Paleofantasy: What Evolution Really Tells Us about Sex, Diet, and How We Live (40 page)

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pumas, 179

push-ups, 135

quadrapeds, 145

quail, calories in, 122

Quintana-Murci, Lluís, 127, 128

radon, 241

Raichlen, David, 155

rain forests, 99

rams, 86

randomness, 143

rationalization, 59

red blood cells, 260, 261

red colobus monkeys, 201

regulatory genes, 61

reindeer, 46–47

reproductive potential, 230–31

reptiles, 202

rest, 136

Revedin, Anna, 109

Reznick, David, 79–80

rheumatoid arthritis, 5

riboflavin, 104

rice, 48, 111, 114, 125, 127

rickets, 103

rinderpest, 98–99

ritual objects, 56

Robinson, Jo, 20

rodents, 188

Rogers, Alan, 102

roots, toxic compounds in, 131

Royal Society for the Protection of Animals, 83

Ruiz, Jonatan, 162

running, 135, 142–60

barefoot, 6, 146, 156–60

breathing and, 147

forefoot- and midfoot-striking, 158–59

human limitations on, 147

injuries from, 156–60

long-distance, 27–28, 144–56

as necessary for scavenging, 153–54, 156

Russia, 109, 228

Ruxton, Graeme, 155

Ryan, Christopher, 165, 170, 175, 180, 192

rye, 111

Saami, 46–47

Sabbagh, Audrey, 128–29

saliva, 125–27

salmon, 13, 85, 89, 221

Samoa, 68

San, 32, 33

SARS, 249

saturated fat, 120

savannas, 24, 26, 58, 227

Scandinavia, 97

scavenging, 36–37

running necessary for, 153–54, 156

Schembri-Wimayer, Pierre, 232

Schiebinger, Londa, 94


Science News,

Scientific American,
268, 35

scurvy, 52

seahorses, 169–70, 173

seals, 33, 95

Sear, Rebecca, 206–7

sea turtles, 184

seaweed, 132–33

sedentary lifestyle, 136–38, 141, 142, 224, 270

seeds, 117

selective sweeps, 263–65,

sepsis, diagnosis and, 223

sex, 13, 16, 23, 35, 36, 69, 92, 142, 164–93, 195, 203

monogamy and, 38, 42, 164–65, 171, 175–76, 178–80, 181, 182, 192–93, 194

purposes of, 175

Sex at Dawn
(Ryan and Jethá), 164–65, 170, 175, 180, 192

sex contract, 183, 189, 205

sex hormones, 37–39

sexual characteristics, 188

sexual differences, 166, 189–92

sexual maturity, 196

sexual orientation, 38

sexual receptivity, 204

sexual selection, 167–68, 169, 187–88

sharks, 15, 242

shellfish, 112, 184

shelters, 30, 250

Shepherd, J. A., 248

Sherman, Paul, 98–99

Shine, Rick, 83, 84

Shine, Terri, 84–85

shoes, 157–58

Shuar people, 213

Shubin, Neal, 8

Shultz, Susanne, 176–77

Siberia, 56, 236

Silk, Joan, 27, 29, 102

Simonson, Tatum, 261

Simopoulos, Artemis P., 20

Simpson, George Gaylord, 13–15

single-male harems, 177

Sisson, Mark, 153

skin pigmentation, 264

skull, 24

Slabbekoorn, Hans, 89, 90

slash and burn, 47

Slatkin, Monty, 230, 231

sled dogs, 7–8

sleep apnea, 255

sleeping, 92, 214–15

with infants, 6

slow-food diets, 6

Small, Meredith, 199, 215, 216, 250

smallpox, 52, 230, 231, 247

smell, 41

smoking, 255–56

snails, 82

snail shells, 81

snakes, 63–64, 82, 83

fear of, 42

soapberry bug, 81

social status, 43

social stratification, 54

soil, 47

solanine, 124

solar radiation, 241

Somalia, 107, 108

Soulsbury, Carl, 191–92

South Africa, 149

Spain, 232

sparrows, 73–74

spears, 118, 227

Spedding, Michael, 152

sperm, 170, 191, 192, 258

sperm production, 59

spina bifida, 128

Sponheimer, Matt, 36

Sports Abode,

sprinting, 146, 161

squats, 135

Stanford, Craig, 176

starches, 118, 119, 125–27

starch grains, 109–10

status signaling hypothesis, 185–87

Stearns, Stephen, 255, 257–58, 259

Stephens, J. Claiborne, 228, 229–30

Steudel-Numbers, Karen, 154

stick insects, 7–8

sticklebacks, 81

Stock, Jay, 250

Stone Age Diet, The
(Voegtlin), 111–12

stone tools, 33, 34–35, 43

Storz, Jay, 261

Strassman, Beverly, 60, 207

