Protecting Her Heart (Seals Security Book 3) (14 page)

BOOK: Protecting Her Heart (Seals Security Book 3)
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“Careful,” he warned. “I will only allow so much. You can see yourself out and don’t think to abuse my employee again on the way out because it won’t end well.”

“I can’t believe that you are allowing this—this situation to affect your business decisions. You do realize that this might cost you more than my business once I talk to my colleagues, right?” John asked, pausing with his hand on the doorknob.

“If it does, then it does. I refuse to allow anyone to dictate who I hire or how I run my company. It’s why we’re the best at what we do actually and I won’t be changing anytime soon. And men like you aren’t someone we want to deal with anyway,”

“Really and how are your partners going to feel about you making such a decision for them? Are they aware you hire less than savory employees? I have a lot of colleagues,” John asked with a raised brow.

“They aren’t going to side with you if that’s what you’re asking me. We are of a similar mindset I can promise you. It’s why our company works with all four owners having majority shares. Now if you will excuse me, I have work to do,” Luke grunted angrily, moving to sit behind his desk so he wouldn’t punch John’s teeth down his throat.

John left his office with a huff and stepped out into the outer office. Luke moved to the blinds and peeked out to see that Evie wasn’t at her desk and was glad because it meant he wouldn’t be tempted to punch the shithead for saying anything else to upset her.

Evie’s hands were shaking as she walked toward Laney’s office feeling terrible that her employment had caused trouble for Luke. She felt tears sting her eyes as she entered Monica’s office and plopped down on the couch across from her desk.

“Are you okay?” Monica asked, her voice concerned.

“No,” Evie muttered, her hands gripping her knees. “I can’t work here anymore.”

“What? Why? What happened?” Monica cried, really looking concerned now.

“A client just recognized me and I think he wants me fired,” Evie said mournfully.

“Oh, is that all? You had me worried for a second there,” Monica said now grinning. Evie didn’t know what she was grinning about because it wasn’t good.

John Kirkland was the owner of four offices in the area and Luke would likely make at least half a million dollars on the deal with his company. No way was he walking away from that kind of money over her. She let out a loud sigh and twisted her hands together wondering what she would do. She’d been saving but she’d expected to have a lot longer than she was apparently going to get here at Seals. Damn, she really liked working here and it sucked that she was going to have to look for another job so soon. Of course after sleeping with Luke maybe it was for the best anyway.

“Monica, the account is probably a half million dollar deal so it’s likely if he wants Luke to let me go, he will,” Evie told her.

Monica let out a snort shaking her head. “No, but Luke is likely to piss Laney off by knocking his ass to the ground for being a dick.”

Evie frowned. No way was Luke going to jeopardize a contract like that over her.

“What’s my brother done now?” Laney asked, exiting her office with a file in her hand which she laid on Monica’s desk, looking at Evie with a smile.

“Nothing yet, but he might knock some guy out for giving Evie a hard time. I was explaining that he wouldn’t care if it was a huge account, if they commanded him to fired her he was more likely to beat the crap of him instead,” Monica said with a little snicker.

was explaining that it’s a half million dollar account and that it wasn’t likely that he would defend me if Mr. Kirkland insists that I be fired.” Evie rubbed a hand over her face trying not to let out the curses that she wanted to start yelling over the bullshit life kept tossing her way.  

“Ha, you don’t know my brother very well if you think that. He will likely cause me a few headaches over this. I seriously hate when this type of thing happens. None of the boys take it well when someone tries to tell them what they should do with their company.” Laney was rolling her eyes as she shook her head. “Even if it would make us millions, they’d be stubborn if the person was being demanding just to be ornery. And my brother is the worst of the bunch. He doesn’t play well with others in these situations.” Laney shook her head, a little smile on her face.

Evie smiled back at her a little because she’d noticed that about Luke over the past few months. Any time someone told him to do something a certain way, he would go out of his way not to do what they said. It was funny actually because Eric had a habit of telling him how to do stuff just to watch him flounder around attempting to find another way to do it. Evie let a little giggle escape her.

“You know, he does do that. I still would think a half million would change his mind though.” She frowned.

