Read Portrait of a Scandal Online

Authors: Danielle Lisle

Portrait of a Scandal (16 page)

BOOK: Portrait of a Scandal
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“Am I?”


Regardless of the lack of light, Thomas watched her with sharp eyes, as if gauging her reaction. Nellie was not sure what he sought or what it was she desired until he pulled her towards him gently. She stepped forward willingly as the hand which held her slipped around her back and rested on the curve of her bottom.

She sighed, her eyes feeling heavy as she leaned into him and pressed her lips to his mouth. Never had she craved anything as much as she craved his touch. Thomas met her lazy kiss with a more demanding one, quickly building excitement within her. She took a deep breath, winding her arms around his shoulders, loving the feel of his strong, solid body as she drew in his scent. How she relished touching him.

Nellie aligned her body with his, her lips curving against his smile as she rubbed against his stiff cock. He wanted her and she felt like a princess at the knowledge. He tightened his hand on her rear and slid his other hand around to join it. She stretched her fingers into his hair, moulding them against his scalp as she felt the ribbons of her dress loosen. He massaged her rear gently as she eagerly mapped his mouth with her tongue. She adored the taste of him, yet tonight his flavour was mixed with a more potent blend of brew. Whisky?

Her dress finally began to sag and she pushed away from Thomas to allow it to fall, but as she did so, she moved into a solid wall behind her. Nellie froze. They were in the middle of the room, she was sure of it, and she snapped her eyes open to confirm this. Thomas watched her, his eyes fixed on her for a moment before he pulled her back to him, his hands still on her rear.

More fingers suddenly brushed the back of her shoulder and Nellie didn’t know what to do. Thomas did not make a move to kiss her again. Instead, he continued to watch her as she felt the other set of hands shift to the ribbons of her corset, quickly undoing it. Thomas removed his grasp on her for long enough to allow the garment to fall down her body before he resumed his hold on her rear.

Another was in the room with them! Confirmation shone in Thomas’ eyes, and she had no idea what to do. Should she run from the room? Cover herself and chastise her husband for not discussing the situation with her first? She was debating this when he spoke.

“Two cocks in you at once. It was what you craved last night. Was it not?”

Nellie’s mind abandoned its rapid torrent of questions and came to a startling halt. She had said that. She recalled that while she had been on the edge of slumber, those words had indeed toppled from her lips.

The unknown third person in the room pulled her shift over her head, and Nellie stood exposed and naked. Thomas wanted this? Wanted to share her? A pang of disappointment welled up inside her. She should have known this day would come, but only days into their marriage? It came with the realisation that she loved Thomas. Loved him with her whole heart.

Firm hands shaped her ribs before they rose to cup her breasts. Thomas took a step back and it suddenly dawned on her that it was not Thomas who now touched her, but another man.

The man’s lips brushed the back of her neck before gliding up to the back of her ear, his tongue slipping out to map her delicate flesh. Was it wrong that she tilted her head to allow him better access? Was it wrong that her eyelids became heavy as he plucked her nipples and pulled her back against him? His body was hot, as was the heavy erection that came to rest in the crack of her arse. He was naked! A moan slipped from her lips.

Movement in front of her caught Nellie’s attention and she forced her eyes to Thomas as he removed his clothing, his eyes still firm on her face. Did he enjoy watching someone else touch her? Did she mean that little to him that he held no concern about letting another man touch her, in a way she had only ever planned to offer her husband? Yet, she was not stopping this man. Why not?

One of the anonymous man’s hands left her breast and she heard herself whimper in protest. Did she hold no shame? But as he moved down her body and his fingers wove through the tight curls of her sex, Nellie let her head fall back onto this man’s shoulder and she closed her eyes, not wanting to know to whom Thomas had offered her. The man slipped his fingers between her cunt lips and slid into her damp channel. Heat had built without her even knowing it, and at that knowledge, her already stiff nipples tightened further. He slid his fingers along her slickness, placing a small amount of pressure on her clit. She whimpered and pushed her arse back against him, rocking her hips.

“Come to me, wife.”

