Read Paying Her Debt Online

Authors: Emma Shortt

Paying Her Debt (9 page)

BOOK: Paying Her Debt
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For as long as our arrangement lasts….
Andy felt suddenly,
and wearyingly sorry for herself. She understood that men were able to separate
their emotions from sex, but part of her wondered what exactly about her
screamed mistress material not girlfriend. Was she destined to spend the rest
of her life dealing with men who didn’t want the one thing she would so happily

“I’ll pleasure you, Andrea,” he added. “In ways you’ve never been
pleasured before.”

She fidgeted on her chair. The pity party replaced by a jolt of
desire. What good had being a girlfriend ever done for her? Maybe she was
looking at this all wrong? Heat raced from the spot their hands touched right
down to her pussy. Alex, for some reason Andy couldn’t even fathom, wanted her,
and God knows she wanted him back. This was so unexpected and what more could
she realistically expect?

“Night after night.”

Mere inches separated them and, despite her internal battle, Andy
was overcome with a desire to lean forward and take his lips in hers.
She shivered again at his words, thrilling in them.
Alex wants
you… Dear God….

But to jump into the sort of relationship Alex was suggesting?
Andy wasn’t sure if she was strong enough for it, not emotionally at least.
She’d only just recovered from Pete’s damage, to open herself up to someone
like Alex? It would be dangerous in the extreme, and Andy did not want any more
stress in her life. She was already past her limit. And Alex? She knew. Had
perhaps known from the moment their eyes had locked across her bag, that he was
not the sort of man any woman could take lightly. He was too beautiful, too
forceful. Andy knew she wouldn’t be able to keep her emotions out of the
equation. Mistresses weren’t supposed to have emotional ties were they? To be
intimate with a man and not feel anything for him? That was something Andy
couldn’t imagine.
You’ll end up hurt….

But then what other options were open to her? Another five years
of the sort of nasty pace she put herself through? Or working non-stop and
finding no joy in anything? Maybe the hurt would be worth it? To feel alive and
excited for just a little while….

Andy took a deep breath and wrapped her arms around herself.
Ninety percent wanted to say yes. The part that longed to be really taken by a
man and to feel something beyond the everyday mundane, wanted to beg Alex to
bend her over the table and pound her senseless. But the other ten percent, the
part that remembered the hurt she’d felt with Pete and worried over the
emotions, wanted to run as fast as possible.

“And when the time comes for us to part, I’ll ensure you are left
comfortable,” he continued. “They’ll be no need for you to stack shelves

And there’s your mistress role “benefits
.” Pulling her
hands from his, Andy made to stand up, wincing ever so slightly as she did so.
Realization hit her and she was shocked by the stab of disappoint it brought. There
it was. The reason she could never do what he asked. She had debts to pay, and
a job to find to pay them. The “job” Alex was describing would not do that.
Desire or no she could not say yes.
People are waiting for their money,
Andy. Once again you have no fucking choice.

 He straightened and moved aside for her, a concerned look on his
face. “Andy?”

“I don’t even know what to say,” she began. How could she explain
the truth to him?

“Tell me what you are thinking,
,” he said.

“I don’t even know what I’m thinking,” Andy whispered.
How to
fess up without dying of embarrassment or rallying against fate for the
millionth time? “
You probably wouldn’t want to hear it even if I did.”

“Of course I would. Didn’t I tell you I think we should be
honest? I have no time nor patience for games.”

 “I don’t think I can be your mistress, Alex. I’m sorry.”

what? Why?”

He looked so shocked Andy almost wanted to laugh. She wondered if
anyone had ever turned him down before and doubted it. “A mistress? It’s just
not me,” she said softly, because she knew then and there that she couldn’t
tell him the truth.

He growled. Hands splayed wide. “Andrea, I’m talking about a relationship
between two consenting adults. Explain exactly why that isn’t you?”

She shook her head. “It’s just not."

“I’ll treat you like the delicate
you are,” he
promised. “I’m making you an offer here that we’ll both benefit from. It’ll solve
all your problems. You won’t have to work two jobs, live in an awful area,
worry about money, or paying me back anything. I thought that would make you
happy. All debts between us will be settled.”

