Pinkie Promises (A Promises Novella #1) (5 page)

BOOK: Pinkie Promises (A Promises Novella #1)
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SIMONE – Age 14

“Why are you sitting all the way up here?” Jace asked, stepping onto the roof.

My knees were tucked under my chin. “Dylan dumped me for one of the cheerleaders.”

Jace scooted next to me and put an arm around my shoulders, and I leaned my head against him. “You know what? I never liked him anyway.”

I looked up at him. “How come you never told me that?”

“Cause… you were happy, and it was your first boyfriend. As long as you’re happy, it doesn’t matter what I think.” Jace nudged my shoulder. “Besides, boys come and go. But me and you will always be best friends.” I think my heart fluttered that very moment.


“I pinkie promise,” he said, hooking his pinkie with mine. “Now, let’s go ask your mom to take us for ice cream.”

I smiled, because no one knew me better than Jace. He knew ice cream would make everything better. No more sulking.

Back in the house, we found my mom doing laundry. “Mom, can you take us for ice cream?”

“Sure. Why don’t you guys go see a movie, too, and I can pick you up when you’re ready?”

I looked at Jace, who nodded in agreement.

Jace always let me pick the movie. But I always tried to pick something we both would like.

Mom dropped us off, and we went inside to see what was playing.

“Thank you,” I told him as we paid for popcorn.

“For what?”

“For being my best friend.”

“Sure thing. What movie should we see?”






Home from meeting Guy and Emily, I grab my suitcase out from under the bed and flip it open on my bed. I scan my closet for all my dresses and realize I am not a dress kind of girl. Most of my wardrobe consists of jeans, T-shirts, tanks, and winter wear. I’m totally screwed. All I have is two dresses one for the wedding and one for another occasion.

“You decent?” Jace knocks on the wall just outside my bedroom.

“Yeah. Come in.”

He assesses the situation, clothes everywhere. “Oh, no.”

Pulling my hair up into a ponytail, I let out a sigh. “How many dresses do you think I need?”

He pauses, still looking around my disaster of a room. “Look; you will look good in anything you wear. But I think all you need is a dress for the wedding. Maybe one other one. The rest of the time, I’m sure casual is fine.

“Maybe I should call Jane to see if she has anything,” I say as panic continues to set in. “No offense, but you’re a guy so you don’t know.”

“Have I ever steered you wrong, Simone?”

I smile. “Okay. You have a point. But I’m still going to call her just to bring something extra if I need it.”

“You do that and I’ll go order Chinese takeout,” Jace tells me as he makes his way to the kitchen where my takeout menus are.

Grabbing my own phone, I call Jane. “Hey, girlie,” she says into the phone.

“Hey. I was just packing for the trip and I only have two dresses. Can you bring a few extra in case I need them? My wardrobe mostly consists of jeans, T-shirts, and winter wear.”

“I got you covered, woman.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. “Thanks so much. You know I wouldn’t ask unless I really needed to.”

“Don’t worry about it. I don’t mind. Besides, what are friends for?”

“Great. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

“See ya.”

“Do you feel better now?” Jace asks as he enters the room and settles on my bed to watch me pack. “Food should be here in a half hour.”

“Yeah. Your sister is going to bring a few extra pieces in case I need them. I feel better now.”

Jace was lying on his stomach and holding his head up as I moved about the room. “Make sure you pack those cute pajama shorts I like.”

“You’re a pig.”

Moving to my underwear drawer, I try to disguise the thongs I need to pack, but it’s not very inconspicuous.

I turn my back for a second. “How do you even wear these?” He’s holding up a lacey black thong.

“Oh my god, Jace.” I snatch it away from him and put it back in my suitcase. There is a knock on the door. “I think the food is here.”

Before I suffer any more embarrassment, I leave the room. Somehow, Jace beats me to the door. Again, he won’t let me buy the food. At least he keeps me well fed. Everything else is questionable. “I got your favorite, but you have to share,” Jace declares.

“Give me food before I get hangry.”

“We definitely don’t want that.”

He hands over the sweet and sour chicken, and we go to town with chopsticks. With the take out spread on the bar counter, we sit on the stools and eat until our bellies are full.

“I love that you eat whatever, and don’t eat like a bird because of an event coming up.”

“I love food too much to give it up for any type of an event. Maybe I would for my wedding if I ever get married.”

