Propositioning the Rich Italian (3 page)

BOOK: Propositioning the Rich Italian
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She nodded mutely.

The corners of his mouth curled upward. “I haven’t been there before, but I have been to Las Vegas a few times.”

He left out it tended to be a location a woman he dated in the past enjoyed.

“For the exception of my flight here, I haven’t,” she stated in a small voice.

His eyes widened as he grasped the meaning behind the statement. He didn’t think anyone who lived so close to Las Vegas wouldn’t go at least once. It only confirmed for him the woman standing in front of him couldn’t be described as anything but special. Not to mention different, very different.

* * * *

Tierra tried hard to keep her head up and not collapse from embarrassment. Nothing was wrong with her or that she’d never been to Las Vegas. She wasn’t drawn to the flashy lights of the city. Las Vegas appeared less attractive if one lived near it their entire life and she knew so many people who lost everything they had by being attracted to the famous strip. She blinked when Antonio spoke.

“How long have you lived in Boulder City?”

“All of my life,” she stated in a stronger voice.

“And that would be?”

“Thirty-two years,” she replied without hesitation.

An expression crossed his face but cleared too quickly for her to decipher it, probably pity. She wouldn’t be surprised. If their roles were reversed, she would probably feel pity for him. To be honest, she felt pity for herself. She spent her entire life pleasing others. So much so it hadn’t dawned on her how unhappy she felt until she stepped off the airplane upon her arrival in Rome. She made up her mind then this trip would be all about her.


She looked up at Antonio as her name rolled off his lips.

“None of
it matters to me.” He stepped closer to her, and she saw the sincerity in his eyes.

“The only thing
that matters to me is you are unhappy, and as strange as it sounds, I want to be the one who makes you happy for however long it is you are here.”

Her mouth dropped open. It sounded as though he planned to take her up on her offer for an affair, but only if she would have him. The final decision belonged to her, but it became obvious he hoped she would choose him.

“You have only known me for an hour.” The excuse sounded weak even to her ears, and she’d propositioned him after knowing him for less time. Thankfully, he played the role of a gentleman and didn’t bring up the fact. Instead, he gave her a gentle smile.

“Long enough to know you deserve the best of everything.”

Her eyes closed as the thoughts of what this could mean raced through her mind.

His sincerity silenced her for a few moments. She knew the decision she made
would be one of the biggest she ever made in her life, a decision she knew she would regret for the rest of the life if she didn’t take it. He offered her everything she wanted from him, and she wanted a lot. Opening her eyes, she smiled.

“Two weeks,” she murmured.

He gave her a blank look, and her smile widened. She liked having the upper hand and could easily get used to it.

“I will be here in Rome for two weeks.”

She could tell when he understood what she meant. He stepped closer to her but didn’t touch her, and she wanted him to—a lot more than she should.

“Will you let me show you everything there is to show you in the next two weeks?”

She knew without a doubt he referred to more than sight-seeing, and she looked forward to everything he offered. In return, she would give him just as much. Anything less would be a waste of time, and she would regret it. “Yes.”

She spoke one word, but it said so much, and his smile matched hers.


After a moment of silence between them, she found herself shifting at the intensity of his gaze, something she would to have to become comfortable with because he seemed to focus it on her quite a bit.

He studied her with an inquisitive stare, as if he were trying to figure something out. She could never remember being this affected by any of Quincy’s looks. Yet, something about Antonio’s eyes made her more aware of herself. His gaze traveled over her slowly, as if sizing her up. Fortunately, she wasn’t ashamed of her body. Her parents
gave her great genes, and she took yoga four times a week to help discourage any of the bad ones that wanted to sneak a few pounds when she wasn’t looking. She wasn’t a small woman by any means, but neither could she be classified as unhealthy, and she loved every curve she been given. Confidence helped her to stay relaxed as his eyes roamed over her body. The look in his eyes said he liked what he saw.

She wore a dress meant for seduction, a short one she bought on an impulse. The instant she tried the dress on she knew she had to buy it, and the way Antonio looked at her, she made the right clothing choice. His intense stare fell upon her legs,
toned, shapely, and the dress only emphasized that. The overwhelming image of wrapping her legs tightly around his waist as he gave her pleasure overtook her. Her strong reaction to him was alarming, frightening. She took a step back, not missing when his expression clouded with confusion.

“It is getting late, and I should let you get in bed. I am sure you are still tired from your flight.”

His tone told her he was being a gentleman, and she didn’t want him to be. The thought surprised her, and she hesitated. He already affected her strangely. She shook her head to clear it and tried to speak calmly.

“Actually, I was getting ready to get in the bath and…” She let her voice trail off as she realized what she almost revealed to him. Those bellinis might have affected her more than she originally thought. He didn’t need to know what she planned to do when she climbed into the tub. Speaking of which, it seemed to be screaming her name again. If only she could get to the bathroom. She already embarrassed herself enough for one night. Obviously, he tried to give her space and not rush her, and it seemed like a good idea the more time she spent in his presence.

Unfortunately, it came too late. A quick glance at him told her he figured out what she’d been about to say. She closed her eyes and wondered if she could become one with the plush carpet into which she dug her feet. Knowing she couldn’t achieve the physically impossible feat, she did the only thing she knew she could do. She opened her eyes to find him advancing toward her. For a quick moment, she could relate to prey being stalked by a predator. The desire she read in his eyes intimidated her—so much so she moved backward unconsciously. He stalked toward her until the wall met her back. His arms came up slowly until his palms rested against the wall, bracketing her, leaving her neatly trapped. He leaned forward, his face moving closer to hers.

