’

‘Why am I standing?’

‘Why is Alpha X so pissed?’

Shit. ‘
Xavier, they didn’t know they were doing it. It was like they were in a trance or something.’
How is this even possible?

“I don’t give a fuck. If you motherfuckers come near my mate like that again, I’ll rip every single one of your throats out. You hear me?” The wolves stand there stunned, no doubt trying to replay the last few minutes, but their minds are blank. They have no recollection. How in the hell?

“Sorry, Alpha X. Don’t know what the hell happened.” This comes from one of the males whose name I don’t know, and he seriously means it. They all look sheepish and I know they couldn’t help it.

“Come.” He grabs my arm and pulls me with him through the halls and into his office. The moment I walk in, Max and Thor flare their nostrils. Shit. Not them too. “Enough of that shit!” Xavier commands and whatever was clouding them instantaneously dissipates.

“What happened?” Max asks.

“I have no fucking clue, but I’m led to believe it’s a spell of some sort.” Xavier sits, pulling me onto his lap.

“What kind of spell do you think they put on me?” I don’t want any damn spells on me.

“Not sure, but think about it. None of the wolves can smell our mating one minute and then all of the sudden they smell you as their next meal. You also have this sparkle shit around you that only Stella can see.” It makes sense.

“Do you have someone you trust that would come here and talk to us?” The answer is probably no. Witches and wizards aren’t the most trusting supernatural creatures. They like to keep their distance from all other beings, especially ones that can rip out their throats.

“Marvin,” Max answers. “But, you’ll have to go him. He won’t come here.”

“I don’t think it’s wise to take Zara out of the den right now.” Xavier squeezes around my stomach.

“He may be our only hope. Let me give him a call and see what he says, and then we’ll go from there.” Xavier nods as Max pushes on his cell. I wish Nana O would respond to me. I try again to reach her, but it’s like a vacant hole. I hope she’s okay.

“When do you think this could have happened?” I ask, trying to explore this idea.

“Could have been when they released you from the cage, could have been as soon as your father learned of your power, or it could have been when you got away from them. But it makes sense. If for some reason that pill thing wore off, this would be his fallback. The other wolves don’t sense you so they think you’re fake. It puts ripples in our pack. Then they start getting all hot and heavy with you.” Xavier’s teeth grind as he says that last part. “That would tear at a mate and cause another riff.”

How low is my father? Obviously lower than even I imagined.

“He said if you come to him, he’ll read her, but he refuses to come here,” Max says, placing his phone back in his pocket. “I talked to Stella and she hasn’t found anything yet.”

“Fuck.” Xavier bites out. “Guess we’re going out. I want top men. Three cars, we’re in the middle. Protection at all times and we leave in an hour.”

I look down at my clothes. They are not the best, especially to be seen going out with the Alpha of a pack. “Xavier, got anymore clothes for me?”

“Yep. Let’s go up to our room. One of the females got some things for you.”

“That was fast.”

“I already had it in the works when you talked about it at the dining table.” He opens the door to the fully stacked closet and my heart stops. Holy shit. I was not expecting this, at all. Rows and rows of clothes, shoes, dresses. I surely don’t need all of this.

“This is too much,” I whisper in a state of shock.

“Nothing is too much for you. Now get ready.”



the wooden plank door. We stand in front of a small, but very immaculately kept, ranch home in the middle of Lakeside. A home where I’d expect to see a soccer mom with her husband and kids pull up in the minivan at any moment. No way in hell would I have pegged it for a wizard’s home.

The door swings open revealing a tall man of about five-eleven with light brown hair, a mustache to match, and normal, everyday clothes.

BOOK: Raber Wolf Pack Book One
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