Andy gasped. Blood rushed to her head as the meaning of his words
hit her, slamming her like a freight train. “You don’t mean….”

He reached out to stroke her arm. A smile curved his perfect
lips. “Yes, you will live here with me, Andy. Anything you need I will give
you. The wallet will no longer matter.”

Dear God.
The reason he’d brought her to his hotel.
debts will be settled.
Only they wouldn’t, damn it, and he didn’t get that!
She shuddered and told herself it couldn’t be true. Yet it so obviously was. “You
expect me to sleep with you to pay off the debt?”

Shock, swiftly followed by anger glinted in his eyes. “I did not
mean that. I meant—”

“You’re a piece of work, Alex,” she interrupted, her anger
Of all the outrageous…. 
She had more than just his debt to

Before she could say, think anything else, or even protest, he
pulled her into his arms. Andy winced as their bodies made contact, but even
with the pain she felt a strange sort of hum go through her. His body was hard
against hers and wrapped in his arms, she felt as delicate and fragile as the
flower he’d called her. She could feel his heat enveloping her, the musky smell
of his skin filling her, and despite her outrage Andy felt her nipples harden
and moisture pool between her legs.

Desire pulsed between them, and Andy sucked in a shocked breath.
the hell is wrong with me?
One moment she was outraged, the next she felt
herself almost melting against him. The opposing debts, opposing desires
pulling and twisting at her.

“No,” she whispered. To him, to herself, she wasn’t sure.

“If you thinking that is what it takes to get you into my bed,
Andrea,” he gritted. His voice laced with steel. “For you to submit, that’s
what it will be.”

“Alex,” she gasped. “You can’t mean that.” Though part of her,
maybe even the ninety percent, hoped otherwise. 

He didn’t answer. He simply lowered his lips to hers and with
that, the first touch of his lips, ninety percent turned to a hundred.






Despite a small part of his brain urging him to take things
slowly, Alex took her lips like a starving man. He coaxed her mouth open and
plunged his tongue in, caressing the inner aspect of her lips. Desire shot
through him, almost sending him dizzy, and he gripped her even closer. She gave
a small moue and belatedly he remembered her bruised body and split lip.
Pulling himself back he slowed, kissing her with an unhurried, sensual rhythm,
his hands stroking carefully around her delicate waist.

His cock was solid, straining at his pants, desperate for relief,
and he pressed Andy’s body closer to his. He wanted her so badly. There could
be no question of that, not any more. Watching her wolf down her food, it had
taken everything in him not to pull her across the table, peel off those awful
joggers, and bury himself in her tight pussy.

So she didn’t want to be his mistress? Fine, he’d take her
anyway. He’d seen the desire in her eyes, seen the way her nipples hardened in
his presence. She was kidding no one but herself. If she needed to protest a
little, sharpen her kitten claws on him? He’d let her, gladly.

So he had to threaten her a little. What the hell was new? He’d
felt like the lowest of the low ever since he’d seen her huddled up in her
pitiful excuse of a bed. She couldn’t make him feel any worse, only better. He’d
make them both feel better.

He deepened the kiss, a primitive growl building in him.
He knew it but  he didn’t care. He lowered his hands from her
waist to cup her tiny ass. The cheeks fit within each of his palms, and he
squeezed them. One finger brushed the inside of her thigh. Andy shivered in his
arms, and he thrust his tongue into her mouth.

Desire raged, his cock pulsing, his balls about to explode. Leaving
her lips, he kissed her bruised cheek before finding the sensitive hollow at
the base of her throat. She arched in his arms to give him access and
exultation hit him. She wanted him as he wanted her—just as he’d suspected. He
would take her now, there was no choice.
I’ll be gentle, I’ll go slow….

He scooped her into his arms and strode back in the direction of
the bedroom.

“Alexander? What are you doing?” she screeched.

Hearing his name on her lips, gave him a strange thrill. “What I
should have done the moment I found you in those cardboard boxes.”

