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Authors: Jodi Redford

Perfect Chemistry

BOOK: Perfect Chemistry
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Perfect Chemistry



Jodi Redford

“Perfect Chemistry”

Copyright 2014 Jodi Redford

Edited by LR Burnia



Published by Jodi Redford



Cover by Kelly Apple



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or

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Leo Martinez and Devlin Hawke clearly never received the memo that science geeks weren’t supposed to look like hunky underwear models.

Trying to appear as casual as possible and not bring attention to her blatant ogling, Sidney Chase rolled her seat farther to the right, scoping a better visual of her sex-on-a-stick bosses while they chatted in the hallway outside their adjoining offices. Both men wore khakis and a white button down oxford shirt, but that’s where their similarity ended. Devlin resembled a modern day Viking with his chiseled cheekbones and penetrating blue eyes. Leo, on the other hand, was every woman’s exotic Latin lover brought to life. The two men combined were Sidney’s personal Kryptonite.

Devlin leaned his linebacker-sized shoulders against the wall and laughed at something Leo said. The deep huskiness of his chuckle washed over her like a caress of velvet, leaving a colony of goose bumps in its wake. Despite the coolness of the AC, a hot flush zipped through her. Fanning her face, she loosened the top button on her jacket. Her naughty dream from the night before ghosted to the forefront of her mind. Leo and Devlin had called her into Dev’s office for her annual review. A few minutes into the meeting, things got...interesting.

In the dream, Leo set aside the list of notes he’d been perusing and pinned Sidney with a penetrating look. “There’s no denying that you’re an invaluable asset to our staff, Ms. Chase, but we can’t adequately rate your performance without a thorough examination of your skills.”

Devlin abandoned his post by his desk and joined Leo on the small couch. “First we’ll start with your oral presentation.”

“I—I didn’t prepare anything,” she stammered.

“Well, that’s most unfortunate.” Devlin made a tsking noise. “Guess you’ll have to find another way to prove you know how to use your mouth.”

Holy crap.
Was he suggesting what she thought he was? Leo and Devlin unzipped their pants, sending her lingering doubt packing. They hiked their briefs down just enough to reveal their cocks, and her mouth instantly watered.

Leo stacked his arms atop his broad chest. “This is a timed test, Ms. Chase, and the clock’s already ticking.”

Ooh boy. Challenge accepted. She crossed to the couch and dropped onto her knees in front of Leo. The length and impressive girth of his shaft might have scared the bejeebers out of some women, but fortunately she wasn’t easily intimidated. Determined to dazzle him right off the bat, she lubed his fat cockhead with a couple strokes of her tongue before swallowing him part way down her throat with one long gulp. The sharp intake of his breath music to her ears, she slowly reversed course on his dick and offered up a cheeky grin. “I’ve been practicing on cucumbers.” She’d had to find
motivation for eating healthy.

Devlin folded his arms behind his head. “I’m unconvinced of your multitasking skills.”

Tough crowd. Little did he know that she was a freakin’ pro at juggling several things simultaneously. Compared to scarfing down a bowl of oatmeal while applying mascara, this would be a breeze—and infinitely less likely to result in poking her eye out. Though anything was possible, especially with a pair of cocks that’d easily leave any cucumber with a size complex.

She wrapped her fingers around the base of Devlin’s shaft and gave it a little love with a lazy pump of her fist. He thickened in her grip, a moan falling from him. Satisfied she was well on her way to acing this review, she returned the other half of her focus to Leo, laving him with teasing swirls of her tongue.

Midway through her oral exam, Devlin slipped out of her hold and lifted from the couch. She tried to see what he was up to, but the gentle pressure of Leo’s palm on the crown of her head snipped that possibility in the bud.

“Now we come to the true test of your ability to concentrate, Ms. Chase.” Devlin’s hands smoothed over her hips before trailing beneath the hem of her skirt. “You are to keep that talented mouth working on Leo’s dick. If you falter even once, your raise will be denied. Understood?”

Speech obviously out of the question, she nodded.

