Project: Rogue (Project Series Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Project: Rogue (Project Series Book 2)
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“Ask him, and when he tells you I’ll be here waiting…” I shot one last look over my shoulder at Ty, his face a mask of anger and satisfaction, then I grabbed the door handle and headed out, making my down the hall and back towards the room I shared with Killer. I needed to find him and ask him if he was hiding anything, then I myself needed to come clean.

It was time to make things right with us.



he worst thing
about withholding the truth from Maggie was that by lying to her I made everything I had ever said to her questionable. She would question everything I ever told her up until this point. That bothered me more than anything. It was like a hot knife was cutting through the muscles in my chest, to know that in the end doing what I had would hurt her more than just speaking the truth from the moment I found out.

“She’s going to find out and when she does she’s going to blame herself, and me for not telling her sooner!” I was eaten up by guilt as I spoke to Gauge over the phone again. He had been the one to discover the truth in some of the files the one’s that were not destroyed but were instead left behind at PGI headquarters where I was being held last time we saw Maggie’s father.

“Telling her would’ve hurt her anyway. It was too soon for her. She would’ve come unhinged and went for blood. Questions would’ve been the last thing she asked, so while it’s killing you to have withheld the truth it saved her some sanity.” Gauge tried to reassure me that I had made the right choice. Since losing my own family after being given L1 years ago Gauge was the closest thing to a father I had. His advice and wisdom spoke volumes to me. He understood that protecting Maggie was all I wanted to do.

“I know, but did I fuck up in the worst way by not telling her sooner? Is she going to question everything I have ever told her because of this? I can’t lose her Gauge, not when I’ve just found her again. I struggled everyday on the edge between giving her what she wants and what I know I need. I love her, but all of this makes me question if I’m the man for her.” I confessed like I had never done before.

“Deep breaths.” Gauge spoke quietly into the phone trying to calm my boiling blood. I was on the verge of hunting Maggie down and revealing every truth that resided inside of me and everything I had done to protect her.

“I have to tell her. I have to because now that Ty’s training her and making all the decisions when it comes to her, I know that he will say whatever he needs in order to keep her on his side. With her siding with him I will have no other option but to lose my mother fucking shit on him.” I cracked my knuckles in anticipation. The very first moment I got to beat the hell out of that asshole I would. He might think because he was related to Maggie that I wouldn’t end his life, but he thought wrong. Relation didn’t stop me from ripping your throat out.

“I can’t be there to protect you, Killer. Everything that went down with you escaping and going off on a bender at this facility basically made it seem like I couldn’t handle you.” Gauge sounded so defeated. I had been with him and at the Brotherhood ran by him since I escaped PGI. They were as close to family as it got in this world. Now that the government was realizing how bad and wrong that PGI was, more Brotherhoods were opening up across the country. I was lucky enough to be transferred to one so close to Gauge and the rest of them, even luckier that they let Maggie come with me.

Then again when you told them that you would kill everyone they ever loved if they even attempted to separate you two people tended to listen to your needs. That, and they knew I wasn’t fucking around. I would kill without regret. That’s what I was made for, to destroy without care.

“It’s not me that needs protection. I’ll never need to be protected, I’ve come this far and I’ll take out whoever in order to protect what is mine. I just wonder if the person I should be protecting Maggie from the most is myself. The silent monster that lurks right underneath the surface loves everything about her, but what happens when he lets her go? When she changes?” I was seriously laying it all out on the line, weeks of not talking about my emotions with Maggie was causing me to spill my guts to my peers. This was sick and disgusting, pouring my heart out when there was no real solution to the problems I was feeling.

Don’t think. Don’t feel. Just kill. The beast whispered in my ear like the devil hanging on my shoulder.