“Nope, Luke has enough money saved to buy half the city, which means if this guy is saying fire you, even if he’d planned to do it before the man told him to, he wouldn’t do it now. It’s a flaw. I exploit it all the time.” Laney snickered.

“So does Eric,” Evie said laughing too.

“I know. Did he tell you about the Davis account? It was supposed to be a simple watch the teenager and keep her at home but Eric told him to just put a tracker on her phone. Luke took offense and decided to ignore his sound advice and he ended up chasing the kid around the mall for five hours because of his stubbornness,” Monica said, her eyes wide and her deep belly laugh making Evie smile.

“No, but that sounds like him,” Evie said, feeling better about what had happened a little while ago now that she was pretty sure they were correct and she wouldn’t lose her job just because some asshole had recognized her and assumed she was as guilty as her father.

“Yeah, no one ever said that my brother had any sense,” Laney muttered shaking her head and they all burst out laughing.

Chapter 14



Evie went back to her desk after chatting with Monica and Laney for a little over an hour, hoping that would be enough time for Luke to handle John Kirkland’s issues. She stepped into the office and almost jumped out of her skin when she rounded the corner to find a pacing Luke in front of her desk. He looked like a madman as he talked on his cell phone with his hair standing up.

“I don’t fucking care. You make damned sure that shit doesn’t happen again, Laney,” Luke snarled into the phone as he paced back and forth. Evie hovered in the doorway staring at the crazed-looking man before her.
What the heck had happened to him in the last hour?

Evie watched him smack his hand on the edge of her desk as he snapped, “It’s unacceptable, damn it. I refuse—” Luke stopped because he’d looked up and seen her standing in the doorway, “Evie’s back. Look, just make sure it doesn’t happen again or I will handle it in a way you won’t be too happy with.”

She watched as he hit end on the call and stood staring at her for a long moment. Evie shifted from one foot to the other, feeling uncomfortable under his intense scrutiny.

She was about to speak when he asked, “Are you okay?”

Evie was shocked that he was asking her that when he looked like a madman.
Was he this upset because of her? What the hell?
Evie took a hesitant step into the office watching him carefully, her mind a jumble of thoughts that seemed to tumble over each other, each trying to get her attention.

“I’m fine,” she finally stuttered out, her heart pounding in her ears.

“Are you sure? Kirkland had no right to treat you that way. I promise you it won’t happen again.” His voice was cold and his eyes gleamed with anger and determination and Evie felt a tightening in her chest. She couldn’t believe that he was this upset because of what had happened with Kirkland earlier.

Evie felt like she was going to cry suddenly. She hadn’t felt supported by anyone but her mother against the accusations her father’s crimes had brought down on her head. Yet here she was with Luke half mad because someone had insulted her over her father’s choices. It sent a happy glow spreading through her. She found herself smiling brightly at him as she moved further into the office coming to a stop a few feet from him. She wanted to hug him but she hesitated; after sleeping with him the other night she didn’t know if she should.  

Luke solved that problem for her by reaching out and jerking her into his arms. Holding her tightly against his chest, he whispered into her hair, “I’m so sorry he said those things to you. What happened with your father wasn’t your fault.”

“I know,” she whispered.

Evie found herself leaning into him, her arms holding him just as tightly as he was her. She couldn’t believe how a simple hug seemed to heal cracked places she didn’t even know she had. It was soothing somehow and she couldn’t push him away even when she knew she should. Luke pulled her closer, his lips caressing her head and his hand cupping her nape. His fingers tugged at her hair gently and she looked up at him above her. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears of relief that were suddenly stinging her eyes.

His mouth moved towards hers slowly and she knew she should stop him but she couldn’t seem to deny herself the pleasure his kiss promised. Evie moaned as she opened her mouth to receive his tongue, which thrust between her lips in a passionate display of ownership that she couldn’t resist. Her hands moved to his shoulders, one sliding up to bury in his hair. She pressed her body into his as his arms pulled her closer. She couldn’t help the slight gasp that escaped her when she was lifted off her feet and turned before Luke set her down to devour her. His hands guided her backwards a step and Evie allowed him to move her. 