Nellie forced herself to look at Thomas, who now sat in the strange-looking chair, his feet resting wide upon the floor. It had no armrests, but planks of wood running diagonally, at a slight diagonal angle towards the floor, with notches carved into the wood.

The man behind her moved forward, urging her towards Thomas before the body heat behind her withdrew. Thomas did not give her time to mourn the loss. He reached out and took her hand, pulling her to him.

“Place your feet on the wood on either side of the chair and sit on my lap, facing me.”

Nellie did as she had been told. She had come this far and it seemed a shame to turn back now. She loved Thomas, and if this was what he wanted of her, she would do it…just this once. It was not as though she had not enjoyed it so far. She rose up, placing her feet into the notches on both sides and sat on his naked thighs. Thomas pulled her forward, so her chest rested on his and his hard cock was stiff between them.

He took possession of her mouth in the most carnal way. The kiss was full of power and possession but if that was the case, why was he sharing her? But Nellie no longer wanted to question her husband—instead she renounced herself to the pleasure around her and kissed him back fiercely. Threading her hands around his neck, Nellie poured everything she held within herself into him. She loved him. It hurt that he could never truly love her in return—he wouldn’t if he knew her true character, her shame…

Suddenly Thomas lifted her and slammed her body back down, impaling her on his hard cock. All the breath within her left her body in a rush. Her back arched and a moan, so deep it rumbled in her chest, bubbled up and escaped her lips. It felt so long since he had last filled her completely.

“Hurt her, and I will kill you,” Thomas growled.

Thomas claimed her lips once more. Nellie rocked against him, loving the feel of Thomas inside her, only to groan in protest as his hands stayed her hips, then moved to her rear and spread her cheeks wide. A moment later, the other man ran his wet finger along the length of her crack and she whimpered into Thomas’ mouth, but he didn’t stop kissing her. The second man then dipped his finger inside her arse. Pleasure built inside Nellie, tiny shudders in her core milking Thomas’ cock. The finger left her only to return moments later, covered in more moisture, delving deeper into her arse. She pushed back against it and the man behind her bit gently into her neck. She wanted his cock in her. How wanton she was! She clenched around his finger and Thomas’ cock. Both men groaned, Thomas in her mouth and the other man against her neck. Then the second man moved away, withdrawing his finger.

Within moments, she felt the blunt head of his cock against her arse and she couldn’t help but tense.

“Gently…” Thomas growled, tightening his hands on her flesh.

Nellie moaned as the man slipped the head of his cock inside her arse. He groaned behind her as he slowly rocked forward, then withdrew before a splash of wetness hit her arse.

Nellie pulled her mouth away from Thomas’ as she was filled with two very large, stiff cocks. She felt so full and it brought a strange feeling of discomfort. The man behind her pulled her back to him, taking her off Thomas’ chest and aligning her along his body. With the angle change, what had moments ago bordered on discomfort was suddenly beyond pleasure. She gave up all control of her body to these two men, leaning back and resting her head against the shoulder of the man behind her.

Hands—she had no clue whose—touched her nipples before lips suckled them deep. A finger touched her clit and Nellie exploded, coming with a force that, as it had the night before, almost had her blacking out.

When the fog cleared, her breathing still wild and uncontrollable, Nellie knew neither man had shifted within her. The man behind her ran his hands over her, seeming to touch her everywhere, while Thomas just watched, a pained expression on his face. He must want to come, yet had allowed her to do so first.

“Fuck me,” she whispered.

The man behind her growled into her neck, cupping her breasts as he pulled his cock out of her and slammed it back in. She called out. She felt so full and it bordered on pain, but the pleasure overtook everything. Thomas didn’t move, just watched. She wanted to watch him fuck her, watch while he took his pleasure.

“Thomas, fuck me!” she called as the man behind growled again and pounded harder into her arse.

Thomas’ eyes darkened, his jaw tight as he leant forward and took hold of her hips, lifting her and slamming her back down on his cock while she was still fucked from behind. She screamed in pleasure as the two men took her with a fierceness that was perfect for Nellie. She felt it build, felt the end approaching at an alarming rate. She reached for Thomas. He met her lips with his own, kissing her firmly. Then she threw her head back as her world shattered into a million pieces.