“You’ll never hurt her like you think, Killer. You might believe in your heart that you’re gone, that you’re too uncaring and unloving to have someone like her, but she’s changing. Adjusting to the new things in her life. I promise you that she’s more like you than you’re leading on.” I kicked at the laundry basket in the corner of the room with my boot-covered foot. Maggie’s entire existence kept me moving. If Maggie lost her humanity, then we were both doomed. I would be a killing machine and Maggie would be different than the woman I currently loved. More than that, there would be no more us.

“I’m hurting her now, right now as we talk. That will never change…” I sighed. I could feel her near me, even when she was gone. Her scent lingered every single place she had been. She was like a dose of heroin and I was the addict. Every chance I got to be shot up with her love I would take it. She was my drug, my dark secret in the great light of everything that was bright. At the end of every single day, I knew that she was my everything.

“Just remember you’re so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. I knew the moment that Maggie showed up here that everything had changed. Don’t let the past and the things you have had to do to protect her tarnish you. We all make choices and we have to learn to live with them. Not many would still be standing by your side like Maggie has after everything you guys have been through.” Gauge was fucking right and that left a bad taste in my mouth. I lived for Maggie, but I still felt like she was the better version of both of us. She needed better than me. That feeling would never change.

“Nothing can tarnish what we have but…” My nose picked up her sweet scent, my teeth grinding together as saliva started to pool in my mouth. Maggie was a sin, a delectable temptation that I knew I shouldn’t take a bite from, but something I desperately needed to survive.

“What’s going on. Killer?” Gauge yelled into the phone, I could hear the worrisome pitch in his voice.

“I have to go, Maggie, is here.” I lied, well half lied. She was nearby and I needed her like I needed my next breath. I hung up, allowing the pounding beat of my heart to guide me to her. I was out the door without even thinking about moving. I followed her scent and the steady beat in my chest. As I came around the corner my eyes spotted her dark brown curls, her eyes dark and full of anger. Each step she took towards me held so much purpose, it was as if she was speaking unsaid words with every drop of her foot to the floor.

Looking at her and the sway of her hips, the fluid movement of her chest as she came down the hall had my already stiff cock harder than concrete. I had been holding out on fucking her because I wasn’t ready to make that commitment, to damage her that way. I knew the second the beast inside of me tasted that sweet syrup again that there would be no going back. Not ever.

She would be the one to break me.

Seconds passed and my pulse jumped in my throat, the vein on the side of my neck bulging and on the verge of bursting. I wanted her. I wanted her more than anything in the fucking world and I would have her as my own.

“You lying sack of shit asshole!” I didn’t understand what it was she had said, or why her hand was lifting towards my face until after the sting of pain radiated through my cheek and down my face. She had balls, balls of steel raising her hand to me when she knew what I was capable of.

“Never…” I growled, reaching out with stealth and precision, my hand gripping her by the nape of the neck as I leaned in towards her face. No fear showed in her features, in fact something else lingered there… Determination like I had never seen was boiling over. “Ever. Slap me in the face again!” Pieces of my humanity slipped from my voice as I pushed my face into hers.

“Then don’t fucking lie to me! Don’t tell me you know nothing and pretend as if you have no idea what the hell is going on.” She pushed back, her voice also losing its civilization. I sniffed the air, the smell of her sex mingled with sweat. Ahhh, she wanted me just as much as I wanted her. I stared into striking brown eyes that reminded me of coffee. They were rich in color and almost always soft. Except now, now she wanted me to fight her. To push her to her limits, she had no idea the kind of pushing that was going to get.

Take her. Slam her against the wall and fuck her brains out. Force her to see you for who you are. Show her the beast that’s always within in grabbing distance. I told myself as her smell continued to assault my senses.

“If you want to fight about it then we can. I’m always down for fucking.” My voice oozed sex. I was no longer the same man. I was slipping into the past. I was giving Maggie a taste of the person she loved most.