Without warning, Devlin cupped her mound. His fingertips grazed her clit through the silk of her panties, and then settled on either side of the eager bundle of nerves. He refused to give in to the blatant way she rocked into his tormenting, motionless grip. “Your pussy is absolutely soaked. Maybe we should fill it with something. What do you think?”

She started to pull her mouth away from Leo to answer, but recalled Devlin’s earlier directive. Sneaky son of a gun. They were going to have to try harder than that to steal that raise out from under her. Bobbing her head, she sucked Leo deeper down her throat and gave a thumbs-up sign behind her back.

Devlin chuckled and rewarded her resourcefulness by tugging her panties past her knees. He gave both of her butt cheeks a playful, yet brisk slap before massaging the sting away. She groaned and increased her suction on Leo’s shaft. If she made him come, they couldn’t—

“Did I mention you’re not allowed to cheat by making either one of us come? Doing so is an automatic penalty, and you
be required to begin all over.”

Hmm, spending all day giving one gorgeous boss a blowjob while getting felt up by another? Where was the downside in
? Then again, they could be trying to sneak a fast one on her that’d disqualify her for getting that much deserved raise. Better heed the warning.

She slowed her motions to a leisurely suckle. Devlin traced the crease of her ass and paused to dip his finger inside her pussy. He found her G spot and stroked it with taunting deliberateness. Panting and whimpering, she strove to maintain her steady pace on Leo’s cock without taking him over the edge. She risked lifting her gaze. The intensity of Leo’s stare slammed into her, stealing her breath and shooting a decadent shiver through her body. Oh Lord. That look. Like he was seconds away from hauling her onto his lap and driving his rock-hard shaft deep within her.

Even as that enticing thought scrambled her brain, Devlin widened her stance and rubbed the velvety smooth and oh-so deliciously rigid length of his cock along her slit. He eased inside a fraction, stretching her with his thickness, and she gasped.

Leo shifted his focus to Devlin. “How does she feel?”

“Fucking incredible.” Leo squeezed a handful of her butt cheeks and sank one more inch of his dick within her sheath. “So tight and wet.”

“Imagine how snug she’ll be with both of us in that sweet little pussy.”

of them? Holy—

The shrill buzz of Sidney’s phone unceremoniously jerked her from her illicit fantasy. Heart thumping a chaotic mambo, she snatched the receiver from its cradle and croaked out her canned greeting.

“Hi honey, its mom. Just double checking that you stopped by the house yesterday.”

Sidney smothered a groan. Of all people to catch her in the middle of dirty daydreaming about her bosses. “Yep, sure did.” She winced at the breathiness of her voice.

“Sweetie, are you okay? You sound strange.”

“Just a little short of breath. You caught me on a dash back from the bathroom.”

Acutely aware that Leo and Devlin were within easy hearing distance, she kept her chat with her mom short and sweet. Not that her bosses ever minded her taking the occasional personal call, but she didn’t feel comfortable abusing the privilege. And especially not after she’d just molested them in her mind. “You and dad enjoy the rest of your cruise. I promise I won’t forget to get the plants and water the mail.”

“Uh, honey, I think you’ve got that backwards.”

Crap. “Well, I just figured it was one way to get rid of the bills.” She offered up a quick, “Love you.”, and hung up before saying anything more to stir her mom’s suspicions that something weird might be going on. 

Slumping deeper into her chair, Sidney sucked in a shaky breath. Lust was
going to get the upper hand on her anymore, damn it. She’d worked her ass off these couple years, attempting to gain some stability in both her professional and personal life. Okay, particularly her personal life. Her days of being led astray by her hormones were over.  Finito Peeto. No more tumbling into bed with the wrong guy. While Leo and Devlin were certainly far from being her typical type—bad boy and oh-so-wrong-for-her, they
her bosses. If that didn’t automatically make them off limits, the fact that the old Sidney would have jumped their bones and rode them six ways to Sunday sure as hell did.

Her crappy track record with men more than proved that she couldn’t be trusted to make the right decision when it came to the opposite sex.