Luke walked her toward his office, pushing through the door with his lips still attached to hers and one hand holding her hips tightly. She knew this was a bad idea but how could she refuse him when she wanted him desperately. He was like a drug and now that she’d tasted the high, giving it up was next to impossible.

He shut the door with his foot and began kissing his way down her neck nuzzling her shirt aside to kiss the sensitive skin he found there. Evie moaned again, leaning into him as he kissed and nipped at her skin. Her hands buried in his hair now to hold him to her, she couldn’t seem to think straight as she continued to allow him to kiss her.

Luke reached behind them and the little click of the lock as he turned it made the fog of desire lift a little. She opened her mouth to protest but Luke crushed his lips onto hers and she was lost again. His hands were tugging at the buttons on her shirt. Evie pulled at his suit coat trying to remove it. Neither of them were thinking about the fact that this was the last place they should be doing this because they were both caught up in the passion that exploded between them.

Luke had her shirt off and was cupping Evie’s breasts as he maneuvered her toward the couch. Evie couldn’t seem to catch her breath as Luke rubbed her nipples through her bra, his fingers pinching gently. Evie moaned, pressing against him as he tumbled her down to the couch, coming to rest above her with his eyes trained on her breasts encased in black lace with a hot pink piping. He let out a loud groan.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he growled, his voice husky with need as he removed her bra and leaned forward, taking an uncovered peak into his mouth to suck gently on the hardened bud. Evie felt like she’d been electrocuted by the touch and her whole body bowed off the couch pressing up into his. He let out a little growl that sent shivers of desire racing down her spine.

Evie tried to think straight because this was a really bad idea and she should remember why that was but for some reason she couldn’t. Shaking her head as she tried to jog her memory, she felt his tongue tug at her nipple and let out a keening cry. Luke had moved to the other nipple by the time she’d recovered enough of her brain cells to think and she was lost again.

Her hands tugged at his shirt needing to feel his skin against hers and she was gratified when he let out a loud grunt and pulled back long enough to jerk his shirt off and toss it to the floor beside them. Evie moaned again when his hot mouth encased the tip of her breast again as he returned to his previous task. Her body tingled and she felt like she couldn’t breathe.

Luke licked around her areola before sucking it into his mouth making her arch into him. Her hands clung to his hard shoulders as her fingers dug into his skin. Luke kissed his way up to her lips, taking them in a long deep kiss that shattered her ability to do anything except moan. Evie felt like every nerve ending in her body was on fire as she ran her nails down his back before moving them back up to cling to his shoulders.  She felt desperate, as if she were about to explode.

Luke pushed his thigh between hers pressing it against her heated core. She let out a little gasp of delight and pushed against it, feeling her body flood with moisture. He let out a growl and his hands slid under her skirt to pull off her panties. He tossed the blue bikini-cut underwear to the floor and his fingers brushed against her clit. She moaned as his fingers slipped into her and she wiggled trying to get closer to him. His fingers began moving in and out of her slowly. She felt her hands contract on his shoulders as she clung to him and let out a little mewl of excitement. She couldn’t wait to feel him inside her again even as she questioned her sanity for wanting it.

Luke moved above her and their eyes met and held as he continued to caress her. Evie felt her breath catch in her throat and she rubbed her hands over his chest, her fingers circling his nipple before she leaned forward taking it into her mouth. He groaned and his hand on her breast tightened. His fingers tugged gently at her nipple while the fingers of his other hand thrust inside her. Evie moaned, her lips parting slightly as she licked around his hard nipple, her kisses moving from one to the other. She couldn’t stop the movement of her hips, which canted toward him in a desperate plea for more of his attentions. Luke smiled above her.

“I can’t wait to get inside you,” he whispered, his fingers still moving in and out of her slick channel. She gasped as her body shook and a rush of pleasure shot through her as she lifted her hips to meet the thrust of his fingers and exploded into an orgasm. Evie felt him shift above her. He was beside the couch unzipping his pants when she finally regained enough of her senses to open her eyes and look at him. Evie reached out as his cock sprung free wrapping her hand around the base and he let out a loud groan.

His body shook above her and his eyes darkened as his lids lowered watching her. Evie ran her fingers from base to tip rubbing his hardened member with awe. She leaned forward intending to take him into her mouth but he let out a hiss and pulled back.