“I want the truth Killer, the real truth! How can I ever trust you again, when you can’t even be honest with me?” I could feel her hot breath against my lips as she spoke. Her breath smelt like chocolate and my darkest fantasies. Still I focused on her words. She was speaking about what was bothering her, but from the way her teeth sank into her plump pink lip I could tell her body was thinking about different things, things that involved me slamming into her repeatedly, along with her screaming my name for hours. I took a deep breath, knowing it was best to get this over with sooner rather than later.

“Truth? You want the truth, Maggie?” I growled the words, slamming her small frame against one of the walls. I didn’t care if anyone that anyone could come down the hall and see us. Nothing else mattered in this moment but her and the unsaid words between us.

She nodded her head yes, her eyes roaming over my face as if she wasn’t sure she could speak the words out loud.

“The truth is, I knew. I’ve known for a fucking while…” I laid a kiss against her throat, listening to her heart beat under my lips. “I didn’t say shit about Ty to you because he was my problem and he still is….” I trailed my lips down her throat, listening to her sigh into my touch.

“But the truth is, I don’t really give a rat’s ass that I lied to you because the reason I did is the only important thing.” I pulled away, watching the softness in her features turn hard. Her brows knitted together, her eyes grew darker and I could feel her small fists clenching at her sides. She was angry and on the verge of attacking me.

Let her. Make her draw your blood. Feed off her rage as she feeds off yours. The monster inside of continued to instruct me.

I released the hold I had on the back of her neck and gripped her chin between my fingers. There was so much intensity in those beautiful eyes of her. She had seen the good, the bad, and even the ugly inside of me now she needed to see the best side of me, the side that was designated just for her.

“The most important thing is you. Nothing will matter more than you. If lying to you protects you then I will always choose to protect you. You’re everything, my breath of fresh air, the reason my blood pumps. You’re mine, even when I deserve absolutely nothing, even when I don’t deserve you.” My eyes were fixated on hers and I witnessed the resolve in hers almost immediately. She believed me, and that was the thing about Maggie. The thing that made her the most appealing to me, she believed me, despite the evilness that raged just below the surface.

“You kept it from me, Killer. You made me believe you knew nothing, when all along you were harboring secrets.” I could feel the hurt in her words, her voice. It broke my heart and made my blood boil.

“I did what was needed to protect you!” I seethed. I couldn’t let her emotions get to me. I was in the right, and I would show her I was. I would prove the good in what I had done.

“You did what you thought was right. You did what YOU wanted.” She enunciated the you in her sentence, unclenched her hand and hit me in the chest directly over my heart with her small fist. The hit didn’t hurt, not nearly as bad as the words she had said.

“Again, you made a decision that wasn’t yours to make.” The sadness she had showed just moments later dissolved and in its place rage and fury came. I craved it though, the darkness in her drew me in wrapping me in a coldness that my body welcomed.

“You’re mine. The choice was mine and I know it was the right one. I love you, Maggie and I protect what’s mine. Always.” I spoke firmly, placing my lips against her soft ones. Her protests were muffled under the press of my lips to hers. Her body grew soft and her sex seeped a pheromone into the air that almost made it worth fucking her right here in the hall.

“Killer…” She sighed into the air as I lifted her up and gripped her tightly against my chest, wrapping her legs around my waist and pressing my cock into the soft center of her thighs.

“I’m going to fuck you, Maggie and when I’m done you’ll understand just how much you mean to me.” My voice fading to the animal that I was underneath it all.



uck me
…” I panted as he navigated the hallway, carrying me in his arms. Thoughts of Ty and the secrets that had been exposed fell to on the back burner. All that mattered now was being as close as humanly possible to Killer.

“Shhh, baby.” Killer purred in my ear, his hands gripping my ass firmly as he massaged it. I could feel his grip work upwards towards my lower back . I could hear his gruff laugh as I tried to widen my legs so he could touch more of me.

“I want you. I’ve begged and dreamt of this day forever.” I confessed out loud, not even caring that it was a thought I had never shared with him. Killer’s steps echoed down the hall as he headed towards our room. My belly filled with butterflies and my pussy clenched in anticipation.