Refortifying her will with that stern reminder, she concentrated all her energy on transcribing the notes written in Devlin’s barely legible scrawl. After a few minutes, Leo and Devlin returned to their respective offices, leaving her to her lonesome thoughts. She managed to log a whole whopping five minutes of data entry before the intercom on her phone buzzed. An instant later Leo’s deep, faintly accented baritone drifted through the receiver. “Sidney, I can’t find the data for March’s test trials on batch 25.”

She pushed up from her seat, and after a discreet tug to ensure her pinstriped pencil skirt hadn’t hiked up in the rear, hurried toward Leo’s office. She paused outside the threshold, momentarily held captive by her previous naughty dream and an entirely new fantasy that involved her striding through the doorway and discovering Leo sprawled gloriously buck naked in his chair. He’d stroke the hard length of his cock indulgently and give her a smoky stare.

“I lied, Sidney. I don’t need the data reports. But it seemed good an excuse as any to lure you in here so you can sit on my big fat co—”

A pointed cough snapped her to her senses. Blinking, she noticed Leo’s perplexed expression.

“You can come in, Sidney.” He offered the invitation in a slow, patient drawl.

Great. Nothing like giving your incredibly hot boss the impression that you’re a complete idiot. Silently groaning, she joined Leo next to the large cherry wood file cabinet.

He scraped his fingers along the sexy beard bristles that always seemed to hold her spellbound. “I was going over those reports on Monday. They should be here.”

“Hmm, did you try checking one of the earlier data files? Maybe they accidentally got shuffled around.”

Leo’s eyebrows tugged into a low V. “I distinctly remember placing them back in this drawer.”

“Let’s take a look anyway.” She moved to her left and her arm grazed along Leo’s. It was a perfectly innocent touch. Absolutely no reason for her skin to flush and break out in goose bumps. She sucked in a breath, the action proving to be her downfall when his heady, masculine scent of forest and musk seeped into her sinuses. Her nipples tightened against the lace of her bra, causing her to snuff a moan at the teasing friction. Biting her tongue to keep from whimpering, she pulled on the wooden handle directly in front of Leo—and nailed him in his crotch with the drawer.

Mortification scalded her cheeks. “Oh God. I’m sorry.” Assaulting the boss’s dick with a file cabinet was probably grounds for instant firing.
Brilliant, Sid.

“No damage done.”

She suspected he was lying, particularly considering the noticeable lift in his voice. He grabbed the first available folder and methodically rifled through it before settling it back in place and moving to the next one. Desperate to make amends for T-boning his family jewels, Sidney dove into the task of searching the neighboring drawer. Less than two minutes later, she located the missing folder and handed it over to Leo.

He anted up a lopsided grin that only intensified her desire to lick him from head to toe. “I think a file-stealing elf is trying to mess with my head.”

She chuckled. “Sounds like a legitimate theory.”

Shifting his focus to the folder, he scanned its contents. The silence stretched into infinity, leaving her with the certainty that he’d forgotten she was still standing there. Coughing into her fist, she inched backward toward the doorway. “If you don’t need me anymore, I’ll, uh, head on out to lunch.”

Apparently distracted, Leo lifted his gaze to her and blinked. “Need you?”

Oh Lord. That’d sounded far too enticing. Only in her delusional fantasies she switched it around so he didn’t state it as a question, but instead a demand. As in,
“I need you, Sidney. Now. On your knees with my cock deep in your throat.”

Corking another whimper at the sudden taunting dampness of her panties, she shuffled closer to the exit. If she didn’t get out of there within the next two seconds, no telling what embarrassing faux pas she’d commit. Ten to one it’d involve her being spread eagled on his desk and begging him to fuck her.

Yep, that’d definitely be embarrassing. She could already see how it’d impact her next performance review
—“Your typing skills are admirable, Ms. Chase. But could you refrain from buffing the desktops with your ass?”

Leo cocked his head to the side, obviously waiting for an answer from her. At a loss for words, she waved a hand toward the doorway. “Lunch. Leaving. Now.” She really should have stuck with the sign language. Because brilliant responses like that were doing nothing to disprove the fact that she wasn’t a complete moron. Not trusting anything more that might pop out of her mouth, she hurried from Leo’s office. After a quick stopover at her desk for her purse, she rode the elevator down to the third floor of the Carleton Towers and made tracks for the cafeteria.

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