Paradox - Progeny Of Innocence (bk2) (Paradox series)

BOOK: Paradox - Progeny Of Innocence (bk2) (Paradox series)
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By Patti Roberts


Two Worlds. One Ancient – One New.

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The Definition Of Progeny:

One born of, begotten by, or derived from another; an offspring or a descendant.

This book is dedicated to a work colleague and friend.

David Nason

Dave. In our hearts you rest. In our memories, you are ours to keep. Save a seat for us, your friends, because this is not the end. Until then, my friend, we shall smile, raise a glass and celebrate a life well lived. With love, Patti X

1953 – 2011


The Ancient World of Altair awaits…

Map of Altair – The Ancient World


Other series by this author

Witchwood Estate – Episodic TV length episodes.

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CHAPTER 1 – Deliver Us From Evil

CHAPTER 2 – The Return

CHAPTER 3 – The Witches’ Grimoire

CHAPTER 4 – Earth To Earth

CHAPTER 5 – Where Was God?

CHAPTER 6 – Progeny Of Innocence

CHAPTER 7 – How Did I Get Here?

CHAPTER 8 – House Guest

CHAPTER 9 – Hollow Moon

CHAPTER 10 – With Me Always

CHAPTER 11 – First Kiss

CHAPTER 12 – The Cat And The Canary

CHAPTER 13 – The First Cut

CHAPTER 14 – The Ferryman

CHAPTER 15 – Urban Legend

CHAPTER 16 – Ambrosia X

CHAPTER 17 – The Plan

CHAPTER 18 – Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

CHAPTER 19 – The Gathering

CHAPTER 20 - Steal The Light

CHAPTER 21 – End Of Days

CHAPTER 22 – Requiem For A Dream

CHAPTER 23 – Knock, knock!

CHAPTER 24 - Flowers For Ambrosia

CHAPTER 25 – Déjà vu.

CHAPTER 26 – Watch You Burn

CHAPTER 27 – Riley Rivers

CHAPTER 29 – The Promise

CHAPTER 30 – Forbidden Fruit

An Excerpt from Bound By Blood

CHAPTER 1 – Beasts Of Burden

Acknowledgements And Special Thanks





The Ancient World - Altair


My name is Juliette. A very long time ago, during a war that tore my world apart, I died.

It was 1080 AD and the Grigorians, under the rule of Lord Cerberus, had conquered the Bulguardian Army and seized the Imperial City of Altair. Today, towards the mountainous lands further south, the battle continues.

Although victorious in battle, the Grigorians had failed to secure the one prize that mattered most: mortal souls. Altair, all but deserted, had left the favored Grigorian food source all but depleted. Those souls that had remained following the siege during the March Equinox had since fled to the south to join the resistance fighters high in the Mountains of An-nasr, the home of the majestic wedge-tailed eagle, the Aquila Audax, and the natural enemy of the Grigorian race. The Grigorians, who fear naught, yet feared this massive winged bird that ruled all the skies in the vast southern lands.

The Bulguardians, however, had been triumphant in the ways that did matter.

The three remaining Royal Guardians, with the strength and numbers of the Royal Guard, had been triumphant in safely spiriting away the Seven Pinnacles and their prized possessions of mortal souls.

The four Natural Pinnacles, the WAFEs - Water, Air, Fire, Earth, and the three Supreme Pinnacles - Birth, Death, and Emotion, under escort of the Royal Guard, had taken human form and had fallen first. Then, in the safe confines of the Golden Ark, the mortal souls began their return journey to Earth under the watchful eye of Lukita, the most powerful High Priestess in the Realm.

There was, however, a complication the Royal Guardians had not foreseen. Several of The Seven Pinnacles, including members of the Royal guard, had been scattered far across the Earth for hundreds of years, with little or no recollection of who or what they were.

Some were sent to find and protect. Others were sent to track and destroy.

Today, my soul lives on in the heart of a young girl. I faithfully continue to play my part in this war between good and evil. But nine hundred years can pass so slowly, when all you want to do is go home.

BOOK: Paradox - Progeny Of Innocence (bk2) (Paradox series)
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