“I won’t lie and say I will be gentle because I’m not sure I can be,” Killer spoke as soon as we stopped in front of the door to our room. The door swung open behind us and with a soft push, we were in the room. Heat pooled between my legs, as I gripped my hands behind his neck, pulling his face down to mine. I pressed my lips against his as hard as I could, forcing all my anger into that one kiss and he gave it back to me with just as much pain.

Anger and sex swirled around us, covering us in a blanket of emotions that neither of us understood.

“I don’t want gentle, Killer. I just want you.” I whispered, pressing my forehead against his as he closed the door behind us. A moment passed between us, a moment of forgiveness, or maybe it was just passion, but it was a moment. We stared into one another’s eyes, letting what was about to happen wash over us.

He was my damnation. When I died it wouldn’t be because of a careless sin, it would be because I loved him too much.

When the unsaid words floated away and evaporated into the air, our hands started to move, carving out the rivets and contours of our bodies that we each wanted to discover. I slipped from his hold and down his body, my hands rubbing over all the hard planes of his chest, shoulders, and back. I felt as if I was mapping him out, trying to see if there was a piece of him I had yet to explore. Things were different now, sex with him would be rougher and darker than it had been before.

There would be no comparison to the man he was now and the man he was then. We both stayed silent as his shirt was ripped from his body, mine following suit until we both stood before one another completely bare and exposed. I stared at him for a long time, at the muscles in his chest, and the very place where there should’ve been a scar or something from the port that had been placed in him when he had cancer. Instead, there was nothing there that showed the damage of his previous life.

The trickling of a memory was right on the edge of surfacing.

“You’re beautiful. Amazing. Far more than some monster like me should be given and way more angelic than you will ever believe.” Killer whispered, wrapping a piece of hair around one of his fingers and pulling me further away from that memory. My eyes trailed down over his stomach, which was smooth and hard at the same time. The man had the body of an athlete that worked out every single day, muscles tight and ridged. I bit the inside of my cheek, forcing a moan away.

“When I see you, as I do now, I see you for who you are. Not the person you were before, or the person you are now, but the person you are in here.” I pressed my hand over his heart where the steady beat radiated into my own soul. I could see tears forming in his eyes and I didn’t want the strong man he was to cry. He didn’t need to give me those tears, we both had shed far too many for each other.

Lifting my hand, I trailed my fingers over his muscles watching them clench at my touch.

“Keep touching me like that Maggie and I’ll flip you over this bed right fucking now and take you from behind like the animal I truly am.” The growl in his voice did nothing but turn me on more. That’s why when he gripped me by the hips and picked me up placing me on the bed I didn’t object. Neither did I when he pressed a hand against my abdomen and placed his head between my thighs. I knew he could see my juices glistening, the smell of my desires wrapping around us in the air.

With nothing more than a smile, he sank deep into my pussy, his tongue sucking up all my goodness. My hands flung up and into his hair as I moaned deeply, the entire room echoing with the noise.

“I want to hear you more than anything…” He growled and I swear to God I came right then all over his face. My muscles clenched together and my insides soared. I was floating and time was moving so very slow. I could feel every single flick of his tongue, the stubble on his chin, and the way he gripped my skin as if he wished he could be one with it. Like there was too much still between us even after all our clothes had been removed.

“Killer!” I screamed his name and then silenced myself right after by biting down on my bottom lip as hard as I could. The copper taste of blood-making things that much more erotic. I lifted my head off the bed and leaned forward on my arms, watching him lap up my orgasm. The look in his eyes as he sucked, as he lifted my hips for his own pleasure, I took it in. He devoured me in the darkest, most intimate way. I was broken open, ripped straight down the middle for him. Exposed in ways I had never been before.