“Hmmm. No. You look good with meat on your bones. Guys like that.”

I laugh at the notion that Jace knows what guys like because I can’t even remember when he had a serious girlfriend.

“What’s so funny? Do you not think I know what I’m talking about?”

I shake my head as I continue to laugh. “Thanks for the food. I need to finish packing, and you need to go instead of analyzing my wardrobe.”

He pouts. “I swear you are no fun.”

“Fun time is over. Come over in the morning, I’ll be ready.”

I almost have to shove him out the door. But I can’t get anything done with him watching and questioning my choice in underwear.

Once I finish packing, I slip into bed, but it proves useless. My thoughts catch up to me, and it feels hard to breathe. Maybe it’s the holiday jitters, and meeting the new woman in James life. I swallow a hard lump, and do something I’ve never done.

“Jace,” I call out as I enter his apartment. It’s dark except the light above the stove. My mouth runs dry when he steps out in only a pair of shorts. “What’s wrong?”

“I…I…can’t sleep.”

I barely get the words out before he’s standing in front of me. I need him. I need the nearness of him. Something shifts between us that can’t be explained.

His lips land on my forehead, and then his arms wrap around me as he guides us to his room. “It’s okay. I got you.” Flipping his sheets down, I get in while he gets in the other side and pulls me into him.

“This is so stupid.”

“What’s wrong, baby girl?” he breathes into my ear. His breath sends a shiver down my spine.

“I felt like I was about to have a panic attack once I laid down to sleep.”

“It’s okay. You are going through a lot of changes and it might be a lot at once. But you have me, and I got you. It’ll be okay. Just breathe.”

Thankfully, the tears don’t come streaming down. I take several deep breaths before settling in his arms, where I stay for the rest of the night.


I wake up, disoriented. I’m not in my room. I’m in Jace’s manly room, and his bed. He’s still asleep as I shift to my other side and look at his innocent face. His lips are full and luscious. His dark hair is barely messed up. I love the stubble that grazes his jaw line and chin.

Last night, I wanted to do more than have him hold me. But I didn’t want some fleeting moment to ruin the many years of friendship we had. Somehow, I’m going to have to find a way to suppress these feelings I’ve been having. Surely, he doesn’t feel the same way, because he doesn’t know the first thing about becoming boyfriend material.

With my finger, I flick his nose and laugh.

His eyes flip open. “Ow.” He rubs his nose.

“Come on; we need to get a move on it.” Standing, I yank the sheets down.

“I’m glad someone is bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning.”

“Come over and get coffee. I’m going to get dressed.”






When Simone disappears, I hop in the shower to get ready for our little road trip. The memory from last night is fresh in my mind. So fresh that I remember wanting to kiss all her fears away. I don’t even know if I’d be a good boyfriend, but for her, I’d try. I’d try my best not to lose her. Maybe I’ll get the nerve to tell her that.

After showering, the towel wrapped around my waist, I shave and put on some aftershave. In the bedroom, I grab a graphic tee and pull it on, followed by a pair of cargo shorts. Once I’m ready to leave, I put my luggage in the back of the truck and make my way over to Simone’s.

Even before entering, I can smell the coffee as it seeps through the place. I swear she loves coffee as much as I do. Or maybe that is just my excuse to see her every morning. Our daily ritual. She’s leaning against the counter, sipping on a mug already. With her other hand, she holds a mug out to me. I take it with a smile.

“You okay?”

She nods. “Mmm hmmm,” is all I get.

Apparently, she doesn’t want to talk about it, and I totally get it. Her ex is getting married this weekend, and that is probably what tipped her over last night. Everything at once became too much for her…and I was more than happy to comfort her and to hold her tight in my arms.

We sip our coffee in silence, her eyes on me and my eyes on her. She smiles, and I just want to grab hold of her and kiss her fiercely. But I’m too much of a chicken shit. No. I’m a pussy. I can’t even make a move on the girl I want more than anything. My best fucking friend. The one that gets me and my craziness. She has no clue how crazy I am. Is this what being in love feels like?

I set the empty mug in her sink. “I’ll get your luggage and meet you outside.”