* * * *


Everything felt heavy. Her arms felt as if they were weighed down with lead, as did her legs and eyelids. Nellie felt boneless and content, if not a bit sore. The memory of how she had come to be this way made her suddenly attempt to focus.

Forcing her eyelids open, she noted the moonlight shining in through the open window of her room. For several moments, she lay there watching how the calm breeze disturb the fabric of the curtains, before she felt the steady movement of fingers as they gently slid up and down her arm. That was indeed her window. How had she returned here?

Nellie raised her head from the warm chest upon which it lay and looked into her husband’s lazy eyes.

“I am surprised to see you awake, wife. You did not stir when I carried you home. I thought it would be a miracle if you woke by morning.”

She dipped her head. A silly thing to do, considering it would be too dark for him to witness the heat burning her cheeks. He gently lifted her chin, directing her gaze back to his, but he said nothing, merely watched her. It was something he did a lot and something she never quite understood. What was he thinking when he remained quiet?

Wanting to break the silence, Nellie said, “You carried me?”

“I did.”

“Thank you. I do not recall leaving.”

He gave a nod and reached his fingers up to cup her cheek. “Did you enjoy your evening, wife? Was it what you thought it would be?”

How was she to answer this? Truthfully, or with what she thought he wanted to hear? Nellie was about to say what she thought he would want, only to pause. They had promised to tell the truth to each other. She could not tell him of her past, but she could be honest from thus forth.

“It was nothing like I thought it would be.”

His brow furrowed in thought. “How so?”

“While I enjoyed it, it was not something I ever planned to experience, being with two men at once. But…” She paused and met his gaze. It was sharp and urged her on. Even if he didn’t like it, she would not lie. Not now, and not anymore. “I am glad I experienced it, but I do not want to do it again.”

His face displayed shock for a moment, and she regretted displeasing him.

“I’m sorry if this disappoints you,” she muttered.

He laughed once. “It does not disappoint me. In fact, I am rather thankful.”

Nellie frowned. “I do not understand.”

Thomas sighed and pulled her close. Nellie rested her head on his chest again, moving her fingers through the soft fur that grew there.

“I never wanted to share you, Nel. But you desired to be filled by two cocks and I wanted to give you that. I hated seeing another man’s hands on my wife, but I saw the pleasure he gave you. How could I deny you that?”

“He did give me pleasure, but it was different to the pleasure you give me. I crave your touch in such a different way. I could never have gone through with it if you had not been there. I thought of you the whole time.”

He pulled her tight. “This knowledge pleases me greatly, wife.”

“I thought you cared so little for me, you wished to share me.”

His arms stiffened around her. “Never think that,” he said harshly.

She snuggled into him and smiled. “I like talking to you like this. I like not having to hide.”

Lips kissed her forehead. “Never fear me, wife. I would never disregard your feelings or wishes.”

He said that now, but Nellie could not help but wonder if he would feel the same way if he knew the truth, knew what she had done. No man could ever love a woman like that.


* * * *


“Geoff, I am truly pleased with her progress.”

The young footman beamed. “I am, too, my Lady. It was clear she had never been ridden side-saddle, but she took to it very smoothly.”

“Indeed,” Nellie said as they entered the house. “You are a very skilled rider, my man. Your father must be very proud.”

The boy blushed slightly. How contrary and charming it was to see a grown man modest. “That is kind of her Ladyship to say.”

She brushed the comment away. “It is but the truth.”

Parker stood by the stairs and nodded as they entered.

“I thank you for allowing Geoff to assist with my mare. His time has been put to excellent use.”

The butler offered a genuine smile and a nod. “I am glad, my Lady. A letter has arrived from his Lordship.”

“Oh?” Nellie’s heart leapt, then she frowned as she broke the seal and read his neat hand.

“Is everything well, my Lady?” Parker asked.

“Indeed,” she muttered, and read the words again as the bang of the knocker signalled a visitor. Nellie looked up in time to see Parker allow her father admittance. “Papa!” she called, and flew into his open arms. His hug was as warm and firm as it had always been.

BOOK: Portrait of a Scandal
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