“You don’t understand,” she shrieked. “I can’t be your mistress!”

He dropped her down on the bed where she squeaked before
scrambling up to the headboard. “Fine. You won’t be my mistress.”

“Then what the hell are you doing?”

 His gaze zeroed in on her stiffened nipples. “I’m going to fuck
you. Fuck you senseless, Andrea, by the time I’ve finished you won’t know the
word ‘no’ any more.”

Her eyes widened at his words and she shivered. “Alex it is not
that simple....”

“Your response says otherwise,
, I felt you shiver
in my arms. Felt you press yourself against me. Why fight it?”


“Say you don’t want me and I’ll leave the room,” he said. It was
a gamble. One he didn’t want to make, but he had to give her the option—raging
desire or no.


He raised an eyebrow and stalked towards her. “What?”


“You can’t say it because you want me to fuck you,” he said,
satisfaction filling him. “You want me to take those nipples in my mouth, fill
you with my cock.”

She shook her head but did not deny him.

He lowered himself on the bed, pulling her under him. Her eyes
darted left to right, her tongue peeking out to moisten her lips. The sight of
that was enough to undo any control Alex might have had left. In one swift
motion, he lifted her bra and vest over her head and took a nipple in his
mouth. The moment it touched his tongue, he groaned. It puckered against him
and sucked it in, lavishing his tongue across her areola.


She said his name like a caress. Her hips bucking beneath him,
and he reached out, taking the other hardened bud in his fingers. Giving it the
same attention. His free hand moved down her body, pulling the waistband of her
joggers over her pelvis.

He looked up, finding her gaze, seeing the heat within their
limpid pools. And slowly, so she could have no doubt of his intentions, he
began to kiss down her belly. Smiling wickedly all the way.

“You won’t…” she whispered. So of course he did.

* * * *

Oh. My. God.
Andy watched in a sort of mute fascination as
Alex made his way down her body, peppering her with little kisses on the way.

What the hell am I doing?
The thought came to her but she
had absolutely no answer to give. She felt like she’d stepped into a dream, and
like in a dream, she had no control over events—no choice but to just go with
the flow.

Alex trailed his tongue over her hip bone, and she shivered.

“You won’t….”

He smiled again and tugged her joggers down her legs, before
throwing them in a heap on the floor. Andy lay in front of him in just her
black panties. It didn’t take long before embarrassment flooded her. She made
to cover up her skinny body but he pushed her hands away.

“You are so pretty,
. You must never hide that from

“We shouldn’t do this,” she groaned but he silenced her with
another tug on one puckered nipple.


He licked his way down her hip and across the top of her panties.
“We desire one another, Andrea.”

Yes, they did. How on earth could she deny that? She’s wanted him
from the moment their eyes met across her bag. And though the knowledge of the
debts weighed on her Andy wasn’t sure she could stop this.

He tugged on the top of her panties, and moisture exploded
between her legs, drenching her. Her entire pelvis ached to be touched, her
pussy twitching to be filled. Would it really hurt to have sex with him just
this one time? It would be like scratching an itch wouldn’t it? Nothing more
than that. Like a one night stand? She could leave straight after and go back
to the long hard slog ahead of her. Alex need never know the truth.  Sure he might
think she was “paying her debt,” but she’d know differently. She could forget
herself, forget everything for just a few hours in his arms, finally have the
sort of sex she’d always imagined, always hoped for.

Once the decision was made Andy arched her hips, the invitation
clear. He smiled in response and pulled her panties off in one swift movement.
Andy barely had time to register the action before he parted her legs, and
without so much as a build up, took her aching clit into his mouth.

“Ooo.” Shock at his actions filled her, and Andy gasped. Pete did
not like oral sex, and despite the very odd occasion Andy had never gotten any.
She’d dreamt about it often, and now Alex was actually giving it to her! No,
Pete might not have liked it but Alex however, she looked down, yes, Alex
seemed to love it. He hands held her in place, growls of pleasure coming from
him as he lavished attention on her engorged clit.

BOOK: Paying Her Debt
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