Read Possessing Eleanor Online

Authors: Tessie Bradford

Tags: #Erotica/Romance, #NTR, #BDSM

Possessing Eleanor (3 page)

BOOK: Possessing Eleanor
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“Fine, be that way,” she grumbled and let her hands drop back to her sides.

Immediately, Jackson finished removing her pantyhose. His hands tickled and tantalized her from ankles to thighs. He wrapped his fingers around her butt cheeks and kissed her mound lightly through her panties. Ellie's hips bucked uncontrollably. She gasped loudly and froze, fearing her movement would cause him to stop again. She clenched her hands into tight little fists.

“I knew you were a fast learner, Eleanor. I'll let that little infraction slide ... this time.” He leered up at her as he whisked her panties down her legs. When he tangled a finger through her soft, damp curls without touching what they hid, she moaned in frustration.

“Now you're just being mean,” she sighed as he stood up from the floor.

“On the contrary, my dear. Now, we're just getting started.”

With one flick, her bra was undone, the lacy fabric skimming across her pebbled nipples. Jackson walked a complete circle around her, perusing her body with such intensity she dropped her eyes in embarrassment. He came to a stop in front of her, tilted up her chin with the tip of a finger and kissed the end of her nose.

“You are incredibly beautiful, Eleanor.” He took her hand and placed it on his massive erection so they cradled it together. “Feel what you've done to me.”

Ellie ran her tongue along her lips while she moved her fingers over and around his cock. “Could I maybe see what I've done to you?” she asked playfully on the last squeeze. His deep laugh was her reward.

“Sit there on the edge of the bed.”

Ellie didn't need to be convinced to follow that particular direction. She sat down with a little bounce, crossed her hands demurely in her lap and wiggled her eyebrows at him in encouragement. Apparently, the torturously slow disrobing adventure was about to continue, but she was only allowed to observe.

Jackson finished removing his shirt. He bent down and collected her clothes from the floor and moved over to the chair by the bedside table. He took his sweet time folding and arranging the clothes on the table before sitting down to remove his shoes and socks. Standing back up, he unbuckled and removed his belt, but before laying it down, he pulled it tight between his outstretched arms with a snap.

Ellie flinched.
What the hell is that about?
She squirmed on the comforter, noting that more warm cream flowed from her pussy. Had she lost her mind? She was sitting naked with a big, determined, highly aroused man playing with a leather belt, and she was getting more turned on by the second.

Next, he unbuttoned his pants and slid them down his narrow hips. He pulled a condom from his pocket before setting his pants with the other clothes. Now in only his boxers—black, of course—he came back to stand at the side of the bed. He tossed the condom up by the pillows before bending and sweeping Ellie's legs up onto the mattress. She squealed and scooted up toward the headboard. In one swift jerk, the boxers were off and he was standing over her in all of his naked, aroused glory.

Ellie held her arms out to him in an invitation as old as time.

“With pleasure,” he growled and climbed up onto the bed.

Finally, Jackson's delicious weight covered her body. He started at the top of her head and kissed his way down her chest. He circled each nipple with the tip of his tongue while gliding his fingers around and under the ultra-sensitized skin of her breasts. He suckled her pebbled nipples, gently at first, then with increasing pressure that sent waves of pleasure straight to her weeping pussy. Her hips moved restlessly in an effort to relieve the delicious sensations pulsing through her core.

“So responsive, so beautiful, so perfect.” His voice was muffled against her skin, and the vibrations of it had her spreading her thighs in wild abandon.

Jackson seemed to pay no attention to her silent plea as he switched to continue his ministrations to her other breast. He used his tongue and his lips and his hands to stroke her internal fire to catastrophic levels. When his teeth closed none too lightly around her distended nipple, Ellie's back arched and a startled whimper escaped. He soothed her with moist sweeps of his tongue.

“No more playing, Jackson, please. I need more!” Ellie pleaded as she tried to push him off of her breast and down her body. Her hips bucked wildly. This was almost beyond pleasure. Every part of her was on fire, desperate for release. Her inner muscles contracted in preparation for orgasm, despite the fact he hadn't come near her pussy yet.