Moments later, she meets me in the truck. She looks sexy as hell in her short shorts that expose a lot of legs and a tank top. I can’t help but stare at her. She doesn’t notice while she fumbles with her purse and phone. Her blonde hair is hanging down in loose waves like she’s been at the beach all day, and my fingers itch to bury them deep in her strands.

“What?” Simone asks, catching my eyes roaming her body.

I shake my head from the daze. “Nothing. You all set?” She’s going to make it hard for me to concentrate.

“Yes. You good?”

I nod. “Yep. I’m all good.”

Along the journey, we don’t bother stopping to eat, because traffic will be a bitch getting out of the city and into The Hamptons.

Simone tosses me a granola bar, and then opens one for her. “So I don’t get hangry.” Hangry is her version of being so hungry she gets angry until she is fed. I think it’s cute in a Simone kind of way. “Hey. I went to see your brother yesterday at his office,” she mentions.

That surprises me, and my eyebrows arch up. “Oh yeah. About the contract?”

“Yeah. I actually thought it would be more awkward than it was. But, he looked it over and gave me the rundown in terms I understood. Said he’d have no problem with me signing it. Prior to that, I talked to Leah and Jared, and they are both on board. So after I saw James, I signed the contract.”

“Simone, that’s great.” I reach over and squeeze her hand. “I’m really happy for you.” And I really am.

“Really? You are?”

“Yes.” I chuckle. “It’s a good move for you. The next step, you know. So if James approves then I’m really happy for you.”

“Thanks so much.” Her hand no longer in mine, she leans over and kisses my cheek. “I told them I couldn’t start until after the holiday. Tuesday or Wednesday. And I’m a third owner of Sous Catering Industries.”

“See. Seeing James wasn’t so bad, huh?”

“No. Actually, it was nice. Like catching up with an old friend. But he was professional, and we’ll leave it at that. Now I won’t be so nervous seeing him this weekend.

“Good. I’m glad it all worked out.”

When I turn my head to her for a second, she smiles and nods, then starts to bob her head to the country music on the radio. I make a decision right then and there to tell her how I feel this weekend, because I can no longer keep this inside. Even if she doesn’t feel the same, at least we can remain friends.

Surprisingly, traffic is smoother than I anticipate. It only takes a couple of hours to arrive at my parents’ place. By The Hamptons’ standards, the house is considered small. To me, it’s a perfect size beach house. The back leads right out into the sand and ocean.

Simone’s eyes are wide. “This place is gorgeous.”

I lead us to the door with my hand on the small of her back. I think she actually shivers even though it’s nearly ninety degrees out. Mom spots us through the glass of the door. “Family does not have to knock,” Mom says, pulling Simone into a hug. “It’s been too long, girl.”

“I know. I’m sorry,” Simone says.

Letting Simone go, Mom embraces me. “Hey, Mom. Where’s Dad?” I ask, looking around.

“Oh. He’s coming later on tonight. He had some last minute stuff to take care of. You know your father. He never stops working. Come on and eat. Jane and the family just got here a little bit ago. And I’m going to assume you’re hungry.”

We follow Mom into the massive kitchen stainless steel appliances and white washed cupboards with a light wood countertops. It’s very beach themed.

“There’s the lovebirds,” Jane teases, standing from the table. We all exchange hugs and hellos. Mom tells us to sit and eat. There’s a spread of sandwiches, Mom’s famous macaroni salad, spears of pickles enough for an army. Simone and I sit and dig into the food.

“How was your drive up?” Mom asks.

“It was good. We must have left at the perfect time, because traffic wasn’t that bad,” I tell her with an arm across the back of Simone’s chair.

She plants a hand on my thigh while listening to Mom talk. I don’t know if she’s playing the part, or just being plain cruel. I’m afraid of what might happen if her hand goes any higher. She’s definitely playing the part.

“So what’s on the agenda today?” I ask, trying to focus my attention on something other than her hand on my thigh.

“Y’all can do what you want today. Hang out on the beach, or whatever. Tomorrow is the bachelor and bachelorette parties, then Saturday we have rehearsal dinner, Sunday is the wedding and then Monday is the holiday.”

I nod. “Sounds good. I’m going to go get our luggage, show you around, and then we can get our swimsuits on,” I tell Simone.

Half a day on the beach sounds like exactly what I need. And the thought of Simone in a bikini just made my day.

BOOK: Pinkie Promises (A Promises Novella #1)
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