“You’re more than ready for me…” His voice was rough, almost pained as he slipped two fingers deep inside of me. As he did so, all thought flew out the window. My arms gave out and I fell back against the bed, my back arching into every stroke he gave me. I was right on the verge of coming again when he pulled his hand away, his mouth nipping at one of my nipples. Pleasure, that bordered on the line of pain consumed me. I was rubbed raw, a clean slate now that Killer had gotten to me.

“I want you. I need you. I need more.” I begged, my eyes holding his as he released my nipple with a pop only to nip at it again, his teeth grazing over it causing goose bumps to cover my skin.

My body burned with need as he continued to nip at each breast, switching between the two as he watched me with mesmerized eyes. It was in that stare, the intimate feeling between us, the lack of any words that pushed me to my second orgasm. The walls of my pussy tightened around him and relief flooded me as I rode out the small waves of euphoria that filled my body.

Exhaustion started to take hold as Killer adjusted me, gripping my hips in his hands and pulling me up off the bed a little bit. I withered beneath him still coming off my high. I couldn’t take my eyes off his cock as he gripped it with his hand, stroking it roughly and fluidly as he placed it at my entrance. He smirked a cocky grin as he noticed where my gaze was.

“Like what you see?” He laughed softly, something I had never heard before. I couldn’t even speak because just as I was about to respond he entered me with one push. My back bowed off the bed and my fingernails dug into the skin of his arms. His pulse was beating loudly against my ear as he held himself up and over me, the muscles in his arms, shoulders, and chest taut and tense as he waited for me.

It was then that I realized I needed to tell him it was okay to go on, that I was good and ready for him. Gripping him by the back of his head with one hand I stared into his dark blue eyes, the raging monster I craved on the verge of breaking free.

“Fuck me, Killer. Fuck me like there is no tomorrow and tonight was our last chance. Fuck me like you love me.” I held him there, our foreheads against one another, sweat covering our bodies as the room grew hotter with every passing second. The moment the energy in the room changed, I knew it because it grew darker like a thunderstorm that was brewing.

Killer thrust upwards and deep inside of me, his cock pressing off my back wall. Pleasure racked my body like I had never felt before. My legs shook and my fingers tingled with intense waves as my body started to build up in preparation for another climax. Every single part of me was in tune with Killer. His strokes matched my own, his fingers sank into my skin just enough to remind me how closely connected we truly were to one another. I pressed into him more, wanting and needing every single ounce of him until there was nothing more for him to give me.

“It’s always been you, since the moment I laid eyes on you that day on the bus.” His lips possessed mine, his tongue entering my mouth wildly while his cock slipped in and out of me at a high-intensity rate. Our slaps filled the room and my moans sounded right after them.

“I’m going to come…” I could barely speak or comprehend anything outside of Killer and I and this bed.

“Ride it out, baby… I’m almost there…” Killer groaned into my ear, sinking his teeth into the pulse at my throat. My clit throbbed and my body ached all over as he continued to slide into me, working me through my climax and the start of another. It was then that I felt the tightening of his muscles and felt his pace quicken. He pulled my back up off the bed and slammed into me so hard that if he hadn’t been holding me in place I would’ve hit the headboard. Growls filled the room along with our heavy pants and just as I was about to tell him I couldn’t take it anymore, I fell off that cliff again, this time, the orgasm lasted for what seemed to be an eternity. All I could see was Killer. All I could feel was Killer, the tight push of his cock inside of me, his fingers which left indentions on my skin, and the hot streaks of cum that he was now filling my pussy with.

“Fuck! You feel so good.” He moaned, slamming one of his fists down right next to my head. Aggression and rage showed in his emotions as he came, hard and feral like.

We clung to each other letting everything that we had just done sink in. Closing my eyes as we relaxed into the bed, I realized just how much I loved Killer, and what I would have to do could possibly be the end of him.

The end of

BOOK: Project: Rogue (Project Series Book 2)
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