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Authors: Elena Moreno

Playing Around (4 page)

BOOK: Playing Around
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Jed couldn’t understand why she was so hostile with them. So he turned to his father who seemed oblivious to the tension. “Rose before I forget, Reina is on her way over to get her bike. Can you take a quick looked at. I would like it if you would help her check it out. You know how I worry about my girls. I saw her yesterday and there was a slight Knocking sound. It could be nothing, but better safe than sorry.” His father told her.


Jed saw Rose’s face transform into another dazzling smile and wondered who this Reina chick was.  Sergio and he both looked at their dad after making a slight gesture with his head they followed him to the office. It seemed like they were going to get some juicy gossip. He turned to look at Sergio who raised an eyebrow in question.


They followed their father who bypassed the office and led them outside. There he turned to face them. “After your mothers friend Reina’s husband left her. She was hurting badly. Her other friend Patricia had already been widowed for some years. So let’s just say, they found comfort with each other.” Dad tells them and Jed look at Sergio remembering how hot moms friends were back in the day.


“Get the fuck out of here” Sergio said and the look on his face made Jed think he was remembering how hot their mothers friends had been too.


“You’re kidding?” He ask still in his little fantasy.

“Honest truth, May I be struck by lightning if I’m lying.” Their father said with a wicked smile.


“How sick will it make me sound if I say that’s hot?” Jed asked smiling unapologetically.


“My boy, you better believe it is. Just don’t tell your mom I said so.” Their father said as he looked around. They laughed just as the roar of a Harley sounded. Jed loved the sound of a nice piece of machine. He was trying to figure out the model when it rounded the corner and the driver got off. The driver was clad in black leather and wearing a helmet.


Then said helmet, was pulled off and he almost drooled. Standing before him was a blond haired beauty he had never laid eyes on before. His imagination took over again as a picture of her jacket pulled down lower. He hopped she was wearing nothing but a bra underneath.


The woman walked over to his father, then she placed a kiss on the old man’s cheek. “Tio Diego, como esta usted?”  She asked in the sweetest voice that had Jed getting hard in a split second.


“Reina querida, aqui Viejo como siempre.” He told her all giggly and she slapped his arm. Old as always his ass. Jed felt like a fool standing there just staring. Never before had he seen his dad turn so red.


“Reina you remember my son’s the twins Jed and Sergio.” Dad tells her and she turned and smiled at them but she had a look of anger in her eyes. What the hell was he missing? Jed smiled at her and kissed her hand as Sergio coughed on a laugh.


“It’s very nice to meet you.” He told her and she smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. Jed was getting pissed off from all these cold stares. He was used to women falling all over him. Not having them wanting to tear him apart with a look.


“Hey Reina, long time no see. I see the ugly duckling turned into a swan.” Sergio tells her and then it hit Jed. Holy shit, this was the chick whose glasses he would take away and hide. A smile spread on his face from the memory. Without even realizing it, He had just made her angrier.


“Well I see you guys are still the same assholes as before. Nice to see some things don’t change.” Reina said as she brushed past him and went into the garage.


“What the hell did you guys do to these girls? Rose was staring daggers at Sergio now look at little Reina all pissed off too?” Their Dad asked trying to contain his laughter.


“I was only Playing Around.” Jed told him in his sweetest voice.


That just made Sergio laugh out loud. “You guys are impossible. Here, take the car and go home or these girls won’t get any work done. Worse case, they will crucify you guys.” Dad said as he sent them on their way.



Chapter Four



Reina was still trying to calm her nerves as she walked in. “The nerve of that asshole.” The moment Rose came into her line of sight the yelling started. “What the hell Rose! Why didn’t you call me and tell me that they were here. I would never have come.” She screamed as she paced back and forth. Rose just shrugged her shoulders.


“I have to see his stupid face every time I go in your room. It was time for payback.” Rose said referring to Jed’s poster hanging on her wall. To be clear it was only half his face. Reina had ripped part of it off in anger one day. Jed Diaz was always two steps ahead of her since he was two years older. That didn’t stop Rein from perusing him to Pen state where he played college football. She thought him the love of her life, he on the other hand never even noticed her there.


Reina attended all of his games and could count on one hand the number of times they crossed paths on campus. Yet she was nothing but a brain in the midst of all his fans. He never even glanced her way. After Jed graduated, Reina decided to get the laser eye surgery and a new attitude on life. She stopped following him and moved on with her life.

Now Reina was 24 and had a very successful Harley shop. Her uncle Diego helped to start it. Not money wise since she had money. It had more to do with all the referrals he sent her way. She had earned a business degree at Pen state and was set in that respect. She has even been able to help her uncle Diego.


Reina had been living life and was happy. She left the partial poster of Jed up on her wall as a reminder of what never to love again. She had ripped the poster when she started to see all the reports of the ladies that passed through his bed.


Now she hated him. Reina started working on her bike as Rose came over to help her. She too seemed to be lost in her own world. God, how she hated the fact that the memories of growing up around him seemed to flood her brain now. Jed would always play around at her expense. He loved to play keep away with his brothers using her glasses. At the time she had been blind as a bat without her glasses.


It would upset her, but they had no clue and just didn’t care. In time she and the girls stopped going to visit Aunt Michelle all together. The guys got older and into girls and it hurt too much for her to see him like that. Thank goodness she was over him and could care less. To prove it to herself, she was planning to go home and finally take down his poster. Yes, she would do just that.


His college day had nothing on what he looked like now. All that muscle she saw today was enough to make a girl swoon all over again. Her knees would have gone weak if she still cared. Luckily she didn’t, she hated him now.