He lifted his head from her breast and their eyes met. A grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. “I'm not playing, Eleanor. I'm worshipping your incredible body. Why in the world would I want to rush through such a magnificent experience?”

“Rush?” she chuckled with a hint of whine. “You're torturing me with your
of rushing! I swear I can't take any more ... please!”

“Oh, I plan on teaching you exactly how much more you can take.”

When she whimpered in protest, he ran the pad of his thumb along her lower lip.

“But because you've asked so nicely, let me see what I can do to ease your suffering.” He kissed a trail down her ribcage and over her rounded belly. When he reached her soaked pussy, one hand pressed on her inner thigh, while his other hand spread her nether lips wide. He nuzzled his nose in her soft curls and drew in a deep breath.

“So sweet and hot,” he whispered.

Ellie flinched in surprise and barely contained need at the first sweep of his tongue along her swollen pussy lips. He used just the tip, lightly running it in and around her folds before spearing it briefly into her soaked channel. Ellie grabbed two fistfuls of his hair as little spasms fluttered through her womb. Jackson chuckled against her, and her hips lifted off the mattress at the decadent sensation.

“You aren't easing anything,” she pleaded while shamelessly trying to move his head toward her aching clit. He moved his hands underneath her butt cheeks and spread her impossibly wider. He hesitated for a fraction of a second before flattening his tongue against her hardened nub and expertly applying the perfect combination of pressure and motion to cause her entire lower body to tremble.

“Come for me, Eleanor,” he demanded before his tongue surged deep into her channel.

Ellie couldn't have stopped the orgasm that crashed into her if her life had depended on it. Shards of light flashed behind her closed eyelids and her head thrashed on the pillow. Jackson plundered her pussy with a vengeance, drawing out her release until she felt tears well up.

She was still being racked with aftershocks when she felt him move to loom above her again. Opening her eyes required too much effort. She preferred to drift on waves of pleasure. She heard the foil packet open, and somewhere in her clouded mind, it started to register that he wasn't finished with her. Well, given adequate time to recover, she was sure that she could go for some more.

“Open your eyes.”

So much for adequate time. Jackson's cock nudged at her still quivering entry. What she saw when her eyes snapped open made her breath catch in her lungs. Her juices glistened on his lips. His hair was tussled, and his eyes were black with passion.

He grabbed onto her hips and entered her in one smooth movement. Ellie's body welcomed him, her muscles grabbing onto his steely length and urging him forward. When he was fully seated, he dropped his forehead to rest against hers. Ellie smiled to hear that she wasn't the only one having trouble breathing.

“My God, Eleanor, you are heaven on Earth.”

And then he was leaving her, pulling back until his cock was barely in her body, and Ellie wrapped her legs around his hips. She'd be damned if he was going to turn this into torture, too. She dug her heel into his ass cheeks and ran her fingernails along his shoulders and down his arms.

“Trying to tell me something?” he asked through gritted teeth as he stayed perfectly still, braced on his trembling arms.

“Fuck me, Jackson. I want everything you have to give. Please don't make me wait any longer!”

Never in her life had she begged a man, and she didn't get the chance to ponder the ramifications of the fact that she had been begging Jackson all night because he wrapped her in his powerful arms and took her, body and soul. With each masterful stroke, she was possessed by him, branded forever by the way he filled her completely. The mattress squeaked and the headboard banged against the wall as he drove in and out of her body. He swelled unbelievably bigger just before he roared his release. Her body answered his and splintered into a million pieces, again.

Sometime later, Ellie was surprised to find herself snuggled warmly under a pile of covers, but not so surprised at the long legs tangled with hers and the muscled arms holding her close. She nuzzled into his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat.

“I am staying here tonight, Eleanor,” he whispered against her hair.

“Yes, Jackson.” She brushed his skin with her lips. “Please stay.”

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Three

“You took him back to your house?” Judy's voice rose a bit higher than it should have in the crowded diner.

“Shh!” Ellie glanced around, happy that no one seemed to be paying any attention to them. “It's not like I had much of a choice.” She ran her fork around the salad she wasn't eating.

