Read Payce's Passions Online

Authors: Piper Kay

Payce's Passions (25 page)

BOOK: Payce's Passions
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While everyone says their hellos, I grab one of the platters from under the cabinet. As I stand back up, the room starts spinning.
Damn it, not again.
I grab onto the countertop so I don’t fall out on my ass right here on the spot. Taking a deep breath, I haunch over, try to slow my heart rate a little. Footsteps approach, it’s Ash.

“You need help, baby? What’s wrong?” He puts his hand on my back.

“No, nothing.” I stand up straight. “I’m good, sweetie. I got this.”

“You’re pale as a ghost, Serge.” He reaches for the tray. “Let me get this.”

“I said I’ve got it, Ash,” I blurt out, not meaning it to sound so rude. “I’m sorry.” I lean up and kiss him.

Ash walks off, feelings hurt again. This is why I can’t make a decision on moving in with him. One minute I’m completely in love with him, the next I’m snapping his head off like a turtle, and I’ve got no idea why. I take the tray, set the bottles on it and strut back in with everyone.

“Here we are everyone. Cheers.” I strut around to everyone, letting them get their own bottle off the tray.

Payce looks down at his phone. “About time.” He laughs, standing up, he heads to the door. Brax steps in and he leans down to him, wrapping his arms around his waist.

“I missed you today,” Payce tells him. “Real bad, if you know what I mean.”

“I do and me too.” Brax grins and kisses him on the cheek. “I’ll take care of you when we get home.” Brax grabs his ass.

“Yeah you will,” Payce teases back.

“Horny bastards.” I laugh at them.

Everyone stands up when we enter the party zone. It’s good to see them happy, they both went through so much to get here. It’s exactly what I want to have with Ash.

They sit back down and I perch myself sideways, across Ash’s lap. He slides his arm around my waist, kissing me on the shoulder.

“I love you,” he whispers in my ear.

“Me too.” I lean in and kiss him, but Damien’s voice distracts me.

“Okay guys, listen up.” He looks at Dax, they join hands. “What’s everyone doing in two weeks? If you have plans, scratch them. Come to our place, we’re having a get together for the holidays.”

“Plus we’re working on something else too. Maybe we’ll tell you then,” Dax adds in, smiling at Damien.

If that means what I think it does, it’s going to be a big celebration, right around Christmas time too. I hope it does. Damien and Dax have gotten to be good friends too. I love having a place where I fit in and feel so much love.

Damien kisses Dax, and Payce is holding on to Brax, smiling. I glance at Ash, he’s hanging his head down a little bit, but peeks out at me. I wiggle my finger at him to come to me. Ash grins and takes a step toward me.

The room gets fuzzy and starts spinning. I’m getting dizzy again, what the hell is going on? I blink trying to clear the haze out of the way, it’s not working. Ash’s lips are moving, but I can’t hear him over the ringing in my ears. His face tenses up, he’s yelling.

Ash reaches out for me as my legs collapse underneath me. Everything goes black.


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BOOK: Payce's Passions
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