“What were you going to say, Tierra?”

The way her name rolled off of his tongue made her want to melt. Instead, heat surged through her and pooled between her thighs.

Oh, Lord, she was in trouble.

* * * *

Antonio smiled as he watched Tierra nervously lick her lips. He wondered if she had any idea how beautiful she looked.

“Tell me your plan, Tierra.”

“Um…I’m just…just going to take a…a bath.”

He smiled as she stammered horribly. Stepping closer to her, he aligned his body with hers. His legs touched hers, and the strong image of those legs being wrapped tightly around his waist as he gave her pleasure roared through his brain. Groaning inwardly, he tried to kick his level of arousal down a notch. As much as he wanted her, he
needed to make sure she knew it was more than a physical attraction.

“And what did you plan to do during your bath?”

She didn’t respond immediately, averting her gaze, but not before he saw the embarrassment in her expression. What did she have to uncomfortable about? Desire surged through him when he realized just what she probably planned to do once in the bathtub. To know she wasn’t afraid to pleasure herself turned him on in a way he never imagined. The
idea that she probably had to do so because of her thoughts about him made him wanting to throw all caution to the wind and pull her a few feet toward the bed. Instead, he decided to give her the next best thing.

“Have you been told how beautiful you are tonight?”

She blinked before swallowing deeply, and he was pleased by
how much she struggled with her desire as much as he did. Clearly, she hadn’t expected the question. Shaking her head, she cleared her throat.

“Yes, you did...earlier...but you can tell me again if you like.”

The corner of his mouth tilted up in amusement, and he leaned closer to her. “I would rather show you just beautiful you are.”

Before she could respond, his lips found hers. Once again, his mouth found hers in a delicious yet dangerous kiss. She whimpered against his mouth, and her hips tilted toward his, letting him know what she needed. One of his hands slid from the wall and came to rest on her hip—a nice, curvy hip. Her shape appealed to him on many levels. She had a fuller figure than most of the women he dated in the past. He looked forward to seeing all of it, even though it wouldn’t be tonight. His hand slid lower until it found the smooth skin of her thigh. She shuddered at his touch, and he lifted the hem of the dress until he found the elastic of her panties.

His touch told him they were made of lace and silk. As bad as he wanted to see them, he didn’t risk taking his mouth away from hers. He wanted her with him all the way. The way her arms came up and encircled his neck said yes. He slipped his hands inside of her panties and found what he was looking for. He encountered her wetness and he moaned, the sound quickly swallowed up by her gasp. Damp did not begin to describe how she felt. She definitely wanted him as much as he desired her. He moved his hand back a little until his finger found her ready for the pleasure he offered. She whimpered low in her throat at his touch, but it wasn’t good enough for him. Earlier, she stated she kept a tight rein on her control all of her life, and this was her opportunity to let loose. He pulled his mouth away from hers a little, his lips not leaving hers entirely.

“You don’t have to hold back with me, Tierra.”

She didn’t respond as he lowered his lips back to hers, but he felt as if she struggled to keep herself check, and for a moment, he wondered if she heard him. Just as he started to interrupt their kiss again, she made her first real sound. Her moan of pleasure filled the room in spite of his mouth being sealed to hers, and she trembled against him. The sounds that followed nearly drove him insane with need.

He gathered her close when her felt her legs tremble, knowing she reached the point where she would need his assistance to remain standing. It made him want to lay her on the bed, but nothing would make him interrupt her pleasure. Shifting his hand again, he changed tempo, and a moment later, she ripped her mouth from his. Her cry of release reached his ears.

He watched her as she experienced the throes of passion, and he kept stroking her, pushing her higher. She shrieked, and her eyes flew open as her body came off the wall. Her mouth fell open as she began to pant, and he never stopped moving his fingers. He wanted to make sure she was completely satisfied. Suddenly, she bucked against him, and his name fell from her lips on a loud moan. He kept stroking until her body collapsed against him and he heard her sigh in his ear.

Several moments later, she composed herself enough to pull back and look at him. He was the hardest he’d ever been in his life but satisfied. She wore a sated expression, and he removed his hands from her panties. Her sweet scent assaulted him quickly, and he inhaled deeply. He couldn’t wait to taste her. Settling for the next best thing, he placed another kiss on her lips before pulling back from her slightly.

“Can you stand on your own?”

She nodded, but he wasn’t sure, so slowly he released her by degrees until she stood on her own. He missed her warmth, and the look in her eyes told him she missed his as well.

“I hate to leave you,
cara mio
, but it is late, and I have business to take care of in the morning.”

He saw the look of confusion appear in her eyes but placed a finger against her lips.

“I have plans to make so we can spend the next two weeks together uninterrupted. After, every night will be spent with me in your bed or you in mine.”

He gave her another light kiss before pulling away completely. She followed him to the door where he gave her a final kiss.

“To last us until tomorrow,

* * * *

She watched him step out into the hallway before letting the door close behind him, trying to figure out what had just happened. He’d given her mind-blowing pleasure without asking for anything in return. She smiled to herself. Antonio
seemed to be everything she could ask for and more. After putting the safety latch on, she made her way to the lonely bed, stripping her dress off as she went. The way he called her
should have been strange, but it wasn’t. The endearment should have been reserved for someone special to him. But the way he said it to her made her feel as though she were, and after what she just experienced with him, how could she not? Yet, she was getting ready to climb into the hotel bed by herself. Her only consolation, Antonio’s promise to her. Now that she knew what he could offer her, she planned to make sure he kept his word.

BOOK: Propositioning the Rich Italian
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