strength training, 135

stress, pace of modern life and, 3–4

strokes, sleep apnea and, 255

subsistence, 10

Sudan, 97–98

sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), 215–16

sugar, 66, 116, 121, 139

Sverrisdóttir, Oddný Ósk, 1–3, 6, 94

sweat, sweating, 147, 267

Sweden, 228

sweet potatoes, 124

swimmers, 150

Sydney Morning Herald,

Tahiti, 68

Tait, Lawson, 246–47, 248, 249

Taleb, Nassim, 143–44, 153

tamarins, 201

Tanchou, Stanislaw, 238–39

tannins, 124

Tanzania, 32, 50, 105, 106, 126

tapeworm, 28

Tarahumara, 157

taro, 46

Tasaday, 33

Tasmania, 119

Tautz, Diethard, 226, 227

Taylor, Tim, 196

Tay-Sachs disease, 172, 253

T cells, 228

teeth, 23, 24, 36, 121–22

of cows, 99

of Neandertals, 47, 110

37, 46

Tempo and Mode in Evolution
(Simpson), 13–15

“10,000 Toads Project,” 82–83

10,000 Year Explosion, The
(Cochran and Harpending), 251

termites, 50

testes, 188, 191–92

testosterone, 209

Texas A&M University, 122

thrifty-genotype hypothesis, 139

Tibet, 260–62

Tishkoff, Sarah, 105, 106, 107

toads, 82–85, 89

tomcod, 89

Tooby, John, 57–58, 63

tools, 24, 25–26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34–35, 40, 42, 43, 47, 50, 56, 145, 198, 250

tooth decay, 52–53

trading, 33, 34, 56

triglycerides, 138

Trinidad, 79–80

Trivers, Robert, 168, 169

trout, 13

tuberculosis, 235–37

tubers, 26, 27, 50–51, 117, 125, 126, 131, 136, 140, 199

Turkey, 52

turtles, 86–87

Ungar, Peter, 122

United States, 140–41, 257

Upper Paleolithic, 56

Uppsala University, 1–3

urbanization, 91, 221, 237

U.S. News & World Report,

vegetables, 111, 112, 116, 122–23

vegetarians, 112, 115

Venezuela, 50–51

venison, 140

vertebrates, 8, 16

vervet monkeys, 176

Vibram FiveFingers, running with, 157

Viking hypothesis, 231–32, 252

village elders, 56

violence, 40, 54–55

viruses, 15–16, 51–52, 220, 225, 241, 242

visceral fat, 141

vision, 41

vitamin deficiency, 52

Voegtlin, Walter, 111–12, 117

Vullo, C., 104

Wade, Nicholas, 10, 259

Waldron, Tony, 240–41

Wall-Scheffler, Cara, 154

Ward, Peter, 268

warfare, 54–55

water fleas, 85

watermelon, 113

water supply, 52

weaning, 198, 200

weapons, 56

weight, paleo diet and, 115, 116

weight lifting, 135

(blog), 4, 21, 93, 110–11, 159

Wells, Spencer, 46, 49, 51, 54, 56, 222

Wenner-Gren Foundation, 6

West Nile virus, 233, 235, 249

whales, 94, 95

wheat, 48, 111

white blood cells, 228

whitefish, 85

Why Evolution Is True
(Coyne), 17, 245

wildebeests, 146

Wilkinson, David, 155

William (cat), 67–68

Winking, Jeffrey, 211, 35, 162

Wirgin, Isaac, 87

Wolack, Matt, 86

wolves, 27


woods, 24

World War I, 221

worms, 52, 59, 123, 220, 225, 227

“Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race, The” (Diamond), 45–46

Wrangham, Richard, 25, 40, 41–42

Wright, Sewall, 65

X chromosomes, 180, 181

Yakut, 125, 126

yams, 187

Yanomami people, 33–34, 46

yogurt, 96, 100, 107, 132

Yukon red squirrels, 90

Zihlman, Adrienne, 40, 183–84

Zimmer, Carl, 245

Zimmerman, Michael, 239–40


Copyright © 2013 by Marlene Zuk

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Zuk, M. (Marlene)

Paleofantasy : what evolution really tells us about sex,
diet, and how we live / Marlene Zuk. — First edition.

pages cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-0-393-08137-4 (hardcover)

ISBN 978-0-393-08986-8 (e-book)

1. Human evolution. 2. Social evolution. 3. Hunting and
gathering societies. 4. Prehistoric peoples—Food.
5. Prehistoric peoples—Sexual behavior. I. Title.

GN281.Z85 2013



W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

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