He will not be taking up any more of her time. Reina was not going to think of those soft delicious looking lips. Or those eyes that seem to see deep into her soul. Or those hands that looked so rough and would feel wonderful on her soft skin. No, no more thinking of him.



While Reina was busy trying to convince herself she was over Jed. He had gone home and straight to his mother. “Ok woman, dish. I want to know everything on this wild thing named Reina.” He told her and her eyes widen.


“You mean my friend Reina?” She asked with a smirk.


“Very funny old lady, I’m talking about her daughter Reina.” It hadn’t occurred to him until that point that both mother and daughter shared the same first name. He thought only fathers did that with their sons.

“Why do you want to know about her?” His mother asked looking at him suspiciously. “I want your brother Roger to like her, so stay away. You had your shot with her and you were a very mean boy. I don’t think she likes you much now anyway.” Jed was shocked for the umpteenth time that day.


“What do you mean I had my shot with her?” Why the hell were all the females not making sense? There must be something in the Chicago water. That had to be it.


 “Ustedes los hombres son pendejos. That girl was in love with you. She even went to Pen State because you did, but did you even give her a second glance? I will tell you the answer, no! You were too busy with those smutty looking girls to give my Reina a second glance. So now look at Alexis because I want Reina for Roger.” The last was screamed as she stomped away.


What the hell! Damn crazy women. He didn’t care anymore because all he got out of that conversation was that Reina loves him. She loved him enough to follow him to Pen State. This was definitely worth some looking into. If nothing came out of it, at least he’ll keep busy with her. She looked like she had a nice tight little body to cuddle with at the very least.


Maybe dad will be able to give him more information. Hopefully she will still be there at the garage. Jed thought as he changed into a tight t-shirt. The garage does get mighty hot sometimes and he was hoping his muscles would reel her in. He smiled as he flex his arms in the mirror. “You better hold on to your socks little Reina, because I plan to knock you right out of them.”


Jed opted to take his bike with him this time. She seemed to like Harleys. He might be able to teach her a thing or two. Once at the garage, he walked in very quietly and went into his dad’s office. “Oh no, what have you come back for?” His father asked and Jed flashed him his most innocent look.


“Dad I need your help on something.” Jed said and frowned when his dad rolled his eyes at him. Damn, the look always worked on his mom. “I want the scope on this Reina woman. Mom said she was in love with me. All I want to do is get to know her.” His father looked at him as if he were trying to figure something out.


“Well my son. What do you want to know, because your mom called me and told me not to say anything to you? So I’m not going to tell you she has a Harley shop on State and Dearborn.  I’m also not going to tell you that it seems like your Harley needs a new seat. That would be going against your mothers wishes and I would never do that.” His father tells him with a serious face. Jed had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. 

Ok then, he knew where to go later. For now it was time to get out there and make her sweat.



While his son went out to make a fool of himself, Diego sat back and laughed. “That boy sure does have his work cut out for him. Reina is a stubborn mule just like her mama. For that matter Rose is the same way.” He said as he scratched his head in thought. “Those were some mighty strong sparks flying out in the garage today. I’m not sure what direction yet, but boy was Michelle going to be upset her plan had just gone up in smoke.”


Diego laughed out loud at the ideas his woman had.  She had a good heart and good intensions. Yet it seemed she may get her wish, just not how she planned it out. He knew too well that the all mighty, had his own plans.  Michelle was no match in going against his plans. Would love actually blossom? Hope springs eternal. He thought as he made his way out of the office.


The poor boy was spying on the girls behind a stack of tires. “Hey son, can you take this tool to Rose. Tell her it’s the one she had on back order.” He tells Jed, giving him an excuse to go talk to Reina.

Jed smirked at him knowing exactly what he had just done. “Sure thing Pops and it feels a little warm don’t you think.” Jed says as he pulls off his shirt and leaves his undershirt on. Diego frowned and thought. That those poor girls won’t know what hit them. He hoped they were not using power tools. It would be a shame if they hurt his poor Jed.


Diego loved the boy, but he had some serious issues with the whole women love ego. These girls would not fall for that crap. He taught them better than that. Jed should know that but he had his head in the clouds so long, he didn’t even notice. Diego shook his head dreading what they might do to his boy.


Jed on the other hand took a deep breath as he made his way to the ladies. He composed himself and made sure they didn’t think they were being checked out. They needed to see all his gloriousness and marvel at it. Once close, they both turned at the same time. “Dad said I should bring this to you Rose. He said to tell you it was the piece that was on back order.”


They seemed surprised and Jed knew it was probably because they had not seen him enter the garage. It was obvious to him that they were trying not to check out all the muscle before them.  I could tell they were very surprised to see me since they didn’t see me enter. Jed then hoisted the tool over his shoulder flexing for all he was worth in the process. 

“Put it on that table over there.” Rose responded as she pointed to the work bench to his right. After depositing the tool Jed walked over to see what they were working on. Rose lifted those eyes that only seemed to glare at him. “You did your job already, now scram.” He raised an eyebrow at her. Really, did she really think she could talk to him that way?


“I’m sorry to tell you sugar, but I’m not going anywhere. I have to work on my bike too.” Huffing in indignation Jed made his way outside after opening the garage door. The look on Reina’s face showed she admired his bike. She should, it was one of the things he loved the most.


Choosing to ignore them, Jed went about his task. Yet he could feel the hostility that emanated from their direction. It was really understandable in a way, he really could be a major ass sometimes. A smile crept up as it dawned he had just found another great attribute to add to the list of what made Jed Diaz so great.


All kidding aside Jed found himself remembering. At one point in childhood he and Reina had been close. Only for a brief moment, but they had been close. Her father had just abandoned her mother and Reina was feeling as if it were her fault someway. She was so alone. He too, had never gotten over being abandoned either.

BOOK: Playing Around
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