“How about not telling him where you live? Or, here's a crazy thought, not inviting him over?”

“He already knew where I live, Judy, and he told me that he was coming over.”

himself into your house?” Judy's anger and concern were instant and intense.

“No, I definitely invited him in,” Ellie blushed. “But I've never met a man like Jackson, Judy. I swear power and control radiate from him.”

“You'd better tell me what happened. I'll be the judge of whether or not the authorities need to be contacted.”

They had been best friends for years, so Ellie proceeded to describe her night with Jackson in vivid detail. By the time, she was finished reliving the most intense sexual experience of her life, her body was strung tighter than a bow. Judy sat back in her chair and dramatically mopped her brow with a napkin.

“I'm impressed you can walk without a limp, let alone have the strength to be at work today, but what happened when the sun came up? Any morning after weirdness?”

“Actually, no, he was incredible. Apparently, he set my alarm before falling asleep so I wouldn't be late for work. When I got out of the shower, I could smell coffee, and as soon as I walked into the kitchen, he put breakfast on the table. We talked and laughed and, not only is Jackson a damn good cook, but he cleaned up while I finished getting ready. He took care of everything.”

“After all this time, Ellie, I've never pictured you to be into the Dom/sub thing.”

When Ellie gasped, Judy held up her hand to stop her from interrupting.

“I'm not saying that as if it's a bad thing, and Lord, this guy sounds like he's a master of the craft, but I think you just need to be really careful. One evening out, a night of wild monkey sex and a morning after of pampering goodness doesn't negate the reality that he's still a virtual stranger. The Marquis might want to take things farther than you're willing to go.”

At Judy's raised eyebrow and ridiculous leering grin, both women dissolved into peals of laughter. This time people did pay attention.

* * * *

Jackson cast a glance at the uncharacteristically silent woman who sat next to him in the car. They'd spent the most marvelous day wandering leisurely through the art museum. At times, they'd been locked in heated debate over style or theme, and at other times, they'd settled into companionable silences in order to study and appreciate particular works. Pizza and beer afterwards at a local bar had been casual, and they'd chatted easily about a vast array of subjects. At forty-two years old, he'd dated his share of women, but never had he felt such a deep emotional connection so quickly. It was as if they had known each other for months instead of days.

Eleanor had eagerly accepted his invitation to come back to his house for a nightcap, but now, as they drove through the night, he felt her pulling away from him.

“Penny for your thoughts?” he asked, turning the car into a neighborhood of spectacular homes.

“Nice neighborhood.”

“I'm relatively sure that's not what you've been stewing about the entire trip out here but thanks. I was the contractor for the development.” Pride without arrogance was evident in his tone. Much of his childhood had been spent moving from one rundown dump to the next and wondering if there would be food to eat on any given day. As soon as he was old enough to get a job, Jackson had worked with single-minded purpose to make a better life for himself.

“Seriously? How many homes are there?”

“Fifty-three, Eleanor,” he replied as they drove up his winding driveway. “And your attempt to dodge my original question is feeble at best.”

He parked the car, went around and opened her door and held out his hand. She hesitated, looking first out at the house then down at his outstretched palm. His heart pounded in his chest. What was holding her back? Was she going to change her mind? After what seemed an eternity, she placed her hand in his, and they walked into the house.

Jackson hung their coats in the foyer closet before guiding Eleanor into the living room. Despite her obvious and as yet unexplained hesitance, it simply felt right to have this woman in his home.

“How about a brandy?” he asked, heading to the wet bar in the far corner.

“I'd like that,” she answered quietly.

He contemplated how to handle her unease as he filled two crystal snifters and decided that getting directly to the root of any problem she was having was the best course of action.

“Okay, Eleanor...” He handed her a glass of the amber liquid when they'd settled on the oversized couch. “What's going on in that pretty head of yours that has you so wary all of a sudden?”

“Nothing. I had a wonderful day. Maybe I'm just a bit tired, that's all.” She smiled slightly but never met his eyes. She made a small production of taking a healthy sip of her drink before placing it on the coffee table.

BOOK: Possessing Eleanor
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