“Sorry, baby, not this time. I’ll explode if you do that,” Luke told her before slipping a condom from his pocket and smoothing it down his cock. Evie watched him reach out and run a hand over her breast. She felt his weight as he lay down between her thighs and his cock pressed against her. Slowly, with his eyes boring into hers, he entered her in a single smooth thrust of his hips into hers.

“Luke,” Evie gasped, her hands clinging to the back of his biceps. She moaned as Luke began to move inside her. His hips thrust into hers while his lips caressed her mouth in a mimic of his movements into her body. Feeling a little lightheaded, she found her hips jerking up to meet his and she couldn’t help urging him on, “Harder.”

Luke grunted as he picked up his pace pumping his hips into hers. Evie wrapped her legs around him while clinging to his hard arms with their lips connected. She couldn’t catch her breath and her mind was slowly splintering into a million pieces as her body trembled with the passion he invoked inside her. Evie knew she shouldn’t allow him to make love to her like this but she hadn’t been able to deny herself the pleasure his touch offered. Her heart raced and she panted as he continued to move inside her. She felt like her entire being was falling into him as her whole world consisted of the motions of his body into hers. It was all she could do to cling to him while he roughly pounded into her.

It wasn’t long before she was letting out little moans with his thrusts and the tingling of her impending orgasm began to take over. She felt his finger press against her clit as he moved inside her and couldn’t help the desperate need that assaulted her, the need to be closer to him, to feel his hands on her body while he moved inside her. She felt him invading her every sense and she couldn’t hold back the cry of pleasure as her body exploded. Evie felt her mind shatter into incoherency as bliss flowed through her like water.

A few moments after her mind-altering orgasm, she heard Luke groan above her and yell her name before she felt his heavy weight settle on top of her. She lay there with her arms wrapped around him and her breathing heavy. Luke pushed up, meeting her eyes with his, and she could see the slightly wary look in his eyes. Evie knew this had been a mistake but she couldn’t find the strength to push him away. Her brain started to kick in and she began to panic.
What the hell was she doing?
She had just had sex with her boss in his office.
Damn, this had been a bad idea

Luke was already getting up and silently he pulled the condom off, tossing it into the trash can beside the couch before pulling his pants up and zipping them. He plucked his shirt off the floor and grabbed her bra and panties, handing them to her without a word. Evie felt her cheeks heat at his continued silence. She wasn’t sure what to say or do as she scrambled to sit up and put her clothes back on. She pulled on her panties and bra before pushing her arms into her shirt sleeves and pulling it together to cover her breasts. Then she began struggling with her skirt, which was bunched around her hips where he’d pushed it while they made love. Frantically, she attempted to adjust it while still holding her blouse together to hide her breasts from view.

Luke was now standing beside his desk fully dressed, his eyes on her as she tried to right herself. He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, a grimace on his face.

“We should talk about this,” Luke murmured, and she wanted to sink into the floor because that was the last thing she wanted to do at the moment. She just wanted to escape.

“Okay,” she managed to squeak out, her voice sounding high-pitched and a little broken. Evie finally fixed her skirt and began buttoning up her shirt. When she hit the last button she tucked it into her skirt, feeling a little less awkward now that she had her clothes back on. She sat on the edge of the couch watching him warily.

Luke stood beside the desk with his hands resting on the desk behind him and his tie hanging from his pocket where he’d stuffed it, staring at her. Evie twisted her hands in her lap, her eyes trained on his feet while making little sly glances up at his face. She could see his lips were tight and he was still watching her.

“Evie, what happened…” Luke paused and watched her for another long moment but she didn’t meet his eyes with hers, she just glanced up at his face and then back down a few times. She was trying not to freak out over what had just happened but it was damned hard. They’d had sex on this very couch and she didn’t know what the hell had prompted her to allow it to happen. She should have stopped it.

“I don’t want this to be awkward. We work together and we’re adults. This doesn’t have to be an all or nothing relationship. We can work when we’re here and…” Luke’s voice trailed off.

BOOK: Protecting Her Heart (Seals Security Book 3)
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